RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceDDS 21/47
TitleA bundle of seven documents
Date1794 to 13 Apr 1818
DescriptionA bundle of seven documents, the uppermost being inscribed 'Papers connected/with Downes/Chapel/Shrigley/F.D.P.', presumably assembled by Frederick Downes Panter; tied together with a piece of brown string. Calendared in order of date, but numbered in order of place in bundle

DDS 21/47, (6).


Articles of Inquiry to be answered by Churchwardens and Sidesmen in the Diocese of Chester at the Ordinary Visitation of the Rt. Reverend William, Lord Bishop of Chester, or his Vicar General, 1794.

Mark: None.

Paper: 2 sheets folded, each giving 4 pages 8" wide by 10". printed; "CHESTER: printed by P. BROSTER".

DDS 21/47, (5).

22 April 1794

Annual Report. Chapel Warden's Annual Statement made by Edward Downes, Chapel Warden, to the Vestry Meeting of the Chapelry of Pott [Pott Shrigley].


22 April 1794

Statement of Accounts between Edwd.Downes Esqr. Chapel Warden, & the Chapelry of Pott, with his opinion thereon, which, as he cannot attend the Vestry Meeting, he requests the Minister to communicate.

April 1793 -- Due from the late Warden Mr John Gaskell, the balance of his account........................... 4s. 3d. Midsummer

1793 -- Due on Assessment of 3 shillings on 127 Seats........................................... £19. 1s. 0d.

Total £19. 5s. 3d.

Which should have been lodged in the Chapel-Warden's hands at Midsummer 1793, that he might have begun the repairs of the Chapel therewith, but though it was not called for until later in the year, many deferred to pay, and he has only yet received little more than enough for the Clerk's and Sexton's Wages, viz. for 35 seats in Shrigley, Bollington and Rainow

For 35 seats in Shrigley, Bollington and Rainow £5. 5. 0.

For 16 seats in his own hands in Shrigley £2. 8. 0.

Total for 51 seats out of 127 £7. 13. 0.

The expenses the Warden meant to charge to the Chapelry were only the Sexton's Bill £2. 0. 2.

The Clerk's Wages £3. 3. 0.

Total £5. 3. 2.

Wherefore if all that was due had been paid in proper time there would have been £14. 2. 1. to have been expended in Workmanship about the Chapel -- for, You will observe, the Warden meant no Alehouse Charges to appear in his Accounts, which have in former days been very large, he has suffered no money to be idly thrown away on Singers and Ringers, He has paid his own Visitation Fees, and all other charges of that nature, he has made up the Deficiency of the Briefs himself, he has sent the Sacramental Wine from his own house, and he intended to have given towards the Repairs of the Chapel the produce of his own Estates, the same as is allowed to Tenants, viz.--Timber, Stone, and Slate in the Rough. Wherefore this Sum of £14. 2. 1. would have gone a great way, and if no unforseen expenses should occur, the common Levy of 2 shillings this year might nearly be sufficient.

Mr. Downes, being anxious to reestablish the credit of the Chapel in all things, which has of late Years been so much neglected, wishes to be returned again, and will take the trouble of the office on Himself for another year. He will begin to repair the Chapel immediately, when the arrears of the old Levy are paid, and He will expect the New Levy to be paid on or before Midsummer Day next. He hopes people will see the folly of their obstinacy in refusing to pay so small a sum as the additional shilling for necessary repairs, which the Ordinary can and must otherwise oblige them to at much greater expense. They should consider also the great disrespect, which they show by such conduct to their Church and their Established Religion which requires, particularly at this time, and in this neighbourhood, the utmost exertions of honest and sensible men to support its dignity credit and Authority against the secret underminings of false Fanatics, and hypocritical Sectaries, who are drawn aside from the Church and its Established Religion, and are taught gradually to despise Bishops, Ministers, Magistrates and all persons in Authority, to the manifest danger of the excellent Constitution of this Kingdom, in which the interests of Church, King and Country are inseparable, and never to be disunited.

Unless the Chapel Warden is returned again with the good will of the Vestry, and can depend, from their promise, on the Arrears of this assessment being paid in a short time, He will be obliged, by his Oath, to present, at the ensuing Visitation, the Chapel to be repaired by the Ordinary at a very great expence, and all those, who have refused to pay, to be compelled by the Ecclesiastical Court.

Edward Downes, Chapel Warden.

Mark: None.

Paper: 1 sheet folded, 4 pp. 8" wide by 13", written pp. 1, 2, 3. Watermark.

DDS 21/47, (4)

6 February 1795


Acknowledgement by (Rev.) Joseph Archer, who signs, witnessed by Rog. Swetenham who signs, of terms of his appointment by Edward Downes of Shrigley [Pott Shrigley], Esqre, at the request of his relation Roger Swetenham of Somerford, Esqre, to the curacy of Downes Chapel at Pott within Shrigley, or Pott-Shrigley in the parish of Prestbury & in the county & diocese of Chester; condition being that Archer shall resign the curacy again to Edward Downes on 10 June 1797 or as requested.

Mark: None. Febry 6 :95./Reverend.Jos.Archer's/Acknowledgment.

Paper: 1 sheet 8" wide by 9", written both sides. Watermark.

DDS 21/47, (1)

1 August 1807 Shrigley Hall, near Macclesfield.

Draft letter

Letter to the Lord Bishop of Chester at Chester from Edward Downes, about the nomination of a parson to Shrigley [Pott Shrigley].


My Lord,

I [take] 'beg' the liberty to acquaint your Lordship that I have duly received the Notification of your Lordship's Acceptance of the Reverend Joseph Sharpe's Resignation of the Perpetual Curacy of Pott in the Parish of Prestbury & County & Diocese of Chester; & that I am anxious to nominate, as speedily as possible, the Reverend John Jackson M.A. of Brazen Nose Coll. Oxford 'a young man', whom I can with pleasure & confidence recommend, as [a young man] in every respect worthy of your Lordship's approbation. May I therefore beg leave to request the 'favour of your Lordship['s] to' [that you will] direct your secretary to forward for my signature the usual Form 'of Nomination', on the proper Stamp, [that] 'when' it [may] 'shall' be forthwith returned for your Lordship's acceptance together with Mr. Jackson's Testimonials 'according to such Instructions as may accompany the Instrument'. I have the honour to be, my Lord, your Lordship's obedient 'humble' servant

Edward Downes.

Mark: None. Outside of doct bears description of bundle (v. supra); also the superscription "Nomination/of Mr. Jackson/to Living of Shrigley."

Paper: 1 sheet folded, 4 pp 7" wide by 8", written pp. 1, 2. Watermark RADWAY 1815.

DDS 21/47, (7)

1 January 1811

MS Copy of the "Rules for the Selection, Maintenance, Education, & Dismissal of Four Singing Boys for the Service of Downes Chapel".


1stly. The Boys to be chosen as often as Vacancies may occur, by the Patron of the Chapel, or Resident Minister thereof, acting under his Authority deputed for the occasion, if the Patron be non-resident Himself, from among the Free Scholars of the Free School of Shrigley or from among such other Boys, as shall actually belong at the time to the said School, either as Day or Evening Scholars not Free, or from among the Boys, that shall actually belong at the time to the Sunday School of the Village, having been regularly admitted thereinto by the Patron or Minister of the Chapel, if any Boys suitable in all respects can be found among those above described preference being given in every instance to those Boys, who have been longest in the School, being sufficiently deserving and no way unqualified.

2ndly. Whenever Boys cannot be found suitable among such as are above described, the Patron of the Chapel, or Minister acting under Him in circumstances and manner beforementioned may admit any other Boy or Boys whatsoever of his own choice, not being Shrigley Boys, who have neglected and foregone the Advantages of the Schools before particularlized, and established for their Benefit.

3rdly. The Boys to be entirley 'and decently' Clothed 'and provided with Surplices for the Service of the Chapel', to be Boarded and [provided with] found in Washing 'in some discreet regular family, members of the Established Church' [educated in the Elements] 'to be instructed' 'by a competent Singing Master in the Elements' of Musick and 'the practice of' Singing and chaunting [and in reading] 'to be educated' by the Master of the Free School in reading, writing, Accounts, and such other Branches of Learning as He may be qualified to teach, and it may be useful for the Boys to acquire, and to be furnished with 'Bible and Prayer Books', Musick and other Books, and all [other] School necessaries of every description, at the expence of the Patron of the Chapel.

4thly. The Boys to be held, by and with their own and their Parents Consent, completely engaged from the hour of their Admission, solely for the Service of the Chapel and the purposes of their Education so long as they may remain fit for the Duties of their Situation, in respect of Age, Voice, 'Health' and good Conduct, in the opinion of the Patron of the Chapel or the Minister acting for Him in manner beforementioned.

5thly. Every Boy on Dismissal from his Engagement not owing to any Demerit on his Part, or any improper interference of his Parents, but after the fulfilment of his proper Time in his Situation, and by the consent and with the approbation of the Patron of the Chapel or Minister acting for him by His Authority, to be allowed to keep all his Wearing Apparel, Surplice excepted, and to be presented at the expence of the Patron of the Chapel, with one entire new suit of Cloths, and a new Bible and Prayer Book, and also to be apprenticed at the expence of the Patron of the Chapel with a reasonable Fee according to the circumstances of the Times to some 'some reputable and sufficient Master (being a Member of the Established Church) in some' decent Trade or Occupation, chosen for Him by Himself and his Parents, and approved by the Patron of the Chapel, or 'to be' presented with an equivalent Sum of Money 'according to' the discretion of the Patron, if He prefer going to Service or to any Employment, whereto he need not be apprenticed with a Fee.

6thly. Every Boy, who by his own ill behaviour or from any undue and improper interference of his Parents is under the necessity of being displaced from his Situation, must be expelled with the Consent and by the Order of the Patron of the Chapel or the Minister acting for Him by his Authority, with only the 'worst' Cloths he has at the time on his back, and must forfeit all Claim to every other Benefit whatsoever, that Good Boys fulfilling their time are to receive.

Mark: None. Jany.1.1811./Establishment of/Singing Boys for/Pott Chapel.

Paper: 1 sheet folded, 4 pp. 8" wide by 13", written pp.1, 2, 3.

DDS 21/47, (2)

18 January 1811 18, Berners Street (London)

Letter, from B., bishop of Chester, to E:D: (Edward Downes)



I am under the necessity of returning your Nomination of Mr. Sharpe to the Curacy of Pott, as in its present form it is not valid, - the Act of Parliament requiring that it should be upon a thirty Shilling Stamp. I beg leave also to remark that the description of this Curacy is not quite accurate; the Nomination calls it "Downes Chapel in Pott within Shrigley"; in my Diocese Book, as also in Ecton's Thesaurus, it is known by the Name of the perpetual Curacy of Pott in Prestbury; & the fact is that there is no such Parish as Shrigley in the Diocese of Chester. As soon as these errors are rectified, I will beg of you to return me the Nomination when I will give immediate directions to prepare a Commission for licensing Mr. Sharpe.

In consequence of what you mentioned relative to the proposed Augmentation of this Benefice, I have made the necessary enquiries at the Bounty Office, & am happy to find that your Application will not Yet be too late. although the Secretary expresses some doubt as to the Augmentation being granted to the extent you proposed. I shall however not fail to use every effect in my power to promote & facilitate the benevolent intentions you have in view, to their utmost extent; & shall represent the matter in such a light to the Governors, as I hope will tend to produce the desired effect. Preparatory to this I have forwarded some necessary Queries to Mr. Sharpe, which must be answered before any thing can be done. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your Most Obedt. Servt.

B. Chester.

Mark: None. Bishop of Chester's/Letter relative to/informality in my/Nomination of Mr. Sharpe/E:D:

Paper: 1 sheet folded, 4 pp. 7" wide by 9", written pp.1, 2, 3. Top left corner embossed with a fleur-de-lys within a garter bearing an illegible legend.

DDS21/47, (3)

13 April 1818 (postmark 21 April 1818) House of Commons.

Questionnaire, printed, issued by the House of Commons Committee of Education, Henry Brougham chairman, seeking information about existing provision for public education; addressed (pro forma) to "The Reverend the Officiating Minister of the Parish or Chapelry of" Pott Shrigley, Macclesfield; by post, franked F. Freeling; printed superscription on outside HOUSE OF COMMONS. Answers to be marked "Education Returns".


(p.1) Queries.
1. What schools upon Charitable Foundations exist in your parish? 2. How many are taught in each such School? 3. How many are clothed and boarded in each such School? 4. What increase or diminution has taken place in the above numbers, as far back as you can trace? 5. What salaries and other emoluments have the Masters, Mistresses, and other persons employed in each such school? 6. What are the Funds possessed or according to the prevailing belief in the neighbourhood, supposed to be possessed, by each such School? 7. Are there any Funds, generally understood in the neighbourhood to have been originally destined to the support of any School, and which are not so applied, or in part misapplied? 8. What Schools, not supported in whole or in part by Charitable Endowment, exist in your parish? 9. Are the poorer classes in your parish without sufficient means of educating their children? 10. Are those classes desirous of having such means?

(p.3) Answers.
The Chaple or Church of Pott, Pott-Shrigley, or Pott within Shrigley (being situated in the small Vill of Pott, which is surrounded by & included as a component part in the Township of Shrigley) an ancient and venerable Edifice, well endowed before the Reformation, but now a small Edifice supported chiefly by Queen Anne's Bounty, is only a Perpetual but independent Curacy, within the very large parish of Prestbury, at the distance of more than four miles from the Mother Church. The Chapelry not now enjoying the Privilege of Marrying, or any other Parochial rights, has no determined Bounds, unless it may be considered co-extensive with the Township of Shrigley, and with this perhaps alone; for no other Persons hold seats of right in the Church, or pay rates to it, but the Tenants of the Farms of the Patron within the Township of Shrigley, except the Tenants also of three Farms belonging to him immediately contiguous to the Borders of Shrigley, but within the Boundaries of the adjoining Township of Bollington, to whom He appoints seats on the same conditions as to his Shrigley Tenants.

The Township therefore of Shrigley, though an extensive one, is inhabited only by the Patron, living at present at Shrigley Hall, by Farmers, chiefly of small Tenements, and by cottagers, for the most part Colliers: but it is on one side as before observed, contiguous to the large Township of Bollington, in which has sprung up of late years a straggling populous and increasing Village of Cotton Manufacturers and which is also within the Parish of Prestbury, but has not any Church or Chapel of the Establishment, or any School upon any Charitable Foundation connected therewith, notwithstanding it is too far distant from the Parish Church of Prestbury for the Inhabitants to attend Divine Worship there, and they are much too numerous to be accommodated at Pott Church, where however the Aisles are fitted up with good benches, and as many seats as can profitably be spared, are thrown open not only to the Cottagers of Shrigley but to the Public at large.
These circumstances of the Place & Neighbourhood appear necessary to be premised, before the Queries can be satisfactorily answered seriatim, so far as they apply to the Chapelry of Pott.

1st. There is no School Building permanently appropriated, or School Master permanently established upon any Charitable Foundation: but there was a charge left by Will in the year 1684, upon one Estate in the Township of 5£ for the Instruction of 10 poor boys of the said Township in reading and writing, and 20s. to buy them books, which has always been paid from that Estate to some Schoolmaster settled in the Township with the approbation of the Patron and Curate. There is also a further Charge of 6£ by the same benefactor upon another Estate of his in Mottram Andrew in the County of Chester to bind apprentice one of the said Boys every third year for ever: but this Estate having passed into different hands from that in Shrigley, this bequest has not been received for more than 30 years past. There was also another annual Charge left in the year 1688 by another Benefactor upon another Estate in Shrigley for the like Education of 2 poor children of the said Township, and this continues to be paid.

2nd. 12 Boys have hitherto been taught and found in Books from the above two Bequests amounting together to only 7£ per annum.

3rd. None of these cloathed or boarded.

4th. No increase or diminution in the numbers.

5th. No salaries or other emoluments to any one of right; but without liberal encouragements of voluntary Benevolence no Master could now be found to teach reading and writing to 12 boys, and find them books for 7£ per annum.

6th. No funds possessed, or supposed to be possessed, but the above small bequests.

7th. The 6£ destined for an apprentice fee every third year has not been received for more than 30 years past.

8th. A Day School for Boys and another for Girls, both on the cheapest possible terms, and likewise a free Sunday School for Boys and another for Girls, connected with the Established Church, none of them supported in whole, or in part (except as to the above 7£) by Charitable Endowment, but the Day Schools aided, and the Sunday Schools entirely supported by voluntary Benevolence.

9th. Many of the poorer Classes are without sufficient means of educating their Children.

10th. In general those classes are desirous of having such means but Parents, who have not had the benefit of education themselves, cannot always appreciate its value to their Children.

Mark: None.
Physical DescriptionPaper: 1 sheet folded, 4 pp. 9" wide by 14", printed p.1 and p.4 (address); written pp.2, 3. Document is preserved in folded form as it came through the post. Postmark.
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