Description | Transcript;-
(p.1) Edward downes son of Edward Downes/ born 8th March 1662. of his birth I have a certificate written/ by his Father in a family bible - as follows/ "Edward My eldest son, born 8th March 1662" (N.S. 1663) "between/ 4 & 5 of the Clock in the morning being Saboth day"./ He married, Sarah daughter & coheir of Robert Ashton of/ Middleton in the County of Derby Esqr/ (N.B. This Robert Ashton was the 4th son of Katherine/Brereton who was the wife of Ralph Ashton of Kirby in/ Yorkshire & sister of Ann who married Robert Tatton/ this intitles us to the quarterings of Ashton Brereton/ Ashley & Ardern). He had issued Edward Downes who was Sherif of the County/ in 1724. He died 5th of May 1747 and was buried in the Chancel of Prestbury Church. He was/ succeeded by his Son.
Edward born 11th June 1691. He married/ Bridget daughter of Dr. Philip Egerton recotr of Astbury Cheshire/ and died 4th Aug. 1748 and was buried at Prestbury./ He had issue John who died s.p. and/ Peter born 16th April 1724 baptized at Pott Chapel 28th Oct/ 1724 He was succeeded by his son
Peter born as above and baptized at Pott 28th October 1724. He married Nov. 13 1766/ Elizabeth Ann Craven and had issue/ with others who died s.p./
Sarah born 27th March 1774. Privately bap: same day/ admitted into the Ch. at Totteridge 27th May Same year/ She married J.L. Panter of N.E.L. Fulham/ and had issue/
Fred. Downes Panter, eldest son, born 10th Jan 1809 baptized/ (at Fulham? about Feb. same year) married Sept/ 24th 1833, at Paris, Frances Latilda Kennedy/ 3rd Daughter of Hugh Kennedy Esqr of Cultra, Co. Down, Ireland/ and has issue/
Edward Downes born July 5th 1834 baptized at/ Paddington Ch. abt. Aug. same year./
Memo A Richard Downes was Married in Shrigley Church/ to Joan Bradley Nov. 25th 1605. Query: who's son, &/ could he have been the Father of Richard of Manby in/ Lincolnshire?
(p.2) Of the Arms I find in a letter from My late Uncle to Mr. Ormrod/ on this subject the following remark - "I have a deed confirming to William Del Downes,/ eldest son of the 2nd/ Robert (in whose line my own family regularly descends/ lands in Schriggeley purchased by him from Maud Daughter of/ Jordan de Schriggeley dated 1313. William De Downes 2d of the/ Name and son of the 1st William had other lands granted to him/ by the Crown in Shriggeley 19th Ed.III & William Del Downes 3rd/ of the Name & son of the 2nd is stiled in a deed dated/ 26th Ed:III 1362 de Shriggelegh, and my branch of the Downes/ family thenceforward begin to bear the Arms of Shryggeley a/ leg coupe quartered with those of Downes a Stag couchant.
With regard to the arms of Worth he says in the same/ letter - "In the 2nd of Richard II - 1384 the principal/ property in Worth had become the patrimony of the/ De Hulme's for in that year the Manor thereof &c/ was conveyed to Agnes Dr. & heiress of William de Hulme/ on her marriage with Robert son of William De Downes of/ Shrigley (the 3rd William & 6th in descent from the first/ Robert) to hold to her & the heirs of her body. From this/ time my branch took the Arms of Worth (the Cross/ engraile) in addition to those of Downes & Shrigley/ and are styled thenceforward of Shrigley and Worth. I find also in the book of Pedigrees/ that Roger Downes of Shrigley Esqr. in Queen Elizabeth's/ time sometimes sealed with a crest being upon a/ Ducal Coronet a Demy lion rampant holding in/ his paws a banner displayed. He was born/ 26th July 1552.
NOTE; J.L. Panter of N.E.L. Fulham is John Leach Panter of North End Lodge, Fulham. |