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Collapse P 51 - Chester St John Parish - 16th century-21st centuryP 51 - Chester St John Parish - 16th century-21st century
Expand 1 - Registers and Services1 - Registers and Services
Expand 2 - Ecclesiastical Administration2 - Ecclesiastical Administration
Collapse 3 - Parish Affairs3 - Parish Affairs
Expand 1 - Vestry Minutes and Parochial Church Council (PCC) Minutes1 - Vestry Minutes and Parochial Church Council (PCC) Minutes
Expand 2 - Churchwardens' Accounts and Parochial Church Council (PCC) Accounts2 - Churchwardens' Accounts and Parochial Church Council (PCC) Accounts
Collapse 3 - Charities3 - Charities
1 - Legacy book - 1758-1890
2 - Lists and memos. of legacies left to St. John's parish - 19th cent
3 - Papers relating to vestry meeting held to take into consideration 'the propriety of empowering and authorising the Guardians of the poor of the City of Chester to advance out of the money paid to them---a proportionate part of the money which shall be exp - 1829-1830
Expand 4 - Henry Smith's Charity4 - Henry Smith's Charity
Collapse 5 - Wilcock's Charity5 - Wilcock's Charity
1 - Copy will of Thomas Wilcocke - 1769
2 - Copy Inquisition - 3 Apr 1662
3 - Copy Decree - 10 Apr 1662
4 - Copy will of Thomas Wilcock jun., son of Thomas Wilcock of Chester, alderman - 1769
5 - Lease for 99 years or 3 lives - 1 Mar 1708/9
6 - Bond in £200 - 1 Mar 1708/9
7 - Conveyance (Lease and Release, Lease missing) - 2 Mar 1708/9
8 - Bond in £500 - 2 Mar 1708/9
9 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) - 11, 12 Jun 1741
10 - Duplicates - 11, 12 Jun 1741
11 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) - 9, 10 Mar 1761
12 - Copy Lease for 21 years - 18 Jan 1762
13 - Account of John Bennett's disbursements on Willcock's estate in Willaston - 1770
14 - Memo, concerning the deeds and writings relating to Wilcock's Legacy - c.1800
15 - Surveys of the Willaston estate made by James Calveley - Mar 1801
16 - 'A Survey of Deferan Repairs Wanting at a farm house and out buildings and the Gates in the Lands---' - 29 Jul 1801
17 - Agreement - 15 Dec 1804
18 - Accounts and receipts of Andrew Coathup as tenant - 1809-1815
19 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) - 10, 11 Sep 1807
20 - Willaston rent accounts - 1814-1845
21 - Churchwardens' receipts for St. John's portion of the rent - 1815, 1818
22 - Churchwardens' receipts for Neston's portion of the rent - 1815-1829
23 - Churchwardens' receipts for St. Bridget's portion of the rent - 1817-1829
24 - Memorandum of resolutions passed at a meeting of the lords of the manor of Willaston concerning the enclosed lands in Willaston - 13 Mar 1817
25 - Letter from Jno. Broster, grandson of Thomas Wilcock, claiming the privilege of being present at the distribution of the charity - 12 Mar 1819
26 - Accounts relating to work done on the Willaston estate - 1820, 1821
27 - Samuel Brittain's account for valuing the farm in Willaston - 24 Jan 1823
28 - Memorandum concerning a cottage built adjoining the Mill Heys by Chas. Pugh by agreement with the Neston trustees - c.1836
29 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) - 12, 13 Feb 1838
30 - Accounts of John Faulkner, solicitor, in connection with Wilcock's estate - 1835-1838
31 - Lease - 8 Dec 1853
32 - Lease - 8 Dec 1853
33 - Survey of Willaston estate made by G. A. Bell - 8 Aug 1863
34 - Letters concerning the possible sale of part of the Willaston estate - 1870-1871
35 - Correspondence, mainly letters from Charity Commission concerning improvements at the farm at Willaston - 1876-1877
36 - Letters from Charity Commission concerning scheme for the administration of Thomas Wilcock's charity - 1878-1890
Expand 6 - Edward Batho's Charity6 - Edward Batho's Charity
Expand 7 - John Stockton's Charity7 - John Stockton's Charity
Expand 8 - Other Charities8 - Other Charities
Expand 4 - Church Buildings4 - Church Buildings
Expand 5 - Churchyard5 - Churchyard
Expand 6 - Visitations6 - Visitations
Expand 7 - Parochial Statistics7 - Parochial Statistics
Expand 8 - Electoral Rolls8 - Electoral Rolls
Expand 9 - Papers and Correspondence9 - Papers and Correspondence
Expand 4 - Civil Affairs4 - Civil Affairs
Expand 5 - Publications and Memorabilia5 - Publications and Memorabilia
Expand 7 - Schools7 - Schools
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