Description | DDS 21/23, (1).
19 October 1804 Chester
Letter from H. Chester, (bishop of Chester) to Edward Downes, Esqr.
The reasons assigned in your second/Letter on the subject of Pott Chapel/to induce me to sanction the proposed/Nomination of Dr. Davies to that Cure/ are, I confess, satisfactory & sufficient./ I had understood the official House/ for the Minister to be in tenantable/ Repair. The reverse being the case,/ a place of redience within the Chapelry/ it might be difficult, or perhaps imprac/-ticable to obtain. I hope, however, that/ in the event of Dr. Davies becoming Incum-/-bent, he will not seek to receive to him/-self any pecuniary Emolument from/ an Office, the Duties of which, I presume,/ he cannot discharge, & which can yield/ no more than 40£ a year.
I cannot but highly respect the motives/ that appear to influence your mind in/ seeking with so much liberality to establish/ hereafter a Resident Minister among/ your Tenantry, & remain/Sir,/ Your obedient Servt;/ H:Chester.
English Mark: None. Chapel Papers. Octr.1804/Correspondence/with the Bishop of/Chester relative to/my Nomination of/Reverend.Dr.Davies/E:D:
Paper: 1 sheet folded, 4 pp., 8" wide by 10", written pp.1, 2. Watermark.
DDS 21/23, (2)
No date
Copy of Benefactions made to Pott Shrigley, text identical with that of DDS 21/23,(3), but in another hand.
English Mark: None. Copy of Benefactors to Pott Shrigley.
Paper: 1 sheet folded 4 pp., 5" wide by 7", written pp.1, 2. Folded in this doct is a dried, pressed, beech leaf.
DDS 21/23, (3)
1 February 1821
Copy of inscriptions on Benefaction Tables at Pott Shrigley & Worth (chapelry): the originals having been sent to B. Downes on the above date.
A.D.1684. John Barlow of Manchester. Gentn. left an Annual Charge of £6 upon his Estate in Pott Shrigley for ever, vizt. £5 thereof for the Instruction of ten poor Boys of the said Township, in reading and writing, and 20s. to buy them Books; and also a furhter charge of £6 upon his Estate in Mottram Andrew, to bind Apprentice one of the said Boys, every third Year for Ever.
A.D.1688. William Lunt of Macclesfield Gentn. Left an Annual Charge of 20s. upon his Estate in Pott Shrigley for Ever for the like Education of two poor Children of the said Township. Mr. John Sandiford of Chester left the Interest of £100 to the Minister of Pott for Preaching & Sermon upon New Years Day Annually for Ever.
A.D. 1718. Peter Caskel of Lyme left the Annual Sum of £1.5. to the Poor of Pott Shrigley for Ever.
A.D.1696. Roger Holland of Prestbury left the Sum of £5 to be paid annually to the Poor of Pott Shrigley upon the 1st. Decr. for Ever.
A.D.1747. Edward Downes of Worth Esqr. left the Annual Sum of 20s. to be paid to the Poor of Pott Shrigley upon St. Thomas's day for ever.
English Mark: None. Copy of/Inscription on the/Old Benefaction/Tables ---/at Pott Shrigley/&/Worth./Originals sent/ to B.Downes/1st Febry.1821. |