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Collapse NHM 8 - Parkside Lunatic Asylum, later Mental Hospital - 1867-1992NHM 8 - Parkside Lunatic Asylum, later Mental Hospital - 1867-1992
Expand 1 - Administration1 - Administration
Collapse 2 - Patient Records2 - Patient Records
Expand 1 - Indexes - 1871-19351 - Indexes - 1871-1935
Expand 2 - Admissions - 1871-19632 - Admissions - 1871-1963
Expand 3 - Discharges and Deaths - 1871-19633 - Discharges and Deaths - 1871-1963
Collapse 4 - Case books - 1871-19504 - Case books - 1871-1950
Expand 1 - Case books: private patients - 1885-19101 - Case books: private patients - 1885-1910
Collapse 2 - Case books: male - 1871-19102 - Case books: male - 1871-1910
Expand 1 - Case book: male - May 1871 - Jul 18731 - Case book: male - May 1871 - Jul 1873
Expand 2 - Case book: male - 1873-18752 - Case book: male - 1873-1875
Expand 3 - Case book: male - Jun 1875 - Mar 18773 - Case book: male - Jun 1875 - Mar 1877
Expand 4 - Case book: male - Mar 1877 - Dec 18794 - Case book: male - Mar 1877 - Dec 1879
Expand 5 - Case book: male - Dec 1879 - Nov 18825 - Case book: male - Dec 1879 - Nov 1882
Expand 6 - Case book: male - Nov 1882 - Nov 18866 - Case book: male - Nov 1882 - Nov 1886
Expand 7 - Case book: male - Dec 1886 - Jun 18917 - Case book: male - Dec 1886 - Jun 1891
Collapse 8 - Case book: male - Jun 1891 - Jul 18948 - Case book: male - Jun 1891 - Jul 1894
1a - Case notes for Thomas Sproston
1b - Case notes for Thomas Sproston
1c - Case notes for Thomas Sproston
2a - Case notes for James McMillan
2b - Case notes for James McMillan
2c - Case notes for James McMillan
2d - Case notes for James McMillan
3a - Case notes for Charles Stanway
3b - Case notes for Charles Stanway
3c - Case notes for Charles Stanway
4a - Case notes for Alfred Turner
4b - Case notes for Alfred Turner
4c - Case notes for Alfred Turner
5a - Case notes for George Lough
5b - Case notes for George Lough
5c - Case notes for George Lough
5d - Case notes for George Lough
5e - Case notes for George Lough
6a - Case notes for George Keats
6b - Case notes for George Keats
6c - Case notes for George Keats
7a - Case notes for William Spear
7b - Case notes for William Spear
7c - Case notes for William Spear
7d - Case notes for William Spear
8a - Case notes for Thomas Kynaston
8b - Case notes for Thomas Kynaston
8c - Case notes for Thomas Kynaston
8d - Case notes for Thomas Kynaston
9a - Case notes for Hugh Edward Kelly
9b - Case notes for Hugh Edward Kelly
9c - Case notes for Hugh Edward Kelly
10a - Case notes for Patrick Murdern
10b - Case notes for Patrick Murdern
10c - Case notes for Patrick Murdern
11a - Case notes for James Shariden
11b - Case notes for James Shariden
11c - Case notes for James Shariden
11d - Case notes for James Shariden
12a - Case notes for John Hannan
12b - Case notes for John Hannan
12c - Case notes for John Hannan
13a - Case notes for William Lomas
13b - Case notes for William Lomas
13c - Case notes for William Lomas
14a - Case notes for Charles Hatton
14b - Case notes for Charles Hatton
14c - Case notes for Charles Hatton
15a - Case notes for Henry Moores
15b - Case notes for Henry Moores
16a - Case notes for Joseph Collins Turner
16b - Case notes for Joseph Collins Turner
17a - Case notes for Henry Starkey
17b - Case notes for Henry Starkey
17c - Case notes for Henry Starkey
17d - Case notes for Henry Starkey
18a - Case notes for James Bryns
18b - Case notes for James Bryns
19a - Case notes for James Taylor
19b - Case notes for James Taylor
19c - Case notes for James Taylor
20a - Case notes for Edward Green
20b - Case notes for Edward Green
20c - Case notes for Edward Green
21a - Case notes for William Nalor
21b - Case notes for William Nalor
21c - Case notes for William Nalor
22a - Case notes for William Moss
22b - Case notes for William Moss
22c - Case notes for William Moss
22d - Case notes for William Moss
23a - Case notes for James Halstead
23b - Case notes for James Halstead
23c - Case notes for James Halstead
24a - Case notes for Joel Denerly
24b - Case notes for Joel Denerly
24c - Case notes for Joel Denerly
25a - Case notes for Gilbert Burrows
25b - Case notes for Gilbert Burrows
26a - Case notes for Herbert Ernest Ward
26b - Case notes for Herbert Ernest Ward
27a - Case notes for John Bond
27b - Case notes for John Bond
27c - Case notes for John Bond
28a - Case notes for John Foster
28b - Case notes for John Foster
28c - Case notes for John Foster
28d - Case notes for John Foster
29a - Case notes for Thomas Hough
29b - Case notes for Thomas Hough
29c - Case notes for Thomas Hough
29d - Case notes for Thomas Hough
30a - Case notes for Thomas Shallcross
30b - Case notes for Thomas Shallcross
30c - Case notes for Thomas Shallcross
31a - Case notes for Daniel Sutton
31b - Case notes for Daniel Sutton
31c - Case notes for Daniel Sutton
32a - Case notes for William Edward Moss
32b - Case notes for William Edward Moss
32c - Case notes for William Edward Moss
33a - Case notes for John Lee
33b - Case notes for John Lee
33c - Case notes for John Lee
34a - Case notes for William Edward Newton
34b - Case notes for William Edward Newton
34c - Case notes for William Edward Newton
34d - Case notes for William Edward Newton
35a - Case notes for Thomas Leech
35b - Case notes for Thomas Leech
35c - Case notes for Thomas Leech
36a - Case notes for William Foster Moorhouses
36b - Case notes for William Foster Moorhouses
36c - Case notes for William Foster Moorhouses
37a - Case notes for John Morris
37b - Case notes for John Morris
37c - Case notes for John Morris
38a - Case notes for George Daniel
38b - Case notes for George Daniel
38c - Case notes for George Daniel
39a - Case notes for Peter Burgess
39b - Case notes for Peter Burgess
39c - Case notes for Peter Burgess
40a - Case notes for Hugh Hulme
40b - Case notes for Hugh Hulme
40c - Case notes for Hugh Hulme
41a - Case notes for Isaac Hancock
41b - Case notes for Isaac Hancock
41c - Case notes for Isaac Hancock
42a - Case notes for Harry Morris
42b - Case notes for Harry Morris
42c - Case notes for Harry Morris
43a - Case notes for William Thomas Hamnett
43b - Case notes for William Thomas Hamnett
43c - Case notes for William Thomas Hamnett
44a - Case notes for Samuel P P Smith
44b - Case notes for Samuel P P Smith
44c - Case notes for Samuel P P Smith
45a - Case notes for Thomas Whalley
45b - Case notes for Thomas Whalley
45c - Case notes for Thomas Whalley
46a - Case notes for Daniel Kelsall
46b - Case notes for Daniel Kelsall
46c - Case notes for Daniel Kelsall
47a - Case notes for Matthew Woolley
47b - Case notes for Matthew Woolley
47c - Case notes for Matthew Woolley
47d - Case notes for Matthew Woolley
48a - Case notes for John Thomas Edwards
48b - Case notes for John Thomas Edwards
48c - Case notes for John Thomas Edwards
48d - Case notes for John Thomas Edwards
49a - Case notes for Charles Hadfield
49b - Case notes for Charles Hadfield
49c - Case notes for Charles Hadfield
50a - Case notes for Samuel Shingler
50b - Case notes for Samuel Shingler
50c - Case notes for Samuel Shingler
51a - Case notes for Samuel Heywood
51b - Case notes for Samuel Heywood
51c - Case notes for Samuel Heywood
52a - Case notes for Alfred Turner
52b - Case notes for Alfred Turner
52c - Case notes for Alfred Turner
53a - Case notes for William Shepherd
53b - Case notes for William Shepherd
54a - Case notes for John Etchells
54b - Case notes for John Etchells
54c - Case notes for John Etchells
55a - Case notes for Jesse Ratcliffe
55b - Case notes for Jesse Ratcliffe
55c - Case notes for Jesse Ratcliffe
56a - Case notes for Samuel Ward
56b - Case notes for Samuel Ward
56c - Case notes for Samuel Ward
56d - Case notes for Samuel Ward
57a - Case notes for George Dodd
57b - Case notes for George Dodd
57c - Case notes for George Dodd
58a - Case notes for Alfred Brown
58b - Case notes for Alfred Brown
58c - Case notes for Alfred Brown
59a - Case notes for Abraham Brierley
59b - Case notes for Abraham Brierley
59c - Case notes for Abraham Brierley
59d - Case notes for Abraham Brierley
60a - Case notes for Henry Lawton
60b - Case notes for Henry Lawton
60c - Case notes for Henry Lawton
61a - Case notes for Thomas Eli Yarwood
61b - Case notes for Thomas Eli Yarwood
61c - Case notes for Thomas Eli Yarwood
62a - Case notes for John James
62b - Case notes for John James
62c - Case notes for John James
62d - Case notes for John James
63a - Case notes for Samuel Ball
63b - Case notes for Samuel Ball
63c - Case notes for Samuel Ball
63d - Case notes for Samuel Ball
64a - Case notes for Benjamin Duckworth
64b - Case notes for Benjamin Duckworth
64c - Case notes for Benjamin Duckworth
64d - Case notes for Benjamin Duckworth
65a - Case notes for Isac Hulme
65b - Case notes for Isac Hulme
65c - Case notes for Isac Hulme
66a - Case notes for William Bennett
66b - Case notes for William Bennett
66c - Case notes for William Bennett
67a - Case notes for John Edwin Whitehead
67b - Case notes for John Edwin Whitehead
68a - Case notes for James Griffin
68b - Case notes for James Griffin
68c - Case notes for James Griffin
68d - Case notes for James Griffin
68e - Case notes for James Griffin
68f - Case notes for James Griffin
68g - Case notes for James Griffin
69a - Case notes for James Smalley
69b - Case notes for James Smalley
69c - Case notes for James Smalley
69d - Case notes for James Smalley
70a - Case notes for Charles Lambourne
70b - Case notes for Charles Lambourne
70c - Case notes for Charles Lambourne
70d - Case notes for Charles Lambourne
71a - Case notes for Walter Turner
71b - Case notes for Walter Turner
71c - Case notes for Walter Turner
72a - Case notes for Elijah Gough
72b - Case notes for Elijah Gough
73a - Case notes for John Jackson
73b - Case notes for John Jackson
73c - Case notes for John Jackson
74a - Case notes for Joseph Walton
74b - Case notes for Joseph Walton
74c - Case notes for Joseph Walton
75a - Case notes for Samuel Lockett
75b - Case notes for Samuel Lockett
75c - Case notes for Samuel Lockett
75d - Case notes for Samuel Lockett
76a - Case notes for Charles Bowers
76b - Case notes for Charles Bowers
76c - Case notes for Charles Bowers
77a - Case notes for Patrick Grady
77b - Case notes for Patrick Grady
77c - Case notes for Patrick Grady
77d - Case notes for Patrick Grady
78a - Case notes for Peter Hegginbotham
78b - Case notes for Peter Hegginbotham
78c - Case notes for Peter Hegginbotham
78d - Case notes for Peter Hegginbotham
79a - Case notes for Thomas Hague
79b - Case notes for Thomas Hague
79c - Case notes for Thomas Hague
80a - Case notes for Ernest Daniels
80b - Case notes for Ernest Daniels
80c - Case notes for Ernest Daniels
81a - Case notes for William Horrocks
81b - Case notes for William Horrocks
81c - Case notes for William Horrocks
81d - Case notes for William Horrocks
82a - Case notes for Herbert Christmas Jones
82b - Case notes for Herbert Christmas Jones
82c - Case notes for Herbert Christmas Jones
82d - Case notes for Herbert Christmas Jones
83a - Case notes for John Lever
83b - Case notes for John Lever
83c - Case notes for John Lever
84a - Case notes for Joshua Andrew
84b - Case notes for Joshua Andrew
84c - Case notes for Joshua Andrew
84d - Case notes for Joshua Andrew
85a - Case notes for John Bromilow
85b - Case notes for John Bromilow
85c - Case notes for John Bromilow
86a - Case notes for John Harvey
86b - Case notes for John Harvey
86c - Case notes for John Harvey
87a - Case notes for Luke Mallon
87b - Case notes for Luke Mallon
87c - Case notes for Luke Mallon
88a - Case notes for Thomas Ryder
88b - Case notes for Thomas Ryder
88c - Case notes for Thomas Ryder
89a - Case notes for John Haughton Wilde
89b - Case notes for John Haughton Wilde
89c - Case notes for John Haughton Wilde
90a - Case notes for Isaac Shaw
90b - Case notes for Isaac Shaw
90c - Case notes for Isaac Shaw
90d - Case notes for Isaac Shaw
91a - Case notes for James Barlow
91b - Case notes for James Barlow
92a - Case notes for William Cook
92b - Case notes for William Cook
92c - Case notes for William Cook
93a - Case notes for Joseph Lever
93b - Case notes for Joseph Lever
93c - Case notes for Joseph Lever
94a - Case notes for John Beckett
94b - Case notes for John Beckett
94c - Case notes for John Beckett
94d - Case notes for John Beckett
94e - Case notes for John Beckett
95a - Case notes for John Thomas Charnock
95b - Case notes for John Thomas Charnock
95c - Case notes for John Thomas Charnock
96a - Case notes for Thomas Knowles
96b - Case notes for Thomas Knowles
96c - Case notes for Thomas Knowles
97a - Case notes for Alfred Fairclough
97b - Case notes for Alfred Fairclough
97c - Case notes for Alfred Fairclough
98a - Case notes for William Hancock
98b - Case notes for William Hancock
98c - Case notes for William Hancock
99a - Case notes for William Curran
99b - Case notes for William Curran
99c - Case notes for William Curran
99d - Case notes for William Curran
100a - Case notes for James Dootson
100b - Case notes for James Dootson
100c - Case notes for James Dootson
101a - Case notes for Alfred Kirkman
101b - Case notes for Alfred Kirkman
101c - Case notes for Alfred Kirkman
102a - Case notes for John Brundrett
102b - Case notes for John Brundrett
102c - Case notes for John Brundrett
103a - Case notes for John Roberts
103b - Case notes for John Roberts
104a - Case notes for Alfred John Machin
104b - Case notes for Alfred John Machin
104c - Case notes for Alfred John Machin
105a - Case notes for William Harvey
105b - Case notes for William Harvey
105c - Case notes for William Harvey
105d - Case notes for William Harvey
105e - Case notes for William Harvey
106a - Case notes for Edward Bythell
106b - Case notes for Edward Bythell
106c - Case notes for Edward Bythell
106d - Case notes for Edward Bythell
107a - Case notes for Henry Jackson
107b - Case notes for Henry Jackson
107c - Case notes for Henry Jackson
107d - Case notes for Henry Jackson
108a - Case notes for William Henry Kay
108b - Case notes for William Henry Kay
108c - Case notes for William Henry Kay
109a - Case notes for James Dawson
109b - Case notes for James Dawson
109c - Case notes for James Dawson
109d - Case notes for James Dawson
110a - Case notes for Reginald Salmon
110b - Case notes for Reginald Salmon
110c - Case notes for Reginald Salmon
110d - Case notes for Reginald Salmon
111a - Case notes for Joseph Morris
111b - Case notes for Joseph Morris
111c - Case notes for Joseph Morris
112a - Case notes for James Halstead
112b - Case notes for James Halstead
112c - Case notes for James Halstead
113a - Case notes for James Barrow
113b - Case notes for James Barrow
113c - Case notes for James Barrow
114a - Case notes for John Henry Greenhalgh
114b - Case notes for John Henry Greenhalgh
114c - Case notes for John Henry Greenhalgh
115a - Case notes for Joseph Sheldon
115b - Case notes for Joseph Sheldon
115c - Case notes for Joseph Sheldon
115d - Case notes for Joseph Sheldon
116a - Case notes for Henry Stainford
116b - Case notes for Henry Stainford
116c - Case notes for Henry Stainford
116d - Case notes for Henry Stainford
116e - Case notes for Henry Stainford
116f - Case notes for Henry Stainford
117a - Case notes for Samuel Renshaw
117b - Case notes for Samuel Renshaw
117c - Case notes for Samuel Renshaw
118a - Case notes for George Holt
118b - Case notes for George Holt
118c - Case notes for George Holt
119a - Case notes for Thomas Walsh
119b - Case notes for Thomas Walsh
119c - Case notes for Thomas Walsh
120a - Case notes for George Swindells
120b - Case notes for George Swindells
120c - Case notes for George Swindells
120d - Case notes for George Swindells
121a - Case notes for Aaron Taylor
121b - Case notes for Aaron Taylor
121c - Case notes for Aaron Taylor
122a - Case notes for Isaac Newton
122b - Case notes for Isaac Newton
122c - Case notes for Isaac Newton
122d - Case notes for Isaac Newton
123a - Case notes for George Gilbert
123b - Case notes for George Gilbert
123c - Case notes for George Gilbert
124a - Case notes for Augustus Henry Fox
124b - Case notes for Augustus Henry Fox
124c - Case notes for Augustus Henry Fox
125a - Case notes for Henry Webb
125b - Case notes for Henry Webb
125c - Case notes for Henry Webb
126a - Case notes for William Graham
126b - Case notes for William Graham
126c - Case notes for William Graham
126d - Case notes for William Graham
127a - Case notes for John Poole
127b - Case notes for John Poole
127c - Case notes for John Poole
127d - Case notes for John Poole
128a - Case notes for Samuel Hill
128b - Case notes for Samuel Hill
128c - Case notes for Samuel Hill
128d - Case notes for Samuel Hill
129a - Case notes for John Beesley
129b - Case notes for John Beesley
129c - Case notes for John Beesley
130a - Case notes for Gamaliel Jackson
130b - Case notes for Gamaliel Jackson
130c - Case notes for Gamaliel Jackson
131a - Case notes for Thomas J Ingham
131b - Case notes for Thomas J Ingham
131c - Case notes for Thomas J Ingham
132a - Case notes for William Kennedy
132b - Case notes for William Kennedy
132c - Case notes for William Kennedy
133a - Case notes for Michael Toole
133b - Case notes for Michael Toole
133c - Case notes for Michael Toole
134a - Case notes for Joseph Baguley
134b - Case notes for Joseph Baguley
134c - Case notes for Joseph Baguley
134d - Case notes for Joseph Baguley
134e - Case notes for Joseph Baguley
134f - Case notes for Joseph Baguley
135a - Case notes for John Whittaker
135b - Case notes for John Whittaker
135c - Case notes for John Whittaker
135d - Case notes for John Whittaker
136a - Case notes for Patrick O'Connor
136b - Case notes for Patrick O'Connor
136c - Case notes for Patrick O'Connor
137a - Case notes for Martin Prendergast
137b - Case notes for Martin Prendergast
137c - Case notes for Martin Prendergast
138a - Case notes for Walter P Dronfield
138b - Case notes for Walter P Dronfield
138c - Case notes for Walter P Dronfield
139a - Case notes for John Horton
139b - Case notes for John Horton
139c - Case notes for John Horton
140a - Case notes for Arthur Bright
140b - Case notes for Arthur Bright
140c - Case notes for Arthur Bright
141a - Case notes for John Lawler
141b - Case notes for John Lawler
141c - Case notes for John Lawler
142a - Case notes for James Hamlet
142b - Case notes for James Hamlet
142c - Case notes for James Hamlet
142d - Case notes for James Hamlet
143a - Case notes for Thomas Kershaw
143b - Case notes for Thomas Kershaw
143c - Case notes for Thomas Kershaw
143d - Case notes for Thomas Kershaw
144a - Case notes for Charles Barker
144b - Case notes for Charles Barker
144c - Case notes for Charles Barker
145a - Case notes for James Barker
145b - Case notes for James Barker
145c - Case notes for James Barker
145d - Case notes for James Barker
146a - Case notes for John Whittaker
146b - Case notes for John Whittaker
146c - Case notes for John Whittaker
147a - Case notes for Samuel Charlton
147b - Case notes for Samuel Charlton
147c - Case notes for Samuel Charlton
147d - Case notes for Samuel Charlton
148a - Case notes for John Snape
148b - Case notes for John Snape
148c - Case notes for John Snape
149a - Case notes for Joseph Hadfield
149b - Case notes for Joseph Hadfield
149c - Case notes for Joseph Hadfield
149d - Case notes for Joseph Hadfield
150a - Case notes for Joshua Thorley
150b - Case notes for Joshua Thorley
150c - Case notes for Joshua Thorley
151a - Case notes for Thomas Ratcliffe
151b - Case notes for Thomas Ratcliffe
151c - Case notes for Thomas Ratcliffe
151d - Case notes for Thomas Ratcliffe
152a - Case notes for Thomas Edwards
152b - Case notes for Thomas Edwards
152c - Case notes for Thomas Edwards
153a - Case notes for William Carroll
153b - Case notes for William Carroll
153c - Case notes for William Carroll
154a - Case notes for John Cullinen
154b - Case notes for John Cullinen
154c - Case notes for John Cullinen
155a - Case notes for Henry Lee
155b - Case notes for Henry Lee
155c - Case notes for Henry Lee
156a - Case notes for Joseph Collins Turner
156b - Case notes for Joseph Collins Turner
156c - Case notes for Joseph Collins Turner
156d - Case notes for Joseph Collins Turner
156e - Case notes for Joseph Collins Turner
157a - Case notes for John Brierley
157b - Case notes for John Brierley
158a - Case notes for Alexander Cameron
158b - Case notes for Alexander Cameron
158c - Case notes for Alexander Cameron
158d - Case notes for Alexander Cameron
159a - Case notes for Henry Ellington
159b - Case notes for Henry Ellington
159c - Case notes for Henry Ellington
160a - Case notes for David Cadman
160b - Case notes for David Cadman
160c - Case notes for David Cadman
161a - Case notes for Joseph Arnold
161b - Case notes for Joseph Arnold
161c - Case notes for Joseph Arnold
162a - Case notes for Alexander Price
162b - Case notes for Alexander Price
162c - Case notes for Alexander Price
162d - Case notes for Alexander Price
163a - Case notes for John Shorrock
163b - Case notes for John Shorrock
163c - Case notes for John Shorrock
163d - Case notes for John Shorrock
164a - Case notes for Joseph McGinty
164b - Case notes for Joseph McGinty
164c - Case notes for Joseph McGinty
164d - Case notes for Joseph McGinty
164e - Case notes for Joseph McGinty
164f - Case notes for Joseph McGinty
165a - Case notes for James Murphy
165b - Case notes for James Murphy
165c - Case notes for James Murphy
165d - Case notes for James Murphy
166a - Case notes for James Beecham
166b - Case notes for James Beecham
166c - Case notes for James Beecham
167a - Case notes for William Radcliffe
167b - Case notes for William Radcliffe
167c - Case notes for William Radcliffe
168a - Case notes for Richard Henshall
168b - Case notes for Richard Henshall
168c - Case notes for Richard Henshall
169a - Case notes for Francis Thorniley
169b - Case notes for Francis Thorniley
169c - Case notes for Francis Thorniley
170a - Case notes for James Tomlinson
170b - Case notes for James Tomlinson
170c - Case notes for James Tomlinson
170d - Case notes for James Tomlinson
171a - Case notes for James Barlow
171b - Case notes for James Barlow
171c - Case notes for James Barlow
171d - Case notes for James Barlow
171e - Case notes for James Barlow
172a - Case notes for Isaac Ashworth
172b - Case notes for Isaac Ashworth
172c - Case notes for Isaac Ashworth
173a - Case notes for Frederick W Gater
173b - Case notes for Frederick W Gater
173c - Case notes for Frederick W Gater
174a - Case notes for William A Chaddock
174b - Case notes for William A Chaddock
174c - Case notes for William A Chaddock
174d - Case notes for William A Chaddock
175a - Case notes for Thomas Stennett
175b - Case notes for Thomas Stennett
175c - Case notes for Thomas Stennett
176a - Case notes for Thomas Dale
176b - Case notes for Thomas Dale
177a - Case notes for Richard Maxwell
177b - Case notes for Richard Maxwell
177c - Case notes for Richard Maxwell
178a - Case notes for Richard Rigby
178b - Case notes for Richard Rigby
178c - Case notes for Richard Rigby
178d - Case notes for Richard Rigby
179a - Case notes for William Waters
179b - Case notes for William Waters
179c - Case notes for William Waters
180a - Case notes for Albert Swan
180b - Case notes for Albert Swan
180c - Case notes for Albert Swan
181a - Case notes for Roger Bate
181b - Case notes for Roger Bate
181c - Case notes for Roger Bate
181d - Case notes for Roger Bate
181e - Case notes for Roger Bate
181f - Case notes for Roger Bate
181g - Case notes for Roger Bate
182a - Case notes for William Clarkson
182b - Case notes for William Clarkson
182c - Case notes for William Clarkson
182d - Case notes for William Clarkson
183a - Case notes for Arthur Harvey
183b - Case notes for Arthur Harvey
183c - Case notes for Arthur Harvey
184a - Case notes for William Henry Hough
184b - Case notes for William Henry Hough
184c - Case notes for William Henry Hough
184d - Case notes for William Henry Hough
185a - Case notes for Charles Dandy
185b - Case notes for Charles Dandy
185c - Case notes for Charles Dandy
186a - Case notes for John Norton
186b - Case notes for John Norton
186c - Case notes for John Norton
187a - Case notes for Austin Walsh
187b - Case notes for Austin Walsh
187c - Case notes for Austin Walsh
188a - Case notes for William Shepley
188b - Case notes for William Shepley
188c - Case notes for William Shepley
188d - Case notes for William Shepley
189a - Case notes for John Mayhall
189b - Case notes for John Mayhall
189c - Case notes for John Mayhall
190a - Case notes for Thomas Edge
190b - Case notes for Thomas Edge
190c - Case notes for Thomas Edge
191a - Case notes for Edwin Moorhouse
191b - Case notes for Edwin Moorhouse
191c - Case notes for Edwin Moorhouse
191d - Case notes for Edwin Moorhouse
191e - Case notes for Edwin Moorhouse
191f - Case notes for Edwin Moorhouse
191g - Case notes for Edwin Moorhouse
191h - Case notes for Edwin Moorhouse
191i - Case notes for Edwin Moorhouse
191j - Case notes for Edwin Moorhouse
191k - Case notes for Edwin Moorhouse
191l - Case notes for Edwin Moorhouse
192a - Case notes for Lambert Fletcher Greenwood
192b - Case notes for Lambert Fletcher Greenwood
193a - Case notes for John Gill
193b - Case notes for John Gill
193c - Case notes for John Gill
194a - Case notes for George Newman Wade
194b - Case notes for George Newman Wade
194c - Case notes for George Newman Wade
194d - Case notes for George Newman Wade
195a - Case notes for Joseph Fowden
195b - Case notes for Joseph Fowden
195c - Case notes for Joseph Fowden
195d - Case notes for Joseph Fowden
196a - Case notes for John Aidley
196b - Case notes for John Aidley
196c - Case notes for John Aidley
197a - Case notes for William Francis Holt
197b - Case notes for William Francis Holt
197c - Case notes for William Francis Holt
198a - Case notes for James Pearson
198b - Case notes for James Pearson
198c - Case notes for James Pearson
198d - Case notes for James Pearson
199a - Case notes for William Johnson
199b - Case notes for William Johnson
199c - Case notes for William Johnson
199d - Case notes for William Johnson
200a - Case notes for William Rixon
200b - Case notes for William Rixon
200c - Case notes for William Rixon
201a - Case notes for William Partington
201b - Case notes for William Partington
201c - Case notes for William Partington
202a - Case notes for Edward Pollitt
202b - Case notes for Edward Pollitt
202c - Case notes for Edward Pollitt
203a - Case notes for Harry Baker
203b - Case notes for Harry Baker
203c - Case notes for Harry Baker
204a - Case notes for Thomas Clarke
204b - Case notes for Thomas Clarke
204c - Case notes for Thomas Clarke
205a - Case notes for Patrick Burns
205b - Case notes for Patrick Burns
205c - Case notes for Patrick Burns
205d - Case notes for Patrick Burns
205e - Case notes for Patrick Burns
205f - Case notes for Patrick Burns
206a - Case notes for James Henry Worthington
206b - Case notes for James Henry Worthington
206c - Case notes for James Henry Worthington
206d - Case notes for James Henry Worthington
207a - Case notes for John Royle
207b - Case notes for John Royle
207c - Case notes for John Royle
207d - Case notes for John Royle
208a - Case notes for Benjamin Lock
208b - Case notes for Benjamin Lock
208c - Case notes for Benjamin Lock
209a - Case notes for James Molloy
209b - Case notes for James Molloy
209c - Case notes for James Molloy
210a - Case notes for George Henry Warrington
210b - Case notes for George Henry Warrington
210c - Case notes for George Henry Warrington
211a - Case notes for John Schollick Lomas
211b - Case notes for John Schollick Lomas
211c - Case notes for John Schollick Lomas
211d - Case notes for John Schollick Lomas
212a - Case notes for James Bowers
212b - Case notes for James Bowers
212c - Case notes for James Bowers
213a - Case notes for Joseph Smith
213b - Case notes for Joseph Smith
213c - Case notes for Joseph Smith
213d - Case notes for Joseph Smith
214a - Case notes for John Ranmah Hinchcliffe
214b - Case notes for John Ranmah Hinchcliffe
214c - Case notes for John Ranmah Hinchcliffe
215a - Case notes for Thomas Burton
215b - Case notes for Thomas Burton
215c - Case notes for Thomas Burton
216a - Case notes for Henry Robinson
216b - Case notes for Henry Robinson
217a - Case notes for John Astle
217b - Case notes for John Astle
217c - Case notes for John Astle
217d - Case notes for John Astle
217e - Case notes for John Astle
217f - Case notes for John Astle
217g - Case notes for John Astle
218a - Case notes for William Barlow
218b - Case notes for William Barlow
218c - Case notes for William Barlow
218d - Case notes for William Barlow
219a - Case notes for Patrick Daley
219b - Case notes for Patrick Daley
219c - Case notes for Patrick Daley
219d - Case notes for Patrick Daley
220a - Case notes for Anthony Clayton
220b - Case notes for Anthony Clayton
220c - Case notes for Anthony Clayton
220d - Case notes for Anthony Clayton
221a - Case notes for Herbert Ernest Ward
221b - Case notes for Herbert Ernest Ward
221c - Case notes for Herbert Ernest Ward
221d - Case notes for Herbert Ernest Ward
222a - Case notes for Ralph Burgess
222b - Case notes for Ralph Burgess
222c - Case notes for Ralph Burgess
223a - Case notes for Joshua Andrew
223b - Case notes for Joshua Andrew
223c - Case notes for Joshua Andrew
224a - Case notes for Patrick Kennedy
224b - Case notes for Patrick Kennedy
224c - Case notes for Patrick Kennedy
225a - Case notes for John Wright
225b - Case notes for John Wright
225c - Case notes for John Wright
226a - Case notes for Joseph Leigh
226b - Case notes for Joseph Leigh
226c - Case notes for Joseph Leigh
227a - Case notes for John Critchley
227b - Case notes for John Critchley
227c - Case notes for John Critchley
227d - Case notes for John Critchley
228a - Case notes for Thomas Darcy
228b - Case notes for Thomas Darcy
228c - Case notes for Thomas Darcy
228d - Case notes for Thomas Darcy
229a - Case notes for Thomas Nield
229b - Case notes for Thomas Nield
229c - Case notes for Thomas Nield
229d - Case notes for Thomas Nield
229e - Case notes for Thomas Nield
230a - Case notes for Ralph Ball
230b - Case notes for Ralph Ball
230c - Case notes for Ralph Ball
230d - Case notes for Ralph Ball
231a - Case notes for Benjamin Holbrook
231b - Case notes for Benjamin Holbrook
232a - Case notes for Thomas Huffum
232b - Case notes for Thomas Huffum
232c - Case notes for Thomas Huffum
233a - Case notes for John Foster
233b - Case notes for John Foster
233c - Case notes for John Foster
234a - Case notes for William Millatt
234b - Case notes for William Millatt
234c - Case notes for William Millatt
234d - Case notes for William Millatt
235a - Case notes for Thomas Stennett
235b - Case notes for Thomas Stennett
235c - Case notes for Thomas Stennett
235d - Case notes for Thomas Stennett
236a - Case notes for Joseph Bennett
236b - Case notes for Joseph Bennett
236c - Case notes for Joseph Bennett
237a - Case notes for Thomas Foden
237b - Case notes for Thomas Foden
237c - Case notes for Thomas Foden
238a - Case notes for Thomas Gibling
238b - Case notes for Thomas Gibling
238c - Case notes for Thomas Gibling
239a - Case notes for Thomas Murray
239b - Case notes for Thomas Murray
239c - Case notes for Thomas Murray
240a - Case notes for George Birchall
240b - Case notes for George Birchall
240c - Case notes for George Birchall
240d - Case notes for George Birchall
241a - Case notes for John Howard
241b - Case notes for John Howard
241c - Case notes for John Howard
241d - Case notes for John Howard
242a - Case notes for Elijah Stubbs
242b - Case notes for Elijah Stubbs
243a - Case notes for James Warrington
243b - Case notes for James Warrington
243c - Case notes for James Warrington
243d - Case notes for James Warrington
244a - Case notes for Owen Johnson
244b - Case notes for Owen Johnson
245a - Case notes for Vincent John Talks
245b - Case notes for Vincent John Talks
245c - Case notes for Vincent John Talks
245d - Case notes for Vincent John Talks
246a - Case notes for Thomas Shuttleworth
246b - Case notes for Thomas Shuttleworth
246c - Case notes for Thomas Shuttleworth
247a - Case notes for Joseph Harrison
247b - Case notes for Joseph Harrison
247c - Case notes for Joseph Harrison
248a - Case notes for Mark Jones
248b - Case notes for Mark Jones
249a - Case notes for Isaac Hulme
249b - Case notes for Isaac Hulme
249c - Case notes for Isaac Hulme
250a - Case notes for Samuel Gerrard
250b - Case notes for Samuel Gerrard
250c - Case notes for Samuel Gerrard
251a - Case notes for Joseph Fidler
251b - Case notes for Joseph Fidler
251c - Case notes for Joseph Fidler
252a - Case notes for William Smith
252b - Case notes for William Smith
252c - Case notes for William Smith
253a - Case notes for Thomas Walsh
253b - Case notes for Thomas Walsh
253c - Case notes for Thomas Walsh
254a - Case notes for Walter Norton
254b - Case notes for Walter Norton
254c - Case notes for Walter Norton
255a - Case notes for Nathan Betts
255b - Case notes for Nathan Betts
255c - Case notes for Nathan Betts
256a - Case notes for William Walmsley
256b - Case notes for William Walmsley
256c - Case notes for William Walmsley
257a - Case notes for Michael Mills
257b - Case notes for Michael Mills
257c - Case notes for Michael Mills
258a - Case notes for Joseph Bowden
258b - Case notes for Joseph Bowden
258c - Case notes for Joseph Bowden
259a - Case notes for Edwin Birchall
259b - Case notes for Edwin Birchall
259c - Case notes for Edwin Birchall
259d - Case notes for Edwin Birchall
260a - Case notes for George Andrews
260b - Case notes for George Andrews
260c - Case notes for George Andrews
261a - Case notes for George Jones
261b - Case notes for George Jones
261c - Case notes for George Jones
262a - Case notes for Edward Pollitt
262b - Case notes for Edward Pollitt
262c - Case notes for Edward Pollitt
263a - Case notes for Wiliam L Grimes
263b - Case notes for Wiliam L Grimes
263c - Case notes for Wiliam L Grimes
263d - Case notes for Wiliam L Grimes
264a - Case notes for George Gilbert
264b - Case notes for George Gilbert
264c - Case notes for George Gilbert
264d - Case notes for George Gilbert
265a - Case notes for Joseph Thornley
265b - Case notes for Joseph Thornley
265c - Case notes for Joseph Thornley
266a - Case notes for John Frederick Brier
266b - Case notes for John Frederick Brier
266c - Case notes for John Frederick Brier
266d - Case notes for John Frederick Brier
266e - Case notes for John Frederick Brier
266f - Case notes for John Frederick Brier
266g - Case notes for John Frederick Brier
266h - Case notes for John Frederick Brier
266i - Case notes for John Frederick Brier
266j - Case notes for John Frederick Brier
266k - Case notes for John Frederick Brier
267a - Case notes for Thomas Burgess
267b - Case notes for Thomas Burgess
267c - Case notes for Thomas Burgess
267d - Case notes for Thomas Burgess
268a - Case notes for Charles Snelson
268b - Case notes for Charles Snelson
268c - Case notes for Charles Snelson
269a - Case notes for William Aldcroft
269b - Case notes for William Aldcroft
269c - Case notes for William Aldcroft
270a - Case notes for Henry Webb
270b - Case notes for Henry Webb
270c - Case notes for Henry Webb
271a - Case notes for James Tomlinson
271b - Case notes for James Tomlinson
271c - Case notes for James Tomlinson
272 - Case notes for Charles Hatton
273 - Case notes for John Hannan
274 - Case notes for John Morris
275 - Case notes for Joel Denerly
276 - Case notes for Thomas Hough
278a - Case notes for Thomas Whalley & John Harvey
278b - Case notes for John Harvey
278c - Case notes for Thomas Whalley
279 - Case notes for Hugh Hulme
280a - Case notes for John Roberts
280b - Case notes for John Roberts
281 - Case notes for Isaac Ratcliff & William Hancock
282 - Case notes for Isaac Hulme
283 - Case notes for Arthur Bright & George Swindells
284 - Case notes for John Thomas Charnock
285a - Case notes for Charles Hatton
285b - Case notes for Charles Hatton
286a - Case notes for Edwin Moorhouse
286b - Case notes for Edwin Moorhouse
287 - Case notes for Joseph Bayley
288 - Case notes for Henry Stainford
289 - Case notes for James Halstead
290 - Case notes for John Brundrett
291 - Case notes for John Haughton Wilde
292a - Case notes for George Lough
292b - Case notes for George Lough
293 - Case notes for James McMillan
294 - Case notes for John Leigh
295 - Case notes for Patrick Grady
296a - Case notes for Frederick William Gater
296b - Case notes for Frederick William Gater
296c - Case notes for Frederick William Gater
297 - Case notes for Charles Stanway
298 - Case notes for William Nalor
299 - Case notes for James Griffin
300a - Case notes for William Lomas
300b - Case notes for William Lomas
301 - Case notes for Patrick O'Connor
302 - Case notes for John Bond
303a - Case notes for Charles Lambourne
303b - Case notes for Charles Lambourne
304 - Case notes for William Henry Hough
305 - Case notes for William Henry Kay
306 - Case notes for Thomas J Ingham
307 - Case notes for George Swindells
308 - Case notes for Isaac Shaw
309 - Case notes for James Tomlinson
310 - Case notes for John Cullinen
311 - Case notes for Thomas Edwards
312 - Case notes for Ralph Burgess
313 - Case notes for William Hamnett
314 - Case notes for Thomas Stennett
315 - Case notes for William Francis Holt
316 - Case notes for John Gill
317 - Case notes for William Shepley & John Gill
318 - Case notes for John Brierley
319a - Case notes for John Whittaker
319b - Case notes for John Whittaker
320a - Case notes for James Smalley
320b - Case notes for James Smalley
321 - Case notes for Martin Prendergast
322 - Case notes for Ralph Ball
323 - Case notes for John Foster
324a - Case notes for John Morris
324b - Case notes for John Morris
325a - Case notes for Isaac Hancock
325b - Case notes for Isaac Hancock
326a - Case notes for John Thomas Edwards
326b - Case notes for John Thomas Edwards
327 - Case notes for Vincent John Talks & John Thomas Edwards
328a - Case notes for Harry Morris
328b - Case notes for Harry Morris
328c - Case notes for Harry Morris
329a - Case notes for Isaac Newton
329b - Case notes for Isaac Newton
330 - Case notes for Gamaliel Jackson
331 - Case notes for Joel Dunnerley
332 - Case notes for John Thomas Charnock
333 - Case notes for George Andrews
334a - Case notes for William Rixon
334b - Case notes for William Rixon
335a - Case notes for James Molloy
335b - Case notes for James Molloy
335c - Case notes for James Molloy
336 - Case notes for John Aidley
337a - Case notes for Joseph Smith
337b - Case notes for Joseph Smith
337c - Case notes for Joseph Smith
337d - Case notes for Joseph Smith
337e - Case notes for Joseph Smith
338 - Case notes for William Walmsley
339 - Case notes for Joseph Bowden
340a - Case notes for George Newman Wade
340b - Case notes for George Newman Wade
341a - Case notes for Thomas Foden
341b - Case notes for Thomas Foden
341c - Case notes for Thomas Foden
342 - Case notes for James Halstead
343 - Case notes for Edwin Moorhouse
344a - Case notes for James Pearson
344b - Case notes for James Pearson
345 - Case notes for James Bowers
346 - Case notes for Charles Barker
347a - Case notes for Patrick Grady
347b - Case notes for Patrick Grady
348a - Case notes for Thomas Edwards
348b - Case notes for Thomas Edwards
349 - Case notes for Richard Henshall
350 - Case notes for John Wright
351a - Case notes for Joseph Bennett
351b - Case notes for Joseph Bennett
352a - Case notes for John Houghton Wilde
352b - Case notes for John Houghton Wilde
352c - Case notes for John Houghton Wilde
352d - Case notes for John Houghton Wilde
353a - Case notes for William Henry Hough
353b - Case notes for William Henry Hough
354 - Case notes for William Francis Holt
355 - Case notes for John Lee
356 - Case notes for James Smalley
357a - Case notes for Thomas John Ingham
357b - Case notes for Thomas John Ingham
357c - Case notes for Thomas John Ingham
358 - Case notes for james Griffin
359 - Case notes for William Henry Kay
360 - Case notes for George Andrews
361 - Case notes for George Henry Warrington
362 - Case notes for Joel Dennerley
363 - Case notes for Joseph Bowden
364a - Case notes for James Halstead
Expand 9 - Case book: male - Jul 1894 - Dec 18979 - Case book: male - Jul 1894 - Dec 1897
Expand 10 - Case book: male - Dec 1897 - Jan 190110 - Case book: male - Dec 1897 - Jan 1901
11 - Case book: male - Jan 1901 - Feb 1904
12 - Case book: male - Mar 1904 - Nov 1906
13 - Case book: male - Oct 1905 - Jun 1908
14 - Case book: male - Jun 1908 - Jun 1910
Expand 15 - Case books: males. Appendix - 1871 - 191015 - Case books: males. Appendix - 1871 - 1910
16 - Case books: males. Appendix (transfers to Annexe) - 1906 - 1910
Expand 3 - Case books: male deaths - 1910-19503 - Case books: male deaths - 1910-1950
Expand 4 - Case books: male discharges - 1912-19504 - Case books: male discharges - 1912-1950
Expand 5 - Case books: female - 1871-19105 - Case books: female - 1871-1910
Expand 6 - Case books: female deaths - 1910-19506 - Case books: female deaths - 1910-1950
Expand 7 - Case books: female discharges - 1910-19507 - Case books: female discharges - 1910-1950
Expand 5 - Medical registers - 1884-19555 - Medical registers - 1884-1955
Expand 6 - Reporting6 - Reporting
Expand 7 - Friends' address books7 - Friends' address books
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