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Collapse DCH - Cholmondeley family of Cholmondeley estate - 12th century-20th centuryDCH - Cholmondeley family of Cholmondeley estate - 12th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Cholmondeley1 - Cholmondeley
Expand 2 - Chorley2 - Chorley
Expand 3 - Ridley3 - Ridley
Expand 4 - Egerton4 - Egerton
Expand 5 - Bickley5 - Bickley
Expand 6 - Norbury6 - Norbury
Expand 7 - Wrenbury7 - Wrenbury
Expand 8 - Bradley8 - Bradley
Expand 9 - Coddington9 - Coddington
Expand 10 - Edge10 - Edge
Expand 11 - Hampton11 - Hampton
Expand 12 - Larkton12 - Larkton
Collapse 13 - Malpas13 - Malpas
1 - GRANT by William Patric to Nicholas his brother - c 1320
2 - GRANT by John de Sutton lord of Malo passu and Schoklage to Richard de Rudle and Margaret his wife and the heirs of the said Richard - 1320
3 - GRANT by John de Sutton to Richard called Pecok de Malo passu and Matilda his wife - 1323/4
4 - LEASE for 12 years by William de Hampton to John son of William del Huldich - 1326
5 - LEASE for 10 years by John son of Geoffrey de Pylatonhale and Ellen daughter of John le Rymour, his wife, to Kenric Pecok - 1360
6 - LEASE for 5 years by Isabella, who was wife of William le Carpenter de Hampton, to Kenric de Cholmundelege - 1362
7 - GRANT in fee by Ellen daughter of John Wade to the lord William Glaskymowe - 1365
8 - GRANT in fee by John Foxcote to Richard de Cholmundeley - 1411
9 - LETTER OF ATTORNEY by Richard de Cholmundelegh to Thomas de Huxley - 1421/2
10 - GRANT in fee by William le Baxter, parson of a moiety of the Church of Malpas, to Robert Browe esq. - 1423
11 - QUITCLAIM by Robert Fare son and heir of Nicholas Fare to Robert Browe de Wodehede esq. - 1424
12 - LEASE for 39 years by Randle Brereton de Malpasse esq., to John Janenson - 1482/3
13 - QUITCLAIM by Mad ap David ap Mad Lloit and Matilda his wife to William Egerton de Hampton - 1488
14 - GRANT in fee by Humfrey Dymmok de Willyngton, gentleman, Gruffin Lloid ap Madok ap David and Edward Lloid son and heir of David Lloid ap Phelip ap Madoke to Owen Brereton and David Doddo del Egge - 1526
15 - FINAL CONCORD between John Dodde, plaintiff, and Randle Dodde - 1549
16 - GRANT in free marriage by David son of Randle clerk of le Malpas to William son of Hugh de Hebbinale and Agnes daughter of the said David - c 1272
17 - QUITCLAIM by William son of Richard de Wygelond to Hova son of Jorward de Hampton and his heirs and assigns - Late 13th century
18 - QUITCLAIM by David son of Richard de Wygelond to Hova son of Jorward de Hampton his heirs and assigns - c 1305
19 - QUITCLAIM by William le Brid and Leuka his wife, Madoc son of Yarvard and Margaret his wife, Mabel daughter of William de Ranton and Madoc son of Madoo to Hova son of Hugh del Crene his heirs and assigns - c 1305
20 - FINAL CONCORD between Madoo son of Madoc son of Yereward son of Thomas de Cudynton and Hugh de le Crehe of Malopassu - c 1305
21 - GRANT in fee by William de Huldichis, chaplain, to John his son and his heirs - 1305/6
22 - DEED OF EXCHANGE by Sir Richard de Sutton, Kt., to John de Larketon - c 1307
23 - GRANT in fee by Hugh the chaplain son of Richard de Malopassu to Richard Pecok de Malo passu and Matilda his wife - 1317
24 - GRANT in fee by Menan le Harper to John son of (Simon) de Wygelond and Agnes his wife - 1317
25 - GRANT by Sir John de Sutton, Kt., lord of Malopassu and Shokelache to the lord Hugh - 1319/20
26 - GRANT by John de Suttone lord of Malopassu to William son of Philip de Eggerton and Elen his wife and their heirs - 1320
27 - GRANT by John de Sutton lord of Malopassu and Schokelache to William son of Lovecok de Malopassu - 1320
28 - GRANT in fee by William son of Richard Frend de Malopassu to Richard Pecok de Malopassu, Matilda his wife and their heirs and assigns - 1321
29 - LEASE for 12 years by John de Somori lord of Doddelegh to Richard Pecok de Malopassu - 1321
30 - GRANT in fee by Thomas son of Richard Lax de Malopassu to Richard Pecok de Malopassu and Matilda his wife - 1322
31 - GRANT in fee by William son of William Duy de Malo paassu to Richard Pecok de Malopassu and Matilda his wife - 1322
32 - GRANT in fee by Hova son of Hova del Grene to Hova del Grene - 1322
33 - AGREEMENT between Hova del Grene del Malpas and Hova his son - 1322
34 - QUITCLAIM by Leuca who was wife of William le Brid de Hampton to Hova del Crene de Malopassu the elder and Hova his son their heirs and assigns - 1323
35 - QUITCLAIM by Walter son and heir of William son of Hugh byssop to Richard Pecock, Matilda his wife and Kenric their son, his heirs and assigns - c.1324
36 - GRANT in fee by David son of Hova Wrench to Richard Pecok, Matilda his wife, Kenric their son and the heirs of the said Kenric - c.1326
37 - GRANT in fee by Kenric son of Richard Pecok de Malopassu to William passenant de Chidebowe - 1328
38 - GRANT in fee by Matilda widow of Richard Pecok de Malopassu to Kenrio son of the said Richard - 1330
39 - QUITCLAIM by Sir John de Sancto Petro, Lord of Pekforton, to John le Rimor son of William de Huldithes and Margaret his wife and their heirs - 1331
40 - GRANT by John de Sancto Petro, Lord of Pecforton, to John de Larketon - 1332/2
41 - QUITCLAIM by Sir John de Sancto Petro, Lord of Peckeforton, to John le Rymour de Malopassu - 1333
42 - GRANT in fee by William son of William de Hampton to John le Rimor de Malopassu and Margaret his wife and their heirs - 1339
43 - GRANT in fee by William de Hampton to Robert de Hampton - 1340/1
44 - QUITCLAIM by David son of William Dod del Cronemos to John le Rymour de Malopassu his heirs and assigns - 1340/1
45 - QUITCLAIM by David son of William Dod del Cronemos to John le Rymour de Malopassu - 1340/1
46 - QUITCLAIM by David son of William Dod del Cronemos to John le Rymor de Malopassu - 1341
47 - GRANT in fee by John Rathebon the elder to John le Rymour de Malopassu - 1341
48 - QUITCLAIM by John son of John Rathebon to John le Rymour de Malopassu - 1341
49 - GRANT in fee by William Glaskymowe, chaplain, to Ellen daughter of John Wade and her heirs - 1345
50 - GRANT in fee by Patric son of Thomas Lax the elder de Malopassu to Kenric Pekoc - 1345/6
51 - GRANT in fee by Patric son of Thomas Lax the elder de Malopassu to Kenric Pekoc - 1346
52 - GRANT in fee by Patric son of Thomas Lax de Malopassu to Kenric Pekoc - 1346
53 - GRANT in fee by Patric son of Thomas Lax the elder de Malopassu to Kenric Pekoc - 1347
54 - GRANT in fee by Roger son of William de Malopassu to Kenric Pecoke, of his share of a piece of land in the township of MALPAS between his house and that of the said Kenric. Witnesses: Philip de Eggerton, Hugh de Bikurton, Patric de Larketon, William de Stocton and David de Wigelond. Given at Malopassu, the Wednesday next after the feast of St. Lucy the Virgin and Martyr, 1351. Seal and seal tag missing. Parchment. - 1351
55 - GRANT in fee by the lord William Frend, chaplain, to William son of John le Rymour - 1357
56 - GRANT in fee by Ellen daughter of John le Rymour del Malpas to John Jankynson - 1363/4
57 - GRANT in fee by Kenric son of David de Cholmundelegh to John son of Geoffrey Walters de Pylatenhale and Ellen his wife - 1360
58 - GRANT in fee by Kenric Pecok to John son of Robert and William Glaskymowe - 1365/6
59 - GRANT in fee by Kenric Pecok to William Glaskymow - 1365/6
60 - GRANT in fee by William Glaskymow to Kenric Pecok and Elisabeth his wife - 1365 - 1366
61 - Grant in fee by William Glaskymow to Kenric Pecok and Elisabeth his wife - 1365/6
62 - GRANT in fee by William Frend and William Glaskymou, chaplains, to Kenric Pecok and Elizabeth his wife - 1366
63 - GRANT in fee by Ellen daughter of John le Rymour to John Jankynson - 1369
64 - QUITCLAIM by Ellen daughter of John le Rymour de Malpas to John Russel - 1376
65 - GRANT in fee by John Jankynson, chaplain, to Ellen daughter of John le Rymour de Malpas - 1376
66 - LEASE for 30 years by Ellen daughter of John le Rymour de Malpas to John (- -) - 1376
67 - GRANT in fee by John son of John Rathebon to William de Sonford, rector of the church of Wylieu, and John de Elismere - 1378
68 - QUITCLAIM by John son of John Rathebon to John Russel - 1385/6
69 - QUITCLAIM by Edyn le Rymour de Malopassu to John Russell - 1385/6
70 - GRANT in fee by William del Grene of Malpas to John Janky - 1388
71 - GRANT in fee by John Jankyn, chaplain, to Thomas son of William del Grene and his heirs by Matilda daughter of Thomas le Sempere his wife - 1388
72 - GRANT in fee by Thomas son of William de Grene to Thomas le Saymper - 1389
73 - LETTER OF ATTORNEY by William Sanfford, parson of the church of Welee, to Gruffyn le Wareyn and Thomas de Hinton - 1393
74 - GRANT in fee by Hugh del Heth, chaplain, to William le Baxter - 1398
75 - DEED OF EXCHANGE by Kenric de Masefen to Thomas del Grene - 1404
76 - QUITCLAIM by Jena. ap Jor. ap LLywelyn Gethyn to Randle son of Sir William de Bryrton - 1407
77 - DEFEASANCE of a Bond in £100 by Robert Sutton to Richard de Riddeley - 1408
78 - GRANT in fee by Nicholas Scot, chaplain, to Nicholas Fare - 1408
79 - DEED OF ATTORNEY by John Mascy de Malpas and Margaret his wife - 1408
80 - QUITCLAIM by John Masey del Malpas and Margaret his wife to Nicholas Fare - 1412
81 - GRANT in fee by John le Mascy del Malpas and Margaret his wife to William le Baxter - 1415
82 - GRANT in fee by Margaret formerly wife of William ap Jor. Thloyt de Kedynton to Eddenenet ap David ap Phelyp de Kedynton and Katherine his wife and their heirs - 1421
83 - GRANT in fee by Richard de Cholmundelegh to Randle de Brerton his brother and his heirs and assigns - 1421/2
84 - GRANT in fee by John son of David Ken(ric)son de Bradeley next Malopassu to the Lord Peter Sowthurhed, chaplain, and John Sonde de Chestur his heirs and assigns - 1425-6
85 - VERDICT (Extract of Plea Roll) before Thomas Duke of Exeter, justice of the Lord King at Chester - 1426
86 - GRANT by John son of David Ken(ric)son de Bradley next Malopassu to Alice his wife - 1428
87 - GRANT in fee by Alice who was wife of Richard Scotte to John Browe, parson of a moiety of the church of Malpas, and William Hugynson - 1446
88 - GRANT in fee by John Browe, parson of a moiety of the church of Malpas, and William Hugynson, chaplain, to Alice who was wife of Richard Scotte - 1446
89 - GRANT in fee by Roger de Larketon of Broxon to John Browe, parson of a moiety of the church of Malpas, William Hugynson, chaplain, and Richard Medwall - 1450
90 - LETTER OF ATTORNEY by Roger de Larketon of Broxon to Philip Davidson Thomkynson - 1450
91 - GRANT in fee by Randle de Brerton the elder to John Donne de Utkynton, Richard de Aston, Hamon de Caryngton and George de Caryngton - 1457
92 - MORTGAGE to secure 33/4 by Urian de Cawreden to William Kereson - 1471
93 - LEASE for 3 years by Master William Duddeley, parson of the half church of Malpas, to Richard Cholmondeley of Cholmundeley, James Lee of Aston Kuyth in the parish of Stone and Richard Cholmondoley the younger - 1472
94 - QUITCLAIM by John Bosvile son & heir of William Bosvile cousin and heir of John Jankynson - 1473
95 - GRANT in fee by Madak ap David ap Mad Lloit and Matilda his wife to William Egerton de Hampton - 1488
96 - GRANT in fee by David Kerroson de le Oldcastell to William Eggerton de Hampton - 1491
97 - QUITCLAIM by Gruff(ydd) Lloit ap Mad ap David to William Egerton de Hampton - 1494
98 - APPOINTMENT by Edward lord of Duddeley and Malpas, of Randle Brereton de Malpas esq. - 1497
99 - GRANT in fee by William Warberton de Broxton, gentleman, and Margaret his wife to William Mascy - 1521
100 - MORTGAGE to secure £4 by William Egerton of Hampton to Dame Elen Brerton wife of Sir Randell Brerton Kt., chamberlain of Chester and Roger Brerton their son - 1523
101 - MORTGAGE to secure £4 by William Egerton of Hampton to Dame Elen Brerton wife of Sir Randell Brerton Kt., chamberlain of Chester and Roger Brerton their son - 1523
102 - MORTGAGE (Counterpart) to secure 41/8 by John Warde of Capesthorne to Roger Barrow of Chester - 1528/9
103 - GRANT in fee by Randle Dod of Spurstowe to John Janyn of Oldecastell - 1543
104 - GRANT in fee by Thomas Wright of Cholmundeley, yeoman, to Randle Brereton of Malpas esq. - 1550/1
105 - GRANT by Mary Plunkett of Malpas widow of Silvester Plunkett late of Ipstons (Co. Staffs.) esq., deceased, to the Rt. Hon. Robert Lord Viscount Cholmley of Kells and Dame Katherine his wife - 1652
106 - QUITCLAIM by David son of Philip de Crembis to the lord William de huldich - c.1310
107 - QUITCLAIM by Ellen daughter of John le Rymour to Henric de Cholmundelegh - 1359/60
108 - QUITCLAIM by John son of Geoffrey Walter de Pylatunhale and Ellen daughter of John le Rymour wife of the said John to Kenric son of David de Cholmundelegh - 1360
109 - GRANT in fee by John son of John son of Robert del Malpas, chaplain, to Kenric de Cholmundelegh - 1361
110 - GRANT in fee by Margaret daughter of William de Wygelond to the lord Thomas de Cholmundelegh - 1366
111 - FINAL CONCORD between Nicholas Fare de Chester, plaintiff, and John Mascy del Malpas and Margaret his wife - 1412
112 - FINAL CONCORD between Robert Browe esq., plaintiff, and Robert son of Nicholas Fare - 1424
113 - EXEMPLIFICATION concerning the marriage within prohibited degrees of Hugh Dodde and Margery daughter of Robert de Ridelegh - 1431
114 - GRANT in fee by Hugh Rydley to Richard de Cholmeley of Cholmeley esq. - 1457
115 - AWARD of Thomas Lord Stanley, Sir John Savage the elder and Thomas Fiton, Kts., Peres Dutton and Honkyn Maynwaryng esqs. in a dispute between Sir Randulph Brereton Kt., and Randulph Brereton his son on one hand, and William Maynwaryng of Ightfeld esq. and Thomas Maynwaryng his son on the other hand - 1474
116 - GRANT in fee by Randle de Brereton son of Urian de Brereton late of Malpase to Sir Randle Brereton - 1477
117 - QUITCLAIM by John ap Gruffydd ap Eden to Sir Randle Brereton - 1481
118 - PRE-NUPTIAL SETTLEMENT between Sir Thomas Boteler Kt. and Sir Randulph Brereton, prior to the intended marriage of Randulph son of the said Sir Randulph and Isabel daughter of the said Sir Thomas - 1511/12
119 - QUITCLAIM by William Eggerton de Hampton to Ellen wife of Sir Randle Brerton Kt. chamberlain of Chester and Roger Brerton their son - 1525
120 - FINAL CONCORD between Peter Warburton esq. and Owen Brereton, plaintiffs, Sir Randle Brereton Kt. and William Brereton of Brereton, deforceant - 1582
121 - QUITCLAIM by David Massye of Broxton esq. and Hugh Massie his son and heir to Sir Randle Brereton - 1582
122 - GRANT by Hugh Dodd of Chester, gentleman, to Sir Hugh Cholmondeley of Cholmondeley - 1598/9
123 - QUITCLAIM by Margaret who was wife of Ithel son of Henry Duy de Oswaldushul to John son of Robert son of Roger de Malpas - 1331
124 - LEASE for 30 years by William le Romour de Malopassu, to the lord David de Malopassu, chaplain, and Margaret daughter of Isabella widow of Robert Blethyn - 1356
125 - GRANT by John de Sutton Lord of Shokkelach and Malopassu to Kenric Pecoke - 1356/7
126 - FINAL CONCORD between Kenric son of David de Cholmundelegh, plaintiff, and John son of Geoffrey de Pylatenhale and Ellen his wife - 1360
127 - LEASE for 10 years by John son of Geoffrey de Pylatonhale and Ellen daughter of John le Rymour his wife to Kenric son of David de Cholmundelegh - 1360
128 - GRANT in fee by William Frend and William Glaskymou, chaplains, to Kenric Pecoke and Elizabeth his wife - 1366
129 - LEASE for 20 years by Robert son of Robert son of Roger to Kenric son of David de Cholmundelegh - 1368
130 - GRANT in fee by Hugh son of David de Chelmundelegh to Richard son of William de Chelmundelegh - 1394
131 - LEASE for 99 years by the Lady Jocosa Beauchamp sister and heiress of Sir Hugh Cokesey deceased to William Blethyn - 1472
132 - LEASE for 60 years by Sir John Savage Kt. and Anne his wife to Sir Randulph Brereton - 1508
133 - BOND in £200 by Sir Randle Egerton of Wrynehill Kt. to Sir Hugh Cholmundeley - 1563/4
134 - BOND in £1,000 by Richard Egerton of Shocklach alias Schocklach Oviatt [Schocklach Oviatt], esq., to Robert Viscount Cholmondeley - 1628
135 - QUITCLAIM by William de Stokton, bastard, to Kenric son of David de Cholmundelegh - 1366
136 - QUITCLAIM by Thomas son of David de Chelmundlegh, rector of Bertonlegh, to Richard son of William de Chelmundlegh - 1394
137 - FINAL CONCORD between Nicholas Scot, chaplain, plaintiff, and Nicholas Fare and Margaret his wife - 1418
138 - FINAL CONCORD between Robert Browe, plaintiff, and David son of William del Malpas de Hampton and Margaret his wife - 1424
139 - GRANT in fee by John Blanchard and Matilda his wife, daughter and heiress of John de Hampton, to Randle de Brereton - 1425
140 - GRANT in fee by Hugh de Rydley to Richard de Cholmeley - 1457
141 - DEFEASANCE of the above grant by Richard of Cholmeley esq., to Hugh of Rydley - 1457
142 - GRANT in fee by John Overton, son and heir of Richard Overton, and Margaret his wife, daughter and heiress of John Caderot, to Randle son of Sir Randle Brereton - 1468/9
143 - QUITCLAIM by Randle (--) to Richard Cholmundeley - 1478
144 - GRANT in fee by Roger Philip, son and heir of Philip ap Madoc formerly of Halghton, to Sir Randle Brereton de Malpas - 1500
145 - LEASE for 60 years, by John Savage esq., son and heir of Sir John Savage Kt., to Sir Randle Brereton - 1510/11
146 - FINAL CONCORD between Sir Randle Brereton Kt., Sir Thomas Hanmer Kt., John Brereton, clerk, and Richard Cholmundeley esq., plaintiffs, and Sir John Savage the younger - 1514/15
147 - GRANT in fee by Sir John Savage the younger Kt., to Sir Randle Brereton Kt., Sir Thomas Hanmer Kt., John Broreton, clerk, and Richard Cholmondeley esq. - 1514/15
148 - QUITCLAIM by Sir John Savage the younger Kt., to Sir Randle Brereton Kt., Sir Thomas Hanmer Kt., John Brereton, clerk, and Richard Cholmundeley esq. - 1514/15
149 - QUITCLAIM by Sir Randle Brereton, John Brereton, clerk, and Richard Cholmondeley esq., to Sir Thomas Hanmer - 1514/15
150 - WILL of Davyd Morys of Malpas - 1542
151 - FEOFFMENT by David Massye of Broxton esq. and Hugh Massye, his son and heir, to Sir Randle Brereton of Shocklach - 1582/3
152 - GRANT (Counterpart) by Sir Rondulphe Brereton of Malpas Kt., to William Brereton of Brereton esq. - 1583
153 - BOND in £1,000 by Mary and Jane Dodde of London, spinsters, to Sir Randle Brereton of Malpas - 1587
154 - FINAL CONCORD between Sir Randle Brereton Kt., plaintiff, and John Leche - 1588
155 - WRAPPER marked 'Malpas Begins No 21 Ends No 40' - 18th century
156 - AGREEMENT between the lord Robert Patric and Robert de Bulkilegh - 1244
157 - QUITCLAIM by Sir Roger de Monteath Kt., seneshal of Chester, to William son of Gerard and his heirs - c 1296
158 - GRANT in fee by Hova son of Hova del Crene to Hova del Crene his father - 1322
159 - LICENCE (18th Cent. copy) by Roger Bp. of Coventry and Lichfield to Hugh Lord Cholmondelegh - 1323
160 - LEASE for 39 years by Sir John de Sancto Petro Kt., lord of Peckefordton, to John le Rimour de Malopassu - 1332
161 - MORTGAGE to secure 8/4, by Eynon goch ap Eynon ap Gronow to David ap Wyon ap Eden his heirs and assigns. - 1333
162 - LEASE for 20 years by Kenric Pekoc de Malopassu to Patric Lax - 1346
163 - LEASE for 26 years by William son of Hova del le Grene to David de Wygelond - 1352
164 - DEMISE for 8 years by William son of Hova del Grene of Malopassu to Robert le Ookscheter de Malopassu - 1353
165 - LEASE for 30 years by William le Remour to the lord David del Malpas - 1356
166 - LETTER OF ATTORNEY by Joan daughter of John le Rymour de Malopassu to Richard de Cholmundelegh - 1357/8
167 - GRANT in fee by Margaret who was wife of John le Rymour to Kenric de Cholmundelegh - 1359/60
168 - LEASE for life by John Russel to Agnes Inse - 1385
169 - DEMISE for 39 years by Hugh (son) of David de Chelmundlegh to Richard son of William de Chelmundlegh - 1394
170 - LETTER OF ATTORNEY by Thomas le Saymper to Hugh Dod de Cholmundelegh, to deliver seisin to the lord Hugh del Heht - 1395
171 - EXEMPLIFICATION by Walter Bullock, licenciate of the Cathedral Church of Lichfield, of presentations to a moiety of the Church of MALPAS - 1414
172 - WILL of Margaret wife of John del Heth - 1416/17
173 - GRANT in fee by William Baxter, rector of a moiety of the parish church of Malpas, to John de Holande, rector of the parish church of Hanley, and Hugh de Bulkyley of Wore - 1428
174 - LETTER OF ATTORNEY by William Baxter to William Ferror - 1428
175 - GRANT in fee by John de Holande, parson of Hanley, and Hugh de Bulkyley of Wore, to Henry Waterward, parson of Tylston, and William Hugynson - 1431
176 - PRE-NUPTIAL SETTLEMENT between Sir Rondulph of Brereton Kt., and Thomas Domok - 1466
177 - LEASE for 3 years by Master William Duddeley, parson of the half church of the Malpas, to Richard Cholmondley of Cholmondley and James Lee of Aston - 1466
178 - LETTER OF ATTORNEY by John Overton, son and heir of Richard Overton, and Margaret his wife, daughter and heiress of John Caderot, to Urian Davenport - 1468/9
179 - GRANT in fee by Randle son of Sir Randle Brereton - 1468/9
180 - LEASE for 3 years by Master William Duddeley, parson of the half church of Malpas, to Sir William Stanley - 1472
181 - ARBITRATION of William Sayse, David Masfyn, David Malpas and Henry Brid, in a dispute between Richard Ridley and David Broo - 1472/3
182 - QUITCLAIM by William Egerton, son of Sir John Egerton de Egerton, brother of Philip de Eggerton esq., to Randle Caderoth and Ellen his wife - 1474/5
183 - AWARD of Peres Dutton of Hatton esq., in a dispute - 1474/5
184 - INQUISITION POST MORTEM (extract) of William Brereton - 1507
185 - BARGAIN & SALE by Sir John Savage the younger Kt., son and heir of Sir John Savage of Henley (Co. Worcs.) Kt., to Sir Randolf Brereton - 1514/15
186 - BARGAIN & SALE by Sir John Savage the younger Kt., son and heir of Sir John Savage of Henley (Co. Worcs.) Kt., to Sir Randolf Brereton - 1514/15
187 - INQUISITION POST MORTEM (copy) of Elizabeth late wife of Randle Bostoke esq. - 1515
188 - GRANT by Sir Edward Sutton lord Dudley to Sir Henry Wyatt - 1516/17
189 - LEASE for 21 years by Sir John Duddeley Kt., son and, heir of Elizabeth Viscountess Lyle, to William Eggerton de Hampton and Margery Webster - 1524
190 - LEASE for 30 years by Sir John Duddeley Kt., son and heir of Viscountess Lyle, to David Boswell de Malpas - 1524
191 - LEASE for 35 years by Sir John Duddeley Kt., son and heir of Elizabeth Viscountess Lyle, to William Tailior de Malpas - 1524
192 - FOUNDATION DEED of MALPAS FREE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, by Sir Randulph Brereton of Malpas - 1527/8
193 - FEOFFMENT by Owen Brereton and David Dodde of le Egge - 1528
194 - DEED TO DECLARE USES of the above feoffment (no. DCH/C/447) - 1528
195 - FEOFFMENT by Randle Brerton of Malpas esq. - 1528
196 - DEED TO DECLARE USES of the above [No. DCH/C/449] - nd
197 - LEASE for 20 years by Rowlande Hill, citizen and mercer of the city of London, to Roger Brerton esq. - 1537
198 - GRANT by Thomas Wyatt esq., administrator of the goods and chattels of Sir Thomas Wyatt Kt., deceased, executor of the will of Sir Henry Wyatt Kt., to Sir Richard Brerarton de Tatton Kt. and John Harcorte de Rauton esq., and their assigns - 1542/3
199 - EXEMPLIFICATION by David Pole LL. D., of Presentations to a moiety of the parish church of Malpas (extracted from the Bishop's Register) - 1543
200 - EXEMPLIFICATION by David Pole LL.D., of Presentations to a moiety of the parish church of MALPAS (extracted from the Bishop's Register) - 1543
201 - LEASE for 3 years by William Hill, clerk, parson of the half church of Malpas, to Sir Hugh Cholmondeley - 1544
202 - DEED OF COVENANT between Sir Rouland Hyll Kt. and Sir William Brereton - 1545
203 - GRANT by Randle Dodde of Spurstowe to John Dodde, son and heir of William Dodde of Cholmondley - 1549
204 - GRANT by Thomas Wright of Cholmondeley, yeoman, to Ranulphe Brereton of Malpas, esq. - 1550/1
205 - WILL & PROBATE (21. Mar. , 1552/3) of Peter Brereton, clerk - 1552/3
206 - LEASE for 31 years, by Sir Roulland Hyll Kt., to Ranulphe Shone - 1554
207 - DEED OF EXCHANGE (unexecuted) between Sir Roulland Hyll Kt., citizen and alderman of London, and Sir William Bruerton - 1559
208 - DEED OF EXCHANGE (unexecuted) between Sir Roulland Hyll Kt., citizen and alderman of London, and Sir William Bruerton - 1559
209 - LETTER OF ATTORNEY by Sir Thomas Hanmer of Hanmer Kt., Sir Philip Eggerton Kt., John Broughton of Broughton, gentleman, and John Dod of Shockeledge - 1559/60
210 - LEASE for 21 years by Sir Roulland Hill Kt., to William Boswell - 1560
211 - DEED OF PARTITION (copy) by Sir Roland Hyll, citizen and alderman of London, to Sir Thomas Legh Kt., alderman of London, and John Hare - 1560
212 - LEASE for 3 lives by Thomas Massy of the city of Chester, gentleman, and David Massy, his son and heir, to Thomas Tumkyn of the Malpas, husbandman, and John Tumkyn - 1563/4
213 - LEASE for 3 lives by Thomas Massye of the city of Chester, gentleman, and David Massye, his son and heir, to Thomas Tumkyn of the Malpas, husbandman, and John Tumkyn - 1563/4
214 - BARGAIN & SALE (Counterpart) by Sir Randle Brereton of Shocklache [Shocklach] Kt., to David Massie of Broxton, esq. - 1582
215 - FINAL CONCORD between Sir Thomas Bromley Kt., lord Chancellor, Henry Bromley and Thomas Owen esq's, plaintiffs, and Alice Corbett, - 1583
216 - BARGAIN & SALE by Richard Corbett of Stoke upon Terne (Co. Salop.) esq., and Anne his wife, to Sir Randle Brereton - 1587/8
217 - BARGAIN & SALE (Enrolled) by Richard Corbett of Stoke upon Terne (Co. Salop.) esq., and Anne his wife, to Sir Randle Brereton - 1587/8
218 - QUITCLAIM by Sir Ranulhpe Brereton of Malpas, Kt. to John Leiche - 1588
219 - RECOVERY (extract of Plea Roll). George Massy and Roland Dutton esq., plaintiffs, and Sir Randle Brereton Kt., defendant - 1588
220 - RECOVERY (extract of Plea Roll). George Massy and Roland Dutton esq., plaintiffs, and Sir Randle Brereton Kt., defendant - 1588
221 - FINAL CONCORD between Sir Randle Brereton Kt., plaintiff, and Richard Corbett esq. - 1588
222 - FINAL CONCORD between Sir Randle Brereton Kt., plaintiff, and Richard Corbett esq. - 1588
223 - DEFEASANCE OF STATUTE MERCHANT by Sir Randle Brereton of Malpas Kt., to Richard Corbett - 1588
224 - MORTGAGE to secure £150 by David Edowe of Iscoyed (Co. Flint), yeoman, John Keryson of Wiglande, yeoman, and Ellynor his wife, to Richard Edowe and Thomas Morgan - 1590
225 - INQUISITION POST MORTEM of Sir Hugh Cholmondley - 1597
226 - LEASE for 7 years by Sir Ranulphe Brereton of Malpas Kt., to Edward Dawes of London - 1598
227 - LETTER OF ATTORNEY by Sir Ranulphe Brereton Kt., to John Parker of Wigland - 1598
228 - LETTER OF ATTORNEY by Edward Dawes of London, gentleman, to Henry Henshawe - 1598
229 - MEMORANDUM of presentations to MALPAS Church, extracted from the Lichfield Registers - 16th century
230 - LETTER OF ATTORNEY by Anne Corbett of Arcall Parva alias Childe Arcall (Co. Salop) to Richard Steenton - 1602
231 - BARGAIN & SALE by Anne Corbett of Arcall Parva (Co. Salop) to Thomas Brereton - 1602
232 - BARGAIN & SALE by Sir Thomas Savage of Long Melford (Co. Suffolk) Kt., to Thomas Gregg - 1608
233 - FINAL CONCORD between Sir Peter Warburton, Justice of the King's Bench, Sir Henry Townsend Kt., Sir Richard Bulkeley Kt., Sir George Bouth Kt., Sir Thomas Moston Kt., John Massy and William Gruffith esq., William Comberford esq., and William Gattacre esq., plaintiffs, and Sir Randle Brereton - 1609
234 - RECOVERY (Extract of Plea Roll) between Sir Thomas Holcroft Kt. and Edward Fitton esq., plaintiffs, and Sir Randle Brereton - 1609
235 - LEASE for 3 lives by Sir George Maynwaringe of Ightfeild (Co. Salop) Kt., to Robert Allin - 1617
236 - LEASE for 3 lives by Richard Brereton of Malpas, esq., to Lawrence Corley - 1617
237 - LEASE for 3 lives by Richard Brereton of Malpas, esq., to William Wolley - 1617
238 - LEASE for 3 lives by Richard Brereton of Malpas, esq. to John Tayler - 1618
239 - LEASE for 3 lives by Richard Brereton of Malpas, esq., to William Bleathen - 1619
240 - LEASE for 3 lives by William Bleathen of Malpas, husbandman, to William Johnson - 1619
241 - ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE by William Johnson of Malpas, husbandman, to Randle Blethen - 1620/1
242 - LEASE for 3 lives by Sir Thomas Brereton of Malpas Kt., to John Pencumon - 1626
243 - LEASE for 3 lives by Robert Viscount Cholmondeley to Owyne Blethen - 1632
244 - LEASE for 3 lives by Sir Thomas Brereton of Malpas Kt., to Thomas Vaughan - 1634/5
245 - LEASE for 3 lives by Sir Thomas Brereton of Malpas Kt. to William Jackson - 1635
246 - FEOFFMENT (copy) by Sir Thomas Brereton of Wolnesacre (Co. Flint) Kt. - 1635
247 - FINAL CONCORD between Richard King and John Carill esq.s, John Werden and Thomas Darcy, gentlemen, plaintiffs, and Richard Egerton and Thomas Egerton and John Egerton esq's and William Brereton - 1635
248 - FINAL CONCORD between Richard King and John Carill esq.s, John Werden and Thomas Darcy, gentlemen, plaintiffs, and Richard Egerton and Thomas Egerton and John Egerton esq's and William Brereton - 1635
249 - BARGAIN & SALE (Enrolled 26. Jan., 1635/6) by Richard Egerton of Shocklach esq., Thomas Egerton and John Egerton esq's, his brothers, and William Brereton - 1635
250 - LEASE for 3 lives by Sir Thomas Brereton of Malpas Kt. to John Ortonne - 1635/6
251 - BARGAIN & SALE by Richard Kinge of the inner Temple esq., John Carill of the Inner Temple esq., John Werden of the city of Chester, gentleman, and Thomas Darcye to the Rt. Hon. Robert Cholmondeley Bt. and Lady Katherine his wife - 1636
252 - COVENANT TO LEVY A FINE by Oliver Fitzwilliams of Ipstones (Co. Staffs.) esq., and Mary Fitzwilliams - 1638
253 - LEASE for 3 lives by Sir Thomas Brereton of Wolvesacre (Co. Flint) Kt., to William Tayler - 1638
254 - LEASE for 3 lives by Sir Thomas Brereton of Wolvesacre (Co. Flint) Kt. to John Overton - 1640
255 - BARGAIN & SALE by Orlando Bridgeman esq., Solicitor General, John Carill of the Inner Temple esq., Thomas Darcy of Upton, gentleman, Edward Bridgeman of Warrington esq., Thomas Bavand of the Inner Temple esq. and John Jones - 1640
256 - BARGAIN & SALE (Counterpart) by the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Cholmondeley Bt., Viscount Cholmondeley, and Dame Katherine his wife to Orlando Bridgeman - 1640
257 - LEASE for 3 lives by Sir Thomas Brereton of Wolvesacre (Co. Flint) Kt., to Roger Newton - 1641
258 - ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE by Roger Johnson of Edge, husbandman, to John Barnett of Mallpas - 1646
259 - LEASE for 3 lives by Robert Earl of Leinster to Thomas Powell of Malpas, husbandman, and Ann his wife - 1647
260 - ATTESTED EXTRACT of a 'Particuler of the estate reall and personall of Rob. Lord Cholmondeley for which he desires to compound' - 1654
261 - ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE by William Bradshall of Malpas, freemason, to Richard Vaughan - 1656
262 - MORTGAGE (Counterpart) to secure £2,120, by the Rt. Hon. Robert Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Robert Pledall - 1661
263 - RECOVERY (extract of Plea Roll) between Thomas Simpson, alderman, and William Harvy, alderman, plaintiffs, Richard Parker and Peter Moreton, gentlemen, tenants, Mary Fitzwilliams, widow, 1st vouchee, and Walter Higgs, 2nd vouchee - 1679
264 - QUITCLAIM by John Brooks of Malpas, clerk, and Mary his wife, executor of Thomas Bridge, clerk, deceased, to Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley - 1682/3
265 - PRESENTATION of John Wright, clerk, to a moiety of the Higher Rectory of MALPAS, by John Brooke, clerk, and Mary his wife - 1683
266 - LEASE FOR POSSESSION by (John Egerton), Philip Egerton and Philip Egerton, his son, to Hugh Earl of Cholmondeley - 1716
267 - DEED OF EXCHANGE between Hugh Earl of Cholmondeley and John Egerton of Oulton esq., Rev. Philip Egerton of Asbury D.D. his brother, and Philip Egerton, son and heir of the said Rev. Philip - 1716
268 - WILL of Elizabeth Steel of Newton next Tattenhall - 1726/7
269 - MORTGAGE to secure £500 and interest, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Earl of Cholmondeley to Richard Bateman - 1711
270 - APPOINTMENT by Lady Penelope Cholmondeley, wife of the Hon. James Cholmondeley esq., to Randle Wilbraham - 1744
271 - ABSTRACT of Settlements relating to the Cholmondeley estate (1723 - 47) and of Lord Malpas' claims thereunder - 1759
272 - NOTE requesting Lord Cholmondeley's permission for Mr. Low to bring the purchase deed of 17th November, 1635 (no. DCH/C/503) with him to the next Chester Assizes - 18th century
273 - LETTER from Joseph Clark of Wrexham to Thomas Hignett - 1860
274 - LEASE for 21 years by Mrs. Jane Smith and others to Philip Henry Lee - 1862
275 - SALE POSTER for the above premises [See DCH/C/528] - 1869
276 - LETTER from N. Parry Jones, Whitchurch, to Thomas Hignett - 1869
277 - ENVELOPE - 1869
278 - LETTER from N. Parry Jones to Thomas Hignett; he is not able to close under £550. Paper. - 1869
279 - LETTER from N. Parry Jones to Thomas Hignett - 1869
280 - LETTER from B. Walters, Lincolns Inn, to Thomas Hignett - 1869
281 - ENVELOPE - 1869
282 - LETTER from Walters, Young & Co., Lincolns Inn, to Thomas Hignett - 1870
283 - LETTER from N. Parry Jones, Whitchurch, to P.H. Lee - 1870
284 - LETTER from Walters, Young & Co., to Thomas Hignett - 1870
285 - LETTER from N. Parry Jones to Thomas Hignett - 1870
286 - LEASE for 2 lives by the Rt. Hon. Robert Lord Viscount Cholmondely and Dame Katherine his wife to William Stephens - 1656/7
287 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Right Hon. Robert Lord Viscount Cholmondely to Sarah Hopley widow, late wife of Hugh Hopley, and Hugh Hopley her eldest son - 1658/9
288 - LEASE for 2 lives by Robert Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Thomas Brereton of Edge, gentleman, and Eleanor his wife - 1659
289 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by Robert Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Thomas Brereton - 1679
290 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to John Taylor - 1683
291 - LEASE for 3 lives by Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Hugh Stevens - 1683
292 - LEASE for 3 lives by Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Hugh Stevens - 1683
293 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Richard Duncalfe - 1683
294 - BOND in £14 by Joseph Holford of Bickerton, and Thomas Jones of Bickerton - 1685/6
295 - MEMORANDUM relating to the condition of the above premises - 1685/6
296 - LEASE for 3 lives by Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Urian Overton - 1686
297 - LEASE for 3 lives by Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Urian Overton - 1686
298 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to John Wicksteed - 1687
299 - TENANCY AGREEMENT (Counterpart) between Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley and William Edwards - 1691
300 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Edward Batha - 1691
301 - LEASE (Copy) for 3 lives by Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Jonathan Bradley the younger - 1692
302 - LEASE for 3 lives by Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Jonathan Bradley - 1694
303 - LEASE for 3 lives by Hugh Viscount Cholmondeley to Charles Fletcher - 1694
304 - LEASE for 3 lives by Hugh Viscount Cholmondeley to Robert Monson - 1697
305 - LEASE for 3 lives by Hugh Viscount Cholmondeley to Robert Monson - 1697
306 - LEASE for 3 lives by Eugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Thomas Lee - 1699
307 - LEASE for 3 lives by Eugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Thomas Lee - 1699
308 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by Hugh Viscount Cholmondeley to Urian Overton - 1699
309 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by Hugh Viscount Cholmondeley to Mary Steevens - 1700
310 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to John Jackson - 1701
311 - LEASE for 3 lives by Hugh Viscount Cholmondeley to Thomas Ruscoe - 1705
312 - LEASE for 3 lives by Hugh Viscount Cholmondeley to Edward Batha - 1706
313 - LEASE for 3 lives by Hugh Viscount Cholmondeley to Edward Batha - 1706
314 - LEASE for 3 lives (unexecuted) by Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to James Humphreys - 1706/7
315 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to Thomas Penckstone - 1706/7
316 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to Thomas Cook - 1707
317 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to Thomas Cook - 1707
318 - LEASE (Counterpart) for life by the Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to Randle Woolley - 1708
319 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to William Churton - 1708
320 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to John Williams - 1709
321 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to Joseph Vaughan - 1710
322 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to Joseph Vaughan - 1710
323 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to John Batha - 1711
324 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to William Stokes - 1711
325 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to John Davies - 1711/12
326 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt, Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to Randle Broe - 1713
327 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt, Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to Randle Broe - 1713
328 - LEASE for 3 lives by Hugh Earl of Cholmondeley to Thomas Cook - 1714/15
329 - LEASE for 3 lives by Hugh Earl of Cholmondeley to Thomas Cook - 1714/15
330 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Earl of Cholmondeley to John Hitchins - 1714/15
331 - LEASE for 3 lives by Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to Arthur Painter - 1717
332 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to Hugh Carsley - 1720
333 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to Charles Fletcher - 1721
334 - LEASE for 3 lives by George Viscount Malpas to William Daxon - 1725
335 - LEASE for 3 lives by George Viscount Malpas to William Daxon - 1725
336 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Lord Viscount Malpas to William Overton - 1725
337 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Lord Viscount Malpas to William Overton - 1725
338 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Viscount Malpas to William Hopley - 1725/6
339 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Viscount Malpas to Robert Moulson - 1725/6
340 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Lord Viscount Malpas to Charles Fletcher - 1726
341 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Lord Viscount Malpas to Sarah Painter - 1726
342 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Lord Viscount Malpas to Sarah Painter - 1726
343 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Lord Viscount Malpas, son and heir of George Earl of Cholmondeley, to John Duncalf - 1728
344 - ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE, as above [DCH/C/597], to secure £80 and interest by John Duncalf to Richard Wicksteed - 1729
345 - BOND in £160 to secure payment of £80 and interest by John Duncalf to Richard Wicksteed - 1729
346 - ACCOUNT of money due to Richard Wicksteed for principal and interest and for other money disbursed on account of Broadhayes, 1729 - 41 - 1741
347 - LETTER from Richard Wicksteed to Randle Brookes - 1741
348 - ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE, as above [No. DCH/C/597] by Richard Wicksteed to the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1742
349 - LETTER from Richard Wicksteed to Randle Brooke - 1742
350 - LETTER from Ferdinando Giglio to Randle Brooke - 1742
351 - LETTER from Randle Brooke to (William Ridgway) - 1742/3
352 - LETTER from William Ridgway to Randle Brooke - 1742/3
353 - MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT between John Lee of Churton and the Earl of Cholmondeley - 1782
354 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Viscount Malpas to Thomas Currey - 1727/8
355 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Viscount Malpas to Peter Penkstone - 1728
356 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Viscount Malpas to John Duncalf - 1728
357 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Viscount Malpas to Peter Moulson - 1728
358 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Viscount Malpas to Robert Moulson - 1729
359 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Viscount Malpas to Robert Moulson - 1729
360 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Viscount Malpas to Randle Moyle - 1729
361 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Viscount Malpas to John Cowley - 1730
362 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Viscount Malpas to John Cowley - 1730
363 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to William Wicksted - 1733
364 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to Joseph Groome - 1734
365 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to Joseph Groome - 1734
366 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to John Cowley - 1735
367 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to Thomas Egerton - 1736/7
368 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to Thomas Egerton - 1736/7
369 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to John Leigh - 1739
370 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to Thomas Dod - 1740/1
371 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to Thomas Dod - 1740/1
372 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to Edward Churton - 1742/3
373 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon George Earl of Cholmondeley to Thomas Smith - 1744
374 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to John Harrison - 1744/5
375 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to John Harrison - 1744/5
376 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to Ambrose Brooke - 1746
377 - TENANCY AGREEMENT for an 11 year lease by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley and William Mellish of the parish of St. Ann's Westminster, esq., to John Fletcher - 1750
378 - LEASE for 21 years by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to William Barlow - 1777
379 - LEASE for 21 years by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to William Barlow - 1777
380 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 21 years by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley to Richard Minshull - 1777
381 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley to Richard Minshull - 1777
382 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley to Richard Minshull - 1777
383 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley to Richard Minshull - 1777
384 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley to Richard Minshull of Malpas - 1777
385 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley to Richard Clutton - 1777
386 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley to Randle Brooks - 1777
387 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Ht. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley to Rev. Evan Evans - 1778
388 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley to Randle Brooke - 1778
389 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George James Karl of Cholmondeley to Richard Smith - 1778
390 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley to Richard Holford - 1779
391 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley to John Smith - 1781
392 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley to John Smith - 1781
393 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley of John Lee - 1783
394 - LEASE (unexecuted) for 15 years by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley to Richard Garner - 1783
395 - LEASE (Counterpart) for life and 20 years by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley to Richard Holford - 1783
396 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley to Dorothy Guest - 1786
397 - LEASE for 3 lives by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley to Dorothy Guest - 1786
398 - LEASE for life by Edward Kingdon of Walnutt tree walk in the parish of St. Mary Lambeth, gentleman, to Simon Faulkner - 1793
399 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 21 years by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley to John Clutton - 1796
400 - ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT between James Marquis of Cholmondeley and William Wright - 1819
401 - LEASE for the life of the lessee by George James Marquis of Cholmondeley Kt. to William Wilton - 1824
402 - LIST of persons who paid fines at BICKLEY and MALPAS Courts - 1642
403 - LIST of persons who paid fines at BICKLEY and MALPAS Courts - 1643
404 - ESTREAT OF FINES & AMERCEMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley - 1682
405 - ESTREAT OF FINES & AMERCEMENTS at the Court Leet and Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley - 1682
406 - ESTREAT OF FINES & AMERCEMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley - 1683
407 - ESTREAT OF FINES & AMERCEMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley - 1684
408 - ESTREAT OF FINES & AMERCEMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley - 1685
409 - ESTREAT OF FINES & AMERCEMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley - 1686
410 - ESTREAT OF FINES & AMERCEMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley - 1687
411 - ESTREATE OF FINES & AMERCEMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley - 1687
412 - WRAPPER entitled 'Malpas Estreats' - nd
413 - WRAPPER entitled 'Malpas 134 - 8' - nd
414 - PRESENTMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1777
415 - PRESENTMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1778
416 - PRESENTMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1779
417 - PRESENTMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1780
418 - PRESENTMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1781
419 - PRESENTMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1782
420 - ESTREAT OF FINES & AMERCEMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1782
421 - PRESENTMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1784
422 - ESTREAT OF FINES & AMERCEMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1784
423 - PRESENTMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1784
424 - ESTREAT OF FINES & AMERCEMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1784
425 - PRESENTMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1785
426 - ESTREAT OF FINES & AMERCEMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1785
427 - PRESENTMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1786
428 - ESTREAT OF FINES & AMERCEMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1786
429 - PRESENTMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1788
430 - ESTREAT OF PRESENTMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1788
431 - ESTREAT OF FINES & AMERCEMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1788
432 - PRESENTMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1790
433 - ESTREAT OF FINES & AMERCEMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1790
434 - ESTREAT OF FINES & AMERCEMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1790
435 - PRESENTMENTS at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1792
436 - SUMMONS (blank) to jury to appear at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley - c 1777
437 - SUMMONS (blank) to jury to appear at the Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley - c 1777
438 - SUMMONS (blank) to jury to appear at the Court Leet and Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley - c 1777
439 - SUMMONS (blank) to jury to appear at the Court Leet and Court Baron of the Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley - c 1777
440 - SUIT ROLL - 1777
441 - PRECEPT to the Bailiff to collect the fines levied at the Court held for the quarter part of the Barony of MALPAS on 21st Dec., 1782 - 1783
442 - SUIT ROLL - 1788
443 - PRECEPT to John Nevill, Bailiff - 1790
444 - RECEIPT for 18/-, being land tax for the year 1713 - 1713
445 - RECEIPT for 18/-, being land tax for the year 1714 - 1714
446 - RECEIPT for 18/-, being land tax for the year 1715 - 1715
447 - ACCOUNT for glazing work in the Earl of Cholmondeley's chancel in MALPAS Church and at CHOLMONDELEY HALL - 1714/15
448 - RECEIPT for £15-10-0 for tithes of the upper rectory, MALPAS, due from the Earl of Cholmondeley - 1715
449 - RECEIPT for £15, being one years wages due to Thomas Broome from the Earl of Cholmondeley - 1715
450 - RECEIPT for £15-10-0 for tithes of the lower rectory, MALPAS - 1715
451 - BILL drawn by the Earl of Cholmondeley on John Dod - 1714/16
452 - RECEIPT for £5-4-0 for 2 year's wages and for breeches and stockings - 1716
453 - RECEIPT for £10-8-0 for 2 year's wages and for breeches and stockings - 1716
454 - RECEIPT for £15-10-0 for rent due to the lower rectory of MALPAS - 1716
455 - RECEIPT for £15-10-0 for tithe - 1716
456 - RECEIPT for £3-0-0, being wages for slaughtering and helping in the kitchen - 1716
457 - RECEIPT for £1-14-0, being the balance of his account - 1716
458 - RECEIPT for £2-0-0, being 1 year's wages for looking after the warren on BULKELEY HILL and catching rabbits for the Earl's use - 1716
459 - RECEIPT for £2-10-0, for glazing work at CHOLMONDELEY HALL - 1716
460 - RECEIPT for £2-6-9, for repairs to Edward Jones' house in NORBURY - 1716
461 - ACCOUNTS of John Dod's collection of rents for the Earl of Cholmondeley - 1716
462 - LETTER from John Alston to Mr. Wishart, Attorney at Law in Chester, concerning some oak trees cut down on Edward Pool's tenement - 1715
463 - LETTER from John Alston to Mr. Wishart, Attorney at Law in Chester, concerning some oak trees cut down on Edward Pool's tenement - 1715
464 - LETTER from John Alston to Lord Cholmondeley - 1717
465 - LETTER from John Alston to Lord Cholmondeley - 1717
466 - CONTRACT between John Alston and the Earl of Cholmondeley - 1717
467 - LETTER from John Alston to Lord Cholmondeley - 1718/19
468 - LETTER from John Alston to Lord Cholmondeley - 1718/19
469 - ESTIMATE, from John Alston to Lord Cholmondeley - 1718/19
470 - LETTER from John Alston to Lord Cholmondeley - 1719
471 - LETTER from John Alston to Lord Cholmondeley - 1720
472 - LETTER from John Alston to Lord Cholmondeley - n.d
473 - LETTER from John Alston to Lord Cholmondeley - n.d
474 - NOTE from (--) to John Alston - n.d
475 - LABEL: 'Old Memoranda' Malpas - nd
476 - RECEIPT for £70 by James Standerens and Eliza Standerens to the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley - 1799
477 - LABEL: 'MALPAS & LARTON Survey' - 18th century
478 - SALE POSTER for leasehold property in MALPAS - 1813
479 - MEMORANDUM concerning 2 recent enactments for the occupation of the poor on the allotment system - c 1830
480 - MAP of NOMANS HEATH near MALPAS - 1716
481 - WARRANT by Lord Malpas to John Tomlinson for the collection of rents - 1730
482 - ORDER FOR RE-ENTRY in favour of the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley against George Stephens - 1739
483 - SURVEY of tenancies in MALPAS - c 1746
484 - RENT ACCOUNT for MALPAS - 1805
485 - LABEL: 'relating to the living of Malpas and to Malpas Church' - nd
486 - SCHEDULE of deeds relating to the Barony of MALPAS and the advowsons of MALPAS and TILSTON - 1560
487 - ANSWER (copy) of Robert Gittens, clerk, defendant, to the Bill of Complaint of Sir William Brereton Kt. - 1606
488 - ABSTRACT of deeds relating to the advowson of, and presentations to, MALPAS rectory (1528 - 1624) - c 1624
489 - ABSTRACT of deeds relating to part of the Barony of MALPAS and the advowsons of MALPAS and TILSTON (1543 - 1624) - c 1626
490 - DEPOSITIONS relating to the presentations of MALPAS and TILSTON and relating to MALPAS tolls - 1725/6
491 - RENT ROLL of MALPAS parish and Higher Rectory - 1769
492 - LETTER (copy) from John Stephens to (Henry Chambers) anent his treating with Lord Cholmondeley for the next presentation to the Higher Rectory of MALPAS - 1794
493 - LETTER (draft) with further details about the living - 1794
494 - NOTE of Mr. Henry Chambers' address - 1794
495 - ADVERTISEMENT (draft) for MALPAS living - 1798
496 - ADVERTISEMENT (draft, differing slightly from MALPAS living) - 1798
497 - LETTER from Charles Potts to John Stephens, with a copy of a letter from Richard Vaughan of Bristol requesting particulars of the MALPAS living - 1798
498 - LETTER from H. S. Stevenson, on behalf of George Morrison Grant esq., to John Stephens, requesting full particulars about the MALPAS living - 1798
499 - LETTER from Charles Potts to John Stephens, with a copy of a letter from J. Oldfield enquiring about the MALPAS living on behalf of a client - 1798
500 - MEMORANDUM of Mr. Haslewood of Bridgnorth's offer of £5,000 for the MALPAS living - 1798
501 - BARGAIN & SALE (draft) by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to Elizabeth Egerton of the City of Chester, spinster, and Ann Barnston - 1798
502 - LETTER from Stephen Leeke to John Stephens, commenting on the draft Bargain & Sale (draft) by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to Elizabeth Egerton and Ann Barnston - 1798
503 - LETTER (copy) from Richard Groom to Rev. J.A. Partridge - 1837
504 - NOTIFICATION to the Rt. Hon. George H. Cholmondeley Baron Cholmondeley and Thomas Tyrwhitt Drake of Shardloes (Co. Bucks) by Felix Knyvett - 1839
505 - COVERING LETTER to the to the above (No. DCH/C/766) from Felix Knyvett to William Jones - 1839
506 - LETTER (copy) from William Jones to (Felix Knyvett), acknowledging and commenting on the above - 1839
507 - LETTER from Richard Deane to Thomas Hignett, concerning a pew in the Cholmondeley chapel in MALPAS Church - 1873
508 - WRAPPER - 1840
509 - PLAN of seating in MALPAS Church - 1682
510 - LIST (copy) of the owners of pews in MALPAS Church, corresponding with the above Plan [See no. DCH/C/771], etc. - 1703
511 - LIST of the present occupiers of sittings belonging to Lord Cholmondeley - 1840
512 - ACT OF THE CONSISTORY COURT OF CHESTER (attested copy) in a dispute between Randle Brereton, gentleman, and Randle Hopley and Margaret Hopley his mother, concerning a pew in MALPAS Church - 1622
513 - NOTE on Randle Brereton and (Robert) Norwood, in connection with the above (Enclosed with no. DCH/C/774) - n.d
514 - NOTE on Robert Norwood of Malpas, buried 18th April 1626, with memorandum - n.d
515 - AFFIDAVIT (attested copy) of Sir Thomas Brereton Kt., that the pew which he occupied in MALPAS Church belonged to EDGE Higher Hall in the possession of Randle Brereton and was occupied by his licence - 1627
516 - DEPOSITIONS of witnesses on behalf of Thomas Brereton, gentleman, against Richard Knevett, concerning the disputed pew in MALPAS Church - 1680
517 - EXCEPTION on behalf of Richard Knevett - 1680
518 - OPINION of Sir Francis Manley, counsel for Thomas Brereton, in the above case [See no. DCH/C/779] - 1680/1
519 - INTERROGATORIES (copy) to be administered to witnesses on behalf of Richard Knevett in the above case - 1680/1
520 - DEPOSITIONS of witnesses on behalf of Richard Knevett - 1680/1
521 - DEPOSITIONS of witnesses on behalf of Richard Knevett - 1681
522 - LETTER from Henry Prescott to John Dod, at Broxon, enclosing the above papers and commenting on the cause - 1682
523 - CASE concerning the estate of Richard Egerton, late of Sir Randle Brereton his grandfather - 1638
524 - OPINION of John Coles regarding the above - 1638
525 - VALUATION of MALPAS 'when sold by Jack Eddows for Lord Brereton to Sir William Drake' - c 1668
526 - CASE & OPINION of Thomas Bouchier concerning the dispute between Viscount Cholmondeley and Sir William Drake - 1682
527 - OPINION of Thomas Bouchier concerning Lord Cholmondeley's right of presentation to the higher parsonage of MALPAS - 1682
528 - CASE & OPINION of Henry Poll(exf)yn concerning the right of presentation to a moiety of MALPAS Church - 1682
529 - PRESENTATIONS to MALPAS Rectory (attested copies of entries in the Bishops Register, 1543 - 1625) - 1683
530 - DEED OF PURCHASE (extract of Drake's purchase) - c 1700
531 - LETTER from R. Comberbach to Lord Malpas, giving an account of the collection of tolls at the preceding MALPAS fair - 1708
532 - PARTICULARS of suit of court, waifs and strays and cottage rents of the inhabitants of townships of AGDEN, etc. - 1708/9
533 - COVERING LETTER to the above, from Lord Malpas to John Ward - 1708/9
534 - CASE & OPINION of John Chesshyre, concerning a dispute between the Earl of Cholmondeley and (William) Drake - 1708/9
535 - CASE & OPINION of T. Parker, concerning a dispute between the Earl of Cholmondeley and (William) Drake - 1708/9
536 - MEMORANDUM of Drake's claim to 7/8 of the tolls of MALPAS FAIR - 1708/9
537 - PARTICULARS of cottage rents payable to Lord Malpas and Squire Drake - 1708/9
538 - LETTER from Lord Malpas to John Ward - 1709
539 - LETTER from Lord Malpas to (--) - 1709
540 - COVER addressed to John Ward, in Lord Malpas' hand - 1709
541 - LETTER from R(oger) Comberbach to the Earl of Cholmondeley - 1709/10
542 - LETTER from John Chesshyre to the Earl of Cholmondeley - 1721/2
543 - INQUISITION POST MORTEM (copy) of Sir Randle Brereton Kt - 1611
544 - ABSTRACT of 'severall Deeds and writeings relateing to my lord Cholmondeleys part of the Barony of MALPASS in the County Palatine of Chester' - c 1640
545 - LETTER from Lord Malpas to counsel concerning the dispute with Mr. Drake - 1725
546 - LETTER from Lord Malpas, enclosing copies of examinations (not here) relating to the dispute - 1726
547 - LETTER from Lord Malpas to John Ward - 1727
548 - CONDITIONS for Agreement between (Lord Cholmondeley) and Mr. Drake - c 1731
549 - PROPOSALS for settling the disputes between the Rt. Hon. George Viscount Malpas and Mrs. Isabella Drake, widow, and Marmaduke Allington esq. - 1731
550 - ACKNOWLEDGMENT by Thomas Vaughan that he and his family occupy a seat in Lord Cholmondeley's chapel only by his licence - 1657
551 - BILL (draft) of Hugh Earl of Cholmondeley against John Egerton of Oulton esq., Rev. Philip Egerton of Astbury and Philip Egerton his son - c 1720
552 - BILL (copy) of John Egerton of Oulton against Hugh Earl of Cholmondeley - c 1720
553 - ANSWER (copy) of Hugh Earl of Cholmondeley to the Bill of Complaint of John Egerton - c 1720
554 - DEPOSITIONS of witnesses on behalf of Hugh Earl of Cholmondeley - c 1720
555 - RECEIPT for £15-10-0 for the tithes of CHOLMONDELEY, BICKLEY, BULKLEY and LARTON due to the lower rectory of Malpas - 1688/9
556 - RECEIPT for £15-10-0 for the tithes of the said lands due to the higher rectory - 1689
557 - RECEIPT for £31-0-0 for the tithes due to the lower rectory for 2 years - 1694
558 - RECEIPT for £10-15-0, for a bill drawn by Mr. Adams on John Downes - 1700
559 - RECEIPT for £4-15-0 for tithe - 1700
560 - LETTER from F. Thomas to John Stephens - 1815
561 - LETTER from F. Thomas to John Stephens - 1815
562 - LETTER from F. Thomas to John Stephens - 1815
563 - BILL OF COMPLAINT (copy) of Rev. Philip Egerton and Rev. William Wickham Drake - 1816
564 - PETITION (copy) of the plaintiffs in the above cause - 1816
565 - LETTER MISSIVE in accordance with the above Petition - 1816
566 - LETTER from W. Varlo Hellyer to Lord Cholmondeley, concerning his title to the tithes in dispute - 1816
567 - LETTER from Still, Strong and Rackham to the Marquis of Cholmondeley - 1816
568 - LETTER from Still, Strong and Rackham to the Marquis of Cholmondeley - 1816
569 - LETTER for Rev. William Drake to the Marquis of Cholmondeley - 1816
570 - MEMORANDUM concerning the above suit - 1816
571 - LETTER from Messrs. Lee & Sons to William Jones esq. - 1837
572 - BASTARDY BOND by Jehaziall Rider - 1694/5
573 - CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNT for building a vestry at MALPAS - 1717
Expand 14 - Overton14 - Overton
Expand 15 - Tushingham15 - Tushingham
Expand 16 - Wigland16 - Wigland
Expand 17 - Capenhurst17 - Capenhurst
Expand 18 - Bickerton & Bulkeley18 - Bickerton & Bulkeley
Expand 19 - Edleston & Sound19 - Edleston & Sound
Expand 20 - Frodsham20 - Frodsham
Expand 21 - Overton21 - Overton
Expand 22 - Netherton22 - Netherton
Expand 23 - Bradley23 - Bradley
Expand 24 - Woodhouses24 - Woodhouses
Expand 25 - Kingsley25 - Kingsley
Expand 26 - Alvanley26 - Alvanley
Expand 27 - Runcorn27 - Runcorn
Expand 28 - Halton28 - Halton
Expand 29 - Widnes29 - Widnes
Expand 30 - Rocksavage & Clifton30 - Rocksavage & Clifton
Expand 31 - Helsby31 - Helsby
Expand 32 - Norley32 - Norley
Expand 33 - Barrow33 - Barrow
Expand 34 - Runcorn and Frodsham - Late 18th century-late 19th century34 - Runcorn and Frodsham - Late 18th century-late 19th century
Expand 35 - Helsby, Frodsham, Halton and Rocksavage - 18th century-19th century35 - Helsby, Frodsham, Halton and Rocksavage - 18th century-19th century
Expand 36 - Delamere and Kingswood36 - Delamere and Kingswood
Expand 37 - Nantwich - 13th century-19th century37 - Nantwich - 13th century-19th century
Expand 38 - Deeds and papers relating to Henhull - 14th century-18th century38 - Deeds and papers relating to Henhull - 14th century-18th century
Expand 39 - Miscellaneous Cheshire and Flintshire39 - Miscellaneous Cheshire and Flintshire
Expand 40 - Deeds relating to various townships - 12th century-18th century40 - Deeds relating to various townships - 12th century-18th century
Expand 41 - Tenancies in West and South Cheshire41 - Tenancies in West and South Cheshire
Expand 42 - Miscellaneous west Cheshire and north Wales estates42 - Miscellaneous west Cheshire and north Wales estates
Expand 43 - Various counties (mostly non-Cheshire) - 13th century-18th century43 - Various counties (mostly non-Cheshire) - 13th century-18th century
Expand 44 - Deeds Relating to Other Counties44 - Deeds Relating to Other Counties
Expand 45 - Flintshire and Wales45 - Flintshire and Wales
Expand 46 - Properties in London, Kent, Suffolk and Surrey - 1730-181646 - Properties in London, Kent, Suffolk and Surrey - 1730-1816
Expand 47 - Bonds, Grants, Warrants, Presentations, etc.47 - Bonds, Grants, Warrants, Presentations, etc.
Expand 48 - Records relating to estates previously owned by or connected with Savage family48 - Records relating to estates previously owned by or connected with Savage family
Expand 5050
Expand 51 - Household, Personal and Estate51 - Household, Personal and Estate
Expand 52 - Earl Rivers' Rocksavage Estate52 - Earl Rivers' Rocksavage Estate
Expand 53 - Lord Cholmondeley's South Cheshire estate53 - Lord Cholmondeley's South Cheshire estate
Expand 54 - 'Miscellaneous deeds and papers'54 - 'Miscellaneous deeds and papers'
Expand 55 - Miscellaneous Personal and Estate55 - Miscellaneous Personal and Estate
Expand 56 - Estate management56 - Estate management
Expand 57 - Estate & Miscellaneous 57 - Estate & Miscellaneous
Expand 58 - Letters relating to estate administration58 - Letters relating to estate administration
Expand 59 - Estate Correspondence, mostly from Lord Cholmondeley  - 1814-182759 - Estate Correspondence, mostly from Lord Cholmondeley - 1814-1827
Expand 60 - Nantwich & Manorial  - 16th century-19th century60 - Nantwich & Manorial - 16th century-19th century
Expand 62 - Personal and estate papers62 - Personal and estate papers
Expand 63 - Cholmondeley Cattle Club - 1857-187363 - Cholmondeley Cattle Club - 1857-1873
Expand 64 - City of Chester - 14th century-18th century64 - City of Chester - 14th century-18th century
Expand 65 - Frodsham Lordship and Estate - 19th century65 - Frodsham Lordship and Estate - 19th century
Expand 66 - Creation of Titles and Grants of Arms and Supporters66 - Creation of Titles and Grants of Arms and Supporters
Expand 67 - Specifications and plans relating to premises in south and west Cheshire, Wales and Sussex - 19th century-20th century67 - Specifications and plans relating to premises in south and west Cheshire, Wales and Sussex - 19th century-20th century
Expand 68 - Papers relating to 1910-1915 Valuation Office survey68 - Papers relating to 1910-1915 Valuation Office survey
Expand 69 - Translations and surrogates69 - Translations and surrogates
Expand 131 - Schools131 - Schools
Expand 132 - Cholmondeley Fire Brigade132 - Cholmondeley Fire Brigade
Expand 133 - Household and Estate133 - Household and Estate
Expand 134 - Miscellaneous134 - Miscellaneous
Expand 135 - Acts of Parliament135 - Acts of Parliament
Expand 136 - Tarporley-Whitchurch Turnpike Trust136 - Tarporley-Whitchurch Turnpike Trust
Expand 137 - Records of Joseph Hill, surveyor - 1800-1814137 - Records of Joseph Hill, surveyor - 1800-1814
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