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Collapse DDA - Davenport family of Bramhall estate - 13th century-1877DDA - Davenport family of Bramhall estate - 13th century-1877
Expand 2 - Bramhall Manor - 1672-18772 - Bramhall Manor - 1672-1877
Expand 3 - Deeds belonging to the Freeholders Company Limited - 1672-18773 - Deeds belonging to the Freeholders Company Limited - 1672-1877
Collapse 4 - Davenport of Bramhall deeds - 13th century-18th century4 - Davenport of Bramhall deeds - 13th century-18th century
Expand 2 - Cheshire Deeds relating to single townships2 - Cheshire Deeds relating to single townships
Expand 3 - Cheshire Deeds relating to more than one township3 - Cheshire Deeds relating to more than one township
Expand 4 - Derbyshire Deeds4 - Derbyshire Deeds
Expand 5 - Lancashire Deeds5 - Lancashire Deeds
6 - Westmorland Deeds : Casterton Including settlement on marriage of William Davenport with Katherine Asheton, 1550. - nd 1348-1584
7 - Lincolnshire: Cockerington - 1343/4
Collapse 8 - Miscellaneous8 - Miscellaneous
1 - Quittance for 6s. received by John Wettenhall from John son of William de Dongelegh - 27 Feb. 1310/11
2 - Letters patent granting 100s. p.a. to Robert de Davenport for life payable at the Exchequer at Chester - 10 Oct. 1397
3 - Bond concerning marriage of Robert de Davenport with Joan daughter of John de Assheton, kt - 9 Sep. 1404
4 - Concerning dispossession of premises in Tiverton of William Davenport by Thomas Huxley - 1429/30
5 - Prenuptial settlement between John Davenport and Robert Legh - 16 Jan. 1449/50
6 - Appointment of administrator, inventory and quittance concerning the goods of John Davenport deceased - 1478, 1479
7 - Quittance by Katherine daughter of William Davenport dec. for all sums due to her - 28 Feb. 1549/50
8 - Appointment by William Davenport constituting his father Sir William Davenport 'bailiff' of goods given him by his father - 30 Nov. 1570
9 - Prenuptial settlement between John Warren of Poynton and William Davenport - 4 Oct. 1581
10 - Grant by William Davenport to Richard Aston and Robt. Hyde of his goods - 4 Sep. 1585
11 - Receipts and quittance relating to the minority of George Brereton - c.1560
12 - Accounts relating to the minority of John Bothe - c.1557
13 - Interrogatories and depositions in cause Davenport and others v. John Amory in the Court of Exchequer, Chester - 1666
14 - Probate of will of Richard, Lord Bulkeley, Visc. Cassells - 1689
15 - Sermon preached at funeral of William Davenport - 26 May 1696
16 - Inventory of William Davenport's goods at Bramhall Hall - 6 May 1706
17 - Freemason's certificate; Salisbury Pryce Humphreys [who assumed the name Davenport in 1838] - 1807
18 - Letters of Administration of Martha Davenport's will - 1811
19 - Letter from William Davenport to Richard Legh of Adlington requesting discharge as trustee of Legh's Estate - 1821
20 - Commission of Salisbury Pryce Humphreys as deputy lieutenant for Cheshire - 1824
21 - Release of Sir Salisbury Davenport as trustee of the Manchester and Liverpool District Banking Co - 1841
22 - Commissioners of Woods and Forests' certificate granting woodlands in Bramhall to Maria Lady Davenport - 1848
23 - Solicitors' bills to Davenport family - c.1840-1850
24 - Gift by William le Gentyle to John Fellow and w. Olive of land in the hamlet of Docherg [?] - n.d., 13c
25 - Copy (15c.) Charter of Randle de Blundeville to Robt. son of Salmon granting estate in Tiverton. [See Ormerod, vol.2 p.277] - n.d., pre-1232
26 - Description of estate of Matthew del Mere of Nantwich. [See Ormerod, Vol.2 p.277] - n.d., 15c
27 - Letter from John Both to Sir William and Lady Alice Davenport - n.d., post-1544
28 - Rental of lands of William Breg in Cheadle and Stockport - 16th century
29 - Surrender, copy of court roll of Manor of Ludson - 9 Sep. 1647
30 - Account with Mr. Mottram ? for cloth made - 1719-1720
31 - Packet containing two pieces of blue serge inscribed "Verdict only for 1733, 1734, 1735. Delivered to my cosin Robert Tatton so think that it might be in one of the Verdicts before that time which I received from Mr. Cooper Nov 17" - nd
32 - Gift by Robert son of Ralph de Laleva to John de Brendum of land in Laleva - n.d., 12c
33 - Gift of William Davenport to son Robert, premises in Tiverton and Dukinfield and rents from Bramhall manor and Macclesfield mill - 10 Aug. 1500
34 - Prenuptial settlement between William Davenport and Sir John Bothe - 29 Sep. 1511
35 - Receipt under the privy seal for the loan of £6 13s - 17 Jun. 1542
36 - Declaration by William Davenporte that he has put aside £200 in gold to cover the cost of the inquisition on his death - 20 Jul. 1551
37 - Prenuptial settlement between Thomas Draxe and William Davenporte - 21 Jul. 1578
38 - Prenuptial settlement between Jasper Worthe and William Davenport - 11 Jun. 1599
39 - Feoffment to uses by Jasper Worth to Thomas Vernon and others of premises in Titherington, Butley, Macclesfield, Disley and Bollington - 14 Feb. 1615/6
40 - Marriage agreement between the administrators of Sir Thomas Vernon dec. and John Weston - 10 Mar. 1626/7
41 - Will of John Burdsell of Marple - 17 Feb. 1636/7
42 - Letter, John Westonn to William Davenport concerning a marriage settlement - 6 Aug. 1638
9 - Bonds, various - 1418-1655
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