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Collapse P 51 - Chester St John Parish - 16th century-21st centuryP 51 - Chester St John Parish - 16th century-21st century
Expand 1 - Registers and Services1 - Registers and Services
Collapse 2 - Ecclesiastical Administration2 - Ecclesiastical Administration
Expand 1 - District - 1846-19341 - District - 1846-1934
Expand 2 - Endowment and Income2 - Endowment and Income
Expand 3 - Glebe Land and Property3 - Glebe Land and Property
Expand 4 - Tithes4 - Tithes
Collapse 5 - Pew Rents5 - Pew Rents
1 - Copy commission to allot pews - 21 Nov 1708
2 - Petition - 1714
3 - Order - 4 Jan 1803
4 - Valuation of seats in St. John's church (copy) - 14 Apr 1803
5 - Lists of occupiers of pews in the south gallery and accounts of pew rents paid - 1832-1837
6 - Accounts of quarterly collections of pew rents - 1834-1837
7 - Summary account of pew rents received - 1785-1838
8 - Memorandum concerning pew rent of the seat in the north gallery claimed by Sir Philip Egerton - c.1837
9 - Letter from John Bellis, Hon. Sec. to the Committee of Chester Mechanics Institution, to the vicar and churchwardens, informing them of their resolution to give up their faculty pew provided they are given four sittings in lieu - 28 Jun 1860
10 - Letter and copy letter from Marquess of Westminster to the churchwardens informing them of purchase of £1,000 stock, interest to be paid in lieu of pew rents for nine pews on the north side and seven pews on the south side of the church, which are to be f - 20 Jan 1868
11 - Correspondence between Rev. S. C. Scott and Mr. Morris concerning the payment of pew rents - Nov 1915
12 - Statement of pew rent account and covering letter - 1917-1918
13 - Letter from H. Beswick to the vicar suggesting the abolition of pew rents - 6 Dec 1918
14 - Minutes of general and committee meetings (free and open church) - 1884-1885
15 - Letter from the agent of the Duke of Westminster to the vicar expressing the Duke's approval of the proposal - 26 Dec 1884
16 - Letter and circulars concerning the proposal - 1884-1885
17 - Replies to questions posed in circular, and related memos - 1885
18 - Accounts for printing circulars - 1885
19 - Letters of apology for non-attendance of meetings - 1884-1885
20 - Memorandum of incumbent's loss of income due to appropriation of pew rents to pay the interest of lost legacies - c.1830
Expand 6 - Clergy6 - Clergy
Expand 3 - Parish Affairs3 - Parish Affairs
Expand 4 - Civil Affairs4 - Civil Affairs
Expand 5 - Publications and Memorabilia5 - Publications and Memorabilia
Expand 7 - Schools7 - Schools
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