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Collapse DCR - Crewe family of Crewe estate - 13th century-19th centuryDCR - Crewe family of Crewe estate - 13th century-19th century
1 - Patric de Cruwe granted to Richard, son of Richard, son of Roger de Pulle & Alice, his wife, 4 acres of land on Worleston Heath - 15 Mar 1326
2 - Dauid le Seintpier & Urian le Scintpier bound themselves in £200 to John Cholmondeley of Chorley & John, son of William Crewe - 25 Aug 1413
3 - William Halunghton granted to Thomas de Crewe all his lands in le Woodhouse in the Parish of Burwardsley - 26 Jun 1418
4 - Deed of entail general from John Mynds, rector of Holy Trinity church, Chester, Henry Brettes, chaplain, to Thomas, son of John de Crewe & Margaret, daughter of John Partryche, his wife - 20 Apr 1444
5 - A feoffment from Robert ffouleshurst to Robert ffouleshurst, clerk, & others - for 20 marks, 1s.4d. to be managed according to a certain deed of indenture between the said Robert ffouleshurst & Thomas, his son - 5 Sep 1488
6 - Grant from Geoffrey Boidell of Pulcroft to Thomas Crue of Nantwich, with the proviso that, at the end of 101 years the premises there mentioned should return to the heirs of the said Jeffrey Boidell - 20 Jan 1489
7 - A feoffment from John Crewe of Nantwich to John Broke of Chester and Randulph Leicester all of his lands in the county of Chester. Worleston, Pulcroft pedigree - 1505
8 - Robert Fulleshurst to Richard Brooke. Mortgage for £60 of lands in Barthomley, Crewe & Newton - 16 Apr 1566
9 - Counterpart of DCR/1/1/1 - 16 Apr 1566
10 - Duplicate of the above arrangement - n.d
11 - Robert Fulleshurst to Richard Wilbraham. Mortgage for £20 of tenements in Barthomley & Crewe - 9 Jul 1566
12 - Robert Fulleshurst to Richard Brooke. Bargain & sale (mortgage) of lands in Barthomley for £120 - 14 Jun 1568
13 - Bound for performance of covenant in DCR 1/1/5 - 14 Jun 1568
14 - Counterpart of DCR 1/1/5
15 - Robert Fulleshurst to Richard Brooke. Mortgage of £100 of tenements in Crewe & Barthomley - 2 Sep 1568
16 - Fulleshurst to Broke. Bargain & sale (mortgage) of land in Crewe, Haslington & Barthomley - 20 Sep 1568
17 - Robert Fulleshurst to Richard Brooke. Grant of lands in Barthomley for £20 - 1 Oct 1568
18 - Fulleshurst to Woodnett. Bond for performance of covenant - 8 Apr 1569
19 - Fulleshurst to Brooke. Feoffment of lands in Crewe, Barthomley, Sutton & Newton - 17 Jan 1569
20 - Robert Fulleshurst to Richard Brooke. Mortgage of tenements in Barthomley, Sutton & Crewe for £63.6s.8d. - 15 Jan 1569
21 - Robert Fulleshurst to Richard Wilbraham. Mortgage of enclosures in Crewe - 26 Mar 1571
22 - Bond for performance - 26 Mar 1571
23 - Robert Fulleshurst to Richard Wilbraham. Mortgage of several messuages in Bartumley [Barthomley] - 4 Feb 1572
24 - Counterpart of DCR 1/1/15
25 - Fulleshurst to Wilbraham. Feoffment of messuages in Crewe & Barthomley - 9 Jul 1572
26 - (a) Fulleshurst to Bressey. Mortgage for £200 of lands in Barthomley, Crewe & Sutton. (b) Counterpart to DCR/1/1/18a - 14 Jun 1572
27 - Grant of lands mentioned in DCR/1/1/18 - 14 Jun 1572
28 - Fullerhurst to Loche. Bargain & sale by way of mortgage of land in Crue [Crewe] - 16 Aug 1572
29 - Bargain & sale of land mentioned DCR/1/1/20 - 18 Aug 1572
30 - Counterpart of DCR 1/1/21
31 - Fulleshurst to Leche. Mortgage for £100 of meadow in Crewe - 16 Aug 1572
32 - Fulleshurst to Wright. Bargain & sale of lands in Barthomley - 6 Oct 1572
33 - Counterpart of DCR/1/1/24
34 - Fulleshurst to Wright. Release of lands in Barthomley - 10 Mar 1573
35 - Fullerhurst to Leversage. Bargain & sale of Swines meadow in Little Crewe - 15 Dec 1573.
36 - Counterpart of DCR/1/1/27
37 - Fulleshurst to Liversage. Feoffment of Swines Meadow in Little Crewe for £80 - 21 Dec 1573
38 - Bressy to Fulleshurst. Defeasance of a recognisance - 17 Jun 1575
39 - Mr. Robert Fulleshurst to Ranulph Brassey. Bargain & sale of messuages in Barthomley & Crewe & The Advowson of The Rectory of Barthomley, called Little Crewe - 13 Jun 1575
40 - Robert Fulleshurst to Ralfe Brassey. Feoffment of several messuages in Barthomley & of land in Crewe - 13 Jun 1575
41 - Fine regarding the land mentioned DCR/1/1/32 - 1 Aug 1575
42 - Thomas Brassye to Ralph Brassye. Conveyance by bargain & sale of the land mentioned DCR/1/1/32 - 21 Aug 1575
43 - Thomas Brassey to Ralph Brassey. Feoffment of premises in Crewe & Barthomley - 26 Aug 1575
44 - Fulleshurst to Ralph Brassey. Feoffment of Ashmore meadow in Barthomley - 3 Jun 1576
45 - Fulleshurst to Bressie. Bargain & sale of the land mentioned DCR/1/1/36 - 3 Jun 1576
46 - Fulleshurst to Ralph Bressye. Feoffment of Cockshotte field in Crewe (mortgage) - 18 Jun 1576
47 - Counterpart of DCR/1/1/38
48 - Fulleshurst to Sir Hugh Chomley. Bargain & sale of enclosures in Crewe - 10 Nov 1576
49 - Duplicate of DCR/1/1/40
50 - Release of the equity of redemption of the said land
51 - Confirmation from Robert Fouleshurst of Crewe to Ralph Bressie of Audlem of messuage & appurtenances in Barthomley - 8 Dec 1575
52 - Ralph Brassye to Randle Wilbraham Bargain & sale of land in Barthomley, the Advowson of Barthomley & land in Crewe - 12 May 1577
53 - Fulleshurst to Wilbraham. Release of premises by way of mortgage of lands in Barthomley, the Advowson of Barthomey & lands in Crewe also fine relating to 2. July 21st. 1578 - 1 Jun 1577
54 - Counterpart of DCR/1/2/2
55 - Randulph Brassie to Ralph Brassie. Bargain & sale of messuage & lands in Crewe - 18 Jun 1577
56 - Ralfe Bressey of Hatherton to Ralfe Bressey of Audilem [Audlem]. Feoffment of messuage in Barthomley & Crewe - 28 Jun 1577
57 - Wilbram to Fulleshurst. Defeazance of bargain & sale (see DCR/1/2/1, 2.) - 20 Jul 1577
58 - Wilbraham to Fulleshurst. Defeazance of a release of a piece of land called Great Crewe - 1 Feb 1578
59 - Fulleshurst to Wright. Mortgage of land in Barthomley - 4 Jul 1578
60 - Counterpart of DCR/1/2/10
61 - Randel Wright to Fulleshurst. Reconveyance of 2 messuages in Barthomley - 19 May 1579
62 - Randle Wright to Fulleshurst. Reconveyance of Barthomley Mill, Swine Meadow & New Maslefield in Crewe - 20 May 1579
63 - Leech to Fulleshurst. Reconveyance of 3 pastures in Crewe, called Greate Mosley, Servanntes Field & Syndrelles - 20 Jun 1579
64 - Ralfe Bressy to Fulleshurst. Reconveyance of lands previously mortgaged to Thomas Bressy - 5 Jun 1579
65 - Sir Chr. Hatton to Fulleshurst. Bargain & Sale of messuage & lands in Barthomley & also enclosures in Barthomley, Crewe & Sutton - 15 Jul 1579
66 - Fulleshurst to Woodnett. Bond for performance of covenant - 25 Nov 1578
67 - Ffulleshurst to Sir Chr. Hatton, knight, Bargain & sale of lands in Crewe & Barthomley - 15 Mar 1579
68 - Wilbraham to Fulleshurst. Reconveyance of land in Crewe - 24 Mar 1579
69 - Robert Fulleshurst to Sir Christopher Hatton. Bargain & sale of land in Crewe - 26 Mar 1579
70 - Ralfe Bressye to Fulleshurst. Reconveyance of land in Crewe & Barthomley, previously mortgaged to Thomas Bressy - 2 Jun 1579
71 - Richard Wilbraham & Robert Fulleshurst to Sir Christopher Hatton, knight. Bargain & sale of messuages in Barthomley sold by Fulleshurst & Brassy to Wilbraham - 3 Aug 1579
72 - William Leversage to Sir Christopher Hatton. Bargain & sale of Swines Meadow in Little Crewe - 5 Aug 1579
73 - Sir Hugh Cholmondeley to Christopher Hatton. Bargain & sale of Cley croft, Dawheys, Oxheys & Nurse croft, the Great Meadow near Crewe Hall, the Long field, the Brick field, the Thorney Heathall, the Rough Heathall, the Cow pasture & the New Meadow - 17 Aug 1579
74 - Thomas Brooke to Sir Christopher Hatton, Bargain & sale of a messuage & enclosures in Barthomley, Newton, Sutton, Haslington - 20 Aug 1579
75 - Sir Christopher Hatton & others to Fflower, Dodge & Wright - Deed to lead to the uses of a recovery of the Manors of Barthomley & Crewe - 24 Aug 1579
76 - Fulleshurst to Brooke. Release from a decree touching lands in Barthomley - 4 Sep 1579
77 - Chomley, Knight, Fulleshurst, Leche, Brooke, Leversage, Wilbraham Bressye, Greg, Fulleshurst & Wright to Sir Christopher Hatton; Deed of release of errors in fines of the Manors of Haslington, Newton, Sutton, Crewe & Middlewich - 4 Sep 1579
78 - Sir Christopher Hatton & Robert Fulleshurst to Francis Griffyn. Grant of annuity of £15 in consideration of a release of the Manor of Crewe - 9 Jan 1584
79 - John Luce & others quitclaimed to Sir Christopher Hatton the Manors of Crewe & Barthomley - 5 Dec 1584
80 - William Porter to Sir William Hatton. Release of rights in the manor of Crewe - 12 May 1596
81 - Counterpart of DCR/1/2/29
82 - Sir William Hatton to William Porthouse. Grant of an annuity of £15 on the Manor of Crewe, in consideration of a release of rights to that manor - 12 May 1596
83 - William Porthouse to Cooke. Assignment of an annuity of £15 - 28 Aug 1599
84 - To the same effect as DCR/1/2/32 - 10 Jul 1599
85 - The bishop of Chester to Sir Ranulph Crewe. Grant of 2 seats in Barthomley Church - 6 Oct 1637
86 - Edward Cooke to Ralph Crewe. Assignment of £15 granted by Sir Christopher Hatton to Cook. (see Bundle 2. 31) - 3 Jul 1617
87 - Robert, Lord Spencer, Sir William Spencer & Sir Thomas Crewe v. Sir Randle Crewe. Fine regarding the Manors of Barthomley, Warmingham, Sandbach, Newton, North Rode & Blacon - 20 Mar 1626
88 - Sir Ranulph Crewe's deed of revocation of uses vested by indenture of July 8th, 1623 in him as to the Manors of Crewe, Barthomley, Warmingham, Sandbach, Newton, Sutton, Northrode & Blacon - 16 Jun 1625
89 - Sir Ranulph Crewe to trustees. Voluntary settlement of the Manors of Crewe, Barthomley, Sandbach, Warmingham, Newton, Sutton, North Rode, Blacon, Fees of Warwick & Audley - 1 Jul 1625
90 - Sir Edward Coke & John Hobard v. Philip Oldfield & Thomas Gamul. Recovery of the Manors of Crew, Barthomley, Newton, Sutton, Warmingham, North Rode, Aston, Blacon & Willaston & lands in Erdewick, Boxhale, Winnington, Marthall, Moston, Kempeley, Whittock, Whistaston, Church Coppenhale, Monks Coppenhall, Middlewich, Henbury, Elton, Tetton, North Rode, Marton Chapel, Astbury, Ashton, Tenyn [Tarvin], Kelsall, Blacon, Mollington, Wollaston [Willaston, Worleston], Eastham & Newton & The Advowsons of Barthomley & Warmingham - 5 Oct 1629
91 - Roger Wilbraham, George Malbon, Thomas Throppe & William Cobb v. John Crewe esquire & others. Fine - Manors of Crewe, Barthomley, Sandbach, Newton, Sutton, Warmingham, Northrode, Hale & Ringay - 20 Apr 1659
92 - Samuel Rowe & Peter Royle v. Thomas Browne & Richard Parker. Recovery of the Manors of Crewe, Barthomley, Warmingham, Sandbach, Newton, Sutton, North Rode, Blacon - 21 Sep 1668
93 - Browne & Parker v. Crewe. Fine relating to the Manors of Crewe, Barthomley, Sandbach, Newton, Sutton, Warmingham, North Rode & Blacon & lands as in DCR/1/3/5 - 21 Sep 1668
94 - John Crewe, Thomas Browne & Richard Parker v. Samuel Rowe & Peter Royle. Deed declaring the uses of a fine - Manors of Crewe, Barthomley, Warmingham, Sandbach, Newton, Sutton, North Rode, Yeowood & Blacon & the Countess of Warwick's fees - 10 Dec 1668
95 - Counterpart of DCR/1/3/9
96 - John Crewe to Sir Thomas Mainwaring. Lease for a year of the Manors of Crewe, Barthomley, Warmingham, Sandbach, Newton, Sutton, North Rode, Yeowood, Blacon, Hale & Ringay & the fees of the Countess of Warwick - 15 Dec 1668
97 - Counterpart of DCR/1/3/11
98 - John Crewe to Sir Thomas Mainwaring & others. Deed stating the uses of the above grant - 1 Jun 1670
99 - John Crewe esquire to Thomas Chomley. Settlement of the Manors of Crewe, Barthomley, Warmingham, Sandbach, Newton, Sutton, North Rode, Yeowood, Blacon, Hale & Ringay, Co. Chester - 12 Apr 1677
100 - Eggerton Bart. to Thicknesse & others. Mortgage - land Balterley, Co. Chester - 20 Apr 1692
101 - Hough to Ffletcher. Assignment of a term of 99 years in land in Balterley, Co. Chester - 3 Jul 1697
102 - Thickness to Crewe. Release of Lathoms tenement in Crewe - 25 Jun 1698
103 - Cotton & Acton v. Wishaw & Norbury. Recovery of a messuage, garden, an orchard, 30 acres of lands, 10 acres of meadow & 30 acres of pasture in Crewe - 19 Sep 1698
104 - Walthall & others to Richard Vernon. Release of a messuage in Crewe - 22 Jul 1722
105 - Sir Chas. Hatton to trustees. Settlement of estates in Wollaston [Willaston, Worleston], Blacon, Warmingham, North Rode & Ashton, St. Trinity Chester The East Gate Chester, St. Oswald, St. John The Baptist, Ashton, St. Tervin, Kelsale [Kelsall], Wollaston [Willaston, Worleston], Eastham, Neston, North Rode, Marton Chapel, Astbury, Warmingham, Creswick, Pepul, Winnington, Marthall, Moston, Kenchy, Whillock [Wheelock], Coppenhall, Middlewich, Henbury, Elton, Tetton - 6 Feb 1581
106 - Sir Christopher Hatton, Sir John Hobart & John Walter to Ranulph Crewe esquire. Release of the Manor of Crewe, Barthomley, Newton & Sutton & The Advowson of Barthomley & the fees of the Countess of A. & W.: also lands Barthomley, Newton, Sutton, Middlewich, Haslington, Leighton, Namptwich [Nantwich], Stoke, Aston & Cholmeston [Cholmondeston], Crewe - 20 Jan 1609
107 - Sir Edward Coke to Richard Lea & Thomas Crewe. Grant & assignment of interest in & a term of years in the Manors of Newton & Sutton the fees of the Countess of Warwick & lands in Newton, Sutton, Middlewich, Haslington, Leighton, Namptwich [Nantwich], Stoke, Aston & Cholmeston [Cholmondeston] - 20 Feb 1609
108 - Lady Coke to Randle Crewe. Receipt for £2,500 for right to Crewe, Barthomley Newton & Sutton Manors, & to the Fees of the Countess of Warwich [Warwick] & Audley - 20 Feb 1608
109 - Sir Christopher Hatton to Randle Crewe. Acquittance for £3,800 - 20 Feb 1609
110 - Sir Edward Coke & wife & John Walter by the direction of Sir Christopher Hatton to Thomas Fanshaw Thomas & Robert Hatton. Surrender & grant of the Manors of Warmingham, North Rode, Willaston, Ashton & Blacon & the Bailwick of the Eastgate of the City of Chester - 10 Jul 1615
111 - Sir Christopher Hatton, Sir Edward Coke, Sir John Hobard & John Walter to Ranulph Crewe, Philip Ouldfield & Thomas Gamul. Deed declaring the uses of a recovery of the Manors of Crewe, Barthomley, Newton & Sutton, Warmingham, North Rode, Woolaston [Willaston], Aston & Blacon & the fees of the Countess of Warwick, the Eastgate Chester - 24 Nov 1608
112 - Counterpart of DCR/1/4/7
113 - Archbishop of Canterbury & others to Randle Crewe. An indenture for the declaration of the trust of the assignment of the reversion of - [?] - 25 Nov 1608
114 - The Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Exeter, Sir Edward Coke, Sir Christopher Hatton & Sir Henry Fanshaw to Richard Lea & Thomas Crewe. Grant & assignment of the Manors of Crewe, Barthomley, Newton & Sutton etc. (see DCR/1/4/2) granted to them by Letters Patent from James I & which devolved to James after the death of Queen Elizabeth who had extended them towards satisfaction for a debt due to the Crown from Sir Christopher Hatton, Lord Chancellor, for the arrearages of First fruits, tenths & subsidies of the clergy - 6 Apr 1610
115 - Sir Edward Coke & others to trustees for Sir Christopher Hatton. Surrender of the Manors of Warmingham, North Rode, Wollaston [Willaston, Worleston], Ashton, Blacon, The Bailiwick of Eastgate - 10 Jul 1615
116 - Sir Christopher Hatton, Robert Hatton & Thomas Hatton to Sir Ranulph Crewe. Ffeoffment of the Manors of Blacon, Warmingham, North Rode & Ashton, The Advowson of Warmingham, The Eastgate in The City of Chester & other places - as in DCR/1/4/1 - 14 May 1616
117 - Sir Christopher Hatton & Thomas Hatton to Sir Ranulph Crewe - Release of the Manors of Crewe, Barthomley, Newton, Sutton & the Advowson of Barthomley, the Fees of the Countess of Warwick & messuages & lands in Crewe, Barton, Anger, Newton, Sutton, Haslington, Middlewich, Leighton, Namptwich [Nantwich], Stoke, Ashton & Cholmeston [Cholmondeston] - 17 May 1616
118 - Sir Christopher Hatton to Sir Randle Crewe. Feoffment - as in DCR/1/4/12 - 11 Jun 1616
119 - Thomas Ffanshaw, John Bullock, William Ffanshaw Robert & Thomas Hatton v. Sir Edward Coke, knight, Elizabeth his wife, Sir Christopher Hatton & John Walter. Exemplification of a fine - Manors of Warmingham, Ashton, Blacon, Willaston & lands & tenem't in Warmingham, Erdeswick, Pephule, Wynnington [Winnington], Marthale [Marthall], Moston, Keyneshey [Kingsley?] Whillock [Wheelock], Whitaston [Wistaston], Church Coppenhale [Church Coppenhall], Henbury, Peyhale [Pexhall], Elton, Tetton, North Rode, Marton Chapel, Astbury, Ashton, Tervyn [Tarvin], Kelsall, Blacon, Mollington, Willaston, Eastham & Newton & The Advowson of Warmingham - 1 Jul 1616
120 - Robert & Thomas Hatton v. Sir Robert Rich & Frances, his wife. Exemplification of a fine - Manors of Nothroad [North Rode], Ashton, Blacon, Willaston, Crewe, Barthomley, Newton & Sutton, lands & tenements in places mentioned DCR/1/4/14 - 1 Jul 1616
121 - Sir Robert Rich, Sir Christopher Hatton, Robert Leigh, Sir Thomas Hatton, Nath. Rich, Sir John Rowse & Robert Shute, at the nomination of Sir Randle Crewe to Thomas Sothern & Richard Clutton. Grant & assignment of the Manors of Barthomley & The Advowson of the Church & Crewe, Newton, Sutton, North Rode, Warmingham & The Advowson of Warmingham and lands in Elton, Tetton, Blacon - 5 Jan 1618
122 - Sir Christopher, Sir Thomas & Sir Robert Hatton to Sir Ranulph Crewe. Acknowledgement of receipt of money for the purchase of the Manors of Northroad [North Rode], Warmingham, Ashton & Blacon - 12 Jun 1619
123 - Lord Exeter, Sir Edward Coke & wife & Sir Henry Fanshaw to Sir Christopher Hatton. Assignment of all their right & interest in the Manors of Warmingham, Northroad [North Rode], Woolaston [Willaston], Ashton & Blacon & lands & tenements there & in the City of Chester - 15 Jan 1616
124 - Sir Edward Coke & wife & John Walter, by direction of Sir Christopher Hatton. to Thomas Fanshaw, John Bullock, William Fanshaw, Thomas & Robert Hatton - Surrender and grant of the Manors of Warmingham, Northroad [North Rode], Woolaston [Willaston], Ashton & Blacon & the Eastgate in the City of Chester - 25 Jan 1616
125 - Common recovery in the court at Chester. Thomas Pigott v. Thomas Reade & Peter Leigh - Manors of Crewe, Farndon, Tattenhall, Spurstow, Crowton, & appurtenances - 13 Apr 1737
126 - Indenture. Richard de Bradewal leased to Thomas de Sonbach a piece of land in Bradewal [Bradwall] for term of 30 years at 8s.6d. a year. Warranty. Announcement of seal. Witnessed by Richard de Sonbach, Hugh de Venablys, Ralph de Brerton, Thomas de Wulok, Henry de Coten, Adam de Bothys, Nicholas, his brother & many others. Seal in green wax, on a tag - Whitsuntide 1275
127 - William Radcliff of Ordeshall granted to Ellisabeth, daughter of William Brereton, knight, all messuages, lands etc. held by Richard Raynaldson, Richard Provdgloue, John Meret, Robert Shagh, Nicholaus Smyth, Richard Henshe, Hugh Dame, William Skotte, John Peryngton, & Thomas Shagh, in Sandbach, Co. Chester. Seal in red wax, on a tag - 16 Sep 1289
128 - Indenture. John de Grey, son of Reginald de Grey, & Richard de Sondbache. The said Richard leased to John land & messuages in Sandbach, for 16 mares a year. Warranty. Announcement of seals. Witnessed by William de Praers, then sheriff of Chester, Robert de Bressy, Mathew de Bechinton, Roger Throstele, Alexander de Arclede, John de Bru'a, Adam Malbon, John de Coten & others. Seal in green wax on a tag - 29 Aug 1298
129 - Indenture. Richard, son of Thomas of Sondbache leased to William, son of Robert Cham turbary - namely the right for a man to dig the turves for 4 days each year. Seal in green wax, on tag - 5 Jun 1329
130 - Edward Wode acknowledged himself bound to Richard Sneyde in 200 mares - 1 Mar 1527
131 - William Ramesden of Longley & Richard Vavasor of Rippon quitclaimed to Hugh Fflythian of Tetton all rights in that messuage & land held by the said Hugh in Tetton - 4 Jun 1546
132 - Agreement that if Edward Braye kept the terms of an agreement a recognisance, in which he stood bound to Thomas Offley was null & void - 7 Apr 1551
133 - William Howye acknowledged himself bound to John Offley in 100 mares - 20 Apr 1557
134 - William Gratewood granted to John Preston a messuage & land in Peckeferton [Peckforton] - 3 Dec 1568
135 - William Radeclyff leased to Hughe Pottett a messuage in Sandbach - 18 Mar 1568
136 - Lovatt to Kenarley. Lease of land in Tetton - 14 May 1613
137 - Final Concord. Robert Hatton v. Robert Riche, knight, & Ffrancisca, his wife. Land in the City of Chester & the office of custodian of the East Gate - May 1616
138 - William Bourne acknowledged himself bound to John Offley in £300 - 3 Mar 1625
139 - John Crewe esquire to Sir Thomas Wilbraham & others. Lease for a year of estates in Crewe, Peckforton & Tattenhall - 28 Sep 1672
140 - William Antrobus to Oliver Lockett. Licence to revoke a deed of May 20th - 14 Aug 1681
141 - John Pearson to John Hochke - grant of a messuage in Weston - 12 Oct 1543
142 - Richard Latham - declaration of the uses of an enfeoffment made that day - 26 Apr 1572
143 - Nicholas Jackson to Henry Wright. Bargain & sale of land in Weston - 10 Jan 1578
144 - Thomas Steele & others to Hodkinson & Johnson. Marriage settlement of tenements etc. in Latham in Weston - 8 Feb 1602
145 - Richard Steele to Sir John Honeywood & others. Settlement on the marriage of William Steele with Elizabeth Godfrey - land in Weston - 12 May 1638
146 - Mr. Godfrey's covenant for a recovery of land in Sandbach & Weston - 12 Sep 1653
147 - Thomas Poole to James Hammott. Assignment of enclosures in Weston - 4 Mar 1697
148 - Richard Lister to John Goldsmith. Deed of feoffment - 29 May 1697
149 - Thomas Poole to Elizabeth Stonier. Assignment of the lower ground in Weston - 11 Feb 1697
150 - Richard Lister to John Goldsmith. Lease for a year - Weston - 28 May 1697
151 - Sir Thomas Delves, bart., to James Hamett. Bargain & sale of a messuage in Weston - 1 Jun 1697
152 - Sir Thomas Delves, by the direction of Richard Lister, to Richard Wilbraham. Bargain & sale of a messuage and land in Weston - 1 Jun 1697
153 - John Morrey & John Gouldsmith, by the direction of Mary Conway to John Egerton. Assignment of a term of years in trust to attend the inheritance of a farm in Weston - 20 Dec 1697
154 - John Goldsmith to Mary Conway. Lease for a year of land in Weston - 21 Dec 1697
155 - Release of the land mentioned DCR/1/6/15 - 22 Dec 1697
156 - William Cooke to Thomas Whitenshaw. Mortgage of land in Weston - 5 Oct 1697
157 - Dame Catherine Egerton to William Gamull & Robert Buckley. Land in Weston (Mortgage by way of release) - 20 Mar 1701
158 - Lease for a year of the land mentioned DCR/1/6/18 - 19 Mar 1700
159 - John Egerton & others to William Dod, clerk. Assignment of the above land in Weston - 21 Mar 1701
160 - Richard Wilbraham to William Cooke. Assignment of a messuage in Weston - 20 Sep 1700
161 - Thomas Cooker to Thomas Whiteenshaw. Assignment of a messuage in Weston - 5 Oct 1700
162 - Mr. Gamull & Mr. Buckley to Mr. Delves & Mr. Ellison. Lease for a year of land in Weston - 15 Feb 1703
163 - Sir Thomas Pershall & others to Sir Richard Lister. Assignment of term of 1,000 years created by Mr. Goldsmith - land in Weston - 16 Feb 1703
164 - William Gamull esquire & others to Messrs. Hughs & Ellison. Release of land mentioned DCR/1/6/23 - 16 Feb 1703
165 - Thomas Whitenshaw, by the direction of William Cooke, to Stephen Denston. Assignment of premises in Weston - 24 Jun 1703
166 - Act of Parliament to provide for the sale of lands of the late Richard Lister, to provide portions for his younger children - 1705
167 - Hugh Delves & Thomas Ellison to Crewe Offley. Release of a farm in Weston - 14 Aug 1706
168 - William Cooke to Mrs. Anne Crewe Offley. Lease & release of a messuage in Weston - 13 Nov 1705
169 - Rowland Brown to Messrs. Delves & Ellison. Lease for a year of land in Weston - 24 Dec 1705
170 - Rowland Browne to Messrs. Delves & Ellison. Release of a farm in Weston - 25 Dec 1705
171 - Robert Poole to Anne Crewe Offley. Release of enclosures & lands in Weston - 26 Dec 1706
172 - Will of Elizabeth Stonier - 24 Feb 1705
173 - Mr. Richard Lister to Messrs. Delves & Ellison. Release of a farm in Weston - 24 Jul 1706
174 - Messrs Delves & Ellison to Anne Crewe Offley. Lease of a farm in Weston - 13 Aug 1706
175 - Robert Poole to Anne Crewe Offley. Lease for a year of land in Weston - 25 Dec 1706
176 - Richard Davison to John Crewe. Assignment of a messuage in Weston - 2 Jun 1716
177 - Richard Lister & his wife to Mr. Robert Henbury. Lease for 3 lives of an estate in Weston - 4 Sep 1688
178 - Copy of the marriage settlement of widow Henbury - 23 Apr 1689
179 - Bond from Richard Lister to Mr. Henbury - 1 Jun 1697
180 - Mr. Henbury's purchase deed for the above estate in Weston - 1 Jun 1697
181 - Bond from Mr. Robert Henbury to Anthony Ward for £30 - 2 Oct 1713
182 - Bond from Mr. Robert Henbury to Ralph Shaw for £30 - 18 Jul 1713
183 - Bond from Robert Henbury to James Lea for £40 - 27 Sep 1723
184 - a) Bond from Mr. Robert Henbury & his son for £70 to Ralph Shaw. b) Bond from Mr. R. Henbury & his son to Nathaniel Waugh - 29 Sep 1730 - 11 Sept 1736
185 - Robert Henbury's will - 9 Oct 1744
186 - Mr. Henbury's deed of revocation of trusts made in a deed of March 23rd 1731 - 24 Nov 1744
187 - Mr. Henbury's settlement of his estate in Weston - 27 Nov 1744
188 - Robert Henbury to Mr. Slade & Lawton. Lease for a year of land in Weston - 26 Nov 1744
189 - Henbury to Timmis. Mortgage of land in Weston - 24 Jun 1746
190 - Bond Robert Henbury to Thomas Timmis - 24 Jun 1746
191 - Robert Henbury to R. Timmis - bond - 15 Nov 1746
192 - Assignment of 2 bonds for £30 & £70 & interest. Ralph Shaw to William Clowes - 28 Mar 1747
193 - Mrs. Henbury to Mr. Henbury - grant of land, Weston & receipt for above - 17 Jun 1747
194 - Henbury to Leighton. Bond to perform covenant - 24 Jun 1747
195 - James Henbury to Robert Henbury. Release for a legacy - 24 Jun 1747
196 - Mr. Henbury & his trustees to Mrs. Leighton. Mortgage for £500 of lands in Weston - 24 Jun 1747
197 - Thomas Timmiss & others to Robert Davison & Mrs. Leighton. Assignment of term of years in land in Weston - 24 Jun 1747
198 - Messrs. Robert & Thomas Henbury to Mr. George Lowe. Lease for a year of an estate in Weston - 14 Mar 1758
199 - Mr. Robert Henbury to Mr. Ralph Moreton. Mortgage for £500 - land at Weston - 29 Sep 1757
200 - Messrs. Robert & Thomas Henbury to Mr. George Lowe. Deed for suffering a recovery of land in Weston - 15 Mar 1758
201 - Transcript of the recovery of an estate in Weston - 1 Apr 1758
202 - Mr. Thomas Hanbury to Mr. Ratcliffe & Mr. Bate. Lease for a year of land in Weston - 28 Apr 1767
203 - Mr. Henbury to Mr. Moreton. Mortgages of land in Weston - 6 Sep 1760
204 - Mr. Thomas Henbury to Mr. Randle Kent. Bond for £800 & interest - 27 Mar 1766
205 - Mr. Ralph Moreton & Thomas & Robert Henbury to Mr. Randle Kent - assignment mortgage of an estate in Weston - 27 Mar 1766
206 - Mr. Thomas Henbury to Mr. Ratcliffe & Mr. Bate. Deed of release of an estate in Weston - 29 Apr 1767
207 - Settlement of the estate of Mr. Henbury - 23 Mar 1730
208 - Ffrances Pate Smith to Ann Oulton. Lease for 3 lives of a messuage in Greasty [Gresty] - 1686
209 - Sir Thomas Delves to Mr. Oulton. Grant of reversion of term of 500 years in a messuage in Greasty [Gresty] - 1 Jun 1697
210 - Ann Oulton to John Oulton. Lease of premises in Greasty [Gresty] - 26 Mar 1692
211 - Mr. Oulton to Messrs. Talbott & & Read. Demise for 440 years, by way of mortgage of premises in Greasty [Gresty] - 26 Mar 1701
212 - Talbott Crawford to John Oulton. Grant & surrender of premises in Greasty [Gresty] - 3 Feb 1705
213 - John Olton by the direction of Ann Crewe Offley to Richard Vernon. Demise for the remainder of a term of 500 years of a messuage in Greasty [Gresty] - 30 Mar 1705
214 - Monthly estate accounts - 1879-1892
215 - Sir George Waldegrave to Lord Coventry & Sir R. Crewe, executors of Sir Edward Coke - deed of indemnity against payment of a portion (Woldegrave's daughter had married Arthur, son of Sir Edward Coke) - 1636
216 - Counterpart of DCR/2/10/1
217 - Assignment of estate in trust by Robert Hulse for marriage of his son, John, with Kethern Cappur, daughter of Thomas Cappur - Kelsal Field, Tetton - 1636
218 - John Liddeatt to John Hulse - feoffment of fields - the Higher & Lower Outland, the round meadow, the further Blach Butts & the Nearer Blach Butts in Tetton - 4 Apr 1650
219 - Mrs. Hulse, widow to John Crewe - feoffment of the lands mentioned DCR/2/10/4 - 1661
220 - Fine. Sir Gilbert Ireland, knight & Margaret, his wife, to Thomas Hatton - messuages in Newton, Crowton, Cuddington, Kingsley, Heywood, Norley, Frodsham, Bradley, Milkton [Milton], Weverham [Weaverham], Namptwich [Nantwich], Acton, Littlelee [Little Leigh] & Northwich - 1665
221 - Sir Thomas Smith to William Higginson - lease for a year - 1666
222 - Release of the bakehouse & messuage mentioned DCR/2/10/7 - 1666
223 - Yates & Becket - plaintiffs v. Sir Thomas Smith. Fine - lands Middlewych [Middlewich] & Newton - 1666
224 - Sir Thomas Smith to Catherine Furnival - feoffment of the Short lands, the Gortty Croft, the Cross Bank, the Pingate, the Half Acre, the Rey Eddish in Newton - 1668
225 - Elizabeth Wood to Thomas Wrench - release of Crab Tree Croft in Newton - 1677
226 - Lease of the land mentioned DCR/2/10/11 (in preparation for release)
227 - Randle Furnival Marriage Settlement
228 - Release to complete settlement mentioned DCR/2/10/13 - 1680
229 - Parker to Furnival - lease of Smallwood Field & lands in Newton - 1693
230 - Release of land mentioned DCR/2/10/15
231 - Peter Minshul & John Minshul to Richard Vernon - deed of covenant for recovery of Reddish tenement in Newton & lands there, a messuage in Newton, 3 houses in Middlewich, a house in Kinderton & a messuage in Plumley - 1696
232 - Recovery provided for in DCR/2/10/17
233 - Mr. Thomas Wrench to Richard Vernon - covenant for fine of Crab Tree Croft in Newton - 1697
234 - John, son & heir of Peter Minshul to Richard Vernon - deed specifying uses of grants previously made to the said Richard - 1697
235 - Thomas Barnett to Randle Bealey - grant for 1,000 years of a barn in Newton & release of lands in Newton - 1698
236 - Peter Yates & Richard Vernon plaintiffs v. John Fenton & Susannah, his wife, & Thomas Wrench & Elizabeth, his wife - lands in Stanthorne & Newton - fine - 1698
237 - Randle Bealey's conveyance to Randle Ffurnivall of part of Butteyfeild in Newton - 1702
238 - Peter Minshull, Wishaw & Houghton to Richard Vernon - deed for recovery 4 houses in Cow Lane, Kinderton, house in Wheelock St. [in] Middlewich & 3 enclosures, called Batteson's crofts in Newton - 1703
239 - Thomas Wrench to Richard Vernon - release of equity of redemption of Crab Tree Croft in Newton - 1703
240 - Peter Minshull to Richard Vernon - release by mortgage of 4 mess., in Cow Lane in Kinderton, a house in Middlewich, Reddish farm in Newton, a tenement in Plumley & 3 fields in Newton, called Bateson's Crofts - 1706
241 - Thomas, by the direction of Peter Yates, to John Foden in truse for Richard Vernon - feoffment of Forster's Croft in Newton - 1708
242 - Furnival to Toft - lease for a year of the Short Land, the Cross Bank, the Pingott, the Half Acres, Smalwoods Field, an acre in Crabtreefields salthouse called the Pingott in Newton - 1713
243 - Release of the land mentioned DCR/2/10/28
244 - Richard Furnivall to Thomas Middlehurst & others - lease of the lands mentioned DCR/2/10/28 - 1715
245 - Release of the lands mentioned in DCR/2/10/30
246 - William Toft & others to Mary Dixon - mortgage of premises mentioned DCR/2/10/28 - 1715
247 - William Furnivall to William Toft - lease of the aforementioned lands - 1716
248 - Release (see DCR/2/10/33)
249 - Percival v. Middlehurst - common recovery above premises in Newton - 1716
250 - Deed to lead to the uses of a fine & recovery, suffered by William Ffurnivall as to lands & messuages in Newton - lands as in DCR/2/10/10, also common recovery and fine - 1717
251 - William Toft to Mary Dixon - lease & release of a messuage in Newton - 1717
252 - John Twamlow v. John Norbury - common recovery of lands in Tetton - 1722
253 - Philip & Ralph Hules to Norbury & Wilson - deed to lead to the uses of recovery of Yate Dield, Great Kelsal Field, the two little Kelsal Fields, the Long Meadow, the Green Close, the two Yard Closes in Tetton - 1722
254 - Catherine Powdrell to Thomas Weston - lease of Kelsal Field, Booth Lane Croft in Tetton - in preparation for common recovery - 1729
255 - Release of the land mentioned DCR/2/10/39
256 - The Coheirs of John Hulse to John Crewe - lease for a year, land at Tetton (Kelsals Fields & the two Booth Lane Crofts in Tetton) - 1730
257 - Release of land mentioned DCR/2/10/41
258 - Sir John Radcliffe to Ellen Furnival - feoffment of a messuage in Sandbach - 1612
259 - Sir John Radcliffe & others to William Raven - sale of a tenement in Sandbach, and counterpart - 1612
260 - Sir John Radcliffe & others to Baley & Dickenson - feoffment of tenement in Sandbach - 1612
261 - Steele, Mosse, Wright & Shaw to Sir John Radcliffe - defenzance for levying a fine - 1612
262 - Sir John Radcliffe to Richard Steele - bond for levying a find - 1612
263 - Richards, Steele & others to Sir John Radcliffe - deed for levying fine - messuage Sandbach - 1612
264 - Final Concord - Thomas Rowe, William Crombock, John Welde & Francisca, his wife - Sandbach, Bradwall, Elton & Warmyncham [Warmingham] - 1612
265 - John Weld to Rowe & Crombach - fine - Manor of Sandbach, Bradwall, Elton, & Warmyncham [Warmingham] - 1612
266 - Counterpart of DCR/2/12/9
267 - Counterpart of DCR/2/12/9 & DCR/2/12/10
268 - John Radcliff, Thomas Rowe & William Crombock to William Raven, Richard Steel, Hugh Mosse, William Shawe, William York & Oliver Lockett - 34 messuages, 6 cottages etc., in Sandbach, Bradwall, Elton & Warmingham - 1612
269 - Counterpart of DCR/2/12/12
270 - Fine as in DCR/2/12/13
271 - As DCR/2/12/14
272 - Dickinson & Baley to Ranulph Crewe - feoffment of a messuage & appurtenances in Sandbach - 1614
273 - John Manchell to Ranulph Crewe - release of right to the tithes of Sandbach - 1614
274 - Sir John Radcliffe plaintiff v. William Crombach & Thomas Rowe - feoffment of the Manor of Sandbach & appurtenances - 1613
275 - Sir John Radcliffe, William Crombach & Thomas Rowe to Ranulph Crewe - release of the Manor of Sandbach, with covenant to levy a fine - 1613
276 - John Jeffrey & Thomas Mainwaring v. Ranulph Crewe - recovery of the Manor of Sandbach & lands in Sandbach & Warmingham - 1613
277 - Ranulph Crewe plaintiff v. Sir John Radcliffe & others - fine - Sandbach & Warmingham - 1613
278 - Sir John Radcliffe, William Crombach & Thomas Rowe to Ranulph Crewe - release of right to Manor of Sandbach & land in Sandbach & Warmingham - 1614
279 - William Raven, son of John Raven to Sir Ranulph Crewe - feoffment of messuages in Sandbach - 1614
280 - Ranulph Crewe to Sir John Radcliffe - exemplification of fine - Manor of Sandbach - 1614
281 - Exemplification of DCR/2/12/20 - 1614
282 - John Shaw to William Shaw, Oliver Wright & John Norton - feoffment of two enclosures in Sandbach - 1615
283 - Margaret Richardson to Shaw, Wright & Newton - feoffment of a tenement in Sandbach - 1615
284 - John Shannon to John Shaw - feoffment of 2 enclosures in Sandbach - those mentioned DCR/2/12/26 - 1615
285 - Margaret Richardson to Raulph Sutton - feoffment of a cottage in Sandbach - 1618
286 - Sir John Radcliffe, Rowe & Crombach to Oliver Lockett - feoffment of messuages in Toskeley, Sandbach, Brereton, Bradwell [Bradwall] & Arclid - 1618
287 - William Ffurnevall to John Ffurneval - feoffment of a messuage in Sandbach - 1618
288 - Sir John Radcliffe, Thomas Rowe & William Crombach to Hugh Wright - bargain & sale of messuages in Toskeley, Sandbach, Brereton, Bradwell [Bradwall] & Arclid - 1619
289 - Sir John Radcliffe, Thomas Rowe & William Crombach to William Shaw - bargain & sale - messuages - places as in DCR/2/12/32 - 1619
290 - John Shaw to Hugh Sharman - feoffment of enclosures in Sandbach called the Hall Flatt, the next New Field, the Hall Meyn - 1621
291 - William & Richard Moss to Alexander Walthal & Henry Malbon - feoffment of the tithes of messuages in Sandbach and related documents - 1622
292 - John Furnivall to Richard Hatton & John Kent - settlement of a messuage in Sandbach - 1623
293 - Barrington v. Lockett - recovery of a messuage in Sandbach - 1628
294 - John Johnson to Thomas Noden & Richard Shaw -deed of covenant for the levy of a fine for enclosures called Wilfield, the Long Beames, the Little Beames & the Crosses Croft in Sandbach - 1630
295 - Hugh Wright to John Lockett - feoffment of land, Sandbach - 1630
296 - Counterpart of DCR/2/12/39 - 1630
297 - Fine from William Shaw to Ralph Shaw & George Twamlow for Taskley, Sandbach, Brereton, Bradwall, Arclid & Tastmere - 1630
298 - Thomas Proudlove & Hugh Wright to Lawrence Foster & others - deed of covenant for conveyance of messuage & appurtenances in Sandbach - 1630
299 - William Shaw to Randle Shaw & George Twamlow - deed declaring uses of a fine - 1630
300 - Gouldfinch to Sir Ranulph Crewe - bargain & sale of the great tithes of a messuage in Sandbach. 1630 fine relating to this - 1629
301 - Fine - John Johnson to Thomas Noden & Richard Shawe - pasture in Sandbach - 1630
302 - William Shaw to Sir Ranulph Crewe - lease of a messuage in Sandbach & appurtenances Taskeley, Brereton, Bradwell [Bradwall] & Arclid - 1631
303 - Release of the lands mentioned DCR/2/12/46
304 - Sir Ranulph Crewe to Hugh Wrighte - final concord - lands Taskeley, Sandbach, Brereton, Bradwell [Bradwall] & Arclid - 1632
305 - Thomas Shaw to Richard Shaw - feoffment of the Long Beam & other enclosures mentioned in DCR/2/12/38 - 1633
306 - Richard Shaw to Sir Ranulph Crewe - feoffment of enclosures mentioned DCR/2/12/49 - 1635
307 - Final Concord concerning parties & land mentioned in DCR/2/12/50 - 1636
308 - Sharman to Whittingham - grant of a messuage & enclosures in Sandbach called the Butt, the two further newfeildes, the hall meanes, the hall flatt, the two riddinges, the little hall flatt, the fower croftes next to hall flatt, the meadow adjoining the fewer corftes, the barnefeild, the brooke feildes, the will feild & the Cookesnowe in Sandbach - 1637
309 - Hugh Sherman & Humphrey Whittenden. Settlement on the marriage of the said Hugh & Katherine, daughter of the said Humphrey - land in Sandbach - 24 Jan 1639
310 - Sir Ranulph Crewe. Deed of revocation of uses expressed in an indenture of Feb. 22nd, 1633, as to 3 messuages in Sandbach - 28 Feb 1639
311 - Sir Ranulph Crewe to John Browne - Lease for a month of the Manor of Hale [?], Ringey & Sinderland, Co. Cheshire, with all appurtenances - 21 Mar 1639
312 - Ralph Sutton to Sir Ranulph Crewe. Lease for 4 months of a cottage & appurtenances in Sandbach - 1 Oct 1639
313 - Ralph Sutton to Sir Ranulph Crewe - release of a cottage & appurtenances in Sandbach - 5 Oct 1639
314 - Mr. John Lockett to Messrs. Barrington & others. Feoffment as a marriage settlement - lands Sandbach, Brereton, Bradwall, Archlade [Arclid] - 20 Oct 1647
315 - Acton v. Whittingham. Recovery of lands in Sandbach & Brereton - 29 Apr 1650
316 - Steel to Godfrey - lease for 6 months of all his lands in Sandbach & Wybunbury - 9 Sep 1653
317 - Release of the above lands - 12 Sep 1653
318 - William Oldfield to Joseph Minshall - lease for 2 months of land in Bradwall - 6 Oct 1654
319 - Joseph Minshall to William Oldfield - fine relating to the land in Bradwall - 9 Oct 1654
320 - Steele v. Ffurnivall - fine relating to lands in Sandbach - 30 Apr 1655
321 - William & Richard Steele to John Crewe esquire - lease for a year of lands in Sandbach, Weston & Chorley - 28 Mar 1661
322 - Release of the lands leased in DCR/2/13/14 - 29 Mar 1661
323 - Robert Tremlowe to John Crewe esquire. Lease for a year of 6 enclosures in Sandbach - 5 Oct 1654
324 - Crewe v. Steele. Fine relating to lands mentioned DCR/2/13/14, DCR/2/13/15 - 28 Jul 1662
325 - Liversage v. John Crewe esquire - recovery of lands in Sandbach & Weston - 28 Jul 1662
326 - Robert Trimlowe to John Crewe - release of enclosures in Sandbach - 6 Oct 1664
327 - John Sherman to John Smith & Edward Thompson - Deed of feoffment of a messuage in Sandbach - 1664
328 - Ffrancis Potts & John Mosse. Defeasance - 9 Jan 1665
329 - Probate of the will of Mr. John Mosse - 17 Mar 1665
330 - Moss to Lowndes & Hewett. Lease for six months of a messuage, called Yeawood House in Sandbach - 3 Apr 1665
331 - Counterpart of DCR/2/13/23
332 - Release of the land mentioned DCR/2/13/23 - 4 Apr 1665
333 - Moss to Lowndes & others. Deed to make a tenant to the precipe for suffering a recovery of Yeawood house - 4 Apr 1665
334 - Swettenham & Smith to Lowndes & Hewett - recovery of land in Sandbach - 1 May 1665
335 - Swettenham & others to Moss - deed declaring the uses of the above recovery - 15 May 1665
336 - Duplicate of DCR 2/13/27 - 1 May 1665
337 - Duplicate of DCR 2/13/29 - 15 May 1665
338 - John Moss to Fran. Potts. Demise for £1,000 as a mortgage of several several enclosures belonging to Yeawood House - 17 May 1665
339 - Potts to Moss. Defeazance of a recognizance of condition of performance of convenant - 1 Jul 1665
340 - William Foster to Ann Wold. Demise for 200 years of enclosures in Sandbach called the Fallings, Catherine Bottom, the Long Field, the found field, meadow, the Moore Meadow, the Woolley Field & the Long Meadow - 13 Jul 1665
341 - Messrs. Moss to Messrs. Smith & others. Deed of feoffment of Yeowood farm in Sandbach - 12 Dec 1665
342 - John Moss, by the direction of Francis Potts to Smith & Baduley. Feoffment of enclosures in Sandbach - part of Yeawood house, called the Higher Field, the Grange Moore, the Higher Field next the Heath, the Barley Field Wood, Two Adder Meadow & the Bridge Croft - 12 Dec 1665
343 - Counterpart of DCR/2/13/35 - 12 Dec 1665
344 - Joseph Minshull to Catherine Fowler. Lease, for 1,000 years of lands in Sandbach - the Barnfields, the ffox meadow, the two long ffields, the 2 hurler crofts & the bigger Cockshade - 24 Jan 1666
345 - Joseph Minshall to Hugh Venables - lease of enclosures in Bradwall - 13 Apr 1667
346 - John Crewe to Henry Moulsey. Lease by way of mortgage of a mess. called Yeowood House, within the Manor of Sandbach - 21 Sep 1667
347 - Henry Moulsey to John Crewe. Deed of feoffment of Yeawood Farm in Sandbach - 21 Sep 1667
348 - William Foster to John Crewe. Bargain & sale of lands in Sandbach - 18 Aug 1668
349 - Release of the lands conveyed in DCR/2/13/42 - 20 Aug 1668
350 - Anne Weld to John Crewe & George Pue. Assignment of several enclosures in Sandbach (those mentioned DCR/2/13/33) - 11 Nov 1668
351 - George Pue to John Crewe. Declaration of a trust, concerning the enclosures mentioned in DCR/2/13/44 - 12 Nov 1668
352 - Confirmation of Mr. Crewe pew, in Sandbach chancel - 20 May 1669
353 - Lease for a year of the lands mentioned in DCR/2/13/47 - 27 Jun 1669
354 - William Okes to George Pue. Assignment of enclosures called the Herne croft, the two heath crofts, the round field, the round field meadow & the Catherines Bottom in Sandbach - 1669
355 - Mr. Oliver Lockett to Messrs. Lounds & Thomson. Bargain & sale of lands in Sandbach - 3 Apr 1673
356 - Sir John Crewe to Thomas Lee. Release of a messuage in Sandbach, called the Well bank, the Hencroft, the Kiln Meadow, the Round field, the Round field meadow, the Woolley field, the longfield, the Catherine bottom, the Fouleings, the Moore Meadow, the Moore Croft, the Lane & Greene before the house - 20 Jun 1673
357 - Mr. Oliver Lockett & others to Mrs. Randle Poole & others. Deed stating the uses of a recovery suffered of lands in Taxley, Sandbach, Brereton, Bradwall & Archlade [Arclid] - 20 May 1673
358 - Thompson & others to John Smith & Edward Dean. Deed to levy a fine of a messuage in Sandbach - 20 Nov 1674
359 - Smith & Dean v. Thompson & others. Fine relating to the land mentioned in DCR/2/13/56. - 24 Jul 1675
360 - John Sharman to Randle ffoden - Lease for a year of a messuage in Sandbach - 24 Nov 1675
361 - William Johnson & John, his son, to John Acton. Lease for a year of a messuage in Sandbach - 17 May 1677
362 - Release of the land mentioned in DCR/2/13/59 - 18 May 1677
363 - Poole & Turner to Lownes & Thomason. Recovery of land in Toskeley, Sandbach, Brereton, Bradwall & Arclide [Arclid] - 8 Apr 1684
364 - Mr. Oliver Lockett's deed of revocation & further assignment of the land in which he was enfeoffed May 20th, 1673 - 14 Aug 1684
365 - Oliver Lockett & others to Martha Mottershed. Lease for a year of land in Toskeley, Sandbach, Brereton, Bradwell & Arclide [Arclid] - 24 Mar 1686
366 - John Leadbeater & others to Messrs Whishall & Tomlinson. Deed to lead to the uses of a fine of 2 messuages in Sandbach - 13 Sep 1686
367 - Mr. Oliver Lockett & others to Messrs Davenport & Royle. Release of a messuages and land in Taxley, Sandbach, Brereton, Bradwell & Arclide [Arclid] - 22 May 1686
368 - Lease for a year of the land mentioned in DCR/2/13/66 - 21 May 1686
369 - Wishaw & Tomlinson v. Houghton & Davenport. Common recovery of land in Sandbach - 29 Mar 1686
370 - Strettell & Leadbeater v. Houghton & Davenport. Fine of land in Sandbach - 2 Mar 1686
371 - Vernon & Smethurst v. Leadbeater; Fine relating to land in Sandbach - 4 Apr 1687
372 - Sir John Crewe v. Vernon. Recovery of lands in Sandbach - 4 Apr 1687
373 - Leadbeater & others to Sir John Crewe. Deed declaring the uses of a recovery of enclosures in Sandbach - the Hall Flatt, the Hall Means, the Farther New Field, the Nearer New Field & the Riddings - 25 Apr 1687
374 - Recovery mentioned in DCR/2/13/72 - 4 Apr 1687
375 - Deed of revocation from Oliver Lockett of deed of May 22nd., 1686 & appointment of the land mentioned in the said deed to the use of himself in fee - 23 Mar 1686
376 - Oliver Lockett & others to Martha Mottershead. Release by way of mortgage of a messuage & appurtenances in Toskeley, Sandbach, Brereton, Bradwell & Arclide [Arclid] - 25 Mar 1687
377 - Leadbeater & wife to Sir John Crewe. Deed of covenant to levy a fine & suffer a recovery of a messuage called the House in the Town & a barn belonging to it, called Cooks Knoll Croft in Sandbach - 4 Apr 1687
378 - Agreement between old Mr. Crewe & Jonah Bower for a seat in Sandbach Church - 14 Nov 1689
379 - Messrs. Davenport & Royle to Oliver Lockett. Licence for the revocation of deeds of May 21st, 22nd, 1686 - 23 Mar 1686
380 - Oliver Lockett to Martha Mottershead - mortgage - lands Toskeley, etc. - 1689
381 - Counterpart of DCR2/14/1
382 - Oliver Lockett & John Lockett to Martha Mottershead - further charge by way of mortgage - places mentioned as in DCR/2/14/1 - 1691
383 - Counterpart of DCR/2/14/2
384 - Leadbeater to Sir John Crewe - release of a messuage called Lead beater's tenement & enclosures called the Great Hall Flatt, the Little Hall Flatt, the Hall means, the two further new fields, the two riddings, the four crofts, the Barne field, the brooke field, the Mill Field & the Cooksnow in Sandbach - 1692
385 - John Lockett to Richard Jackson - lease for a year - lands in Toskeley, Sandbach, Brereton, Bradwall & Archlade [Arclid] - 1694
386 - Release of the lands mentioned in DCR/2/14/6
387 - Mrs. Martha Mottershed to Mrs. Anne Crewe Offley - lease for a year - places at which land lay as in DCR/2/14/6 - 1694
388 - Release of lands mentioned DCR/2/14/8
389 - Richard Jackson to Anne Crewe Offley - lease for a year - places as mentioned in DCR/2/14/6 - 1694
390 - Release of lands mentioned DCR/2/14/10
391 - Sir John Crewe to Mrs. Anne Crewe Offley - bargain & sale by way of mortgage of lands in Sandbach - 1700
392 - Anne Crewe Offley, widow & Moseley to Parker & Watts - lease of Yeowood House in Sandbach - 1709
393 - Release of Yeowood House (see DCR/2/14/13)
394 - John Parker & William Watt to John Browne - recovery of a messuage in Sandbach - 1709
395 - Charles Duckenfield & others to to John Crewe - bargain & sale of messuages in Sandbach, Chorley, Burwardsley & Weston - 1723
396 - John Crewe to John Ward - bargain & sale by way of mortgage of messuages in Sandbach - 1720
397 - Mr. John Ward & others to Peter Leigh esq., & Hen. Wright - bargain & sale of messuages in Sandbach subject to redemption on payment of 2,000 & interest - 1721
398 - Limitation of a term of 1,000 years in lands in Sandbach for better securing of a sum of 12,000, lent to Mr. Crewe by Sir Richard Sherrard - 1728
399 - Sir Brownlowe Sherrard to Randal Wilbraham - assignment of 1,000 years term of lands in Sandbach - 1734
400 - Copy of two [?] Warrants in Weston - 1584
401 - Typper & Cartwright to Leversage Steele & others - conveyance of tithes of Sandbach - 1598
402 - William Typper & Richard Cartwright to Thomas Ryvet - bargain & sale of 3 tithe barns & a yard in Sandbach Co. Chester & a cottage - part of a late monastery in Co. Stafford (monastery of Dieulacres) - 1602
403 - William Leversage & Richard Steele to Randel Shaw - release of tithes of lands in Sandbach - 1599
404 - John Machell to Randel Shawgrant of tithes of a mess. in Sandbach - 1598
405 - Rivett & Saunders to Sir John Radcliffe - bargain & sale of 2 tithe barns - Town Barn & Rathbone Barn in Sandbach - 1605
406 - Counterpart of DCR/2/15/5 - 1605
407 - Rivett & Saunders to Sir John Radcliffe - feoffment of the Great Tythes in Sandbach - 1607
408 - Rivett & Saunders to Sir John Radcliffe - deed of covenant for further assignment of feoffment mentioned in DCR/2/15/7 - 1607
409 - Rivett & Saunders to Sir John Radcliffe - bargain & sale of great tithes in Sandbach - 1608
410 - Release & confirmation of the tithes mentioned DCR/2/15/9 - 1608
411 - Sir Robert Needham esquire to Sir John Radcliffe - bargain & sale of a messuage in Sandbach & 5 acres of land - 1610
412 - Sir Robert Needham to Sir Alexander Radcliffe - bargain & sale of enclosures in Sandbach, containing 2 acres (previously held by Proudlove) - 1610
413 - Sir John Radcliffe v. Sir Robert Needham - fine - lands in Sandbach - 1610
414 - John Weld to Sir John Radcliffe - deed of covenant - Manor of Sandbach - 1611
415 - Sir John Radcliffe to John Welde - bargain & sale of the Manor of Sandbach & lands in Sandbach & Warmingham - 1611
416 - Counterpart of DCR/2/15/15
417 - Sir John Radcliffe to George Vernon - deed of covenant - mortgage - Manor of Sandbach - 1611
418 - Sir John Radcliffe to Steele, Mosse, Wright & Shaw - bargain & sale of messuage in Sandbach - 1611
419 - Sir John Radcliffe to Mr. Vernon - discharge from payment of £2,200 - mortgage of land Sandbach - 1611
420 - Sir John Radcliffe to Sir Ranulph Crewe - bargain & sale of tithes Sandbach & Warmingham - 1613
421 - John Welde to Sir John Radcliffe - bargain & sale of the Manor of Sandbach - 1612
422 - Rowe & Crombach, by the direction of Sir John Radcliffe to Richard Steele - feoffment of a messuage & lands in Sandbach - 1612
423 - Sir John Radcliffe to Margaret Richardson - feoffment of a tenement in Sandbach - 1612
424 - Radcliffe & others to John Wright - bargain & sale of a messuage in Houning's lane in Sandbach - 1612
425 - Radcliffe & others to Furnevall - feoffment of a messuage in Sandbach - 1612
426 - Sir John Radcliffe & others to William Shaw - feoffment of a tenement in Sandbach - 1612
427 - Sir John Radcliffe to Randel Shaw - feoffment of a messuage in Sandbach - 1612
428 - Sir John Radcliffe & others to Thomas Whitaker - feoffment of a messuage in Sandbach - 1612
429 - Sir John Radcliffe to Hugh Mosse - feoffment of a tenement in Sandbach - Yewoods House - 1612
430 - Counterpart of DCR/2/15/29 - 1612
431 - Sir John Radcliffe & others to Oliver Wright - feoffment of a messuage in Sandbach - 1612
432 - Counterpart of DCR/2/15/31 - 1612
433 - Sir John Radcliffe & others to William Shawe - feoffment of the Manor of Sandbach - 1612
434 - Sir John Radcliffe & others to William Warmingham - feoffment - messuages etc. Sandbach & Warmingham - 1612
435 - Sir John Radcliffe & others to Hugh Chairman - feoffment - Manor of Sandbach - 1612
436 - Sir John Radcliffe to William Cliffe - feoffment - Manor of Sandbach - 1612
437 - View of frankpledge & court Baron for the Manor of Tattonhall [Tattenhall], April 26th, 1604 - 1602
438 - Rentals for P. - Seventeenth Century - injured by damp
439 - List (on paper) of deeds relating to Peckforton (3 documents) - 1538
440 - Rowland Hyll leased to Roger Brereton a messuage in Peckforton - 1536
441 - Roger Brerton transferred the said messuage to James Calveley - 1555
442 - Counterpart of DCR/2/18/3 - 1555
443 - Sir Roulland Hill leased to Thomas Rode a messuage in Peckforton - 1561
444 - William Gratewod bargained & sold to Thomas Houghton all growing crops etc. in Peckforton, Bunburye [Bunbury] & Haughton - 1568
445 - Bond. William Gratewood to John Preston - 1568
446 - William Gratewood bargained & sold to John Preston a messuage in Peckforton - 1568
447 - John Preston bargained & sold to David Calveley a messuage in Peckforton - 1571
448 - Release - John Preston to David Calveley - the above messuage in Peckforton - 1571
449 - David Calveley to James Hankynson - lease of a messuage in Peckforton - 1577
450 - Ales Corbette to her son, Peter - grant of Manor & Rectory of Childefarrall, Co. Shropshire - 1587
451 - List of tenants of Peckforton & details of the lands which they held - 1585
452 - David Calveley leased to John Glou', chief schoolmaster of Bunbury, enclosures in Peckforton - 1590
453 - List of evidences given by Peter Corbett to David Calveley - 1590
454 - Peter Corbett to David Calveley - lease of the Manor of Peckforton - 1590
455 - David Calveley to feoffees for the use of his children - lands Peckforton - 1600
456 - Richard Povall to Bartholomewe Symcowe - lease - Peckforton - 1600
457 - Counterpart of DCR/2/18/18
458 - John Crewe v. George Calveley - fine - Peckforton - 1627
459 - Robert Dingley & Rebecca, his wife, George Wyche & Nathanniell Wyche surrendered to John Crewe enclosures in Peckforton - 1657
460 - George Calveley to John Crewe - release of a messuage at Peckforton - 1659
461 - Fine - Knightley, Cholmondeley & Lee, plaintiffs, v. John Crewe - fine - Peckforton, Wardle, Sandbach, Chorley, Weston, Eaton, Tarporley, Rushton, Haughton & Tattenhall - 1672
462 - Fine - John Crewe of Utkinton & Mary, his wife, & John, his son - to Sir Thomas Wilbraham, Sir Combe Wagstaff - Manor of Eaton & estates in Peckforton, Bunbury, Sandbach, Chorley, & office of chief forester of the Forest of More & Mondrum, otherwise Delamere - 1676
463 - Indenture. William de Brereton granted to Richard, son of Thomas de Sonbach half the Township of Sproustou [Spurstow] - 2 May 1313
464 - George Spurstowe granted to Richard Grosvenor & Ffulke Aldersey his messuage in the co. of Chester so that a common recovery might be made of them - 20 May 1593
465 - George Spurstow & Ann Hickes - Marriage Settlements - 1 Jun 1627
466 - George Spurstowe granted to John Spurstowe an annuity of £10 - 29 Aug 1630
467 - Elizabeth Spurstow leased to George Spurstow an enclosure called marles ffeild in Spurstowe [Spurstow] - 26 Mar 1656
468 - William Stafford & Anne, his wife, Charles Kirkham, Magdalen, his wife & Mary Spurstow granted to Henry Kirkham, Thomas Sheppard, Thomas Manley, George Gates, John Allen, John Redderam, Edw. Goulston, William Burletson, Augustin Barker, John Carter, Thomas Meares, John Warner, John Rogers, Richard Burneman, Phillipp Styles, Thomas Sutton, John Sherbrooke & others the manor of Spurstow - 23 Apr 1686
469 - William Stafford, Anne, his wife, Charles Kirkham & Magdalen, his wife, & Mary Spurstow, granted to the group mentioned in DCR/3/19/6 the Manor of Spurstow - 9 Nov 1687
470 - Articles of agreement between Thomas Norwood, Mary Spurstow & John Mainwaring - relates to the Manor of Leckhampton - 20 Jun 1693
471 - Fine relating to DCR/3/19/6 and DCR/3/19/7 - 18 Sep 1699
472 - Sir John Crewe revoked the settlement relating to certain lands in Sandbach, Burwardsley, Weston & Cholley [Chorley], in order that they might be sold - 1702
473 - Sir John Crewe to Charles Duckenfield - release of the Hall of Sandbach & an annual rent from Chorley, Bebbingtons tenement in Burwardsley & 3 messuages & lands in Weston - 4 Jun 1702
474 - Sir John Crewe to Sir John Mainwaring - lease of the Manor of Spurstow - 24 Jul 1702
475 - Sir John Crewe to Sir John Mainwaring & others - settlement of the Manor of Spurstow - 25 Jul 1702
476 - Surrender from the tenants to John Crewe the elder & his sons of Tattenhall, Spurstow, in order to suffer a recovery - 10 Feb 1736
477 - John Crewe, Charles Crewe & Joseph Crewe to Thomas Read, Peter Leigh & Thomas Pigott - deed to load to the recovery of Crewe, Also a bundle of receipts & legal papers 1658 - 1705, relating to Spurstow, before John Crewe purchased it - 9 Mar 1737
478 - Thomas Becalhurst to Thomas Dodd - grant of messuages in Bunbury, also counterpart - 4 Oct 1508
479 - John Spurstow, Randal to Thomas Spurstow - Marriage Settlement - Sep 20 1536
480 - Ranulph Spurstow to Thomas Wilbram - settlements of 2 messuages in Bryndeley [Brindley] - 16 Aug 1551
481 - George Spurstow and Bridget Bolton - Marriage Settlements
482 - George Spurstow to William Marbury, Henry Leigh, Peter Egerton & Peter Brook - deed of covenant to levy a fine for land in Spurstow, Haughton & Bunbury - 10 Apr 1573
483 - George Spurstow to Thomas Wilbraham & Fulk Aldersley - deed of covenant to levy a fine of Spurstow, Burwardsley, Houghton [Haughton], Bunbury & Brindley - 1584
484 - George Spurstow & Thomas Brook - deed of covenant to settle an estate worth £40 on the marriage of the daughter of the said George with Thomas Brook - 12 Aug 1592
485 - George Spurstow to Thomas Brooke - deed to levy a fine of a fine of a messuage & lands in Spurstow & Bunbury - 1 Apr 1593
486 - Sir George Mainwaring to John Bibington - release of the right to enclose a messuage & lands in Burwardsley - 14 Sep 1602
487 - George Spurstowe to John Kettle - articles of agreement as to the erection of a mill in Burwardsley - 6 Jan 1616
488 - Randle Bulkeley to Dorothy Cheetwood - bargain & sale of an enclosure in Houghton [Haughton] - 24 Apr 1623
489 - Randle Bulkeley to Dorothy Cheetwood - bargain & sale of a croft in Houghton [Haughton] - 18 Jun 1623
490 - George Spurstow, Elizabeth his wife, George his son & Ann Hickes to William Downhale, Robert Hickes & Robert Ketterich -settlement of the Manor of Spurstow, & Spurstow Hall & lands in Spurstow, Burwardsley, Haughton & Brindley - 18 Jun 1627
491 - Palyn to Haughton. Release of right to a messuage in Haughton with the Kiln Croft & the adjoining croft - 15 Sep 1630
492 - Sir William Brereton, Arthur Aldbrough & Richard Egerton to Robert Benyson. Feoffment of a messuage in Haughton, already occupied by the said Robert - 2 Sep 1637
493 - Humphrey Kelsall and Mary Piggott - Marriage Settlements
494 - George Spurstowe to Messrs. Laurenson - lease of Hattons Farm in Spurstow - 20 Sep 1658
495 - George Spurstowe to Messrs John Lawrenson & his son, John. Lease of enclosure called the Hay Ridding, the Ashe grounds, the crow wood, the crow wood meadow, the near Pooles, the nearer Pooles and the gostrey kiln & Hatto farm - Spurstow - 20 Sep 1658
496 - Benison to Crewe - lands in Hayghton [Haughton] - 31 Aug 1663
497 - Benison to Crewe-lease for a year - lands in Hayghton (Haughton) - 18 Mar 1662
498 - Release of the land mentioned DCR/3/20/20 - 23 Mar 1662
499 - Humphrey Kelsal to John Crewe - lease for a year - lands in Haughton - 7 Apr 1662
500 - Humphrey Kelsall to John Crewe. Release of enclosures in Haughton. Also (Aug. 31st) Final concord relating to them - 8 Apr 1662
501 - Robt. Benyson to William Haughton - feoffment of a messuage & lands in Haughton - 14 Jul 1655
502 - George Spurstow & John Gardner. Mortgage of the Hall of Spurstow & lands called the Poole field, the 2 mill meadows & the Hill Fields in Spurstow Co. Cheshire - 20 Sep 1658
503 - Leonard Egerton to John Bebington - release of a messuage in Burwardsley called the Croft by the House, the Birch Croft, the Rough Croft & the Great Field - 7 Aug 1662
504 - Robert Benyson & wife to John Crewe - feoffment of enclosures called the Lower Ground, the High Field, the Round Field, the marled Field, the Higher Meadow & the Lower Meadow in Haughton - 4 Jun 1665
505 - George Spurstow to trustees. Marriage Settlement - 10 Jul 1669
506 - Ralph Bebbington to Sir John Crewe - lease for a year of Bebbington tenement in Burwardsley - 20 Jan 1673
507 - Release of the above tenement - 21 Jan 1673
508 - William Stafford, Charles Kirkham & Mary Spurstow to Henry Kirkham & others. Lease for a year of the Manors of Spurstow & Spurstow Hall - 8 Nov 1687
509 - Henry Kirkham & John Pewton v. Charles Kirkham & Mary Spurstow - final concord - 2 thirds of the Manor of Spurstow - also counterpart - 13 Apr 1692
510 - Edmund Stafford to William Peere Williams - Mortgage of the Manor of Spurstow & messuages in Spurstow, Burwardsley, Bunbury & Brindley - 1696
511 - Deed by which the above mortgage was assigned to Alexander Robertson by the said Edmund & William, and related document - 1 Apr 1698
512 - Stafford & his wife to Hutcheson - bargain & sale of the lands mentioned in DCR/3/21/2 in order that a find might be levied - 2 Apr 1698
513 - Articles of agreement between John Spurstow & Charles Kirkham for release of rights in the premises mentioned in the preceding deed - 21 Jun 1698
514 - Richard Draksford v. John Spurstowe - final concord relating to the manor or Spurstow - 19 Sep 1698
515 - John Spurstow to Thomas Drake & others - deed to declare the used of a fine of the Manor of Spurstow & messuages, lands & tenements in Sandbach - to be held to the use of Stafford, Kirkham & Norwood - 23 Sep 1698
516 - Edmund Stafford to Sir John Holt - Mortgage of premises mentioned in DCR/3/21/2 - Also 2 counterparts (quadrapartite indenture) - Jul 1699
517 - Edmund Stafford to Edward Buckley - feoffment of a house in Haughton or Spurstow. Also Counterpart, fine and related document - 26 Jul 1699
518 - Edmund Stafford to John Shore - conveyance of an estate in Spurstow, and counterpart - 26 Jul 1699
519 - Robert Jones v. Thomas Norwood - fine of the Manor of Spurstow - 18 Sep 1699
520 - Edmund Stafford to Edward Buckley - Conveyance of the wall croft in Haughton & Spurstow - 10 Feb 1700
521 - Edmund Stafford to Thomas Rawlond - conveyance of an estate in Bunbury - namely a messuage & 2 enclosures called Billinges Tenement - 10 Feb 1700
522 - Edmund Stafford to John Shore - counterpart conveyance of the Higher Hellins & the Gorsty Hellins - 10 Feb 1700
523 - Messrs. Stafford, Kirkham & Norwood & their wives to Mr. Aldersey - release of premises in Bunbury - 21 May 1700
524 - Messrs. Stafford, Kirkham, Norwood & their wives & John Crewe to Mr. Aldersey - counterpart of declaration of trust that the fine levied to Sir John Crewe was for the use of Mr. Aldersley as to a piece of building in Bunbury called the Coach House & enclosures in Spurstow - 6 Feb 1701
525 - Edmund Stafford to Thomas Hitchcocke - release of a messuage in Spurstow - 1 Jul 1700
526 - Mr. Aldersey to Mr. Stafford - conveyance of a building in Bunbury - 20 May 1700
527 - Edward Stafford & Hutchinson to Sir John Crewe - release of the third part of the manor of Spurstow - 6 Mar 1700
528 - Edmund Stafford to Sir John Crewe - bargain & sale of the manor of Spurstow - 10 Jul 1700
529 - Edmund Stafford to Thomas Launder - deed to declare uses of a fine relating to a mess. in Spurstow - 15 Jan 1701
530 - Edmund Stafford to Thomas Hitchcock - declaration of the uses of fine - relating to the messuage purchased - see DCR/3/21/17 - 15 Jan 1701
531 - Edmund Stafford & others to Sir John Crewe - Deed to declare the uses of a fine of the hall of Spurstow - 26 May 1701
532 - Trustees of Mr. Norwood to Sir John Crewe - release of the manor of Spurstow (Marriage Settlement) - 9 Jul 1701
533 - Edmund Stafford, Charles Kirkham, Thomas Norwood & Sir John Crewe to John Shore - declaration of uses of a fine relating to Manor & lands in Spurstow - 2 Mar 1705
534 - Survey of the estate at Spurstow before Sir John Crewe purchased it & papers giving the rents of the inhabitants of the parish of Bunbury, copies of fines, etc. account of the purchase money - n.d
535 - Order for the induction of John Wrench to the rectory of Warmingham - 1646
536 - Will of Mr Spurstow - 7 Dec 1676
537 - Copy of the purchase deed, by which Sir John Crewe acquired Spurstow Manor - 10 Jun 1700
538 - Richard, son of Richard le Stalker released to William de Spurstowe & John, his brother 10s. annual rent from a tenement in Halghton [Halton] - for term of 27 years. Latin - 16 Jun 1331
539 - George Spurstowe - letter of attorney - 1630
540 - William, son of William de Spurstowe granted to Richard, his son, his tenement in Spurstow. Latin - 1319
541 - Richard le Stalke of Spurstow granted granted to Richard, son of William de Spurstowe half a tenement in the Township of Spurstow. Latin - 22 Jun 1371
542 - Halmote roll for Spurstow. Latin - 25 Nov 1410
543 - Indenture between Robert Spurstowe & Ranulph Spurstowe - lease of messuage in Spurstow. With this charter is preserved a second charter - namely an indenture by which Ralph Dauenport of Calveley & John Gregory, chaplain, leased to Richard Spurstowe & Hugh Capper messuage in Spurstow. Latin - 20 Apr 1493
544 - Indenture - award of Randulph Brereton, Edumunde Bulkeley, William Tatton & Jankyn Aldersey, arbiters between Randulph Spurstow & Mawde, his mother, as to pieces of land in Spurstow which the said Mawde claimed as part of her jointure - 1 Jun 1496
545 - Indenture. John Wotton, Margaret, his wife, Elsabeth Pole - daughters of John Pole & co-heiresses to their brother, James released to John Spurstowe all their rights to lands in Spurstow & undertook to deliver up all charters relating to the said lands - 16 Jun 1520
546 - Indenture - William Philipp & Agnes his wife, leased to John Spurstowe the dower lands, which Agnes received from her former husband, John Pole, in Spurstow - 14 Feb 1530
547 - John Pavys of Spurstowe, John Aston, William Johnson acknowledged themselves bound in 200 marcs to George Spurstowe - 30 Aug 1588
548 - Sir Edward Unton & Henry, his son, to Sir Christopher Hatton - release of right to the Manor of Wollaston [Willaston, Worleston], Blacon, Warmingham, Northroad [North Rode] & Ashton, & the advowson of Warmingham & the custody of the Eastgate, Chester - 5 May 1580
549 - Sir Christopher Hatton & others to Sir William Cecil - Deed of covenant to assure Lady Oxford to her jointure from Wollaston [Willaston, Worleston], Blacon, Northroad [North Rode] Manors. Sir Christopher had purchased the reversion - 5 May 1580
550 - Sir Edward Unton & Henry, his son, Francis Flower, Henry Dodge & John Knight to Sir Christopher Hatton - release of right to the Manors of Wollaston [Willaston, Worleston] Warmingham, Northroade [North Rode] & Ashton, the Advowson of Warmingham & the Eastgate, Chester - 6 Nov 1580
550a - Exemplification of the fines of the estates purchased by Sir Christopher Hatton from Robert Thomas and Gregory Fulleshurst, Thomas Broke, Robert Leeche, Richard Wright, Richard Bressye, Richard Wilbraham and Richard Bresseye, William Leversage, Sir Hugh Cholmondeley and Lord Oxford. Manors of Crewe, Bartumley [Barthomley], Newton and Sutton, the advowson of Bartumley [Barthomley] and lands in the townships of Crewe, Bartumley [Barthomley], Newton, Haslyngton [Haslington], Middlewich, Wollaston, Blacon, Mollington, Kelsall, Eastham, Neston, Northrode [North Rode], Marton Chapel, Astburie [Astbury], Warmingham, Erdeswicke [Eardswick], Pexull [Pexall], Winnington, Marthall, Moston, Kembey, Whillocke [Wheelock], Coppenhall, Benbury [Bunbury], Elton, Tetton and the custody of Eastgate, Chester. Latin. - 1586
551 - Ranulf de Alsacher & Beatrix his wife & Beatrix, their daughter, quitclaimed to Ranulf de Preig, rector of Bertymleg' all right to take legal action. Announcement of seal. Witnessed by Patric de Crewe, John de Coton, Magister Walter de Evisham, Magister Robert de Moule, Magister William de Lancton. Given in the Chapel at Nantwich. Fragment of seal in dark brown wax, on a tongue. Latin - 20 Jul 1297
552 - Robert Cotton to William Bands - sale of the office of bailiff of the Hundred of Nantwich - 26 Mar 1575
553 - William Hatton to Mathew Wright - grant of the tolls of Nantwich - 20 Sep 1596
554 - Sir Edward Coke to John Pearson - grant of the clerkship of Nantwich - 1606
555 - Indenture. Mathew Mainwaring granted to John, his son, all rights in the office of Bellmanship of Nantwich - 3 Oct 1625
556 - John Crewe Offley to Sam. Hulsey - appointment of a clerk of the Church of Nantwich - 1 Nov 1685
557 - Sir Ranulph Crewe to Mathew Mainwaring - grant of the Bellmanship of Nantwich for 90 years - 25 Sep 1626
558 - Mathew Mainwaring to John Mainwaring - assignment of office of Bellmanship, tolls of fish stalls etc., in Nantwich for 99 years - 18 Aug 1627
559 - Sir Randulph Crewe - appointment of John Hussy to be clerk of Nantwich - 18 Sep 1629
560 - Thomas Mainwaring to Mathew Mainwaring - assignment of the Bellmanship & tolls in Nantwich - 27 Aug 1633
561 - Mathewe Mainwaringe & his son to Sir Ranulph Crewe - surrender of the office of Bellmanship - 29 May 1636
562 - Sir Ranulphe Crewe to John Hussie - appointment of clerk of Nantwich - 18 Sep 1639
563 - John Crewe to Samuel Hussey - appointment of Parish clerk - 5 Mar 1680
564 - Exemplification - recites a grant of John, abbot of Cambermere, April 25th, 1538, to William Moristerson & his assigns of the small tithes of the Parish of Nantwich; grant of the said tithes to W. Hassal & Wilbraham - 27 Jun 1592
565 - Exemplification of a grant of the Easter roll & tithes of Nantwich late in the tenure of Hassall, Wilbraham & Walthall, now granted to Ralph Wise - 30 Jul 1628
566 - Exemplification of grant by indenture from Ralph Wise & Henry Harryman to Sir Randle Crewe & his heirs of the Easter roll & tithes of Nantwich & the advowson of the Church - 3 Mar 1631
567 - Lord Oxford to Seyton. Lease of the Manor of Blacon - 10 Feb 1536
568 - Lord Oxford to Rochester - reversion of the lease of the Manor of Blacon - 30 Jul 1543
569 - Robert Rochester to Henry Pecham - lease of the Manor of Blacon - 4 Jan 1549
570 - Henry Pecham to Sir William Norres - bargain & sale of Blacon Manor - 1 Jul 1552
571 - Ffrere to Mollineaux - assignment of reversion of the lease of Blacon Manor - 26 Jun 1563
572 - Morley to Norris - bond - 26 Apr 1573
573 - Lord Oxford to Mr. Morley - Lease of Blacon Manor - 14 Jul 1573
574 - Morley to Norres - Assignment of the lease of Blacon - 11 Aug 1573
575 - Hugh Beesston to Sir Christopher Hatton - bargain & sale Blacon - 31 Mar 1580
576 - Hugh Beeston, surrendered to Sir Christopher Hatton Strackettes holdinge, Brewer's hall & the common of Saltney, co. Chester & the office of bailiff of the Manors of Ashedon [Ashton] & Wollaston [Willaston, Worleston] - 12 Aug 1580
577 - Edward Norris to William Norris his son, Assignment of the manor of Blacon & of land called the Mosse Grainge, co. Lanc. - 25 Mar 1600
578 - Sir William Norres to Sir Richard Mollineux & Robert Charnoch - settlement of the manor of Blacon - 13 Aug 1603
579 - Counterpart of DCR/3/27/12 - 13 Aug 1603
580 - Sir William Norris to Sir Richard Molineux & Davenport - settlement of the manor of Blacon - 13 Aug 1620
581 - Sir William Norres & Sir Richard Molineux to Sir Humfrey Davenport - assignment of Blacon manor - 9 Oct 1626
582 - Sir William Norres, Edward Wrightinton & Thomas Mollineux to Rich. Norris, John Cook & Robt. Molineux - assignment of the manor of Blacon - 10 Jan 1629
583 - Sir William Norres & Sir Humphrey Davenport to Edward Wrightington & Thomas Mollineux - assignment of the Manor of Blacon - 25 Sep 1628
584 - Sir William Norris & others to Sir Cuthbert Clifton - assignment of interest in the Manor of Blacon in trust for payment of his debts - 8 Jun 1630
585 - Mainwaring v. John Millar - exemplification of a judgement in an ejectment made in the common hall at Chester, Manor of Blacon - 1634
586 - Norres to Crewe - receipt for £1,300 for claim to the Manor & Farm of Blacon - 6 Feb 1635
587 - Sir Ranulph Crewe to Fleming Poole - release of arrears of rent of the Manor of Blacon - 8 Dec 1635
588 - Ralph Crewe to John Mainwaring - lease of the Manor of Blacon - 31 Jul 1625
589 - William Norres, Edward Norres & the executors of the late William Norres to Sir Ranulph Crewe & others - Release of right to the Manor of Blacon - 8 Dec 1635
590 - John Crewe to Richard King - lease of the Manor of Blacon - 3 Dec 1658
591 - Crewe to Wilson - lease of Blacon - 13 Jul 1668
592 - John Crewe to Henry Jackson - lease of Blacon - also counterpart - 19 Jul 1712
593 - Lawsuit as to the boundaries of Blacon - Crewe v. Dee Navigation Company - 1744; also a few receipts etc. relating to Blacon Tolls of Eastgate, Chester - 17th century-18th century
594 - Robert Fulleshurst to Sir Hugh Cholmondeley - bargain & sale of Warick's fee & Audley fee of Nantwich & pasture & meadow land near the Hall of Crewe - 20 Aug 1571
595 - Counterpart of DCR/3/29/1
596 - Sir Christopher Hatton to Sir Hugh Cholmondeley - exemplification of a decree made in the Court of Exchequer of Chester as to the liberties & franchises of the fees of the Countess of Warwick & Audley - 18 Apr 1593
597 - Randle Crewe to Thomas Manwaring - feoffment of a messuage in Nantwich - 11 Feb 1601
598 - Cholmondeley to Crewe - confirmation by King & council of decree about Warwick & Audley fee (See DCR/3/29/3) - 25 Nov 1634
599 - Thomas Broome to Ann Crewe Offley - release of a messuage & 2 pastures in Winteley [Winterley, Haslington] - 20 Jan 1698
600 - Mr Thomas Broom to Mrs Anne Crewe Offley - lease for a year of messuage in Winteley [Winterley] - 19 Jan 1698
601 - William Broom & Thomas Broom to Randle Broom & Thomas Wilkinson - release of land in Winteley [Winterley] - 12 Aug 1697
602 - Indenture: Richard, son of William de Pulle granted to Richard le Bailif of Spurstowe & Alice, his wife, a messuage in Spurstow. Latin - 16 Nov 1382
603 - 5 Deeds - grants of the advow. of Warmingham; 2 presentations to the rectory of Warmingham - one institution - 7 Mar 1572
604 - Deeds relating to the tolls of the Eastgate, Chester - 9 documents - 1630-1678
605 - Warmingham suit rolls - 2 bundles, 1669-1721 & 1721-1740 - 1669-1740
606 - Roll giving extracts relating to the Barony of Nantwich & Shipbrooke from Domesday Book onwards - 1416
607 - Exposition of the division of the said Barony [Ref. DCR/3/31g/1], made 1288
608 - Inquisition post mortem of Thomas Ffoulshurste of Edlaston [Edleston]
609 - Settlement by John Crewe - 1677
610 - Paper copy of Bundle 26, 1 [DCR3/26/1] - 1605
611 - A bill to enable Anne Crewe (late Offley) widow & John, her son to change their surnames from Offley to Crewe esquire, deceased
612 - Act of Parliament to enable Sir Christopher Hatton, knight to dispose of certain lands, tenements, etc., notwithstanding a clause of limitation annexed to his estate
613 - Deeds of Settlement betw. Mr. Crewe & his wife - Manor of Lubenham - 1660
614 - Copies of settlement of Crewe estate levied by Edmund Stafford - relating to the manor of Barthomley - 2 Jun 1682
615 - Deed to declare the uses of a fine - 18 Oct 1693
616 - Edmund Stafford to Arthur Harding - Conveyance of a tenement in Spurstow - 26 Jul 1699
617 - Edmund Stafford to Richard Coxsey - conveyance of Woodfen's tenement in Spurstow - 26 Jul 1699
618 - Edmund Stafford to Mr. Thomas Lander - conveyance of 2 estates in Spurstow - 1 Jul 1700
619 - Edmund Stafford, Charles Kirkman, Thomas Norwood & Sir John Crewe to John Gardener - deed declaring the uses of a fine relating to land in Spurstow - 10 Jul 1703
620 - John Crewe to Trustees - settlement of Cheshire estate - 1682
621 - Surrender from tenants - 1712
622 - Surrender of tenants from Bechton [Bexton], Crewe, Elton, North Rode, Sandbach, Tetton, Warmingham - 1712
623 - Release & lease of Cheshire estates of John Crewe - 1712
624 - Exemplification of recovery of Cheshire estates by John Crewe - 1714
625 - Release in fee & settlement of Cheshire estates by John Crewe - 1735
626 - Mortgage of freehold estate, to secure £20,000. Lord Crewe to Mrs M.S. Holmes (1879) & reconveyance, C.J. Holmes & others to Lord Crewe (1884)
627 - Settlements - Sir John Crewe after his second marriage, upon Mary, daughter of Sir Willoughby Aston (1698). Crewe near Farndon. Manor of Tattenhall, Peckforton, Sandbach, Weston, etc. (1699). Sandbach, Hurstead Field (1724). Ashley, Bowden, Chawley [Chorley], Dunham Massey, Altringham [Altrincham], Hale, Ringey, Sinderland. (1737) - also 1738 - 1698-1738
628 - Marriage Settlement - John Crewe the younger with Mrs. Elizabeth Shuttleworth - 1738
629 - Deed of Bargain and Sale - John Crewe to Mr. Tomkinson. Manors in Cheshire - 1763
630 - Transcript - recovery of John Crewe's estates in Cheshire - 1763
631 - Release from Miss Crewe for £2,000 - estate of John Crewe - 1762
632 - Deed - Receipt of £2,000 from Samuel Egerton, Mrs. Emma Crewe. Estate of John Crewe [minor] - 1762
633 - Release from Richard Crewe to his brother John Crewe for portion of £2,000 - 1769
634 - Release from Miss Frances Crewe to her brother for portion of £2,000 - 1769
635 - Release from Mrs. Sarah Lane and Miss Emma Crewe for their portions - 1792
636 - Release from Bishop of Peterborough and his wife [sister of John Crewe] for her portion - 1792
637 - Marriage Settlement - John Crewe & Miss Greville - 1766
638 - Lease - manors & lordships of Barthomley, etc. - 1792
639 - Settlement of above manors - Also counterparts - 1792
640 - Mortgage - Estates in Cheshire for securing £6,000 - John Crewe to Robert Hesketh - 1794 - 1794
641 - Appointment by John Crewe & his son to retain Cheshire estates to the use of 2 trustees for 3,000 years, to raise £15,000 - 1797 - 1797
642 - Lease - Manor of Crewe - H. Tomkinson & others to Richard Crewe and another - 1807
643 - Deed of covenants previous to the marriage of Foster Cunliffe with the Honourable Mrs. Crewe - 1809
644 - John Crewe junior to Mr. William Turner - Demise for 99 yrs. in reversion of several messuages & farms in Sandbach - 12 Apr 1739
645 - Mr. William Turner to John Crewe - Surrender of the said messuage in Sandbach - 13 Apr 1739
646 - John Crewe to Mr. Turner - Demise of messuages in Elton and Tetton - 9 Oct 1740
647 - Mr. Turner to John Crewe. Demise of the said messuages in Elton and Tetton - 10 Oct 1740
648 - John Crewe to Robert Child - Mortgage for £25,000 of estates in Sandbach etc., and lease - 3 Apr 1766
649 - John Crewe to Samuel Egerton - Mortgage in fee for securing £19,000 & interest, and related bond - 18 Feb 1775
650 - John Crewe esquire to Mr. Tomkinson - Security for £8,026 and interest by way of mortgage - land - 13 Oct 1775
651 - Mortgage of the Manors of Tattenhall, Burwardsley, & Crowton & of several estates there & in Weston, Shavington, Gresty, Wardle, Bunbury & Haughton Co. C. as a further security to Humphrey Bowles esquire. Jan. 4th, 1790, reconveyance from George Bowles esquire & Charles Bowles as devisees of their late father, Humphrey Bowles esquire of mortgages to John Crewe esquire - 24 Jul 1777
652 - John Crewe to Hugh Watts, William Hamilton & John Pearse - Mortgage as a collateral security for £40,000 & interest - 4 Dec 1789
653 - Counterpart of DCR/5/36/9
654 - Lovelace esquire & others by the direction of John Crewe esquire to Ralph Willett esquire - Mortgage in fee for securing £35,000 - estates in Sandbach, Bradwall, North Rode, Blacon, Spurstow, Peckforton - 1 Feb 1792
655 - Counterpart of DCR/5/36/11
656 - The Rt. Hon. John Lord Crewe & Mrs. Ann Audain - Fine - lend - 17 Apr 1811
657 - Duplicate of DCR/5/36/13 - 17 Apr 1811
658 - Mrs. Audain, by the direction of John Willett esquire to Lord Crewe - Release of estates co. Chester, being reconveyance on paying off of mortgage for £35,000 - see DCR/5/36/11 - 1 Apr 1811
659 - Abstract of the title of Samuel Aldersey to property in the Parish of Bunbury Co. Cheshire - 1816
660 - Sir Thomas Broughton bart. & John Crewe esquire - Deed of exchange of land in Weston - 23 Feb 1804
661 - The Rt. Hon. Lord Crewe & Sir Thomas Mostyn, Bart. deed of exchange of lands in Peckforton Co. C. and lease - 20 Nov 1815
662 - The trustees under the Spann Smithy Turnpike Act to Ld. Crewe - Conveyance of a toll house garden near to the forge Pool Farm in Warmingham Co. C. - 4 Jan 1823
663 - Release of a messuage & lands in Spurstow and related document - 22 Feb 1828
664 - Miss Maria Poole & Miss Sarah Poole & others to the Rt. Hon. W. F. Greville esquire. Release in fee of a messuage & lands in the Township of Weston - 7 Oct 1829
665 - Mr. Charles Coupland, by the direction of Misses Poole & others, to Mr. William Welsby. Assignment of a term of 500 years in a messuage & lands at Weston - 8 Oct 1829
666 - Mr. Shaws purchase deed of a tenement in Crewe & lease - 5 Jun 1714
667 - Mr. Shaws security for £360, repayable with interest - tenement in Crewe - 18 Jun 1714
668 - Copy of a deed between Walthall & others to declare the uses of a fine - land - 24 AUG 1718
669 - Bayley to Goodwinn. Assignment of a mortgage (William Shaw's land in Crewe) - 30 Apr 1723
670 - Articles between Mr. Shaw & Mr. fford concerns a messuage in Crewe and related certificate - 24 May 1725
671 - Assignment of mortgage from Goodwinn to Mr. Fford & John Ffenton in trust (security - messuage in Crewe) - 20 Jan 1725
672 - Purchase deed - Mr. Fford from Mr. Shaw - messuage in Crewe and lease - 20 Jan 1725
673 - Copy of Mr. Hugh Ford's will - 9 Feb 1758
674 - Attested copy. John Ford esquire & Elizabeth, his wife, to Mr. Thomas Royle. Lease and Release to make a tenant to the precipe - land in Crewe - 11 Apr 1801
675 - John Ford esquir & Elizabeth his wife, to John Crewe esquire Conveyance of a messuage & land in Crewe for £1,959 - 23 Sep 1801
676 - John Tollmache esquire & the Right Honourable Hungerford, Lord Crewe. Exchange of certain lands at Spurstow & Peckforton - 24 May 1843
677 - Abstract of the title of John Tollemache esq. to the Beeston Castle estate, Co. Chester and related doc - 18 Mar 1843
678 - Not allocated
679 - Letters patent of Charles I, by which he granted to John Crewe of Staines, Northants., John Crewe of Lincolns Inne, co. Middlesex (second son of Ranulph), Roger Wilbraham, John Chitwood, Richard Clutton of Nampwich, that if Clippesby Crewe, eldest son of Ranulph, died without male heirs over twenty one years of age, they should act as guardians - 20 Jul 1632
680 - John Crewe of Crewe granted to Joseph Crewe the next presentation to the rectory of Mucklestone & Barthomley - 15 Jan 1726
681 - John Crewe to John Ward & Davies Davenport. Mr. Crewes grant of the advowson of Barthomley in trust for Mr. Randle & Joseph Crewe - 10 Sep 1737
682 - Settlement of Mr. Crewes estate in Newton & Crewe Co. Cheshire, late the estate of Richard Vernon and lease - 10 May 1750
683 - John Crewe disposed of the tuition custody & guardianship of his 2 sons & 4 daughters to Elizabeth Crewe, his wife. If she died before they reached the age of 21, it was to pass to James Shuttleworth of Fawcet, co. York, Philip Egerton of Oulton, Co. Chester, Samuel Egerton of Tattonepark - 21 Sep 1750
684 - Settlement of the Advowson of Astbury Barthomley, & Warmingham, Cheshire - 4 May 1738.
685 - The reverend Dr. Hinchliffe & Miss Crewe - Marriage settlement - 8 May 1767
686 - Ffrancis Dashwood & John Crewe to Edward Colyer esquire. Demise & grant for securing an annuity of £400. (land in the Parish of Bexley. Co. Kent) - 29 Dec 1796
687 - Richard Jones to Foster Cunliffe. Lease of Dinbren Hall, Llangollen - 26 Feb 1810
688 - The Right Honourable Lord Crewe to Foster Cunliffe. Grant of an annuity of £250 for the life of Master Brooke Greville - land in Spurstow - 4 May 1813
689 - Foster Cunliffe esquire to Lewis Dishey Flytche. Conveyance of a rent charge of £1,000 & demise of lands in the County of Denbigh upon trusts and related bond - 9 Mar 1819
690 - Grant of an annuity of £1,000 from Lord Crewe in trust to his daughter, the Honourable Mrs. Cunliffe, during their joint lives - 27 Jan 1821
691 - Bond for securing an annuity of £800 - 28 Apr 1821
692 - Ff Cunliffe esquire & Sir Ff. Cunliffe, Bar. Covenant to levy a fine for discharging land in Leighton, Co. Cheshire from a rent charge to Mrs. Cunliffe - 28 Apr 1821
693 - The Right Honourable John Lord Crewe to George Bover & William Hurst. Grant of the living in Barthomley in trust to present the Rev. Edward Hinchliffe to the next vacancy - 9 Aug 1824
694 - The Honourable Mrs. Elizabeth Emma Cunliffe Offley to Francis Sawley, esquire. Deed for securing £10,000 and interest - 12 Sep 1832
695 - The honourable H. Crewe and Brooke James Greville esquire to William Watkins esquire. Security for an annuity of £93 during the life of Mr. Crewe (Manor of Darlaston) land in the Townships of Sandbach, Blacon, Spurstow, Bunbury & Peckforton, Co.Cheshire, also Bradwell, Co. Cheshire) - 24 Jul 1834
696 - The Right Honourable Paul Beilby Lord Wenlock to the Honourable Annabella Hungerford Crewe. Release in payment of mortgage for £10,000 and interest, secured by policies of assurance on the life of the Honourable Elizabeth Emma Cunliff Offley and related note - 23 Jul 1851
697 - Deed of covenant between the Lord & land owners of the Manor of Weston for dividing & enclosing the commons and related doc - 1 Oct 1802
699 - Deeds relating to the purchase of 6 cottages at Sandbach from Mr. Charles Gresty by Hungerford Lord Crewe (10 documents) - 1833-1861
701 - John Offley Crewe esquire (a guardian of the Honourable Hungerford Crewe) to Mr. John Mills. Lease of land in Hale - 27 Jun 1831
702 - Mr. John Mills to Isaac Harrop. Release of a leasehold estate in Hale, Co.Cheshire, called the Ashley Gate tenement - 25 Jan 1841
703 - Robert Harrop esquire & others to the Right Honourable Lord Crewe. Surrender of a lease relating to the land in Hale (see DCR/5/47/2.) - 31 Dec 1863
704 - The Right Honourable Lord Crewe & the Trustees of Mr. C. H. Wolff & wife. Order of exchange of lands in the Township of Hale, in the Parish of Bowdon & in the Township & Parish of Sandbach - 2 Mar 1865
706 - Mr. Thomas Lawe to Mrs. Sarah Peover. Lease for a year of the enclosure called will field in Sandbach - 26 Mar 1829
707 - Mortgage in fee of freehold premises & assignment of leasehold premises in Sandbach, Co. Cheshire, for securing £530 - 27 Mar 1829
708 - Abstract of title to Will field - 1871
709 - Mr. Peter Peover & others to Mr. Joseph Hall. Conveyance of a piece of land at the top of the hill in Sandbach namely the Will Field - 25 Mar 1872
710 - Mr. Joseph Hall to Mr. Peter Mainwaring. Conveyance of Will Field
711 - Supplementary abstract of title to Will Field, Sandbach - 1896
713 - Deeds re Crewe Station Sorting Office - 1910, 1915
715 - Letter from William Bratherton to Mr. Gresty concerning the acquisition of cottages - 20 Sep 1860
716 - Contract between Lord Crewe & the North Eastern Railway as to land at Blacon - 31 Mar 1852
717 - Annuity Receipt under will of John Lord Crewe, pr. 28 Oct. 1829 - 8 Apr 1868
718 - 1770-1778: Book giving copies of freehold leases granted by the Honourable Wilbraham Tollemache. 1762-1830: Copy of a suit held before Rev. Randulph Crewe & Thomas Swetenham - relates to lands in Elton & Sandbach. Appointments of bellman & sexton - Nantwich - 1762-1830
719 - Book containing abstracts of the subsisting leases of Mr. Crewe's estates in 1753 - 1753
721 - Timberland Court Papers, 2 bundles - 1712-1825
722 - Leases for lives of St Mary's Hospital, Haworth co. Nott - 1715-1799
723 - Joan, widow of Edward Pokeryng of Rappes acknowledged that he had received from his executors the rents for the Township of Clyppesby - 29 Sep 1465
724 - John & Henry Bolde bargained & sold to Thomas Hesketh a burgage in Preston, Co. Lanc - 1569
725 - Lord Coventry & Sir Ranulph Crewe executors of Sir Edward Coke to the grandchildren of the said Sir Edward - deed of allotment of portions - Sir Edward had assigned the Manors of Chippenham & Baylies, Co. Buck. & the house in Norwich, which had belonged to the late William Paston for the use of Sir Robert Coke & by a deed of Aug. 8th 1626 he had assigned other lands (not specified in this deed) to provide portions for his grand children - 1635
726 - Deeds of indemnity to Lord Coventry & Sir Ranulph Crewe in respect of the aforesaid portions - 1635
727 - Leases - Barthomley 1822-1860 - 1760 - 1822
728 - Assignment by John Mills to Harrop of a leasehold estate in Hale - 1841
729 - Receipts for work at the Wheatsheaf Hotel - 1923
730 - Rental summaries 1895-186, 1908-199, 1909-1910 - 1895-1910
731 - John Crewe to Richard Lea - lease of a cottage - 29 Sep 1741
732 - John Crewe to William Kent - lease - cottage - 9 Apr 1748
733 - John Crewe to Ralph Vernon - lease of Smith's tenement - 16 Mar 1749
734 - John Crewe to Abigail Gaulton - lease of 2 cottages - Cooper's of the Lane end & Lightfoot's cottage - 25 Jan 1750
735 - John Crewe to Samuel Kent - lease of Billinge's cottage - 16 Nov 1765
736 - John Crewe to Mary Venables, widow - lease of a cottage, garden & croft - 16 Oct 1765
737 - John Crewe to William Higgins - lease of a cottage, garden & croft - 16 Nov 1765
738 - John Crewe to Ottiwell Bostock - lease of a cottage, stables, cowhouse & outbuildings - 25 Mar 1767
739 - John Crewe to Randle Lightfoot, Jonathan Mathers, in trust for Jane Lightfoot - counterpart of lease of Lightfoot's cottage - 25 Mar 1767
740 - John Crewe to Joseph Hubbs, the elder - lease of 2 pieces of land - the Moss Piece - 29 Sep 1768
741 - Counterpart of DCR/9/1/10 - 29 Sep 1768
742 - John Crewe to William Cook - lease of a piece of waste land - 12 Aug 1769
743 - John Crewe to Timothy Palin - counterpart of lease of a messuage - 20 Sep 1777
744 - John Crewe to John Barnett - lease - also counterpart - 21 Apr 1774
745 - John Crewe to Matthew Lightfoot - lease of a cottage, garden & croft - also counterpart - 28 Mar 1778
746 - John Crewe to William Cooke - lease of pieces of land - also counterpart - 15 Oct 1779
747 - John Crewe to Samuel Dunn - lease of several pieces of land and counterpart - 1 Jul 1779
748 - John Crewe to Joan Parker - Lease of a house & 2 pieces of land - 11 Nov 1779
749 - John Crewe to Samuel Kent - lease of 30 acres & the Kidding Moss - 11 Nov 1779
750 - John Crewe to Thomas Penlington - lease of Warmingham Mills - 30 Dec 1780
751 - John Crewe to Thomas Taylor - lease of a plott of ground called the Moss Piece - Oct 26 1781
752 - John Crewe to Sam Kent - lease of pieces of land called the Biley's croft, the Kinsey's croft and the Rough Woods - 20 May 1782
753 - John Crewe to Thomas Lewis - lease of two cottages - 25 Jan 1783
754 - John Crewe to Sam Kent - lease in reversion of a piece of ground called Hempbutt - 2 Aug 1784
755 - John Crewe to Edmund Salter - lease of an enclosure & cottage - 10 Apr 1785
756 - John Crewe to John Cooke - lease of 2 pieces of ground and counterpart - 4 Aug 1786
757 - John Crewe to Thomas Spode - lease of a cottage & land
758 - John Crewe to John Barnett - lease of a cottage & croft - part of Plimley's tenement. Also counterpart - 6 Jun 1789
759 - John Crewe to Mrs. Lydia Kent - Lease of a cottage & enclosure - 29 Sep 1790
760 - John Crewe to William Cocke - lease of a piece of Moss - 29 Mar 1792
761 - John Crewe to Joseph Remer - lease of the Hill Top Farm and counterpart - 10 Jul 1793
762 - John Crewe to Mr. Thomas Tomlinson - lease of 3 cottages & a Blacksmith's Shop - Also counterpart - 24 Jun 1797
763 - John Crewe to Matthew Ollier - lease of cottage - Also counterpart - 24 Jun 1797
764 - John Crewe to Thomas Taylor - lease of enclosures - part of Stocia farm - 20 Nov 1800
765 - John Crewe, by the direction of Mr. R. Sutton, Mr. Joseph Remor & Mr. Thomas Remer to John Helsby - lease of a cottage, garden & enclosures - 28 Oct 1801
766 - John Crewe to Mary Picken - lease of a messuage - 28 Jul 1801
767 - John Crewe, by the direction of John Helsby to Mr. R. Sutton, Mr. Joseph Remer & Mr. Thomas Remer - lease of a cottage & enclosures - and copy - 28 Oct 1801
768 - Counterpart of DCR/9/2/4
769 - John Crewe to Mr. Joseph Remer - lease of the Old Hough farm - 6 Nov 1802
770 - Lord Crewe to Ralph Percivall - lease of Warmingham Forge House - 20 May 1806
771 - Lord Crewe to William Dutton - lease of a piece of waste - Dec 1806
772 - Lord Crewe to Edmund Slater - lease of a cottage - 4 Mar 1807
773 - Counterpart of DCR/9/2/9
774 - Edward Vernon to Thomas Remer - lease of a plot of land - 23 Mar 1811
775 - Also counterpart (DCR/9/2/11)
776 - Lord Crewe to Mr. Thomas Remer - lease of an enclosure & 2 cottages - 28 Feb 1812
777 - Lord Crewe to Mr. Joseph Remer - lease of the Old Hough Farm - 24 Oct 1812
778 - Lord Crewe to Thomas Palin - lease of 2 small enclosures - Also counterpart - 1 Mar 1813
779 - Lord Crewe to John Cooke - lease of a plot of land - 29 Dec 1814
780 - Lord Crewe to Thomas Polin - lease of a cottage & enclosure - 21 Dec 1814
781 - Lord Crewe to Thomas Remer - lease of the Hill top farm - 20 May 1815
782 - Counterpart of DCR/9/2/18
783 - Lord Crewe to Messrs. Sutton & Romers - lease of a messuage - Also counterpart - 10 Mar 1816
784 - Lord Crewe to Sutton, Joseph & Thomas Remer - lease of messuages & gardens - 19 Oct 1816
785 - Counterpart of DCR/9/2/21
786 - Lord Crewe to Mr. Richard Edwards - lease of premises called the Bear's Paw Tenement - 10 Mar 1816
787 - Lord Crewe to Mr. Thomas Remer - lease of an enclosure & 2 messuages - 25 Mar 1817
788 - Lord Crewe to Mr. John Newall - lease of the Stocia farm - 21 May 1817
789 - Edward Vernon to Lord Crewe - surrender of a messuage, tenement & lands. (Smith's tenement) - 1819
790 - Lord Crewe to Richard Edwards - lease of the Bear's paw tenement - 10 Mar 1819
791 - Lord Crewe to Mr. Joseph Remer - lease of the Old Hough farm - 1823
792 - Not allocated
793 - Lord Crewe to Charles Cook - lease of a plot of land - 25 Jan 1826
794 - Counterpart of DCR/9/2/30
795 - John Lord Crewe to Miss Martha Ollier - lease - 29 Sep 1829
796 - Lord Crewe to George Buckley - lease - 29 Sep 1829
797 - Lord Crewe to Messrs. Charles Cooke & Thomas Charlesworth - lease - 29 Sep 1829
798 - Lord Crewe to James Charlesworth & Elizabeth Palin - lease - 29 Sep 1829
799 - Counterpart of DCR/9/2/35. Also a duplicate
800 - Lord Crewe to Sir John Chetwode, Thomas Deakin & Mary Goodall - lease - 29 Sep 1829
801 - The Right Honourable John Lord Crewe to Thomas Charlesworth & Mrs. Elizabeth Palin - lease - 29 Sep 1829
802 - Lord Crewe to Mr. William Parker - lease - 29 Sep 1829
803 - Lord Crewe to Mr. John Baker - lease - 29 Sep 1829
804 - Lord Crewe to Mr. Robert Lightfoot - lease - 29 Sep 1829
805 - Lord Crewe to Messrs Remer & Sutton - lease - 29 Sep 1829
806 - Lord Crewe to Messrs Charles & William Cooke - lease - 1 Jan 1830
807 - Lord Crewe to Samuel Boulton - lease - 1 Jan 1830
808 - Mr. Robert Lightfoot to Thomas Sherwin - assignement of premises - 1 Oct 1832
809 - Memorandum of agreement between Thomas Jones of Coppenhall & Samuel Charlesworth - 1851
810 - Messrs Remers & Sutton to Messrs Rycrofts - lease of the Riddings Farm - On paper - 1835
811 - Counterpart of DCR/9/2/47 - On paper
812 - Duplicate of DCR/9/2/47 & 48 - On parchment
813 - Lord Crewe to Messrs Remer - lease of 3 mess. & gardens in Warmingham - 26 Mar 1851
814 - Title deeds of messuages & premises known as the Bears Paw Public House at Warmingham 1829-69 - Also copy of the will of Ann Acton, 1856 - Aug 1869
815 - Thomas Remer & others to Lord Crewe - surrender of leasehold premises - Abstract of title - 1829-1880
816 - Receipt for vicarial tithe - 1842
817 - John Crewe to Thomas Johnson - lease of a tenement - 12 May 1732
818 - John Crewe to Mr. Whitehead - lease of 2 enclosures - 1751
819 - John Crewe to John Whittle - lease of a cottage, garden & enclosure - 16 Oct 1765
820 - John Crewe to James Tomkinson - Lease of a small piece of land - 16 Oct 1765
821 - John Crewe to Davis Hall - lease of late Richardson's cottage - 22 May 1766
822 - John Crewe to Jarvies Holland - lease of late Swain's Cottage - 22 May 1766
823 - John Crewe to John Hartless - lease of a cottage, garden & yard - 25 Mar 1707
824 - John Crewe to George Walton - lease of a cottage, garden & 5 acres - Mar 1768
825 - Damaged lease of tenement & land - 1769
826 - John Crewe to Robert Scott - Lease of Thompson's cottage - 25 Feb 1769
827 - John Crewe to Messrs. Parrott & Skerratt - lease of the upper tan yard in Sandbach - 12 Aug 1769
828 - John Crewe to Thomas Whitney - lease of Cooper's cottage - 1 May 1770
829 - John Crewe to William Twemlowe - lease of Dean's cottage - 1 May 1770
830 - John Crewe to Nathaniel Booth - lease of Bolt's cottage - 27 Sep 1771
831 - John Crewe to Edward Royley - lease of Sandbach Mills - 1 May 1771
832 - John Crewe to Thomas Oldham - lease of tan yard - 24 Sep 1772
833 - John Crewe to Samuel Heathcock - lease of Lowther's cottage - 1 May 1772
834 - Counterpart of DCR/9/3/17
835 - John Crewe to John Barrington - lease of 3 dwelling houses - 1 Nov 1777
836 - John Crewe to Richard Podmore - lease of couglins cottage also counterpart - 1777
837 - John Crewe to Theophilus Beardmore - Lease of a cottage - 21 Feb 1778
838 - John Crewe to Thomas Bickerton - lease of a plot on which Lingham's cottage once stood - 11 Feb 1779
839 - John Crewe to Ffrancis Turner & Samuel Turner - lease of a messuage & cottage in Back Street (Swain's cottage) - 5 Jun 1780
840 - John Crewe to Samuel Turner - Lease of Blackamoor's cottage - 26 Dec 1780
841 - Counterpart of DCR/9/3/23
842 - John Crewe to Francis & Samuel Turner - lease of a messuage - late Rathbones tenement - 5 Jun 1780
843 - John Crewe to William Lea - Lease of the tolls of Sandbach - 1 May 1781
844 - John Crewe to Mrs. Sarah Broome - lease of 2 houses & shops near the market place - 2 Feb 1781
845 - John Crewe to William Smith - lease of Coles' Cottage - 26 Mar 1782
846 - John Crewe to John Hilditch - Lease of Cross Keys tenement - 16 Feb 1782
847 - John Crewe to Richard Harrison - lease of 2 cottages - 1 Nov 1784
848 - John Crewe to Thomas Evans - lease of a cottage - 10 Apr 1785
849 - John Crewe to George Hodgson - lease of cottage & garden - 5 Jan 1785
850 - John Crewe to Ralph Bostock - lease of Bayleys tenement - 12 Apr 1785
851 - John Crewe to Joseph Thorley - lease of Bratt's cottage - 4 Aug 1786
852 - John Crewe to John Boothe - lease of a cottage - 4 Aug 1786
853 - John Crewe to Joseph Horne - lease of Church Steps Cottage - 8 Jan 1787
854 - John Crewe to Ralph Bostock - lease of Bayley's tenement - 7 Jan 1787
855 - John Crewe to Thomas Ellison - lease of Peover's tenement - 24 Jun 1788
856 - John Crewe to Peter Wadsworth - lease of Bromfields cottage - 1 Aug 1788
857 - John Crewe to James Birchall - lease of a cottage - 26 Jun 1788
858 - John Crewe to Peter Wadsworth - lease of a cottage - 1 Aug 1788
859 - John Crewe to Samuel Bowcock - lease of Malbones Tenement - 1 Sep 1788
860 - John Crewe to Ralph Fox - lease of a cottage & garden - 1 May 1788
861 - John Crewe to Randle Bradbury - lease of a cottage - Also counterpart - 1 Jun 1788
862 - John Crewe to Thomas Spode - lease of Walton's cottage - 1 Jun 1788
863 - John Crewe to Richard Darlington - lease of a cottage - 1 May 1788
864 - John Crewe to John Lowe - lease of messuage & enclosures - 13 Feb 1790
865 - John Crewe to Thomas Walker - lease of 4 small cottages & the Wheelwright's shop - 22 Dec 1792
866 - John Crewe to Thomas Steele - lease of 2 cottages - Oct 1791
867 - John Crewe to William Stubbs - lease of a messuage - 28 Jul 1791
868 - John Crewe to Randle Skerratt - lease of Somerfield's cottage - 1 Sep 1792
869 - John Crewe to William Leigh - lease of a cottage & enclosure - 27 Sep 1793
870 - John Crewe to Thomas Turner - lease of a cottage & garden - 12 Jan 1793
871 - Counterpart of DCR/9/4/5
872 - John Crewe to Randle Skerratt - lease of house previously held by Kent - 14 Sep 1793
873 - John Crewe to John Hilditch - lease of Cartwright Tenement - also counterpart - 3 Nov 1793
874 - John Crewe to John Hilditch - lease of enclosures called Stanways - 15 Oct 1794
875 - John Crewe to Ralph Allcock - lease of Sanders Tenement - 10 Oct 1794
876 - John Crewe to Cyrus Birchenhough - lease of Blackamoors cottage - 10 May 1794
877 - Counterpart of DCR/9/4/11
878 - John Crewe to John Bostock - lease of the White Lion Inn - 15 Oct 1794
879 - John Crewe to John Mellor - lease of 3 dwellings - 15 Oct 1794
880 - Counterpart of DCR/9/4/14
881 - John Crewe to John Hilditch - lease of enclosures called Stanways - 15 Oct 1794
882 - John Crewe to John Farr - lease of a cottage, garden & croft and related documents - 24 Jun 1796
883 - John Crewe to William Twemlowe - lease of a cottage - 24 Jun 1797
884 - John Crewe to Randle Twemlow - lease of enclosures - 14 Oct 1797
885 - John Crewe to Ralph Allcock - lease of Shaw's cottage - 24 Jun 1797
886 - John Crewe to Mary Twemlowe - lease of Minshull Hall - 2 Jan 1797
887 - John Crewe to Joseph Rathbone - lease of a messuage, stable & garden - 1 Jan 1799
888 - John Crewe to James Bucknall - lease of 5 enclosures - part of the Dingo tenement - 20 Jul 1799
889 - John Crewe to John Turner - lease of a messuage & garden. Also receipt from Messrs. Sherratt & Remer for vicarial tithe rent charge due to the vicar of Sandbach for the rack lands in Sandbach & Bradwell - 24 Jun 1799
890 - Leases - Sandbach 1800-1807 - 1800-1807
891 - Leases - Sandbach 1808-1814 - 1808-1814
892 - Leases - Sandbach 1815-1820 - 1815-1820
893 - Leases - Sandbach 1821-1829 - 1821-1829
894 - Leases - Sandbach 1830-1857 - 1830-1857
895 - Estate Correspondence - McCrachen to Lord Crewe, including schools, churches etc., and also estate in Wilts - 1906-1922
897 - Schedule of Deeds - Warmingham - 1622
898 - Case papers - Thornhagh v. Hartshorn - 1725
899 - Gift by Richard Spurstow and Randle Spurstow of place in Henshagh in Spurstow to build a poor house - 12 Jan 1497
900 - Feoffment by George Maynwaring and others to Philip Oldfield of premises in Tatton - 16 Sep 1569
901 - Settlement previous to marriage of Hon. John Crewe and Miss Hungerford - 1804
902 - Nantwich Rentals 1664-1667; Easter rolls 1725-1748, Smoke money 1714-1720; Business correspondence 1725-1729; Papers relating to almshouses 1814, 1825; to the bellman, 1822; to the church, 1856; Boam Heath enclosure act 1825; Sale of Broad Lane property 1864 - 1664-1864
903 - A bundle of miscellaneous papers relating to Madeley - Burials 1730-1826; schoolmaster's salary 1757; Survey of Broomhall's farm, 1770; Late eighteenth century papers relating to the tools at the mill & colliery (the property of John Crewe); Inventory of the Manor of Madeley 1855; Easter dues 1822; Timber sales 1823; Rents 1857; Accounts of estate expenditure 1859-1861; Endowment of the school 1858; Easter dues 1822; Plan of the new schools in 1863 and papers associated with the above documents; Assessment 1800; Crewe Charity 1851 - 1730-1863
904 - Miscellaneous papers - relating to tithes, Easter dues, tenants rents & notice to quit; Demise of the advowson in 1825; Accounts 1813-1819; Plan of the church yard in 1860; Dividends for churchwardens 1827 (All papers in this bundle date from the nineteenth century) - 1813-1860
905 - Barthomley - General estate papers - Rents, repairs, land tax, accounts; also grant of the living to the Rev. E. Hinchliffe 1824; Payment of £110 to the churchwardens in 1846; Church estimate 1852; Particulars of the glebe in 1838 (eighteenth and nineteenth century) - 1789-1860
906 - Sandbach - General estate papers - Plan of cottages adjoining the church yard 1738-1756; Land tax; Tithe; Scotch Common & Sandbach common, Lord Crewe's claim of allotment; draft leases (18th and 19th century) - 18th century
907 - Blacon - Rental 1636; Survey 1754; Accounts of rent 1809, 1821; 1783 appointment of John Perry as bailiff of Chester - 1636-1821
908 - Tithe papers for Mere & Aston, Moston, Elton & Tetton - 1814-1816; Dorlaston rent roll & title - 19th century
909 - General estate papers relating to Alpraham, Barthomley, Bunbury, Crewe, Calveley, Faddiley, Madeley, Leighton, Ridley, Sandbach, Spurstow, Tattenhall, Tiverton, Wardle, Warmingham 1734-1827 - 1827 - 1734
910 - Wills - J. Hough, Beeston 1793; S. Latham, Elton 1835; J. Lunt 1833; W. Potts, North Rode 1807; T. Sudworth, Blacon 1842; H. Swinburn 1599 - 1842 - 1599
911 - Timber sales - Conditions 1789-1825 - 1789-1825
912 - Cheshire rentals 1809-1829 - 1809-1829
913 - Turnpikes - Papers relate to Nantwich, Audlem, Newcastle, Wheelock, Woore
914 - Railways & canals 1775-1866 (further details given on the bundle) - 19th century
915 - Timber sales, land tax (Cheshire estates); John Crewe's parliamentary appeal to electors 1796 (all papers in this bundle are printed papers)
916 - Memo book; 2 Terriers (mid-19th century) for Cheshire estates; A book of Court Leets - Madeley, Tattenhall, Ridley, Sandbach - 18th-19th Century
917 - Edward Leigh to Peter Mynshawe - lease of a tenement at Tetton, Newton - 10 May 1581
918 - Thomas Minshul to John Talbot - lease of a messuage at Tetton, Newton - 17 Sep 1602
919 - Ranulph de Budworth released to Hugh de Budworth, his son, messuage in Tetton - 7 Aug 1404
920 - Ranulph de Budworth quitclaimed to Richard de Paldene, parson of Northerdene & Hugh le Men messuages in Tetton - 15 Aug 1404
921 - Hugh de Budworth to Richard de Paldene & Hugh le Mon - grant of the same messuages in Tetton - 17 Oct 1404
922 - Richard de Paldene & Hugh Leymon granted to Thomas Grosuenor [Grosvenor], knight, Roger le Venables, parson of Routhestorne, Robert de Wynynton & William de Bradburne, chaplain, messuages in the Town'p of Tetton. Latin - 5 Mar 1415
923 - William Ramsden & Richard Vauasor sold to Hugh Ffythiam a messuage in Tetton - 29 Sep 1546
924 - Inspeximus charter of inquisition taken as to the lands of William Leighe, convicted of high treason - tenement in Tetton - 29 Jan 1555
925 - Gilbert Leigh to Hugh Fythian - grant of a messuage in Tetton - 30 Jun 1555
926 - Wynbury to Oldfield - bargain & sale of Kelsale fieldes in Tetton - 24 Jul 1568
927 - Bargain & sale as in DCR/14/2/8 - 18 Aug 1568
928 - George & Edward Mainwaring to Philip Oldfield - release of right to lands in Tetton - 1578
929 - George & Edw. Mainwaring to Philip Oldfield - feoffment of 2 tofts & Kelsale fields in Tetton - 16 Sep 1578
930 - Thomas & John Lovatt to Kynsey & Shaw - recovery of lands in Tetton - 4 Jul 1608
931 - Richard Wilbraham to Thomas Mainwaring - feoffment of 3 enclosures in Tetton - 18 Feb 1612
932 - Leigh v. Thomas Frogge & William Wood - common recovery - Tetton. Also counterpart - 27 Sep 1613
933 - John Lyddeat v. Ranulf Ffitheon - final concord - land in Tetton - 3 May 1623
934 - Parties as in DCR/14/2/15 - deed to specify the uses of a recovery of a mess. in Tetton - 20 Sep 1613
935 - Lovatt to Kenarley - feoffment of messuage in Tetton - 14 May 1613
936 - George Talbott to George Harrison - feoffment of a messuage in Newton & a messuage in Tetton - 8 Apr 1615
937 - George Harrison to William Shaw - feoffment of a messuage called Byrnes House in Tetton & lands there - 20 Apr 1615
938 - Oldfield (widow) to Kent & Hulse - feoffment of enclosure in Tetton - 24 Jul 1617
939 - Randle Phithian bargained & sold to John Minshull a messuage in Tetton - 20 Jun 1621
940 - Randle ffythian bargained & sold to John Liddeatt a messuage in Tetton - 10 Mar 1623
941 - Shallcross to Phithian - final concord - land in Tetton - 2 Apr 1627
942 - Sir Ranulph Crewe v. Ffithian & Minshull - final concord - land - 4 Oct 1630
943 - Minshull & ffythian to Sir Ranulph Crewe - grant of a messuage & enclosures in Tetton - 15 Sep 1630
944 - Richard Hill v. Thomas Weston - common recovery Tetton - 30 May 1730
945 - Robert Fulleshurst leased to Geffrey Stele, Cicillie Vernon & Richard Stele a mess. in Barthomley - 10 Nov 1559
946 - Sir Edward Coke to Sir John Hobert & John Walter - manor of Warmingham, Messuage in North Rode [Newton], Manors of Crewe & Barthomley, fees of the Countess of Warwich & Awdley, lands & tenements in Crewe, Barthomley, Newton [North Rode], Sutton, Haslington, Middlewich, Leighton, Nantwich, Aston, Stoke, Cholmondeston - 25 Nov 1608
947 - Thomas & William Fanshaw, at the request of Sir Robert Hatton, to Robert & Thomas Hatton - release of the right to the manors of Warmingham etc., and the bailiwick of Eastgate in Chester - 12 Feb 1616
948 - Robert Hatton & Thomas Hatton v. Robert Riche, knight & Ffrancisca, his wife - manors of Warmingham, etc. - 1 Jul 1616
949 - Final concord to same effect as DCR/14/3/4 - 1 Jul 1616
950 - Harrison & Shaw to Smallwood & Croxton - deed declaring uses of a fine relating to lands - 30 Apr 1620
951 - Sir Richard Wilbraham to Peter Venables - feoffment of a mess. and lands in Newton near Middlewich, a messuage in Claytforde [Cledford], and a salt house in Middlewich - 16 Jun 1625
952 - Seventeenth century schedule of deeds relating to Barthomley injured by damp
953 - Wybunbury to Oldfield - release of lands in Tetton, Newton, Warmingham, Moston, Haslington & Sutton - 30 Sep 1568
954 - Wybunbury v. Oldfield - final concord relating to above lands [DCR/14/4/1] - 28 Feb 1569
955 - Mr. John Wybunbury to Mr. Phillip Oldfield - release of right in the above lands [DCR/14/4/1] - 12 Nov 1569
956 - Sir Hugh Cholmundeley & others to Sir Christopher Hatton - Manors of Newton, Crewe, Barthomley, Sutton & Barthomley Advow., & lands in Crewe, Barthomley, Tetton, Middlewich, Haslington & Newton - 4 Sep 1579
957 - Hugh Beesford surrendered to Edward de Veer, Earle of Oxenford, lands which he had of the Earl's grant in Warmingham, Wollaston, Ashton & North Rode - 1 Mar 1579
958 - Sir Ranulphe Crew to Jonathan Beckett - deed declaring the uses of a recovery of lands in Nantwich & Newton Near Middlewich - 30 Sep 1616
959 - Fine - Richard Wright & Sarah, his wife, v. Sir John Crewe - messuage in Croxton, Cuddington, Kingsley, Norley, etc. - 15 Oct 1677
960 - John Maynwaryng v. George Maynwaryng - common recovery of land at Tetton & Newton - 1507
961 - Robert Fulleshurst to Sir Laurence Smith - deed of covenant relating to lands at Middlewich, Newton, Nantwich, etc. - 26 Apr 1565
962 - Robert Fulleshurst to Sir Laurence Smith - deed of covenant relating to lands at Middlewich, Newton, Nantwich, etc. [as DCR/14/5/2] - 18 Sep 1565
963 - Sir Laurence Smith to Robert Fulleshurst - defeasance - for performance of the above covenant [DCR/14/5/2] - 29 Dec 1565
964 - Robert Fulleshurst to Dorothy Saville - bargain & sale of lands in Newton, Aston, Woodcott, Sounde [Soughans], Edleston, Newbolte [Newbold Astbury], Sutton, Middlewich, Hankelow, Great Aldersey, Lauckham - 1 Oct 1570
965 - Sir Hugh Cholmundely to Sir Christopher H tton - deed to the uses of a fine and lands in the Town'ps of Crewe, etc. - 22 Aug 1579
966 - Sir Hugh Cholmondeley & others to Sir Christopher Hatton - deed declaring the uses of a fine - counterpart of DCR/14/5/6 - 22 Aug 1579
967 - Thomas Manwaring to John Royle - bargain & sale of land in Newton - 4 Sep 1595
968 - Thomas Manwaring to Robert Horton - confirmation of grant of land at Newton - 2 Dec 1598
969 - Ranulphe Crewe to Thomas Manwaring - bargain & sale of enclosure called Weaver Banks - Newton - 10 Feb 1612
970 - Thomas Manwaring to Thomas & George Manwaring - bargain & sale of a messuage in Newton - 16 Feb 1616
971 - Thomas & George Manwaring to Thomas Manwaring the younger - bargain & sale of a mess. in Newton - 19 Feb 1616
972 - William Bayley to Thomas Mainwaring - bargain & sale of a messuage in Newton - 20 Mar 1616
973 - George Harrison to Sir Richard Wilbraham - feoffment of a messuage in Newton - 1 Aug 1621
974 - John de Erreby granted to Ralph de Hauewall of Nantwich, his part of the assart called Ffrensemonnesruydyng - 1286
975 - Fraunch Whitmore bargained & sold to Sir John Offley a piece of pasture called Hobbure in Madeley, Staffordshire - 20 Jul 1627
976 - Memorandum relating to the Nantwich Rectory - 1819
977 - Joseph Doue & John Doue to Thomas Wilbraham - marriage articles - lands in Utkinton, etc. - 15 Apr 1585
978 - Greene & Phithian - marriage articles - messuage & lands in Tetton - Mar 1618
979 - Marriage articles of Richard Egerton & Margaret Brereton - Manors of Chorley, etc., & appurtenances in townships in Stafford & lands in the counties of Shropshire, Flint, & Denbigh - 18 Jan 1619
980 - Marriage Settlement - John Done of Utkinton & Mary Stanley - manors of Utkinton, Tarporley, Wiliarton [Willaston?], Kelsall, Eaton, Rushton, the advowson of the church of Torpley [Tarporley?] and lands in those townships and also in Alpram, etc. - 10 Nov 1622
981 - Executors of Sir Edward Coke - allotment of portions to the grandchildren Lord Coventry & Sir R. Crewe - 1716
982 - Mrs Judith Lister - probate from the prerogative Court of Canterbury - 1716
983 - James Brownlow of Dublin - 1727
984 - The will of the Right Hon. Lord Crewe - 14 Mar 1879
985 - 32 wills labelled (11) and (8)
986 - Relates to £8,000 given by Mr. Shuttleworth to his daughter, Mrs. Crewe - 19th century
987 - Inventory & valuation of the house at Thorne Quay - 1825
988 - Inventory of Madeley Manor - 1851
989 - Old inventory of Sir N. Gerrard's furniture. [Ex Box 60] - 1690
990 - Catalogue of the benefactions to the church and school of Madeley, given by Sir John Offley, Knt. and his heirs
991 - Letters from Tylees, 1858-1892 - business includes reference to endowed schools, Madeley; points connected with a new will - 1874-5 - statements of accounts due to the solicitors - 1858-1892
992 - Letters relating to Crewe Green Schools - 1880. Barthomley and Mucclestone Churches 1883-90. All Saints church, Madeley. Proposed new school at Mucclestone - 1872-4. Colombo Bishopric endowment fund. Invitation to subscribe to a bibliography of Staffordshire. Newspaper cutting - Mr. Gladstone on the life of Dr. Hook, 1879. Bankruptcy of P. Hartley, 1894. H. H. Smith's report on Dingle farm, Sandbach 1889. Sale of 28 Hill St., Berkeley Square, 1856. Extract from the will of the right honourable Hungerford, Lord Crewe. Invitation cards of Lord Crewe - 1873-4.
993 - E. M. Barrie, architect. Correspondence re. Crewe Hall, certificates issued and receipts for payments (and sketches), 1866-79. - 1866-1879
994 - Crewe Hall, various accounts paid
995 - Concerning Hon. Mrs. Cunliffe Offley and E. E. Cunliffe Offley, deceased, 1847-87 - 1847-1887
996 - Crewe Hall, Cubitt & Co.'s Account, c.1865-80 - 1865-1880
997 - Accounts of Messrs. Caldecott of London, cabinet makers, c.1860-90 - 1860-1890
998 - Sir Christofer Hatton leased to George Alseger a messuage in Barthomley - 1 Dec 1588
999 - John Shawe confirmed to William Shawe, Olliuer Wright & John Newton enclosures in Sandbach - 27 Mar 1615
1000 - Sir Ranulph Crewe to Richard Parrott - lease of a messuage in Crewe - 20 Nov 1629
1001 - Sir Ranulph Crewe to Richard Deane and Elizabeth, his mother - lease of a messuage at Barthomley - 1630
1002 - Sir Ranulphe Crewe to Matthewe Wrighte - lease of a messuage in Crewe - 20 Oct 1632
1003 - Sir Clippesby Crewe leased to William Richardson messuage in Sandbach - Aug 1648
1004 - Sir John Crewe leased to Ellinor Shawe a cottage & appurtenances in Elton - 9 Nov 1672
1005 - John Crewe leased to George Alseger a mess. in Barthomley previously held by Hen., father of of the said George - 20 Nov 1678
1006 - Ann Crew Offley leased to Robt. Hollins a mess. in Barthomley already occupied by the said Robert - 21 Dec 1698
1007 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to Thomas Barrington a messuage called Woodhouse in Warmingham Parish - 1 Dec 1704
1008 - Lease from John Crewe to Joseph Wright of 2 enclosures - 5 Nov 1713
1009 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to Mathew Noden a mess. in Crewe - 24 Mar 1711
1010 - John Crewe to George Alsager - lease of a messuage & appurtenances in Barthomley - 1 Jun 1716
1011 - William Ffrowde to John Coppock lease of a messuage in Ringey - 5 Mar 1718
1012 - John Crewe to John Venables lease of a cottage in Elton - 20 May 1718
1013 - John Crewe to Henry Derbyshire - lease of Partington's tenement in Hale - 19 Jan 1732
1014 - Ranulphe Crewe to Robert Stanwaye - lease of a cottage in Crewe already occupied by the said Robert - 25 Oct 1616
1015 - Sir Clippesby Crewe to Randle Stanway - lease of a cottage in Crewe - 25 May 1647
1016 - Counterpart of DCR/16/2/2
1017 - John Crewe to Raphe Stanway - lease of a messuage in Crewe - 1 Aug 1656
1018 - Anne Crew Offley leased to Randle Stanway a messuage in Crewe - 17 Sep 1696
1019 - Sir Christofer Hatton leased to Robert Harrison & his assigns a messuage in Elton - 20 Feb 1616
1020 - Sir Christofer Hatton leased to John Noden a cottage in Elton - 20 Feb 1616
1021 - Sir Christofer Hatton leased to Katherine Noden a cottage in Elton - 20 Feb 1616
1022 - John Crewe leased to William Smith a messuage in Warmingham - 12 Aug 1665
1023 - John Crewe to Henery (sic) Mousley - lease of a messuage in Warmingham - 21 Sep, 1667
1024 - John Crewe leased to William Hassall a messuage in Warmingham already held by the said William - 20 Apr 1674
1025 - Ann Crew Offley leased to Randle Harrison a mess. in Tetton - 16 Aug 1692
1026 - Anne Crewe Offley to William Hassall - lease of a piece of at Warmingham known as Rough Wood - 2 Feb 1700
1027 - John Crewe leased to Barlow Keat - a messuage in Warmingham - 20 Mar 1712
1028 - John Crewe leased to Hugh Wharton - a messuage in Warmingham - 20 Dec 1709
1029 - Counterpart of DCR/16/3/10
1030 - John Crewe leased to Ralf Kent an enclosure in Warmingham - 2 Aug 1721
1031 - Thomas Basford assigned to John Crewe a messuage in Crewe - 14 Mar 1725
1032 - John Crewe leased to John Davyes - a cottage in Warmingham - 14 Oct 1725
1033 - Anne Crewe leased to Richard Hassall a messuage in Warmingham - 20 Dec 1709
1034 - Agreement that George Hallowes & James Kent undertook to pay certain rents to John Crewe for land in Warmingham - 26 Jun 1730
1035 - Agreement between John Crewe & Thomas Dod that the said Thomas should enjoy certain enclosures in Warmingham - 26 Jul 1742
1036 - John Crewe leased to John Lawton a messuage in Warmingham - 25 Mar 1744
1037 - John Lawton's inventary [sic] - 3 Oct 1745
1038 - John Lawton's bill of sale to secure rent to John Crewe - 15 Oct 1745
1039 - John Crewe leased to Joseph Skerrett a messuage in Tetton - 20 May 1718
1040 - Counterpart of DCR/16/3/21. Also a number of receipts & accounts of John Lawton
1041 - Robert Fulleshurst leased to Richard Yerdley a tenement in Crewe - 20 Jan 1563
1042 - Robert Fulleshurst leased to John Bowghey an enclosure called Sinderhills in Crewe - 3 May 1571
1043 - Sir Christopher Hatton leased to Randall Brooke a messuage in Crewe - 1 Dec 1588
1044 - Robert Fulleshurst leased to Rondull Wynseley a messuage in Crewe - 27 Sep 1562
1045 - Randulphe Crewe leased to Lawrence Hulse a messuage in Crewe - 20 Nov 1616
1046 - Counterpart of DCR/16/4/5 - 20 Nov 1616
1047 - Ranulph Crewe leased to Matthewe Wrighte a messuage in Crewe - 10 Sep 1611
1048 - Sir Ranulph Crewe leased to James Davenport a messuage in Crewe - 6 Mar 1632
1049 - Sir Ranulph Crewe leased to James Davenporte a messuage in Crewe - 17 Sep 1646
1050 - Sir Clippesby Crewe leased to William Hulton a messuage in Crewe - 1647
1051 - William Steele leased to Raphe Houghe a messuage in Sandbach - 18 Jun 1650
1052 - John Crewe leased to Mathew Meakin a toft in Crewe - 11 Dec 1652
1053 - John Crew leased to John Withenshawe a messuage in Crewe - 10 Dec 1653
1054 - John Crew leased to William Henbury a messuage in Crewe - 3 Dec 1653
1055 - John Crew leased to Robert Lunt a messuage in Barthomley - 10 Nov 1653
1056 - John Crewe leased to Raphe Stanway a messuage in Crewe - 1 Aug 1656
1057 - Ralph Tickness leased to John Latham a messuage in Crewe - 16 Aug 1664
1058 - Anne Crew Offley leased to Thomas Bafford a messuage in Crewe - 10 Dec 1694
1059 - Anne Crew Offley leased to Edward Minshull a messuage in Crewe - 2 Feb 1698
1060 - Anne Crew Offley leased to Randle Stanway a cottage in Crewe - 2 Feb 1699
1061 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to Thomas Henbury a cottage at Woodnetts Green, Crewe - 26 Mar 1703
1062 - Anne Crew Offley leased to Thomas Ffurnifall a cottage in Crewe - 27 Nov 1704
1063 - Richard Walthall to John Oulton - lease of the Pinfold tenement, Crewe - 16 Mar 1707
1064 - John Crewe leased to Mathew Whitney a piece of land, called Phellips Hill in Crewe - 4 Aug 1711
1065 - John Crewe leased to Daniel Roson a piece of land called Little Crewe hey in Crewe - 9 Oct 1714
1066 - Sir Christopher Hatton & others leased to John Berrington a messuage in Elton - 20 Feb 1616
1067 - Sir Christopher Hatton leased to Randolph Kent a messuage in Elton - 20 Feb 1616
1068 - John Crew leased to John Johnson a messuage in Elton - 7 Oct 1615
1069 - Sir Clippesby Crew leased to Edward Hall a messuage in Elton - 1644
1070 - John Crewe leased to John Kent a messuage in Elton - 20 Sep 1662
1071 - John Crewe leased to Ann Noden a messuage in Warmingham - 19 Oct 1663
1072 - John Crewe leased to Thomas Kent a messuage in Elton - 15 Oct 1663
1073 - Counterpart of DCR/16/5/7
1074 - John Crewe leased to Thomas Moore a messuage in Elton - 29 Sep 1664
1075 - John Crewe leased to Peter Dyall a messuage in Elton - 29 Sep 1664
1076 - Counterpart of DCR/16/5/10 - 10 Sep 1664
1077 - Sir Clippesby Crew leased to Peter Diall a messuage in Elton - 12 Jul 1647
1078 - John Crewe leased to Thomas Harrison a messuage in Elton - 26 Apr 1675
1079 - John Crewe leased to Thomas Moore a messuage in Elton - 24 Oct 1682
1080 - John Crew Offley leased to Charles Noden a messuage in Elton - 11 Apr 1688
1081 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to Randle Turner a messuage in Warmingham - 26 Mar 1701
1082 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to Thomas Berrington a messuage in Woodhouses in Warmingham Parish - 1 Dec 1704
1083 - Anne Crew Offley leased to Margarett Dyall a cottage in Elton - 23 Nov 1704
1084 - Anne Crew Offley leased to William Jackson a messuage in Elton - 10 Oct 1705
1085 - Counterpart of DCR/16/5/19
1086 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to Richard Moore the tenement in Elton previously held by William Jackson - 4 Nov 1708
1087 - Anne Crewe leased to John Kent a messuage in Elton - 20 Feb 1709
1088 - Anne Crewe leased to William Jackson a messuage in Elton - 28 Oct 1709
1089 - John Crewe leased to Richard Hatton a messuage in Elton - 29 Nov 1711
1090 - John Crewe leased to John Whitacres a messuage in Elton - 31 May 1716
1091 - John Crewe leased to Thomas Bowyer a messuage in Elton - 18 Aug 1740
1092 - Sir William Hatton leased to Robert Oulton a messuage in Crewe - 2 Aug 1596
1093 - Extract from the View of frankpledge for Crewe - 1614
1094 - Sir Ranulph Crewe leased to James Lea a messuage in Crewe - 10 Sep 1629
1095 - Sir Ranulph Crewe leased to Randle Yardley a messuage in Crewe - 1 Nov 1616
1096 - Sir Ranulph Crewe leased to Randle Meakin a messuage in Crewe - 20 Nov 1629
1097 - Sir Clippesby Crew leased to Raph Poole a cottage in Crewe - 26 May 1647
1098 - Sir Clippesby Crewe leased to Robert Lea a messuage in Crewe - 27 May 1647
1099 - Sir Clippesby Crewe leased to Robert Winteley a messuage in Crewe - 10 Sep 1646
1100 - John Crewe leased to John Deane a cottage & appurtenances in Crewe - 16 May 1649
1101 - Thomas Andrewes leased to John Offley, a fishpond called Cockmere
1102 - John Crewe leased to Mathew Noden a messuage in Crewe - 10 Oct 1659
1103 - John Crew leased to William Loncastle a messuage in Crewe - 10 Dec 1658
1104 - John Crew Offley leased to Margery Withinshaw a mess. in Crewe - 24 Jan 1687
1105 - Anne Crew Offley leased to Mathew Winteley a messuage in Crewe - 11 Nov 1689
1106 - John Crew leased to Robert Oulton a messuage in Crewe - 18 Apr 1695
1107 - Counterpart of DCR/16/6/15
1108 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to Thomas Henbury a cottage at Woodnetts greene, Crewe - 26 Mar 1703
1109 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to Thomas Whitney a messuage in Crewe - 26 Mar 1705
1110 - John Crewe leased to Thomas Steele a messuage in Crewe - 4 May 1710
1111 - John Crewe leased to Mathew Witney a messuage in Crewe - 4 Aug 1711
1112 - Counterpart of DCR/16/6/20 - 1711
1113 - John Crewe leased to John Withinshaw a messuage in Crewe - 29 Oct 1714
1114 - John Crewe leased to Joseph Lea a messuage in Crewe - 6 Jun 1716
1115 - John Crewe leased to Ratliffe Wintley a messuage in Crewe - 5 Aug 1720
1116 - Anne Crew leased to Thomas Basford a messuage in Crewe - 10 Dec 1694
1117 - Account of rents of certain tenants in Crewe - 1734
1118 - Agreement with Thomas Hollins about lands in Crewe - 1736
1119 - John Crewe leased to William Cliff a messuage in Crewe - 1742
1120 - Articles of agreement between John Crew & Samuel Asbury - messuage in Weston - 1744
1121 - Account of the poor at Crewe - 1746
1122 - Richard Steele leased to William Wheelocke a messuage in Weston - 9 Sep 1616
1123 - Sir Ranulph Crewe leased to Randle Crosse a messuage in Barthomley - 16 Nov 1616
1124 - John Crew leased to William Leicester a piece of meadow in Hale - 25 Oct 1652
1125 - William Steele leased to Raphe Newton a messuage in Weston - 23 Sep 1656
1126 - William Steele leased to Richard Wheelocke a messuage in Weston - 23 Sep 1656
1127 - Abstract of the deeds of Mr. Crewe, relating to the cock walke tenement at Weston - 1670
1128 - Anne Crew Offley leased to Thomas Broome a cottage in Winterley - 2 Feb 1698
1129 - John Crewe to John Sherwin - lease of a messuage in Weston - 16 Mar 1699
1130 - John Crewe leased to Joseph Skerratt messuages in Wybunbury - 20 Nov 1718
1131 - Counterpart of DCR/16/7/9
1132 - John Crewe to Richard Aston - lease of a messuage in Aston near Mondrem - Also counterpart - 3 Aug 1720
1133 - John Crew leased to Richard Aston - a messuage in Aston near Mondrem - 2 Oct 1668
1134 - John Crewe leased to Thomas Wood - a messuage in Aston near Mondrem - 3 Aug 1720
1135 - John Crewe leased to John Unwin - a messuage in Weston - 13 Nov 1727
1136 - Edward Standleys leased to Hen. Backster, William Grantham & Ellen Backster - a messuage in Hale - 20 Mar 1595
1137 - Sir Edward Stanley leased to Thomas Rylandes - a mess. in Hale - 7 Mar 1605
1138 - Sir Baptist Hickes leased to Robert Ashley - a messuage in Hale - 14 Mar 1616
1139 - Sir Baptist Hickes leased to George Warburton - a messuage in Halebarnes [Hale Bank?] - 1 Nov 1616
1140 - Sir Baptist Hickes leased to Thomas Cashea - messuage in Ringey, Cheshire - 17 Jun 1617
1141 - Sir Baptist Hickes leased to Edward Tipping a mess. in Hale - 18 Jun 1617
1142 - Sir Baptist Hickes leased to Roger Arstall a messuage in Ringey - 11 Nov 1616
1143 - Sir Baptist Hick leased to John Barrowe a messuage in Hale - 18 Jun 1617
1144 - Sir Baptist Hickes leased to Elizabeth Tippinge a messuage in Hale - 1 Nov 1616
1145 - Sir Baptist Hicks leased to George Warburton a messuage in Ringey - 23 Mar 1625
1146 - Sir Ranulphe Crewe leased to John Goulden a messuage in Hale - 10 Jun 1633
1147 - Sir Randulphe Crewe leased to Thomas Hesket a messuage in Ringey - 10 Jun 1633
1148 - Sir Randulph Crewe leased to Edward Drinkwater a messuage in Hale - 10 Jun 1633
1149 - Sir Ranulph Crewe leased to Joan Duncalfe a messuage in Hale - 7 Aug 1635
1150 - Sir Clippesby Crewe leased to John Brundreth a mess. in Hale - 15 Sep 1646
1151 - Sir Clippesby Crewe leased to Thomas Sanderson a mess. in Hale - 12 Jun 1647
1152 - John Crewe leased to Edward Drinkwater a messuage in Hale - 24 May 1649
1153 - John Crewe leased to Thomas Peryn a messuage in Hale - 1 Mar 1657
1154 - John Crewe leased to Margaret Toung a messuage in Hale - 18 Oct 1659
1155 - John Crewe leased to William Heelde a messuage in Hale - 29 Sep 1663
1156 - John Crewe leased to John Brundreth a messuage in Hale - 20 Oct 1663
1157 - John Crewe leased to John Rylance a tenement in Sandbach - 16 Oct 1663
1158 - Edward Tipping transferred to John Rutter the messuage previously leased to him in Hale - 10 Jun 1669
1159 - John Crewe leased to Ellin Duncalfe a messuage in Hale - 4 Dec 1671
1160 - Edmund Turner leased to Jonathan Leatherbarrow a messuage in Ringay [Ringway] - 2 May 1685
1161 - Edmund Turnor leased to John Radford a messuage in Sinderland, in the Lordship of Hale - 4 May 1685
1162 - Edmund Turnor leased to William Bradley a messuage in Ringay [Ringway] - 1 May 1685
1163 - Edmund Turnor (he had married Lucy, widow of the late John Crew of Crew Hall) leased to Thomas Moores a messuage in Ringey [Ringway] - 4 Feb 1689
1164 - Edmund Turnor leased to William Grantham a messuage in Hale - 24 Oct 1693
1165 - Edmund Turner leased to John Burges a messuage in Hale - 18 Nov 1700
1166 - William Ffrowde (married to Lucy, widow of Edmund Turner) leased to Ann Grantham a mess. in Hale - 21 Jun 1701
1167 - William Ffrowde leased to John Coppock a messuage in Ringey [Ringway] - 4 Nov 1701
1168 - William Ffrowde leased to Jefferey Alcock a messuage & piece of land in Ringey [Ringway] - 21 Mar 1705
1169 - William Ffrowde leased to John Warburton a messuage in Hale - 10 Jun 1708
1170 - William Ffrowde to John Warburton - lease of a mess. in Hale - 16 May 1719
1171 - William Ffrowde leased to John Burges a messuage in Hale - 2 Jul 1719
1172 - William Ffrowde leased to Edward Alcock a messuage in Hale - 27 Jun 1722
1173 - John Crew leased to George Ashley a messuage in Hale - 20 Mar 1651
1174 - Edwarde Stanley leased to Brian Leytherbarowe a messuage in Ringey [Ringway] - 13 Mar 1584
1175 - Edwarde Stanley leased to Henry Backstar a messuage in Hale - 13 Apr 1584
1176 - Edward Stanley leased to John Burges a messuage in Hale - 14 Apr 1589
1177 - Sir Baptist Hickes leased to Henry Hardie a messuage in Ringei [Ringway] - 11 Nov 1616
1178 - Sir Baptist Hickes leased to John Pedley a messuage in Rungey [Ringway] - 1 Nov 1616
1179 - Sir Baptist Hickes leased to Thomas Cashe a messuage in Rungei [Ringway] - 7 Jun 1617
1180 - Sir Baptist Hickes leased to Thomas Peryn a messuage in Hale - 21 May 1617
1181 - Sir Baptist Hickes leased to Raphe Kelsell a messuage in Rungey [Ringway] - 4 May 1618
1182 - Sir Ranulphe Crewe leased to Edmond Newton a messuage in Ringey [Ringway] - 10 Jun 1633
1183 - Sir Ranulphe Crewe leased to Roger Worthington a mess. in Ringey [Ringway] - 10 Jun 1633
1184 - Sir Clippesby Crewe leased to William Barratt a messuage in Ringey [Ringway] already occupied by the said William - 15 Sep 1646
1185 - Sir Clippesby Crewe leased to Roger Artenstall a messuage in Ringey [Ringway] - 15 Sep 1646
1186 - Edward Tipping to John Rutter - mortgage of a messuage in Hale - 10 Jun 1669
1187 - Sir Clippesby Crewe to Henry Cockson - lease of a messuage in Ringey [Ringway] - 10 Jun 1647
1188 - John Crew to William Copock - lease of a messuage in Ringey [Ringway] - 26 Feb 1651
1189 - John Crewe leased to Henry Hazelhurste a messuage in Sinderland in Bowden Parish - 3 Jun 1656
1190 - John Crewe leased to Henry Coppocke a messuage in Ringey [Ringway] - 4 Dec 1771
1191 - John Crewe leased to Thomas Newton a messuage in Ringey [Ringway] - 1657
1192 - John Crewe leased to William Ashley a messuage in Hale - 20 Oct 1663
1193 - John Crewe leased to Edward Hoult a messuage in Ringey [Ringway] - 4 Dec 1671
1194 - John Crewe leased to James Artenstall a messuage in Ringey [Ringway] - 20 Mar 1671
1195 - Edmund Turnor leased to George Ashly a messuage in Hale - 25 Apr 1685
1196 - Edmund Turnor leased to William Barret a messuage in Ringey [Ringway] - 5 Nov 1686
1197 - Edmund Turner leased to Henry Hesketh lands in Ringey [Ringway] - 21 Jun 1692
1198 - William Ffrowde leased to Margrett Heald a messuage in Hale, Ringey [Ringway] - 29 Jan 1699
1199 - Edmund Turnor leased to George Leicester a messuage in Hale - 6 May 1710
1200 - William Ffrowde leased to George Ashley a messuage in Hale called Bridge Croft - 12 Apr 1712
1201 - William Ffrowd leased to Isaac Newton a messuage in Ringey [Ringway] - 21 Feb 1717
1202 - William Ffrowd leased to Edward Alcock a messuage in Ringey [Ringway] - 19 Jun 1718
1203 - Grants, Leases, Fines, Common Recoveries relating to 25 documents. - 1526-1659
1204 - Abstract of Title deeds relating to Madeley Manor - Paper Book - 1716
1205 - Deeds relating to Ridge Hill & Moss Green (14 documents.) - 1574-1654
1206 - Sir John Offley's settlement of the Madeley estate in 1614 & other conveyances relating to Madeley (27 documents.) - 16th century-18th century
1207 - Conveyances (22 documents.) - 1547-1722
1208 - Conveyances relating to Muccleston, Staff. (14 documents.) - c.1500-1677
1209 - Conveyances relating to Darlaston Manor, Weddisfielf [Wednesfield?] in Wolverhampton Parish (38 documents.) - 1575-1777
1210 - Abstract of title of John Crewe esquire to the manors of Darlaston etc. Presentments at the courts at Darlaston, letters about the estate there & a survey & valuation of cottages in the manor of Darlaston (1751) 1730-1862 - 1730-1862
1211 - Mortgages etc., relating to Barhill farm - 1724 1709
Expand 1212 - MADELEY1212 - MADELEY
Expand 1213 - Papers relating to the will of Sir John Offley - 1656-16571213 - Papers relating to the will of Sir John Offley - 1656-1657
1214 - Described as "Old Deeds that don't seem to be of any use nor to relate to any part of Mr. Crewe's estate"
1215 - John de Eyton, resident in Axel quitclaimed to Adam de Mukleston all rights in Yreywode, between Mukleston [Muccleston] & Axel. Announcement of seal. Witnessed by Robert de Bromleg', Eadmund de Wasteneis, Robert de Dutton, knights, Regynald de Karnes, Roger de Borc'ton, Stephen de Okel, Thomas G'ueyse, de Bodemor, Hugh de Chiuelton, Adam Broun of Aston & others (Seal in green wax) (Latin) - 10 Apr 1294
1216 - Indenture: John de Whytemor & William de Sutton, clerk & parson of the church of St. Mary of Moculston [Muccleston], were bound to Gilbert Trussell, by statute merchant, made before the bailiffs of Shropshire, in £20 as a guarantee that they would pay 46 marks a year, for term of Gilbert's life in return for the manors of Thorstanton & Moculaston [Muccleston] & appurtenances & the advowson of the church of Moculaston [Muccleston] (Seal lost) (French) - 14 Mar 1400
1217 - William Whytmore granted to Robert Garard & John Tildisley manor of Mocleston [Muccleston] & the advowson of the church (seal in red wax) (Latin) - 22 May 1438
1218 - Damaged deed. At the court at Wolm'hamptona [Wolverhampton], John de Denbyghe son & heir of Elen, widow of William Jenyns & Richard Sutton claimed her lands & paid 6d. heriot (Seal lost) (Latin) - 1495
1219 - Indenture: Richard Rogers & John Rogers, his son, in consideration of a sum of money, on the marriage of Richard Morris with the sister of the said John, leased to the said Richd. Morris a messuage & appurtenances in Walton. 2 seals on tags. (English) - 22 Sep 1589
1220 - Indenture: William Borne bargained & sold to Nicholas Crockett the reversion of three customary acres of pastures in Burslem (Seal lost) (English) - 20 Mar 1618
1221 - Receipt from Abigail Bulkeley for £8. 7s. 2d., from Sir John Offley (English) (on paper) - 10 May 1631
1222 - Indenture: Sir John Offley leased to Randulph Vernon all his mine in Levershed alias Leysett [Leycett]. Seal in red wax, on a tag (English) - 29 Mar 1637
1223 - John Crocket, son & heir of Nicholas Crocket announced that he had granted to Sir John Offley pasture in Whitmore Parish [Whitemoor] - 21 Sep 1638
1224 - John Snede of Madeley Magna, co. Stafford announced that he bargained & sold to Adiel Baynan of Basingstoke, co. Southampton all rights & claims in a piece of land in Thornhill in Great Madeley, being part of the inheritance of John Offley, esq. (English) (on paper) - 7 Oct 1653
1225 - Indenture - John Offley, for £240, leased to Robert Tymmies of Aston - a messuage & appurtenances in Madeley (No seal) (English) - 24 Mar 1684
1226 - Indenture - Mary Offley, for £110 leased to Hugh Page a house & certain lands in Madeley. Seal in dark brown wax, on tag (English) - 1 Jan 1665
1227 - Letter from Chris Appleby to John Crew, esq., promising to do all in his power to bring Vaughan to do justice (On paper) (English) - Also 2 badly damaged final concords - 3 Dec 1740
1228 - Vincentius de Julton, Robert de Hulton & Richard Tussing of Lychfend, chaplain, granted to Henry de Arewas, clerk, at the fee farm, a meadow called Calangeholm, between the Trent & Edelake extending to the bridge of Wythenou'e to hold for 10s. a year - also 12d. due to the chief lord of the fee at the feast of St John the Baptist. Warranty. Announcement of seals. Witnessed by Robert de Pipe, Richard de Barton, clerk, Robert de ffreforde, Hugh de Tymmor, William de Tomenhorn, Peter Colcestr' Hugh de Strethay & others (Only one tag now remains, bearing a seal in green wax) (Latin) - N.D
1229 - William son of Roger de Madeley' granted to Richard de Sideway half a haystonwe, with the wood growing on it, bounded on one side by the ditch of Witemor. In return he was to render a rose a year, at the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist. Warranty. Announcement of seal. Witnessed by William de Stonilowe, William de Brugg'wey, John, son of Alan de Witemor, Adam de Sideway, Richard de Northlond, Richard de Hochul & many others (Seal lost) (Latin) - N.D
1230 - Indenture - Edmund de Stafford, lord of Madeleg', granted to Robert de Holeway 2 acres in Madeleg' [Madeley] Fee to hold for term of life beginning Feb. 2nd. 1302 (Seal lost) (Latin) - 1302
1231 - Indenture: Edmund de Stafford, lord of Madeleg' [Madeley] granted to Richard Stonilowe 2 acres in the fee of Madeleg' [Madeley] for life at 2s. a year. (Seal lost) (Latin) - 1302
1232 - Indenture: Edmund de Stoffordia leased to Master Symon de Mepham, rector of Madeleg' [Madeley] 5 acres in Madeleg' [Madeley] & 10 acres of moor, for 20 years at 1d. a year. He gave £20 for the grant (Seal lost) (Latin) - 7 Apr 1303
1233 - William, son of William Coyn de Madeley acknowledged himself bound to Thomas de Pype, lord of Madeley in 10 marks. (Seal lost) (French) - 30 Nov 1319
1234 - William, son of Roger de Madeley, quitclaimed to William, his son, all claim to a croft called Olcokescroft in 6 selions of land on le Crokedeok, given at Madeley. Seal in light coloured wax, on a tag (Latin) - 22 Oct 1335
1235 - Indenture - Ralph baron of Stafford granted to James de Staff' & Isabella, his wife, all the lands & appurtenances, which once belonged to Simon de Verneye in Madeleye [Madeley] - Seal in red wax on a tag (Latin) - 25 Mar 1339
1236 - William, son of Elyas de Bosco of Wythmor granted to John, his son, clerk, a messuage & house & a piece of arable, held of John, lord of Wythomor, in the Wythomor Fee - 7 Mar 1340
1237 - John de Cokesloue, sequestrator general of the Bp. of Coventry & Lichfield, announced that William del Wode had rendered a true account of the estate which he had administered as executor of a will. Announcement of seal of office - Fragment of seal in green wax, on a tongue (Latin) - 20 Feb 1370
1238 - Robert Alysaundre of Rodbourne granted to Thomas. son of William, Roger de Lodbrok & Joan his wife, 2 pieces of land in Rodbourne - Fragment of seal in light coloured wax (Latin) - 3 Aug 1345
1239 - Ralph, earl of Stafford apptd. Nicholas de Lichefeld & William Dyngell attorneys to give seisin to Gilbert Trussell & Elena, his wife, in the lands once held by William Wolseleye in Berth'ton together with William, son of Thomas de Berth'ton, his villein. (Seal in red wax on a tongue) (Latin) - 2 Apr 1364
1240 - Ralph, earl of Stafford & lord of Tonbrigge apptd. William de Stonylowe attorney to give seisin in the manor of Mockleston [Muccleston] (Seal in red wax on a tongue) (English) - 6 Jun 1371
1241 - Rauf, earl of Stafford, lord of Tonbrigge acknowledged a certain debt due from him to Gilbert Trossel & John Bogonton (Seal in red wax on a tongue) (French) - 7 Nov 1371
1242 - John de Whytemour & Margeria, his wife, granted to Gilbert Trussel & Cecilia, his wife, the manor of Mokelston [Muccleston] & the advowson of the church there, which they had of the gift & feoffment of William de Sutton, & William de Godfray, chaplains (2 tags each bearing a seal in red wax) (Latin) - 22 Jul 1392
1243 - Indenture: Gilbert Trussell granted to John de Whytemore manors of Thurstanton & Mocleston [Muccleston] with Mocleston [Muccleston] Advow. (Seal in red wax on a tag) (Latin) - 22 Oct 1399
1244 - Gilbert Trussell apptd. Roger de Merton & Henry Hugynsson attorneys to give seisin to the said John (see DCR/19/10/6) (Seal in red wax) (Latin)
1245 - Counterpart of DCR/19/10/6 (Fragment of seal in red wax on a tag) - 28 Oct 1399
1246 - John de Whytemore granted to Gilbert Trussell the first presentation of Mokelston [Muccleston] Church if it should fall vacant during the lifetime of the said Gilbert (Seal in red wax, on a tag) (French) - 30 Oct 1899
1247 - Gilbert Trussell quitclaimed to John de Whitemore all rights in manor of Mocleston [Muccleston] & the advow. of the church there. (Seal lost) (Latin) - 3 May 1401
1248 - William Morgan recovered seisin of his free tenement in Mocleston [Muccleston] in a suit against Humfrey Lowe, sheriff of Staffs, William, son of William Whitmore of Thurstanton & John Tillesley - held held at the assizes, Woluernehampton [Wolverhampton] (Latin) - 1441
1249 - Adam atte Tuychele of Oldesalyng granted to William de Prestwode for a certain sum of money, 3 butti of land in an assart between the land of the said William & the road to Wolu'uehampton [Wolverhampton] (Seal in light coloured wax, on a tag) (Latin) - 16 Dec 1324
1250 - Thomas de la Loue of Wolu'nehampton [Wolverhampton] granted to John atte Lee of Graseleye & Alice, daughter of the said Thomas, 20d. annual rent from a piece of land, which John le Wobbe held of him in Wolu'nehampton [Wolverhampton] (Fragment of seal in light coloured wax, on a tag) (Latin) - 25 Oct 1345
1251 - Thomas en le Loue of Wolu'nehampton [Wolverhampton] & Edith, his wife, granted to John atte Lee of Graseley & Alice, daughter of the said Thomas, a house & curtilage, once held by Richard le Ffox in Wolu'nehapton [Wolverhampton] (Seals lost) - 31 Oct 1345
1252 - At the small court of Richard Postell, dean, William atte Hurst surrendered 3 selions in the Chircheweyfeld at Wodnesfeld (Seal lost) (Latin) - 6 May 1376
1253 - Richard Bon' granted to John Aleyn of Wodnesfeld a holding (stadium) in le Lachefeld (Seal lost) (Latin) - 30 Dec 1389
1254 - William in le Loue of Hampton amerced various tailors at Hampton (Latin) - 16 Nov 1405
1255 - At the small court of Laurence Allerthorp, dean of Wolu'nehampton [Wolverhampton], Roger atte Lye & Christiana, his wife, surrendered 6 selions of land in Chircheweyefeld to the use of William Wylkys, jun. & Juliana, his wife (Seal lost) (Latin) - 30 Mar 1406
1256 - Indenture - Thomas Lyueriche of Walshale, John Curteys of the same, chaplain, & Robert Unwyn, with the consent of the Great Guild of St John of Walshale sold to William Loue of Wol'uehampton [Wolverhampton] & John Beket of Codeshale [Codsall] all the underwood in a piece of land in Codeshale [Codsall] Fee called Williames Heye (boundary of Stafford & Shropshire) (2 tags, seals lost) (Latin) - 10 May 1422
1257 - Indenture - Thomas Curwayn acknowledged himself bound to William of the Loue of Wolueronhampton [Wolverhampton] in 35s. (Seal in red wax, on a tongue) (Latin) - 1 Jul 1422
1258 - William Davye of Rollesby. co. Norfolk, granted to John Clippesby & William Franklyne a rood of arable in Rollesby (Seal in red wax, on a tag) (Latin) - 10 Aug 1581
1259 - Indenture - Ralph Egerton of Ridley co. Chester, granted to Richard Bostock of Tattenhall the common pound or pinfold of Tattenhall Manor in exchange for a piece of land in Tattenhall (Seal lost) (English) - 4 Mar 1603
1260 - Writ from the custodians of the liberty of England, by authority of Parliament to the county of Stafford. To appoint John Offley, esq., custodian in the county of Stafford. (Fragment of Great Seal) (Latin) - 14 Dec 1649
1261 - Leases - 1709-1752
1262 - Leases - 1557-1691
1263 - Leases - 1650
1264 - Leases - 1562-1762
1265 - Leases - 1597-1704
1266 - Leases; also John Platt's will - 17th century-18th century
1267 - Leases - 1620-1736
1268 - Leases - 1562-1732
1269 - Leases. In addition to leases Bundle 9 includes an agreement (1722) for the tenant at Madeley to pay all taxes - 1703-1749
1270 - Leases - 1630-1751
1271 - Leases - 1721-1750
1272 - Leases - 1545-1739
1273 - Leases, also Inquisition as to the Earl of Oxford's seisin of the Warmingham Manor, Wollaston Manor, Blacon Manor, North Rode Manor, Elton Manor, Tetton Manor & Ashedon Manor - 16th century-18th century
1274 - Leases - 1579-1719
1275 - Leases - 1713-1751
1276 - Leases, [also] letters, mortgages, copies of wills, accounts, bonds, relating to Hawkins, Shelley, Vaughan - first half of the 18th Cent. Also 1703 Mrs Offley's assignment of Sir Willoughby Aston's mortgage to Mr Crew - 1669-1701
1277 - Papers & correspondence on Shelley's estate & others - c.1720-1740
1278 - Documents relating to - the Acton case "Barhill", decree as to felling of trees in the park there - 1694 Hariots - 16th century, [also] Tattenhall - interrogation held on behalf of Dutton - 17th Century, [also] view of frankpledge at Madeley (3 rolls) 1562, 1593, 1598 - 16th century-18th century
1279 - Arrears of the Duke of Buckingham - 1519 (Edward, Duke of Bukyngham) 1629 - Will of George Becket, [also] Petition of William, Earl of Derby, chamberlain of Chester concerning Blacon Manor & related documents; Paper relating to the case of Sir Ranulph Crewe v. William Norris & others as to lands in Blacon - 1634
1280 - View of frankpledge &. Court Baron to Ralph Egerton, [also] Manorial accts. for the manors in the counties of Chester, Stafford, & Shropshire belonging to Henry, Lord Stafford, from Sept. 29th 1531-2, also a few 16th century leases. Pardon for John Offley - 25 Oct 1587
1281 - Leases - 1730-1742
1282 - Leases - 1700-1782
1283 - Leases - 1600-1698
1284 - Leases - 1703-1744
1285 - Leases - 1590-1698
1286 - Leases - 16th century-17th century
1287 - Leases - 1615-1699
1288 - Leases - 1651-1748
1289 - Leases - 1656-1728
1290 - Leases - 1601-1731
1291 - Rentals, articles of agreement relating to Peckforton - also a few leases - 1586-1701
1292 - Leases - 1590-1685
1293 - Leases - 1598-1711
1294 - Leases - 1663-1740
1295 - Leases - 1568-1589
1296 - Leases - 1616-1739
1297 - Leases - 1599-1737
1298 - Leases - 1673-1749
1300 - Agreement for Mr. Crewe's tenants in Cheshire to pay all taxes - 7 Dec 1722
1301 - Sir Christopher Hatton leased to Thomas Walley a mess. in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 1 Dec 1588
1302 - Sir Edward Coke leased to Chas. Shalcrosse - a messuage in Warmyncham [Warmingham] - 2 Nov 1604
1303 - Sir Christofer Hatton leased to Elizabeth Hassall a mess. in Elton - 20 Feb 1613
1304 - Sir Christopher Hatton leased to Edward Rinsey a mess. in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 20 Feb 1616
1305 - Sir Christofer Hatton leased to Thomas Pound a mess. in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 20 Feb 1616
1306 - Sir Ranulph Crewe leased to William Tompson a mess. in Elton - 26 Aug 1619
1307 - William Tompson assigned to John Fisher the above mess. [DCR/32/1/6?] - 2 Feb 1625
1308 - Sir Ranulph Crewe leased to John Bateman a mess. in Elton - 16 Feb 1636
1309 - Sir Clippesby Crewe leased to John Bateman a mess. in Elton - 15 Sep 1646
1310 - John Crewe to Ralph Hassall lease of a tenement in Warmingham - 30 May 1649
1311 - John Crewe Offley leased to John Kent a messuage in Elton - 1692
1312 - Rental for Warmincham [Warmingham] - 1697
1313 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to Margarett Kinsey a messuage in Tetton - 24 Mar 1701
1314 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to John Barrington a cottage in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 21 Mar 1701
1315 - Counterpart of DCR/32/1/14
1316 - John Crewe leased to Thomas Heamant a cottage in Warmingham - 30 Jul 1711
1317 - John Crewe to Joseph Skellerne lease of a cottage in Warmingham - 3 Aug 1720
1318 - John Crewe to William Hassall lease of a messuage in Elton - 20 Jun 1722
1319 - Articles of agreement between John Crewe & William Cooper - tenement - Warmingham - 6 Nov 1722
1320 - James Astbury to John Lightfoot assignment of 4 crofts in Warmingham - 18 Feb 1731
1321 - John Crewe leased to Thomas Noden - a messuage in Warmingham - 30 Jul 1711
1322 - Declaration that a leasehold estate in Weston was taken in trust for Sarah, then wife of Samuel Smith, now wife of Joseph Bleumire - 1737
1323 - Mr. Crewe to Samuel Joynson - lease of a tenement in Warmingham - 19 Oct 1739
1324 - Nicholas Kent & John Crewe - agreement as to the Rough Woods - 27 Oct 1739
1325 - John Crewe to Peter Joynson - lease of a farm at Warmingham (Stotial Farm) - 4 Dec 1741
1326 - John Crewe leased to John Haslehurst a tenement called Hassalls in Elton - 25 Mar 1743
1327 - Peter & William Ffurnival v. John Crewe - in chancery - suit as to a tenement in Elton - c 1700
1328 - John Crewe leased to Ralph Bostock the Rough Wood in Warmingham - 1 Oct 1679
1329 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to Richard Hassall a messuage in Booth Lane in Warmingham Parish - 10 Dec 1694
1330 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to John Bostock a cottage in Elton - 19 Mar 1697
1331 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to Katherine Noden a mess. in Warmingham - 24 Mar 1701
1332 - Anne Crewe Offley to Mr. Wright - lease of a messuage in Warmingham - 12 Feb 1706
1333 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to Randle Phythian - a messuage in Warmingham - 20 Dec 1709
1334 - John Crewe leased to Joseph Wright 2 enclosures in Elton - 5 Nov 1713
1335 - John Crewe to John Bostock - lease of enclosures near Ettiley Heath called Wildgoose Lake - 13 Mar 1720
1336 - John Crewe to Ralph Kent - lease of a messuage in Warmingham - 13 Jul 1720
1337 - Margaret Noden surrendered her lease to John Crewe & he then leased to her the same mess. in Warmingham - 20 Jul 1724
1338 - John Crewe to John Proudman - Lease - Tetton - 13 Nov 1734
1339 - John Crewe to Mr. Thomas Parcott - lease - Elton - 15 Nov 1737
1340 - Sir Ranulph Crewe to Thomas Kent - lease of a messuage in Elton - 19 Feb 1640
1341 - John Crewe leased to Randle Kent - a messuage in Elton - 8 Sep 1681
1342 - Anne Crewe leased to Shalcrosse Moseley Stotiall farm in Warmingham - 22 Aug 1709
1343 - John Crewe leased to Barlow Kent - a messuage in Warmingham - 20 Mar 1717
1344 - John Crewe leased to Daniel Dunn a cottage & 4 enclosures in Warmingham - 3 Aug 1720
1345 - John Crewe leased to Thomas Conway a messuage in Elton - 1 Mar 1721
1346 - John Crewe leased to Ffrancis Parrott a messuage in Elton - 19 Jun 1733
1347 - John Crewe leased to William Ledward a tenement in Elton - 20 Jul 1734
1348 - John Crewe leased to John Haslehurst a messuage in Elton - 25 Mar 1743
1349 - John Crewe leased to Nicholas Kent a messuage in Warmingham - 1555
1350 - Counterpart of DCR/32/4/1
1351 - Edward de Veer, Earl Oxunford leased to John Offley a messuage in Warmingham - 20 Mar 1578
1352 - Peter Walley leased to Robert Sheynton the messuage previously leased to the said Peter by Sir Christopher Hatton, situated in Warmyngham [Warmingham] - 2 Apr 1599
1353 - Sir Ranulph & Sir Clippesby Crewe to Charles Shalcrosse - lease of a messuage in Warmingham - 10 Dec 1629
1354 - Sir Ranulph Crewe leased to Hugh Bevington a messuage in Warmingham - 26 Dec 1629
1355 - Sir Ranulphe Crewe leased to Thomas Harrison - a messuage at the Woodhouses in Warmingham - 10 Oct 1637
1356 - John Crewe leased to Thomas Hemant a cottage & enclosure called the Intack in Warmingham - 1683
1357 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to Richard Hassall a messuage in Booth Lane in Warmingham - 1694
1358 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to Katherine Noden a messuage in Warmingham - 1695
1359 - John Crew Offley leased to Randle Coop a cottage in Warmingham - 1696
1360 - Anne Crew Offley leased to Katherine Noden a messuage in Warmingham - 1701
1361 - Anne Crew Offley to William Cooper - lease - cottage in Warmingham (With this deed is the indenture by which John Crew leased the cottage in question to John Cooper in 1661 - 1701
1362 - Anne Crew Offley leased to Randle Turner a tenement in Warmingham - 1701
1363 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to Richard Hassall a messuage in Booth Lane in Warmingham Parish - 1709
1364 - William Cooper & John Crewe - articles of agreement as to the Hall Grounds & Ledgewood in Warmingham - 19 May 1716
1365 - John Crewe leased to William Cooper a cottage in Warmingham - 1720
1366 - John Crew to John Savage - lease of demesne & mills in Warmingham - 13 Sep 1723
1367 - Thomas Harrinson assigned to Richd. Ffurnivall a messuage in Warmingham leased to the said Thomas by Edward de Veer, Earle of Oxonford - 10 May 1605
1368 - John Crew leased to Charles Nodon a messuage in Elton - 11 Apr 1606
1369 - Sir Ranulph Crewe leased to William Walley a messuage in Tetton - 30 Nov 1629
1370 - Mutilated indenture - 1629
1371 - John Crewe leased to Richard Berrington a messuage in Warminsham [Warmingham] - 3 Nov 1659
1372 - John Crewe leased to Ellinor Shawe a messuage in Elton - 9 Nov 1672
1373 - John Crew leased to Anne Kent a messuage in Warminsham [Warmingham] - 3 Aug 1687
1374 - John Crew Offley & William Shaw lease of a messuage in Elton - 1678
1375 - John Crew Offley leased to Ottiwell Bostock a messuage in Elton - 1687
1376 - Anne Crew Offley leased to Hunphrey Gorton a cottage in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 1692
1377 - Anne Crew Offley leased to John Doncaster a tenement in Warmingham - 4 Dec 1697
1378 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to Mr. Kinsey a messuage in Tetton - 24 Mar 1701
1379 - William Ffrowde leased to John Perrin a messuage in Hale & Ringey [Ringway] - 3 Sep 1711
1380 - John Crew leased to John Kent a messuage in Elton - 20 May 1718
1381 - John Crewe leased to John Kent a messuage in Elton - 26 Feb 1719
1382 - John Crewe to John Acton - lease of a cottage at Sandbach - 1720
1383 - John Crewe to Randle Turner - lease of a cottage in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 1716
1384 - John Crewe to Stephen Pott - lease of a messuage in Tetton - 1722
1385 - John Crewe to Thomas Roe - lease of a messuage in Warmingham - 8 Oct 1725
1386 - John Crewe to John Bostock - lease of a messuage in Elton - 25 Mar 1740
1387 - John Crewe to John Holland - lease of a messuage in Elton - 24 Jun 1740
1388 - John Crewe to George Johnson - lease of a cottage at Elton - 23 Aug 1750
1389 - Edward de Veer, Earl of Oxford leased to Raphe Smythe a tenement in Warmyncham [Warmingham] - 13 Feb 1578
1390 - Sir Ranulphe Crewe leased to William Tompson a messuage in Elton - 26 Aug 1619
1391 - Sir Ranulph & Sir Clippesby Crewe leased to Otiwell Shalcrosse - a messuage called Stotiall house in Warmingham - 27 Sep 1653
1392 - William Harrison transferred to William Walley a messuage leased by Sir Ranulph Crewe in Warmingham - 16 Nov 1645
1393 - John Crewe leased to William Harrison a messuage in Warmingham - 4 Jun 1649
1394 - John Crewe leased to William Hassall a messuage in Elton - 16 Jan 1653
1395 - John Crewe leased to Thomas Moore - a messuage in Elton - 20 Nov 1655
1396 - John Crewe leased to Richard Skerrett a messuage in Elton - 20 Apr 1666
1397 - John Crewe leased to John Stanway a cottage in Elton - 28 Oct 1682
1398 - John Crewe leased to Thomas Hemant a cottage in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 19 Oct 1683
1399 - Anne Crew Offley leased to John Acton a messuage in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 1 Oct 1690
1400 - Anne Crew Offley leased to Thomas Hemant a cottage in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 10 Dec 1694
1401 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to John Bostock a messuage in Elton - 19 Mar 1697
1402 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to Christopher Rylance - a messuage called Stotiall House in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 4 Dec 1697
1403 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to John Stanway a messuage in Elton - 2 Feb 1698
1404 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to Mathew Wright a messuage in Warmingham - 12 Feb 1706
1405 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to John Pickin a cottage in Warmingham - 25 Sep 1707
1406 - John Crewe leased to Ottiwell Johnson a cottage in Elton - 3 Aug 1720
1407 - John Crewe leased to William Hassall a messuage in Elton - 1711
1408 - John Crewe to John Davies - lease of a messuage - Warmingham - 5 Mar 1733
1409 - John Crewe to Ralph Vernon - lease of Smith's tenement - Warmingham - 1739
1410 - Articles for sale of Mr. Crewe's wood in Warmingham & Elton & Tetton to Ralph Vernon - 1739
1411 - John Crewe to Ralph Vernon - lease of Warmingham forge - 1739
1412 - John Crewe to John Worhall - lease of Warmingham mills - 1741
1413 - John Crewe to Thomas Dod - lease of the Hall Ground - 1742
1414 - Edwarde Stanleye leased to Ranuffe Massye an enclosure in Hale - 13 Jan 1584
1415 - Edward Stanley leased to Richard Grantam an enclosure called Btydge Crofte in Hale - 1585
1416 - Sir Christofer Hatton leased to William Boteman a cottage in Warmyncham [Warmingham] - 1588
1417 - Sir Christofer Hatton leased to Richard Conway a messuage in Warmyncham [Warmingham] - 1588
1418 - Sir Christopher Hatton to Peter Walley - lease of a messuage in Warmyncham [Warmingham] - 1588
1419 - Sir Christopher Hatton & others leased to Robert Hulse a messuage in Tetton - 20 Feb 1616
1420 - Sir Christopher Hatton & others to John Harrison - lease of a messuage in Elton - 1616
1421 - Counterpart of DCR/32/7/7 - 1616
1422 - Sir Christopher Hatton & others to Thomas Minchall - lease of a tenement in Tetton - 1616
1423 - Sir Ranulph Crewe leased to Randle Ffithion a messuage in Tetton - 1630
1424 - Dame Dudly Lane leased to Thomas Caddeman a piece of arable in Chelsey [Chelsea] - 1631
1425 - Sir Ranulph Crewe leased to John Lea a tenement in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 1636
1426 - Sir Ranulph Crewe leased to Thomas Moore a messuage in Elton - 1637
1427 - Sir Clippesby Crewe leased to John Coupler a cottage in Warmingham - 1648
1428 - Sir Clippesby Crewe leased to John Mosse a messuage in Warmingham - 1647
1429 - John Crewe leased to Edmond Newton a messuage in Ringey [Ringway] - 1660
1430 - John Crewe leased to John Kent a messuage in Elton - 1662
1431 - John Berrington transferred to John Kent a messuage leased to him by John Crew - 1677
1432 - John Crewe leased to William Gibbons a messuage in Elton - 1663
1433 - John Crew leased to Richard Hassall a messuage in Booth Lane in Warminsham [Warmingham] Parish - 1679
1434 - Edmund Turnor & Lucy, his wife, widow of the late John Crewe of Crew Hall, leased to Henry Siddall a messuage in Hale - 1682
1435 - John Crew leased to Thomas Kent a messuage in Elton - 1682
1436 - John Crewe of Crewe leased to Katherine Noden a messuage in Offley - 1683
1437 - John Crew & his wife leased to Thomas Swettenham a messuage in Elton - 1686
1438 - John Crew Offley leased to Margret Moore a messuage in Elton - 1686
1439 - Anne Crew Offley leased to Humphrey Gorton a cottage in Elton - 1692
1440 - Anne Crew Offley leased to Katherine Noden a messuage in Warmingham - 1695
1441 - Anne Crew Offley leased to Thomas Hassall a messuage in Elton - 1696
1442 - John Crew leased to Randle Kent a messuage in Elton - 1696
1443 - Anne Crewe leased to William Smith a messuage in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 1697
1444 - Anne Crewe leased to Thomas Walley a messuage in Tetton - 1699
1445 - Anne Crewe leased to James Smith a messuage in Warmingham known as Harrison Kettle's tenement - 1709
1446 - John Crewe leased to Thomas Noden a tenement in Warmingham - 1711
1447 - John Crewe leased to Francis Hoole a messuage in Warmingham - 1712
1448 - Articles of agreement between John Crewe & Thomas Blakeman as to a messuage in Stafford Castle Parish - 1712
1449 - Mr. Crewe to Mr. John Hall - lease of a messuage in Tetton - 1719
1450 - John Crewe leased to Ralph Kent a tenement in Warmingham - 1720
1451 - John Crewe leased to Daniel Dunn a cottage in Warmingham - 1720
1452 - John Crewe leased to Hugh Davies a messuage in Elton - 1735
1453 - John Crewe leased to Thomas Kent a tenement in Warmingham - 1736
1454 - John Crewe leased to Thomas Parrot a messuage in Elton - 1737
1455 - John Crewe leased to Ralph Vernon a messuage in Warmingham - 1739
1456 - Agreement of John Crewe & Ffrances Kent as to 2 messuages in Elton - 1739
1457 - John Crewe to Ralph Vernon - lease - Warmingham - 1741
1458 - Sir Christopher Hatton leased to Margarett Kinsey a messuage in Tetton - 1615
1459 - Sir Clippesby Crew leased to William Baddely a messuage in Tetton - 1647
1460 - John Crew leased to Katherine Hulse a messuage in Tetton - 1652
1461 - Counterpart of DCR/32/8/3
1462 - John Crewe leased to John Doncastle a messuage in Tetton - 1661
1463 - John Crew leased to John Kinsey a messuage in Tetton - 1667
1464 - Counterpart of DCR/32/8/6
1465 - John Crewe leased to William Venables a messuage in Tetton - 1677
1466 - John Crewe leased to John Beniston a messuage in Tetton - 1677
1467 - Counterpart of DCR/32/8/9 - 1677
1468 - John Crew leased to Richard Hassall a messuage in Booth Lane Warminsham [Warmingham] - 1679
1469 - Anne Crew Offley leased to Charles Noden a cottage in Sandbach - 1695
1470 - Anne Crew Offley leased to Thomas Walley a tenement in Elton - 1699
1471 - Anne Crewe leased to John Hulse a messuage in Tetton - 1699
1472 - Anne Crewe leased to Francis Burgins a messuage in Tetton - 1702
1473 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to Hugh Wharton a messuage in Tetton - 1703
1474 - Counterpart of DCR/32/8/16
1475 - Francis Burgin transferred his messuage to John Browne - see DCR/32/8/15 - 1708
1476 - John Crewe leased to Stephen Pott a messuage in Tetton - 1722
1477 - John Crewe leased to Nicholas Kent a pasture in Warmingham called the Mosse Riddings - 1555
1478 - Edward de Veer leased to Thomas Booth a messuage in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 1579
1479 - Sir Christopher Hatton leased to William Boteman a cottage in Warmyncham [Warmingham] - 1588
1480 - Sir Christopher Hatton to Ottiwell Shawcross - lease - Warmingham - 1589
1481 - Sir Christofer Hatton to Robert Wood - lease - messuage - Warmincham [Warmingham] - 1616
1482 - Sir Ranulphe Crewe leased to Thomas Harrison a messuage in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 1616
1483 - Sir Christopher Hatton leased to Ottiwell Shalcrosse a mess. in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 1616
1484 - Sir Ranulph Crewe leased to Charles Shalcrosse a messuage in Tetton - 1629
1485 - Counterpart of DCR/32/9/8 - 1629
1486 - Sir Ranulphe Crewe leased to Ralphe Steele a messuage in Tetton - 1633
1487 - Sir Clippesby Crewe leased to John Coop a messuage in Warminsham [Warmingham] - 1647
1488 - Sir Clippesby Crewe leased to John Conway a messuage in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 1646
1489 - John Crewe leased to Nicholas Kent a cottage on Stotiall Mosse in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 1637
1490 - John Crewe leased to Thomas Moore a messuage in Elton - 1659
1491 - John Crewe leased to John Lightfoote an enclosure in Stotiall Mosse in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 1662
1492 - Anne Crew Offley leased to William Hassall a messuage in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 1700
1493 - John Crewe leased to William Smith a messuage in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 1665
1494 - John Crewe leased to Thomas Heamant a messuage in Warmingham - 1711
1495 - Anne Crew Offley leased to Thomas Hemant a messuage in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 1694
1496 - John Crewe to Abraham Shufflebotham - lease of a cottage at Warmincham [Warmingham]; Also counterpart - 1733
1497 - Thomas Shufflebotham to William Gaulton - lease of a cottage at Warmingham - 1733
1498 - Sir Christofer Hatton leased to John Whyttyngham a messuage in Warmyncham [Warmingham] - 1588
1499 - Ottiwell Bostocke & Elizabeth Mylnes - marriage settlement - lands - Warmincham [Warmingham] - 1612
1500 - Sir Christopher Hatton leased to John Kente a messuage in Elton - 1615
1501 - Sir Christopher Hatton leased to Randulph Kent a messuage in Elton - 1615
1502 - Sir Christopher Hatton to Randle Harrison - lease - Warmincham [Warmingham] - 1615
1503 - Sir Ranulphe Crewe leased to William Cowper a messuage in Warmingham - 1633
1504 - John Crewe leased to Allice Ffurnivall a messuage in Elton - 1662
1505 - John Crewe leased to Samuel Cliffe a messuage in Tetton - 1649
1506 - John Crewe leased to John Cooper a messuage in Warminsham [Warmingham] - 1651
1507 - John Crew leased to William Walley a messuage in Tetton - 1649
1508 - John Crew leased to Hugh Berrington a cottage in Warmingham - 1655
1509 - John Crew leased to John Mosse a messuage in Warmingham - 1658
1510 - John Crewe to widow Whitingham lease - Tetton - 1660
1511 - John Crewe to John Doncastle - lease - Warmingham - 1661
1512 - Sir Ranulphe Crewe leased to William Stanway a messuage in Elton - 1634
1513 - Sir Clippeshy Crewe to John Mosse - lease - messuage in Warmingham - 1671
1514 - John Crewe to Anne Moore - lease - messuage in Woodhouses - Warmingham - 1671
1515 - John Crewe leased to John Lea a messuage in Warmingham - 1671
1516 - John Crew leased to Randle Kent a messuage in Elton - 1681
1517 - John Crewe leased to William Wharton a messuage in Warmingham - 1683
1518 - Anne Crewe Offley leased to William Wharton a messuage in Warmincham [Warmingham] - 1689
1519 - Articles of agreement between John Crewe & William Joynson - lease - Warmingham - 1713
1520 - William Joynson & Ellin Eyeres Marriage Settlement - Warmingham - 1714
1521 - John Crewe leased to Nathaniell Ellerton a messuage in Warmingham - 1719
1522 - John Crewe to Thomas Heamant - lease of a cottage in Warmingham - 1719
1523 - John Crewe to John Cotton - lease - Elton - 1720
1524 - John Crewe leased to Ffrancis Kent - a tenement in Elton - 1734
1525 - Anne Crew Offley leased to Randle Lightfoot a messuage in Warmingham - 1697
1526 - John Crew Offley leased to Mary Harrison a messuage in the Woodhouses in the parish of Warmingham - 1689
1527 - James I granted the wardship & marriage of Clippesbie Crewe son & heir of the late Ranulph Crewe of Clippesbie, co. Norf. [Norfolk] & also his lands in co. Warwick & elsewhere in England, to Edward Stapleton, Thomas Crewe, Ralph Wilbraham & Robert Douth, esqs., & George Sowtherne & Thomas Manwaringe, gentlemen, executors of the will of the said Ranulph (Latin) - 28 Jan 1605
1528 - Account of Thomas Batcheller, bailiff & receiver of Ranulph Crewe of Crewe, co. Chester, Kt., for the lands of the said Ranulph Crewe in co. Norf [Norfolk] (Clippesbye - other place names faded) - 27 Apr 1638
1529 - John Crew of Crew leased to John Crew of Utkinton & George Cony of Grey's Inn - the manors of Buskins & Ffastoliffe, & appurtenances in co. Norfolk & his capital mess. in Clippesby, & lands in Ashby, etc - 8 Mar 1649
1530 - Indenture by which John Crew of Crew undertook to convey & give a legal title in manors & lands (those mentioned in DCR/32/13/3) & also his moiety of the manor of Radbourne & his lands & tenements in Radbourne to Sir Arthur Gorges & Henry - 16 Oct 1649
1531 - Lease - 1578-1725
1532 - Lease - 1589-1737
1533 - Lease - 1630-1733
1534 - Lease - 1557-1698
1535 - Lease - 1602-1716
1536 - Lease - 1707-1747
1537 - Lease - 1702-1740
1538 - Lease - 1631-1720
1539 - Leases - 1595-1732
1540 - Record of proceedings relating to John Crewe, Robert Adkin & others & pleas before the Barons of the Exchequer at Westminster relating to lands at Sinderland, Hale & Ringey [Ringway] (Two copies) - 20 Mar 1724
1541 - Royal Visit to Crewe (Newspaper cuttings) - 1913
Expand 1542 - Court Rolls1542 - Court Rolls
Expand 1549 - Miscellaneous Charters1549 - Miscellaneous Charters
1566 - John de Ledbrec granted to Thomas Gurmund & his heirs, all rights over Roger de Rodburn, serf & his brood. Thomas gave a mark for this grant. Witnessed by Henry Bosch, Walter Coterell, Stephan de Rodburn, William his son, Thomas de Heyford, William de la Grena, Thomas clerk & many others. Seal lost. (Latin)
1619 - Auitia, widow of William de Ardern' granted to H. Lenveyse, clerk, the messuage which she had acquired from John son of Tholi in Rodburne [Rodburn] Township as dower - namely the messuage once held by William. Baldewyn & a croft. He & Felicia, his wife, the daughter of Auitia, were to hold this for the render of a pair of white gloves a year, due at Whitsuntide. Warranty. Announcement of seal; Witnessed by Thomas de Heyford, Robert de la Grene, William Ayl'm, William de la Grene, John Pelliperius (Skinner) Thomas Swalwe & others. Seal lost (Latin) - N.D
1620 - Indenture by which John, son of Toly granted to Henry, son of Reginald & Goda, his wife, 2 pieces of land, each containing half an acre in Rodburne [Rodburn] & two parts of a messuage & croft & the whole messuage after the death of Auicia, widow of William de Arderne, Henry & Goda were to pay 6d. a year rent. In return for the grant they gave 21s. Warranty. Announcement of seal. Witnessed by Roger, parson of Botendun, Thomas de Heyford, William de la Grene, W. Aylm', William Doling, Hugh Doling, Nicholas, Clerk. Top margin indented & lettered. Seal lost (Latin)
1621 - Indenture by which William Dollyne of Rodburne granted to Alan Dollyne & Alice, his wife, a messuage, which William had inherited from his father in Rodburne [Rodburn]. Seal lost (Latin) - 5 Apr 1310
1622 - Indenture by which William de Arderne granted to William le Clerk & Lucia, his wife, a messuage in Rodbourne [Rodburn] for term of their life, at 2s. a year. Seal lost (Latin) - 17 Jun 1347
1623 - Geoffrey de Brunfeld Iuliana, daughter of Laurence de H'forde in Wales quitclaimed to Thomas Heyforde of Roddeburne & to Thomas Hocthinus all right to take legal action against them for trespasses, etc., made before the date of this charter. Seal lost (Latin) - 11 Jun 1370
1624 - John Atte Mere took a shop in Catesbylane in Couentre [Coventry] on the death of his brother, Adam, to hold for life at 12d. a year. This took place in the Court of Berkeswelle (Latin) - 17 Jan 1392
1625 - Incomplete indenture. William Roche, darper of London, received from Thomas Emson of Elemston in the co. of North' manor of Elemston, etc., and lands in the counties of Buck, etc. Seal lost (English) - early 16th century
1626 - Henry Sanderson, for £5. 13. 4d., granted to Chirstofer Waller half a toft in Scaftworth. Seal in red wax (Latin) - 8 Oct 1567
1627 - Receipt for half a year's rent from Rodbourne [Rodburn] (English - on paper) - 3 May 1577
1628 - Edward Saunders took into the Queen's hands Legers Ashebie [Ashby St. Ledgers], manor of William Catesbie, annual value £30 (Latin - on paper) - 22 Jul 1588
1629 - Final concord by which John Bunter recovered from John Lee, Cecilia, his wife, & William Cartwright lands & messuages in North Wheatley (Latin) - 29 Sep 1683
1630 - Incomplete indenture, by which Humphrey Hunter & Hildesley Hunter bargained & sold to Barbara Lister messuages & lands in North Wheatley. Seals lost (English) - 1701
1631 - Dilapidated paper list of lands which passed to the State, formerly the property of the Earl of Newcastle - Hucklow (Derby) - also a few paper fragments, part of a royal exemplification & a faded indenture (Parchment) - 17th century
Expand 1641 - Additional Charters1641 - Additional Charters
2701 - Settlement previous to the marriage of Miss Hungerford with the Hon. John Crewe - 4 May 1807
Expand 2702 - Papers re estate and Crewe Hall2702 - Papers re estate and Crewe Hall
2711 - Deeds of premises in Great Hucklow co. Derby - 5 Apr 1542
2712 - Conveyance of St. John's Wood in Carringham co. Linc - 1681/2
2713 - Court papers of Warwick Fee in Nantwich - 1618-1721
2714 - List of gifts to poor of Madeley. Also Rules of Madeley School and assoc. documents - 1836-1850
2715 - Grants of annuities, declarations of trust etc. by Thomas Requal of St. Ann parish, co. Middlesex, esq. Personalia not deposited - 1747-1765
2716 - Pen sketches by Rev. J. Dunne of various Cheshire places - 1895
2717 - Particulars of Lord Crewe's estates in Cheshire - c.1827
2718 - Schedule of Title Deeds belonging to John Crewe - 18th century
2719 - Gift of premises in Madeley, Richard son of Robert le Bedel and Margery to Adam s. Richard Cotar - 13th century
2720 - Estreat for Great Madeley Manor - 1590
2721 - Gift of premises in Spurstow
2722 - Lease of premises in Astbury - 1631
2723 - Settlement on marriage of Rev. Edward Hinchcliffe and Anne Bover - 1796
2724 - Miscellaneous deeds and wills relating to cos. Camb., Buck., Hunt., Westm., Nott - 18th century
2725 - Copy wills and papers relating to Crewe family [Box DCR/21/6] - 1659-1852
2726 - Syllabus of Will and codicil of John, Lord Crewe [Box DCR/58] - 1824
2727 - Settlement on marriage of John Crewe and Elizabeth Hyett - 1777
2728 - Settlement on marriage of Lt. Col. Needham and Miss Anne Fister [Box DCR/50/1] - 1787
2729 - Indexes to muniments - c.1940-50
2730 - Miscellaneous papers, including file of receipts, 1724, memo of money received, 1684 and accounts - 1694-1724
2731 - [Box DCR/58 No. 14] Assignment of lease by Thomas Crewe and Ralph Wilbraham, with consent of Sir Randle Crewe and at appointment of Thomas Bancrofte to Thomas Plumsteed and Christopher Goodfellowe, of manor and advowson of Hull al. Hill co. Glos. - 9 Mar. 1616/7
Expand 2732 - Cheshire and Staffordshire Rentals - 1658-17222732 - Cheshire and Staffordshire Rentals - 1658-1722
Expand 2733 - Cheshire and Staffordshire Estate Rentals (2nd Series) - 1735-18572733 - Cheshire and Staffordshire Estate Rentals (2nd Series) - 1735-1857
Expand 2734 - Rents Received - 1755-18152734 - Rents Received - 1755-1815
Expand 2735 - Rentals with Abstracts of Leases - 1764-18172735 - Rentals with Abstracts of Leases - 1764-1817
Expand 2736 - Annual Rentals and Accounts - 1779-19402736 - Annual Rentals and Accounts - 1779-1940
Expand 2737 - Surveys of Ringway, Hale etc - 17262737 - Surveys of Ringway, Hale etc - 1726
Expand 2738 - Various surveys - 1797-18352738 - Various surveys - 1797-1835
Expand 2739 - Sale particulars of parts of the Crewe estate - 1918-19212739 - Sale particulars of parts of the Crewe estate - 1918-1921
2740 - Accounts of the Leicestershire estates belonging to Crewe Offley Esq. - 1689-1694
Expand 2741 - Staffordshire Rentals - 1704-18762741 - Staffordshire Rentals - 1704-1876
Expand 2742 - Miscellaneous Accounts - 1815-19572742 - Miscellaneous Accounts - 1815-1957
Expand 2743 - Crewe Green School Cash Books - 1867-19002743 - Crewe Green School Cash Books - 1867-1900
Expand 2744 - Spurstow School Cash Books - 1882-19032744 - Spurstow School Cash Books - 1882-1903
Expand 2745 - Weston School Cash Books - 1886-19032745 - Weston School Cash Books - 1886-1903
Expand 2746 - Letter Books - 1910-19382746 - Letter Books - 1910-1938
Expand 2747 - Letter Books - 1920-19382747 - Letter Books - 1920-1938
Expand 2748 - Miscellaneous Letter Books - c.1892-19402748 - Miscellaneous Letter Books - c.1892-1940
Expand 2750 - Miscellaneous title deeds2750 - Miscellaneous title deeds
Expand 2751 - Maps and plans various2751 - Maps and plans various
Expand 2752 - Miscellaneous2752 - Miscellaneous
Expand 2753 - Estate letters of Tylee & Co, London - 1918-19392753 - Estate letters of Tylee & Co, London - 1918-1939
Expand 2754 - Miscellaneous family papers and correspondence2754 - Miscellaneous family papers and correspondence
Expand 2755 - Items relating to estate and Crewe Hall2755 - Items relating to estate and Crewe Hall
2756 - Items received from the Cheshire Survey of the Duchy of Lancaster - 1827-1941
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