RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceDDS 35
TitleA bundle of 11 documents done up in pink string
DateLate-15th century to 23 Oct 1824
DescriptionA bundle of 11 documents done up in pink string. Here calendared in order of date, and numbered in order of position in bundle

DDS 35/3

No date (probably late-15th cnetury)

Letter to Master Robert Downes (probably from Geoffrey Downes, concerning the establishment and furniture of his foundation at Pott Chapel (Downes Chapel)). Addressed;- "To Maistr Robt' Downes Be this Delyured".


Maistr Robt I haue receyued yor boxe. And as for yor labo for the surrendr I hertely thanke yow but god shall geve yow thanke & as for the surrendr of John A Pott it is a matr pat I kan not skil vpon for I neur onderstode but 'to' haue a surrendr of the house that I bougt of James A Pot the which the last tyme that ye wrote to me ye seid it shuld be surrendrut & he to haue it ayen payinge a marke ayere. And now ye write tht this that is surrendret wilbe sure a marke by gere I haue mrueile tht ye kan thynke so. For ye wott wel jv tht maistr Assheton desired me & yow both not to dele wt it for the interest tht berdesley hade i it & I promysed hi that I wolde not & I was neur agreed to take no surrendr but of that house that was Jamys a Pott nor neur man spake vnto me other wyse And therfore god ledith the penne for ye haue writen i the coupe the house that Rogr A pott dwellith i & ye haue writen i yor bille that Raynald[ys] dwellith i And that house tht is surrendret is bounden to pay. such goodes as is byhynde of the chirche & anothr I wolde trust to god by tht ye 'haue' consydret wel my bulle tht house was bought to me to the vse of the chirche & wt my goode & al tht was berdesleyes. And ye know wel tht Thomas shregley hade a lettr of attornay to delyur vp that house i the courte tht was James a pot vndir that condiciou that I shuld haue a marke of the same & at yor request he delyured it. Wherfore I pray yow se that James may be put i possessiou of his lond ayen that he be not defrauded And also ye know wel that yor brother Raynald hade auctorite the last tyme that ye wer' her' to delyure vp the same house i the Courte & John a Pot is bounden to me i xx li not to let hi. Whepr the defaute be i yowr [or] brothr or i whom itis i I wott not I pray yow take good heede for falsenes wil eur haue a fote where it is rotyd and as for the yle I thanke[s] yow for yor labor but I pray 'yow do' nothing thr to til I haue sought vp the billes of the costes of pe other yle & than I shal send yow worde. And as for the prest that ye write to me 'for' that ye thynke is of goode disposiciou And ye thynke so Asay hi for a yere but eur be warre of affectiou for drede of the censurs of the chirche. And where ye say ye haue taken accounte of the prestes I pray yow se wel for myn ymages & se hou many are not comyn hom for Sr John hade money for theym & therfore se that such goodis as he hath be restrayned til the ymages be brought. And also thomas shregley writith to me that a werkeman askith hi x li for to sett vp the ymages I trow x li be to seke both wt thomas & wt hi that askith it and I wil nothr be ware ten ne fyve Also I bought a tre of Aynysworth that lith by syde berde halle & 'I' pray yow speke wt nycol Aberd for to gete it karied to su sae pytt & pan I trust to god [to send yow] tht that shal both sett vp my ymages & deske the chaunsel to Also I sende yow yor box wt yor indenturis by Aynysworth byfore Thomas shregley. & if ye haue he not I pray yow spirre of he. for I hope thre be som falsehede amonge hem. Also Sr Ric' seith he hade no such coicaciou as it was tolde me that he hade as touchyng the levyng of his seruice Not wtstondyng I pray you se his undenture & if that there be no purveyed I pray yow let hi be i it til I speke wt yow or send yow worde to prve what he wil do now the othr apostata is gon And I mrveyle that ye can here of no londe I pray yow herkyn aftr londe that I myght pay for it while I lyve No mor' but Jhu prsrue yow and take alwey goode hede to the cowpes for me thynke ye haue not sett in so many acr' i som placis of the coupe as ther' shuld be.

Mark: None.

Paper: 1 sheet 12" wide by 9", written one side. Watermark a hand and a star

DDS 35/2

16 & 20 April 1642

Counsel's Opinion, given by E. Wooderofe and concurred in by Hu. Rigby (signed by each on the respective dates above), on the procedure advisable for the debarring of estates created in the lands etc. of Mr. William Downes, by Indenture of Covenants 12 March 1619 (16 Jas I) for the levying of a Fine to uses of Lawrence Downes and his son respectively for lives with remainders, and by Indenture. 4 October 1622 (20 Jas I) made by Mr Dokenfeld to use of Mr. Lawrence Downes for life remainder William Downes for life and other remainders, and by Indenture 12 March 1635 (10 Chas I) and a Fine made and levied by William Downs to use of himself for life remainder Mary his wife remainder his heirs male with other remainders, to the heirs of the bodies of Lawrence Downes and Roger Downes. Counsel suggest that William Downes suffer Common Recovery by double voucher to debar all claims.

Mark: None.

Paper: 1 sheet folded, 4 pp. 8" wide by 12", written pp.1, 2, 3. Watermark.

DDS 35/4

No date. c. 1665.

Petition; to the bishop of Chester from the inhabitants of the several townships within the precinct of Macclesfeild [Macclesfield] parochial chapel, who have no seats in that chapel and likewise pay for the repair of the parish church of Prestburie [Prestbury], Pott Chappell [Pott Chapel], Winckle Chappell [Wincle Chapel], and other church duties, which the township of Ketlesholme [Kettleshulme] which has no chapel payeth to Taxall [Taxal] church which was formerly a member of Presburie [Prestbury] parish; complaining of the extortionate assessments made upon them by the corporation and church wardens of Macclesfield for repairs and maintenance of the chapel of Macclesfield, for which they are not liable. The doct is of some length, rehearsing the malpractices as [far] back as 1637, and down to 1665; with the counter measures taken at various times in protest, by John Clayton of Ketlesholme [Kettleshulme] in 1638, Nicholas Blacwall of Ketlesholme [Kettleshulme] in 1660 and Thomas Hanmer aged 79 of Ketleholme [Kettleshulme] in 1665.

Mark: None. 1637 Petition of the Precinct of Macclesfield. A Petition of the pret:Precinct of Macclesfeild.

Paper: 2 sheets 12" wide by 16", originally fastened together with a parchment thong through top centre; written one side only each. Watermark.

DDS 35/6

16 April 1710

Copy of a Will

Will of Richard Holford of Davenham, county of Chester, Gent., witnessed by Ralph Ravenscroft, John Amery, Robert Weever. Executors names Thomas Whittingham of Brereton clerk and William Watts of Newton near Middlewich.

Abstract of bequests;- a messuage in Davenham, county of Chester, now in possession of testator, with messuages in Davenham now in occupation of Ralph Bostock, and Margaret Lees, to testators cousin George Holford younger son of John Holford of Moulton, dcsd; and also to him a messuage in Occleston [Occlestone] and Stanthorne, county of Chester in occupation of Henry Chatterton, which testator holds by Lease under William Whitmore Esqr., for the residue of such term as remains at time of death. £10 each to the Poor of the township of Davenham (to be kept by the Churchwardens and Overseers) and to the school of Davenham to be paid to the Schoolmaster. £100 each to his cousins Alexander, Elizabeth and Anne Holford, and the like to each of Thomas Mallory clerk, and his sister Lucy who married one Harrison, and Elizabeth another of his sisters who married John Penckston, £10 to the church wardens of the parish church of Middlewich for the provision of an annual sermon. £100 to his kinsman Thomas Whittingham of Brereton, clerk; to Thomas's niece Catherine Whittingham the like sum and to all her brothers and sisters (she is eldest daughter of William Whittingham dcsd.) £10 each. £10 to William Watts of Newton near Middlewich whom he appoints executor. £10 to his servants John Malinn and Mary Kinsey.

Mark: None. A Coppy of Mr. Richd./Holfords Will.

Paper: 2 sheets 13" wide by 16", secured top left by a loop of string.


1 May 1718

Articles of Agreement

Parties. 1. John Higinbothom of Sotton [Sutton], parish of Presbery [Prestbury], county of Chester, Gent., Charles Hibbert of Sutton afsd., Gent., 2. John Mottram of Pott Shrigley, same county, Chapman.

Signed and sealed: John Higgenbothom, Cha. Hibbart, Jno. Nottram Junr.

Witnesses: Saml. Prennison, William Ridgway, John Norton.

Release by party 1 of party 2 from clauses of Indenture of Apprenticeship 30 April 1718 between 1, the parties hereto and 2, John Higinbothom grandson of the said John Higinbothom senior (concerning his serving as apprentice in Pott Shrigley to be instructed in the working of Manchester goods and wares) whereby John Mottram undertook to find for his apprentice in board, lodging & clothes for 7 years: in consideration of Mottram's covenant to pay the boy wages at half the rate usually paid to Manchester weavers.

Mark: None. These/Articles Ordered/to be kept in behalf/of both parties/by Edward Downes/Esqr.

Paper: 1 sheet 12" wide by 15", written one side. Watermark. Seals: Three, applied, red, identical, round, 14mm diam., device obscure, legend TOUT POUR VOUS. Duty Stamps 1s. 6d.

DDS 35/7

21 January 1732 Prestbury

Letter to Mr Stafford Attorney att Law in Macclesfield, from the Rev. J. Lowe, Vicar of Prestbury.


Dear Sir,

There being a suit commenc'd betwixt the Minister of Pott and Colonel Legh for some Persons in that Chapellry about Marriage Dues; (And though I am neither Plaintiff nor Defendant nor Promoter thereof, yett I am Inform'd that I am therby under the Displeasure both of Mr. Downs of Shrigly the Son and the old Gentleman of Worth his Father; which has been a great Uneasiness to me ever since I heard it, because of the great Opinion & Respects I allways bore towards that worthy Family.

I cannot tell what Reports may be made of me to them, & you your Self are sensible that I am neither actively nor Passively concerned in it, & do only wish ut vincat & valeat veritas, and that there may be a good Understanding allways betwixt them & the Family of Adlington, who as one is the Patron of Prestbury, so the other is the Patron to Pott which I wish them both long to enjoy with all their Respective Rights and Privledges.

If you please you may make mention of this to them when you see them with my humble Service which they so well deserve & wich I give under the Hand of Your most obedient Servant

J Lowe

Mark: None. 1731/a letter from the Rev./Mr.Lowe, Vicar of/Prestbury to Mr.Stafford,/about a dispute between/the Familys of Shrigley/and Adlington about Church dues.

Paper: 1 sheet 7" wide by 8" written 1 side, address on back. Watermark. Seal: Traces of red wax.

DDS 35/10

No date (1765 or later)

Copy of Will dated 6 March 1765 (with codicil 8 June 1765), of Philip Egerton of Oulton, county of Chester, Esq., witnesses Thomas Clowes of Oulton Lowe, Jonathan Buckley servant to Mr. Gorst in Middlewich, Ra. Leeke an Attorney in Middlewich, Daniel Lowe of Rushton labourer, Tho. Walley of Manchester.

Abstract;- burial at Little Budworth, county of Chester; bequests to such children as shall be alive at time of his death, of his late sisters Bridget Downes and Mary Puleston dcsd.; a capital messuage in Radnor, county of Chester, bought by his late father from Mr. Israel Atherton, a messuage in Newbold Astbury bought by himself from Randle Somerfield, a messuage in Checkley cum Wrynehill & Blackenhall purchased from Mr. Joseph Bunbury dcsd., messuages in Rushton & Eaton purchased from Thomas Brown, Hugh Chesworth, a messuage in Rushton purchased from John Adshead, messuage in Egerton purchased from Ralph Dodd & John Cratchley Gents., messuage in Egerton purchased from Richard Bickerton, messuages in Bickerton purchased from Mr.John Jones, messuages in Tranmore and Malpas; also (codicil) interest in estate created by marriage settlement by Indenture of Lease & Release 1 & 2 September 1715, the Release being 5-part, 1. John Egerton of Oulton, county of Chester, Esq., son and heir of Sir Philip Egerton late of Oulton afsd., Kt., dcsd., The Rev. Philip Egerton, DD., rector of Astbury, county of Chester, brother of John Egerton, Philip Egerton (testator) Esq., son and heir of Dr.Philip Egerton, 2. Richard Cottingham, city of Chester, Gent., Matthew Meakin of Nantwich, county of Chester, Gent., 3. Robt. Cholmley the younger Esq., son & heir of Robt. Cholmley of Holford, county of Chester, Esq., Roger Wilbraham Esq., son and heir of Randle Wilbraham of Nantwich, Robert Aston of the city of London, merchant, son of Sir Wiloughby Aston late of Aston, county of Chester, Bt., dcsd., John Robinson of Gwersylt, county of Denbigh, Esq., George Shakerley of Gwersylt afsd, Esq., Robert Pleadal of Hollyrood Amney, county of Gloucester, 4. Dame Dorothy Jeffreys widow & relict of Sir Griffith Jeffreys late of Acton, county of Denbigh, Kt., dcsd., 5. Frances (testator's late wife, dcsd.) Jeffreys, gentlewoman, daughter of the sd.Sir Griffith Jeffreys and Dame Dorothy.

Mark: None.

Paper: 2 sheets stitched and folded, 8 pp. 8" wide by 13", written pp.1-5, 7. Watermark.

DDS 35/5

24 December 1766
Inner Temple.

Copy of Counsel's Opinion given (signed) by Thomas Davenport on the above date and place and "received from Mr.Gibbons, 7 February 1767".

Abstract;- questions of procedure and possession as between the executors and the remainderers in the estate of Philip Egerton Esq., dcsd., of Oulton Hall or the capital messuage of Oulton in the parish of Little Budworth, and of several estates in the parishes of Little Budworth and Tarporley in the county of Chester; with reference to (a) a park enclosed by him in 1752 et seq., circumference 2 miles, with a brick wall, in lands adjacent to the afsd. capital messuage, which enclosure seems to have been indiscriminately called the paddock and the park, and in which at his death 26 September 1766 there were 200 head of deer and other cattle besides; (b) Oulton Hall, rebuilt by John Egerton Esq., the said Philip's uncle (brother of Philip's father Dr.Philip Egerton) --- this John Egerton, in 1715, entered into a settlement of the hall upon himself remainder his brother Dr. Philip remainder Dr. Philip's son and John's nephew, the sd. Philip, dcsd. (c) the jewels of Dame Catherine Egerton who left them to Philip Egerton by her Will 1706, he to pay £150 to his sister Bridget.

Mark: None. Copy of the Opinion/of Councill on 2 or 3/Cases regarding the/Estate of Phil:Egerton Esq/Rec'd from Mr.Gibbons/Febry 7th 1767

Paper: 1 sheet folded, 4 pp. 8" wide by 13", written pp.1, 2, 3. Watermark.

DDS 35/8

1774 (November 20)

Printed pamphlet; proposals for an application to parliament for an Act relating to the Chapelry of Macclesfield in respect of the collection of rates. A note written on the front;- "Please to make these Proposalls publick to the Congregation at the Chappel to day -- Novr.20th:1774. Mr Buckley has a Notice which you'l Cry at the usual time".

Mark: None.

Paper: 1 sheet folded, 4 pp. 8" wide by 13"; printed pp.1, 2, 3, 4. Watermark. WARRINGTON:Printed by WILLIAM EYRES.

DDS 35/1

3 March 1812

Memorandum about a missing deed.


B No. 7.

25 and 26 September 1722. Indentures of Lease and Release (also duplicate of the same), 5-part, between 1. Edward Downes the Elder Esq., and Edward Downes the younger, his only son and heir, 2. Legh Master Esq., Richard Legh Esq., Philip Egerton son and heir of the Rev. Dr. Philip Egerton, and John Egerton younger son of Dr. Egerton. (Mem; in margin G. Ransom and Lady Bute). 3. John Offley Esq., John Bowyer Esq., Richard Fitzherbert Esq., and John Beresford the younger Esq., 4. Dr. Philip Egerton, 5. Bridget Egerton spinster eldest daughter of Dr.Egerton, --- being a Settlement on the marriage of the said Edward Downes the younger with the said Bridget Egerton, of all the said Mr.Downes's Estates in Cheshire and elsewhere.

Memorandum; Mar.3rd.1812. This Deed is Scheduled as in possession of Messrs Daintry & Ryle, but it is not found among their Deeds. vide my observations in my Book of Schedules. Mr. W. Cooke is to write on the subject today to Mr. Newton as Agent for Ld. Bulkeley, the new proprietor of the Worth Estate, Anthony L... Maynard Esqr., (through Mr. Thomas of Chesterfield), the Purchaser of Padley, & also to Mr. Cruso in answer to his letter about this Deed of February 29th.


Mark: None. (Refers to B.No.7) Mar 3d.1812/Memo of Deed (wanting)/ 25 & 26 Sepr 1722/ enquired of Mr.Newton &c.

Paper: 1 sheet 7" wide by 8", written both sides. Watermark.

DDS 35/11

23 October 1824

Account Book; administration accounts signed J. L. Panter, for cash in the Estate of the late Edward Downes Esq., dates December 1819 to October 1824.

Mark: None. Administration Account for Decr 1819 - Novr.1824.

Paper: 3 sheets 16" by 13" stitched into brown paper cover; 12 pp. 8" by 13", written pp.2-7, 9. Watermark.
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