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Collapse P 51 - Chester St John Parish - 16th century-21st centuryP 51 - Chester St John Parish - 16th century-21st century
Expand 1 - Registers and Services1 - Registers and Services
Collapse 2 - Ecclesiastical Administration2 - Ecclesiastical Administration
Expand 1 - District - 1846-19341 - District - 1846-1934
Expand 2 - Endowment and Income2 - Endowment and Income
Collapse 3 - Glebe Land and Property3 - Glebe Land and Property
1 - Attornment - 4 Apr 1807
2 - Receipt on behalf of W. Richards for a guinea paid by Rev. Mr. Armitstead for a conveyance of Ross Croft by William Pownall to Mr. Hancock - 1 Feb 1808
3 - Particulars of Ross Croft belonging to Rev. Messrs. Willan and Richerdson - c.1809
4 - Memos. of rents received from Ross Croft - 1812-1837
5 - Memorandum of agreement for letting of Ross Croft by Rev. John Willan and W. Richardson to William Tasker for 7 years at a rent of £12 - 25 Mar 1818
6 - Memorandum of receipt from the Governors of Queene Anne's Bounty of £33 18s. 11d. dividend due on sum invested for the augmentation of the vicarage of St. John's - Oct 1829
7 - Memorandum referring to grant of pension made by Edward VI - c.1830
8 - Inventory of deeds, books and papers in the parish chest - May 1830
9 - Accounts of church fees received - 1832-1837
10 - Memos. of receipt of sums of £21 6s. 8d. stipend payable to the vicar by the Commissioners of Woods and Forests - 1834, 1835
11 - Letter from Office of Woods etc. Informing Rev. W. B. Marsden that the pension has been transferred and charged upon the Consolidated Fund - 7 Aug 1868
12 - Inventory of deeds and documents in the iron safe in the vestry - 18 May 1869
13 - Inventory of deeds and documents in the iron safe in the vestry; Draft - 18 May 1869
14 - Correspondence with the Ecclesiastical Commissioners and the Duke of Westminster concerning proposals to augment the living - 1869-1875
15 - Copy of Ecclesiastical Commissioners' order authorising marriages, baptisms, churchings and burials in Christ Church - 9 Feb 1871
16 - 'Return Made of the Income of S. John by J. Roberts.' - 1875
17 - Notice of approval of Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty of Rev. S. C. Scott's request that the Agricultural Holdings (England) Act, 1875, shall not apply to the holdings of his tenants - 25 Mar 1876
18 - Letters from Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries relating to sale of glebe lands and investment of proceeds - 1921
Expand 19 - Parish Room - 1880-195519 - Parish Room - 1880-1955
Expand 4 - Tithes4 - Tithes
Expand 5 - Pew Rents5 - Pew Rents
Expand 6 - Clergy6 - Clergy
Expand 3 - Parish Affairs3 - Parish Affairs
Expand 4 - Civil Affairs4 - Civil Affairs
Expand 5 - Publications and Memorabilia5 - Publications and Memorabilia
Expand 7 - Schools7 - Schools
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