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Collapse P 51 - Chester St John Parish - 16th century-21st centuryP 51 - Chester St John Parish - 16th century-21st century
Expand 1 - Registers and Services1 - Registers and Services
Expand 2 - Ecclesiastical Administration2 - Ecclesiastical Administration
Collapse 3 - Parish Affairs3 - Parish Affairs
Expand 1 - Vestry Minutes and Parochial Church Council (PCC) Minutes1 - Vestry Minutes and Parochial Church Council (PCC) Minutes
Expand 2 - Churchwardens' Accounts and Parochial Church Council (PCC) Accounts2 - Churchwardens' Accounts and Parochial Church Council (PCC) Accounts
Expand 3 - Charities3 - Charities
Expand 4 - Church Buildings4 - Church Buildings
Collapse 5 - Churchyard5 - Churchyard
1 - Conveyance (Lease and Release; Release missing) - 8 Nov 1726
2 - Lease for 99 years - 28 Jan 1756
3 - Case and opinion of Ll. Kenyon of Middle Temple concerning the claim of Mrs. Orange for 'an Arbitrary payment of Ten Shillings from all persons laying any Gravestone in the Church Yard Alledging that---her Herbage is thereby Injured' - 5 Dec 1771
4 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) - 21, 22 Nov 1774
5 - Deed of Covenant - 10 Aug 1776
6 - Conveyance (Lease and Release) - 27, 28 Jan 1794
7 - Recommendation of vicar and churchwardens for regulating burials in the churchyard because of 'the great inconveniences arising from the very uncertain & irregular Hours of Funerals being brought to Church for Interment' - 7 Nov 1810
8 - Bishop's order regulating burials - 9 Nov 1810
9 - Memos. relating to the road through the churchyard leading to two houses at Dee side in occ. of Mr. Ward and Archdeacon Wrangham - 1 May 1830
10 - Declaration of Joseph Carter of Union Street, aged 81 years, concerning the fees he received when he was sexton - 3 Jun 1846
11 - Faculty - 22 Jul 1851
12 - Order in Council for discontinuing burials in the church and churchyard [at the south side of the church] from 1 May 1855, and covering letter - Feb 1855
13 - Order in Council for discontinuing burials in the church and churchyard [at the south side of the church] from 1 Jan 1856 instead of 1 May 1855, and covering letter - Mar 1855
14 - Notice of intention of Richard [Grosvenor], Marquess of Westminster, to stop up the road leading from Barkers Lane alias Union Street to the point where the same unites with the footway called the Black Walk - 23 Jun 1865
15 - Correspondence concerning the right of way across the south side of the churchyard to Rock Cottage - 1867-1870
16 - Licence for the future interment of Mrs. Jane Kearsley in a brick grave with her late husband in the churchyard - 30 May 1873
17 - Bill to amend the Burial Laws - 1873
18 - Queries and replies in connection with the amendment of the Burial Laws - 1875
19 - Notice of intention to recommend that burials be discontinued wholly in St. John's churchyard - 2 Jul 1875
20 - Order in Council for discontinuing burials wholly in the churchyard, and covering letter - Oct, Nov 1875
21 - Notes on the closure of burial grounds - n d [1875]
22 - Faculty - 6 Apr 1876
23 - Plans of churchyard showing proposed alterations to the approach - 1876
24 - Letter describing the area of land detached from the grave yard and added to the roads - 30 Dec 1879
25 - 'Plan of Graves on the south side of St. Johns Church Tower, Chester, from measurements taken April 21. 1881.' - 23 Apr 1881
26 - Letter from Sam. Smith, Deputy Town Clerk, to Rev. S. C. Scott concerning arrangements for the Spital Burial Ground to be formally given into his possession, the vicar of St. John's being the rightful owner - 11 Jan 1884
27 - Correspondence and plans relating to the Improvement Committee's proposals for footways through the south side of St. John's churchyard - 1897-1898
28 - Citation to lead to Faculty for levelling the burial ground on the north and south sides of the church - 31 Oct 1907
29 - Faculty - 20 Aug 1908
30 - Photographs of tombstone and memorial tablet of Susannah Jane Scott, the Vicar's wife - Post 1909
31 - Letter from Alderman P. H. Lawson to Rev. A. W. G. Duffield relating to his transcript of the monumental inscriptions at St. John's - 1953
32 - Record of Graves and Inscriptions - 1953
33 - Correspondence and deeds relating to the demise of the churchyard to Chester Corporation for 99 years and the constitution of the Corporation as Guardians of the ruined portions of the church - 1953-1961
Expand 6 - Visitations6 - Visitations
Expand 7 - Parochial Statistics7 - Parochial Statistics
Expand 8 - Electoral Rolls8 - Electoral Rolls
Expand 9 - Papers and Correspondence9 - Papers and Correspondence
Expand 4 - Civil Affairs4 - Civil Affairs
Expand 5 - Publications and Memorabilia5 - Publications and Memorabilia
Expand 7 - Schools7 - Schools
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