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|  | 77 - Chomley, Knight, Fulleshurst, Leche, Brooke, Leversage, Wilbraham Bressye, Greg, Fulleshurst & Wright to Sir Christopher Hatton; Deed of release of errors in fines of the Manors of Haslington, Newton, Sutton, Crewe & Middlewich - 4 Sep 1579 |
|  | 90 - Sir Edward Coke & John Hobard v. Philip Oldfield & Thomas Gamul. Recovery of the Manors of Crew, Barthomley, Newton, Sutton, Warmingham, North Rode, Aston, Blacon & Willaston & lands in Erdewick, Boxhale, Winnington, Marthall, Moston, Kempeley, Whittock, Whistaston, Church Coppenhale, Monks Coppenhall, Middlewich, Henbury, Elton, Tetton, North Rode, Marton Chapel, Astbury, Ashton, Tenyn [Tarvin], Kelsall, Blacon, Mollington, Wollaston [Willaston, Worleston], Eastham & Newton & The Advowsons of Barthomley & Warmingham - 5 Oct 1629 |
|  | 99 - John Crewe esquire to Thomas Chomley. Settlement of the Manors of Crewe, Barthomley, Warmingham, Sandbach, Newton, Sutton, North Rode, Yeowood, Blacon, Hale & Ringay, Co. Chester - 12 Apr 1677 |
|  | 105 - Sir Chas. Hatton to trustees. Settlement of estates in Wollaston [Willaston, Worleston], Blacon, Warmingham, North Rode & Ashton, St. Trinity Chester The East Gate Chester, St. Oswald, St. John The Baptist, Ashton, St. Tervin, Kelsale [Kelsall], Wollaston [Willaston, Worleston], Eastham, Neston, North Rode, Marton Chapel, Astbury, Warmingham, Creswick, Pepul, Winnington, Marthall, Moston, Kenchy, Whillock [Wheelock], Coppenhall, Middlewich, Henbury, Elton, Tetton - 6 Feb 1581 |
|  | 106 - Sir Christopher Hatton, Sir John Hobart & John Walter to Ranulph Crewe esquire. Release of the Manor of Crewe, Barthomley, Newton & Sutton & The Advowson of Barthomley & the fees of the Countess of A. & W.: also lands Barthomley, Newton, Sutton, Middlewich, Haslington, Leighton, Namptwich [Nantwich], Stoke, Aston & Cholmeston [Cholmondeston], Crewe - 20 Jan 1609 |
|  | 111 - Sir Christopher Hatton, Sir Edward Coke, Sir John Hobard & John Walter to Ranulph Crewe, Philip Ouldfield & Thomas Gamul. Deed declaring the uses of a recovery of the Manors of Crewe, Barthomley, Newton & Sutton, Warmingham, North Rode, Woolaston [Willaston], Aston & Blacon & the fees of the Countess of Warwick, the Eastgate Chester - 24 Nov 1608 |
|  | 117 - Sir Christopher Hatton & Thomas Hatton to Sir Ranulph Crewe - Release of the Manors of Crewe, Barthomley, Newton, Sutton & the Advowson of Barthomley, the Fees of the Countess of Warwick & messuages & lands in Crewe, Barton, Anger, Newton, Sutton, Haslington, Middlewich, Leighton, Namptwich [Nantwich], Stoke, Ashton & Cholmeston [Cholmondeston] - 17 May 1616 |
|  | 119 - Thomas Ffanshaw, John Bullock, William Ffanshaw Robert & Thomas Hatton v. Sir Edward Coke, knight, Elizabeth his wife, Sir Christopher Hatton & John Walter. Exemplification of a fine - Manors of Warmingham, Ashton, Blacon, Willaston & lands & tenem't in Warmingham, Erdeswick, Pephule, Wynnington [Winnington], Marthale [Marthall], Moston, Keyneshey [Kingsley?] Whillock [Wheelock], Whitaston [Wistaston], Church Coppenhale [Church Coppenhall], Henbury, Peyhale [Pexhall], Elton, Tetton, North Rode, Marton Chapel, Astbury, Ashton, Tervyn [Tarvin], Kelsall, Blacon, Mollington, Willaston, Eastham & Newton & The Advowson of Warmingham - 1 Jul 1616 |
|  | 121 - Sir Robert Rich, Sir Christopher Hatton, Robert Leigh, Sir Thomas Hatton, Nath. Rich, Sir John Rowse & Robert Shute, at the nomination of Sir Randle Crewe to Thomas Sothern & Richard Clutton. Grant & assignment of the Manors of Barthomley & The Advowson of the Church & Crewe, Newton, Sutton, North Rode, Warmingham & The Advowson of Warmingham and lands in Elton, Tetton, Blacon - 5 Jan 1618 |
|  | 127 - William Radcliff of Ordeshall granted to Ellisabeth, daughter of William Brereton, knight, all messuages, lands etc. held by Richard Raynaldson, Richard Provdgloue, John Meret, Robert Shagh, Nicholaus Smyth, Richard Henshe, Hugh Dame, William Skotte, John Peryngton, & Thomas Shagh, in Sandbach, Co. Chester. Seal in red wax, on a tag - 16 Sep 1289 |
|  | 128 - Indenture. John de Grey, son of Reginald de Grey, & Richard de Sondbache. The said Richard leased to John land & messuages in Sandbach, for 16 mares a year. Warranty. Announcement of seals. Witnessed by William de Praers, then sheriff of Chester, Robert de Bressy, Mathew de Bechinton, Roger Throstele, Alexander de Arclede, John de Bru'a, Adam Malbon, John de Coten & others. Seal in green wax on a tag - 29 Aug 1298 |
|  | 220 - Fine. Sir Gilbert Ireland, knight & Margaret, his wife, to Thomas Hatton - messuages in Newton, Crowton, Cuddington, Kingsley, Heywood, Norley, Frodsham, Bradley, Milkton [Milton], Weverham [Weaverham], Namptwich [Nantwich], Acton, Littlelee [Little Leigh] & Northwich - 1665 |
|  | 308 - Sharman to Whittingham - grant of a messuage & enclosures in Sandbach called the Butt, the two further newfeildes, the hall meanes, the hall flatt, the two riddinges, the little hall flatt, the fower croftes next to hall flatt, the meadow adjoining the fewer corftes, the barnefeild, the brooke feildes, the will feild & the Cookesnowe in Sandbach - 1637 |
|  | 356 - Sir John Crewe to Thomas Lee. Release of a messuage in Sandbach, called the Well bank, the Hencroft, the Kiln Meadow, the Round field, the Round field meadow, the Woolley field, the longfield, the Catherine bottom, the Fouleings, the Moore Meadow, the Moore Croft, the Lane & Greene before the house - 20 Jun 1673 |
|  | 461 - Fine - Knightley, Cholmondeley & Lee, plaintiffs, v. John Crewe - fine - Peckforton, Wardle, Sandbach, Chorley, Weston, Eaton, Tarporley, Rushton, Haughton & Tattenhall - 1672 |
|  | 468 - William Stafford & Anne, his wife, Charles Kirkham, Magdalen, his wife & Mary Spurstow granted to Henry Kirkham, Thomas Sheppard, Thomas Manley, George Gates, John Allen, John Redderam, Edw. Goulston, William Burletson, Augustin Barker, John Carter, Thomas Meares, John Warner, John Rogers, Richard Burneman, Phillipp Styles, Thomas Sutton, John Sherbrooke & others the manor of Spurstow - 23 Apr 1686 |
|  | 550a - Exemplification of the fines of the estates purchased by Sir Christopher Hatton from Robert Thomas and Gregory Fulleshurst, Thomas Broke, Robert Leeche, Richard Wright, Richard Bressye, Richard Wilbraham and Richard Bresseye, William Leversage, Sir Hugh Cholmondeley and Lord Oxford. Manors of Crewe, Bartumley [Barthomley], Newton and Sutton, the advowson of Bartumley [Barthomley] and lands in the townships of Crewe, Bartumley [Barthomley], Newton, Haslyngton [Haslington], Middlewich, Wollaston, Blacon, Mollington, Kelsall, Eastham, Neston, Northrode [North Rode], Marton Chapel, Astburie [Astbury], Warmingham, Erdeswicke [Eardswick], Pexull [Pexall], Winnington, Marthall, Moston, Kembey, Whillocke [Wheelock], Coppenhall, Benbury [Bunbury], Elton, Tetton and the custody of Eastgate, Chester. Latin. - 1586 |
|  | 627 - Settlements - Sir John Crewe after his second marriage, upon Mary, daughter of Sir Willoughby Aston (1698). Crewe near Farndon. Manor of Tattenhall, Peckforton, Sandbach, Weston, etc. (1699). Sandbach, Hurstead Field (1724). Ashley, Bowden, Chawley [Chorley], Dunham Massey, Altringham [Altrincham], Hale, Ringey, Sinderland. (1737) - also 1738 - 1698-1738 |
|  | 679 - Letters patent of Charles I, by which he granted to John Crewe of Staines, Northants., John Crewe of Lincolns Inne, co. Middlesex (second son of Ranulph), Roger Wilbraham, John Chitwood, Richard Clutton of Nampwich, that if Clippesby Crewe, eldest son of Ranulph, died without male heirs over twenty one years of age, they should act as guardians - 20 Jul 1632 |
|  | 909 - General estate papers relating to Alpraham, Barthomley, Bunbury, Crewe, Calveley, Faddiley, Madeley, Leighton, Ridley, Sandbach, Spurstow, Tattenhall, Tiverton, Wardle, Warmingham 1734-1827 - 1827 - 1734 |
|  | 946 - Sir Edward Coke to Sir John Hobert & John Walter - manor of Warmingham, Messuage in North Rode [Newton], Manors of Crewe & Barthomley, fees of the Countess of Warwich & Awdley, lands & tenements in Crewe, Barthomley, Newton [North Rode], Sutton, Haslington, Middlewich, Leighton, Nantwich, Aston, Stoke, Cholmondeston - 25 Nov 1608 |
|  | 964 - Robert Fulleshurst to Dorothy Saville - bargain & sale of lands in Newton, Aston, Woodcott, Sounde [Soughans], Edleston, Newbolte [Newbold Astbury], Sutton, Middlewich, Hankelow, Great Aldersey, Lauckham - 1 Oct 1570 |
|  | 1215 - John de Eyton, resident in Axel quitclaimed to Adam de Mukleston all rights in Yreywode, between Mukleston [Muccleston] & Axel. Announcement of seal. Witnessed by Robert de Bromleg', Eadmund de Wasteneis, Robert de Dutton, knights, Regynald de Karnes, Roger de Borc'ton, Stephen de Okel, Thomas G'ueyse, de Bodemor, Hugh de Chiuelton, Adam Broun of Aston & others (Seal in green wax) (Latin) - 10 Apr 1294 |
|  | 1228 - Vincentius de Julton, Robert de Hulton & Richard Tussing of Lychfend, chaplain, granted to Henry de Arewas, clerk, at the fee farm, a meadow called Calangeholm, between the Trent & Edelake extending to the bridge of Wythenou'e to hold for 10s. a year - also 12d. due to the chief lord of the fee at the feast of St John the Baptist. Warranty. Announcement of seals. Witnessed by Robert de Pipe, Richard de Barton, clerk, Robert de ffreforde, Hugh de Tymmor, William de Tomenhorn, Peter Colcestr' Hugh de Strethay & others (Only one tag now remains, bearing a seal in green wax) (Latin) - N.D |
|  | 1619 - Auitia, widow of William de Ardern' granted to H. Lenveyse, clerk, the messuage which she had acquired from John son of Tholi in Rodburne [Rodburn] Township as dower - namely the messuage once held by William. Baldewyn & a croft. He & Felicia, his wife, the daughter of Auitia, were to hold this for the render of a pair of white gloves a year, due at Whitsuntide. Warranty. Announcement of seal; Witnessed by Thomas de Heyford, Robert de la Grene, William Ayl'm, William de la Grene, John Pelliperius (Skinner) Thomas Swalwe & others. Seal lost (Latin) - N.D |
|  | 1620 - Indenture by which John, son of Toly granted to Henry, son of Reginald & Goda, his wife, 2 pieces of land, each containing half an acre in Rodburne [Rodburn] & two parts of a messuage & croft & the whole messuage after the death of Auicia, widow of William de Arderne, Henry & Goda were to pay 6d. a year rent. In return for the grant they gave 21s. Warranty. Announcement of seal. Witnessed by Roger, parson of Botendun, Thomas de Heyford, William de la Grene, W. Aylm', William Doling, Hugh Doling, Nicholas, Clerk. Top margin indented & lettered. Seal lost (Latin) |