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Collapse DEO - Egerton family of Oulton estate - 16th century-20th centuryDEO - Egerton family of Oulton estate - 16th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Manorial records1 - Manorial records
Collapse 2 - Records relating to the acquisition of property2 - Records relating to the acquisition of property
Expand 3 - Household records3 - Household records
Expand 4 - Estate management records4 - Estate management records
Expand 5 - School records5 - School records
Expand 6 - Family and Personal Papers6 - Family and Personal Papers
Expand 7 - Printed And Pictorial Material7 - Printed And Pictorial Material
Expand 8 - Wills and Settlements8 - Wills and Settlements
Expand 9 - Official Papers9 - Official Papers
Expand 10 - Hundredal records10 - Hundredal records
Expand 11 - Legal11 - Legal
Expand 12 - Miscellaneous records12 - Miscellaneous records
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