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Collapse DCH - Cholmondeley family of Cholmondeley estate - 12th century-20th centuryDCH - Cholmondeley family of Cholmondeley estate - 12th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Cholmondeley1 - Cholmondeley
Expand 2 - Chorley2 - Chorley
Expand 3 - Ridley3 - Ridley
Expand 4 - Egerton4 - Egerton
Expand 5 - Bickley5 - Bickley
Expand 6 - Norbury6 - Norbury
Expand 7 - Wrenbury7 - Wrenbury
Expand 8 - Bradley8 - Bradley
Expand 9 - Coddington9 - Coddington
Expand 10 - Edge10 - Edge
Expand 11 - Hampton11 - Hampton
Expand 12 - Larkton12 - Larkton
Expand 13 - Malpas13 - Malpas
Expand 14 - Overton14 - Overton
Expand 15 - Tushingham15 - Tushingham
Expand 16 - Wigland16 - Wigland
Expand 17 - Capenhurst17 - Capenhurst
Expand 18 - Bickerton & Bulkeley18 - Bickerton & Bulkeley
Expand 19 - Edleston & Sound19 - Edleston & Sound
Expand 20 - Frodsham20 - Frodsham
Expand 21 - Overton21 - Overton
Expand 22 - Netherton22 - Netherton
Expand 23 - Bradley23 - Bradley
Expand 24 - Woodhouses24 - Woodhouses
Expand 25 - Kingsley25 - Kingsley
Expand 26 - Alvanley26 - Alvanley
Expand 27 - Runcorn27 - Runcorn
Expand 28 - Halton28 - Halton
Expand 29 - Widnes29 - Widnes
Expand 30 - Rocksavage & Clifton30 - Rocksavage & Clifton
Expand 31 - Helsby31 - Helsby
Expand 32 - Norley32 - Norley
Expand 33 - Barrow33 - Barrow
Expand 34 - Runcorn and Frodsham - Late 18th century-late 19th century34 - Runcorn and Frodsham - Late 18th century-late 19th century
Expand 35 - Helsby, Frodsham, Halton and Rocksavage - 18th century-19th century35 - Helsby, Frodsham, Halton and Rocksavage - 18th century-19th century
Expand 36 - Delamere and Kingswood36 - Delamere and Kingswood
Expand 37 - Nantwich - 13th century-19th century37 - Nantwich - 13th century-19th century
Expand 38 - Deeds and papers relating to Henhull - 14th century-18th century38 - Deeds and papers relating to Henhull - 14th century-18th century
Expand 39 - Miscellaneous Cheshire and Flintshire39 - Miscellaneous Cheshire and Flintshire
Expand 40 - Deeds relating to various townships - 12th century-18th century40 - Deeds relating to various townships - 12th century-18th century
Expand 41 - Tenancies in West and South Cheshire41 - Tenancies in West and South Cheshire
Expand 42 - Miscellaneous west Cheshire and north Wales estates42 - Miscellaneous west Cheshire and north Wales estates
Expand 43 - Various counties (mostly non-Cheshire) - 13th century-18th century43 - Various counties (mostly non-Cheshire) - 13th century-18th century
Expand 44 - Deeds Relating to Other Counties44 - Deeds Relating to Other Counties
Expand 45 - Flintshire and Wales45 - Flintshire and Wales
Expand 46 - Properties in London, Kent, Suffolk and Surrey - 1730-181646 - Properties in London, Kent, Suffolk and Surrey - 1730-1816
Expand 47 - Bonds, Grants, Warrants, Presentations, etc.47 - Bonds, Grants, Warrants, Presentations, etc.
Expand 48 - Records relating to estates previously owned by or connected with Savage family48 - Records relating to estates previously owned by or connected with Savage family
Expand 50 - Cholmondeley of Cholmondeley estate50 - Cholmondeley of Cholmondeley estate
Collapse 51 - Household, Personal and Estate51 - Household, Personal and Estate
Expand 1 - Account books - 1611-17371 - Account books - 1611-1737
Expand 2 - Draft account and memoranda books - 1621-17102 - Draft account and memoranda books - 1621-1710
Expand 3 - Vouchers to account - 1629-17343 - Vouchers to account - 1629-1734
Expand 4 - Estate correspondence - 1681-17474 - Estate correspondence - 1681-1747
Expand 5 - Estate miscellanea5 - Estate miscellanea
Expand 6 - Public office6 - Public office
Expand 7 - Royal warrants to seal grants of office7 - Royal warrants to seal grants of office
Expand 8 - Legal8 - Legal
Expand 9 - Personal9 - Personal
Expand 10 - Household10 - Household
Expand 11 - Literary manuscripts11 - Literary manuscripts
Expand 12 - Printed material12 - Printed material
Expand 13 - Copy acts of parliament13 - Copy acts of parliament
Collapse 14 - Papers relating to divorce of Colonel James Cholmondeley and Lady Penelope Cholmondeley (nee Barry)14 - Papers relating to divorce of Colonel James Cholmondeley and Lady Penelope Cholmondeley (nee Barry)
1 - Draft petition to Queen Caroline from James Cholmondeley esq and Lady Penelope, his wife, seeking licence for latter, a minor aged 18, to settle certain estates
2 - Letters to Lord Barrymore etc relating to grant of the pale, bills etc - 1729-1732
3 - Letters and notes relating to divorce arrangements and related matters - 1730-1738
4 - Letters from Lady Penelope relating to settlement of her estates - 1731
5 - Letters from Lord Rivers to Colonel Cholmondeley, from Lady Penelope to various, instructions for Dr Barry concerning her forthcoming divorce, 'her scandalous behaviour' and 'that vile fellow' [Patrick Anderson] - 1731-1738
6 - Letters from J Egerton citing Lord Cholmondeley's praise of Lady Penelope and his own recent chill, from Lady Penelope on her maintenance, sale of annuity, jewels and desire to live a quiet life in France, and from Earl Rivers on her past indiscretions - 1731-1738
7 - Letters relating to legal suits, including divorce of Duchess of Norfolk, 1677 - 1735-1736
8 - Letters, mostly between Lady Penelope and her brother Lord Barry, relating to attempts to locate and report on her in Paris - 1735-1736
9 - Letters from Penelope Cholmondeley to her father and to servant Nelly and from Lord Barrymore to Col Cholmondeley etc - 1736-1737
10 - Letters relating to divorce, including Lady Penelope to her husband after her first elopement and denouncing 'perjured wretches', and from Earl Rivers to her husband - 1736-1738
11 - Cases for opinion, copy depositions, copy plea for adultery and copy sentence of divorce - 1736-1737
12 - Letters, mostly from Mr Guidott to Col Cholmondeley in Dorset, relating to divorce proceedings and Lady Penelope's whereabouts - 1736
13 - Letters relating to later disposal of Barrymore estates and Lady Penelope's annuity - 1736-1788
14 - Letters from Lady Penelope to Mr Walmsley et al relating to annuity etc - 1737-1738
15 - Letters relating to the divorce and maintenance, with reference to Lady Penelope's resentment against her father - 1741-1744
16 - Letters from Lady Penelope, and from Charles Selwyn stating that he had heard that she was now expecting her third child abroad - 1742-1743
17 - Letters relating to Lady Penelope's maintenance and estate - 1745-1748
Expand 52 - Earl Rivers' Rocksavage Estate52 - Earl Rivers' Rocksavage Estate
Expand 53 - Lord Cholmondeley's South Cheshire estate53 - Lord Cholmondeley's South Cheshire estate
Expand 54 - 'Miscellaneous deeds and papers'54 - 'Miscellaneous deeds and papers'
Expand 55 - Miscellaneous Personal and Estate55 - Miscellaneous Personal and Estate
Expand 56 - Estate management56 - Estate management
Expand 57 - Estate & Miscellaneous 57 - Estate & Miscellaneous
Expand 58 - Letters relating to estate administration58 - Letters relating to estate administration
Expand 59 - Estate Correspondence, mostly from Lord Cholmondeley  - 1814-182759 - Estate Correspondence, mostly from Lord Cholmondeley - 1814-1827
Expand 60 - Nantwich & Manorial  - 16th century-19th century60 - Nantwich & Manorial - 16th century-19th century
Expand 62 - Personal and estate papers62 - Personal and estate papers
Expand 63 - Cholmondeley Cattle Club - 1857-187363 - Cholmondeley Cattle Club - 1857-1873
Expand 64 - City of Chester - 14th century-18th century64 - City of Chester - 14th century-18th century
Expand 65 - Frodsham Lordship and Estate - 19th century65 - Frodsham Lordship and Estate - 19th century
Expand 66 - Creation of Titles and Grants of Arms and Supporters66 - Creation of Titles and Grants of Arms and Supporters
Expand 67 - Specifications and plans relating to premises in south and west Cheshire, Wales and Sussex - 19th century-20th century67 - Specifications and plans relating to premises in south and west Cheshire, Wales and Sussex - 19th century-20th century
Expand 68 - Papers relating to 1910-1915 Valuation Office survey68 - Papers relating to 1910-1915 Valuation Office survey
Expand 69 - Translations and surrogates69 - Translations and surrogates
Expand 131 - Schools131 - Schools
Expand 132 - Cholmondeley Fire Brigade132 - Cholmondeley Fire Brigade
Expand 133 - Household and Estate133 - Household and Estate
Expand 134 - Miscellaneous134 - Miscellaneous
Expand 135 - Acts of Parliament135 - Acts of Parliament
Expand 136 - Tarporley-Whitchurch Turnpike Trust136 - Tarporley-Whitchurch Turnpike Trust
Expand 137 - Records of Joseph Hill, surveyor - 1800-1814137 - Records of Joseph Hill, surveyor - 1800-1814
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