Description | The most noteworthy are Nos. (1), (4), and several of the papers that are broadsheets.
DDS 39/1
28 March 1807
Printed book, paper bound, stitched, 8 vo, 16 pp., with a loose sheet inserted pinned to back cover. Price 1s.
AN/ ADDRESS TO TIME/ To which are added,/ Stanzas/ Written on a beautiful Day in January, 1807:/ an Ode to Hope; / and/ A POETICAL EPISTLE,/ Addressed to W.S., Esq./(Rule)/ By JOHN JACKSON, Harrop Wood, near Macclesfield, in/ Cheshire./ (rule)/ Macclesfield,/ Printed by J. Wilson, Root-Market:/ And sold, in London, by Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme,/ Paternoster-Row; and T. Ostell, Ave Maria Lane./ (rule)/ 1807.
Transcript of Prefatory Note;-
PREFATORY ADVERTISEMENT./ JOHN JACKSON, the Author of the following in/teresting little Poems, is a very young Man, the/ Son of a poor, but worthy Collier, who resides at/ the bottom of a deep Valley, in the Vicinity of/ Harrop Wood, a few Miles distant from Maccles-/field, in Cheshire. The Writer is only seventeen/ Years of Age, without any of the common Advan-/tages resulting from Education, and possessing/ little Knowledge of Books, and less Acquaintance/ with Men and Manners. These Poems are now/ first published for the exclusive Benefit of the/ juvenile Author; and Mr. MCLINEUX, in the/ humble Capacity of Editor, presents them to the/ Public, as the promising Germs of future Excel-/lence, and as a Means, he trusts, of affording/ some pecuniary Assistance, to a truly virtuous and/ ingenious young Man./ Macclesfield, March 28, 1807.
Contents: Address to Time (February 28, 1807) p. 5. Stanzas/ Written on a beautiful Day in January 1807./
SCENE - A Valley in Cheshire, at the bottom of Harrop Wood,/ commanding, from an adjoining eminence, a distant prospect/ of Macclesfield, Gawsworth, Prestbury, Adlington, &c./ (January 27, 1807.) p. 11.
Ode to Hope (January 7, 1807) p.13. Poetical Epistle,/Addressed to W.S. Esq./(January 3, 1807.) p. 15. Stanzas/ Sent to a young Lady, written early on the morning of her/ Birthday, October 5, 1807./ loose leaf pinned inside back cover, with a note in ms. "By J. Jackson since his other Poems were Printed".
Persons alluded to in notes;- Peter Bowden, "an obscure, self-taught genius, who for some years acquitted himself with great propriety, though he died young, in the humble station of a village schoolmaster, at Pott, near Macclesfield." (p.8). He died a lingering death. (p.9). Joseph Hall, "a self-taught mathematician, now living on Hurdsfield, near Macclesfield". Mr. William Newton, of Gin Clough, Mr. Joseph Nightingale, of London, and the Editor of these juvenile Poems. (p.16).
DDS 39/2
No date
Ode to Pity /(Irregular) Broadsheet poem, printed - Aston, Printer, Exchange, Manchester. Pencil note on p.2. - J. Jackson, poet. 2 pp. (one sheet, printed both sides). 49 lines, 7 stanzas.
Paper: 1 sheet 6" wide by 9".
DDS 39/3
No date
MS poem in Latin, title "Mohammedes", 120 lines, begins "Qua late porrecta jacet prope littus Erythum Nec pecori facilis Tellus nec commoda aratro,".
Paper: 2 sheets folded, 8 pp. 7" wide by 9", gilt edged. Watermark. Written all 8 pp.
DDS 39/4
MS verses "Verses written by Peter Downes (while at Sea) aged 15". (also given in DDS 21/6, 10 January 1793).
Paper: 1 sheet 8" wide by 10", ruled feint, written both sides.
DDS 39/5
5 May 1826
Broadsheet poem, printed -- From the Stockport Advertiser of May 5, 1826. 64 lines, 8 stanzas. Title "An Enigma".
Paper: 1 sheet 7" wide by 9", printed one side only.
DDS 39/8
No date
Broadsheet poem, printed, 76 lines. Title; THE BIRCH (By the late Rev. T. Wilson, many years Head Master of the Free Grammar School, at Clitheroe, Lancashire).
Paper: 1 sheet folded, 4 pp. 8" wide by 9", printed p.1. Watermark J. ANSELL 1811.
DDS 39/9
Broadsheet, printed J. Swinnerton, Printer, Macclesfield, containing a selection of Hymns to be sung by the Shrigley Sunday Scholars on Christmas Day. Hymn 1, "Behold, the grace appears!", Hymn 2, "Hark! Hark! what news the angels bring,", Hymn 3, "Arise, and hail the sacred day".
Paper: 1 sheet 8" wide by 10", printed one side.
DDS 39/10
After 1818
Broadsheet printed (Printed by E. Bayley, Macclesfield). MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTION/ In Cheadle Church-Yard, Staffordshire./ (rule)/ BY T. NOORE, Esq./ (rule).
JOSEPH ATKINSON, Esq. Of Melfield, County of Dublin, Died July 7, 1818. AGED 74. Eugnomon Philom <.> sos. (in Greek letter) A just man, and lover of the Muses. (at foot of page).
If ever lot was prosperously cast, If ever life was like the lengthened flow Of some sweet music, sweetness to the last, -- 'Twas his, who, mourned by many, sleeps below.
The sunny temper, bright where all is strife; The simple heart, that mocks at worldly wiles; Light wit, that plays along the calm of life, And stirs its languid surface into smiles:
Pure charity, that comes not in a shower, Sudden and loud, oppressing what it feeds; But like the dew, with gradual, silent power, Felt in the bloom it leaves along the meads:
The happy, grateful spirit, that improves And brightens every gift by fortune given; That, wander where it will, with those it loves, Makes every place a home, and home a heaven.
All these were his. -- Oh! thou, who read'st this stone, When for thyself, thy children, to the Sky Thou humbly prayest, ask this boon alone, -- That ye like him may live, like him may die.
Paper: 1 sheet 5" wide by 8", printed one side.
DDS 39/11
July 1839
Broadsheet, printed, addressed to Mrs Panter Aug.8.1839.
Two Additional or Concluding Stanzas,/ To Burns' admired Poem, entitled/ "MAN WAS MADE TO MOURN". By (signed) A.M.J.
Paper: 1 sheet 5" wide by 7". Printed one side.
DDS 39/12 No date (after 1818)
Broadsheet, printed, Ballad of 8 stanzas, "THE LOYAL FUSILEER".
1st Stanza;- I am a Son of Albion, a Loyal Fusileer, And I have marched to bugle tone, for many a rolling year; My Heart and Might are George's Right; my Conscience is my own; While I remain, I will maintain the Bible and the Crown.
(There are references in the text to Carlile, Wooler's Dwarf, Henry Hunt, Waterloo, campaigns in Spain, France, Alexandria, the Regent.)
Paper: 1 sheet 7" wide by 9", printed 1 side only. Watermark J&R Ansell 1818.
DDS 39/13
27 January 1826
Broadsheet printed; inscribed to Miss Downes.
CARMEN JUBILANTIS./ Addressed to/ R.D. and S.H., -P.H. and E.H., P.H./ and S.H. -J.J. and A.M.J., -/ and J.P. -By T.M.
7 quatrains.
Paper: 1 sheet folded, 4 pp. 8" wide by 9", printed p.1. Watermark.
DDS 39/23
A bundle of papers rolled and secured with green and white twine; various MSS, verses, chiefly in Latin.
Paper: A rolled bundle 8" long, about 2" diameter. |