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Collapse ZA - City of Chester Assembly - 1407-1857ZA - City of Chester Assembly - 1407-1857
Collapse B - Assembly Minute Books - 1539-1835B - Assembly Minute Books - 1539-1835
Expand 1 - Assembly Book - 15th century-16241 - Assembly Book - 15th century-1624
Collapse 2 - Assembly Book - 1624-16852 - Assembly Book - 1624-1685
59-59v - City watch - 11 Nov 1642
60 - City defence; provision of arms and ammunition - 6 Dec 1642
60-61 - Election of City Preacher; loans from stock of Robert Offley and William Offley - 13 Jan 1643
61-61v - Election of Alderman; levy for fortifications; lease - 3 Feb 1643
62 - Appointment of keeper of the Common Hall - 17 Feb 1643
62-63 - Elections; payment of soldiers; petitions - 23 Mar 1643
63 - Election; order - 14 Apr, 1643
63-63v - City's messengers to the King - 1 Jul 1643
63v - John Levesley, innholder, was chosen a Councilman in the place of Ralph Burrowes, deceased - 6 Oct 1643
63v-64 - Elections; appointments; admissions to the freedom; petitions, Troops of Horse - 20 Oct 1643
64v - Petitions - 13 Nov 1643
64v-65 - Fines; payment to Lord Capell for removal of soldiers; petition - 1 Dec 1643
65-66v - Election; admission; petitions; order for cleansing of streets; repair to Lord Byron regarding noisomeness of Eastgate - 16 Apr 1644
66v-67 - Election; fines; petition; admission - 24 May 1644
67-67v - Election; petitions; repair of the City gates and cleansing of Eastgate ditch - 19 Jul 1644
68-68v - Appointments; maintenance of garrison; mud walls; petition - 3 Sep 1644
68v-69v - Elections; petition; appointments, order for merchandise to be taken to the Common Hall - 18 Oct 1644
69v-70v - Payments for defence of the City and City's debts - 31 Jan 1645
70v-71 - Raising of funds for Prince Rupert's Foot Regiment; orders - 18 Feb 1645
71v - Assessment for fortifications of garrison and erection of drawbridge - 8 Apr 1645
71v-72 - Elections; removal of muck - 15 Aug 1645
72 - Collection of arrears; levy for maintenance of garrison - 21 Oct 1645
72v - Election; maintenance of garrison - 6 Nov 1645
72v-73 - Assessments - 17 Nov 1645
73-74 - Outstanding payment to the Mayor of York and other Commissioners; accounts; assessment for the maintenance of regiments - 3 Dec 1645
74 - Acquittance; fines - 5 Dec 1645
74v - Assessment; election - 18 Dec 1645
75-75v - Blank - nd
76 - Copy of Ordinance of Parliament; agreed suspension of those taking up arms against Parliament; election of Mayor; Dee Mills demolition - nd
78v-79 - Elections; admission; petition - 23 Oct 1646
79-79v - Election - 17 Nov 1646
79v-80 - Election; appointment; petition - 20 Nov 1646
80 - Apprenticeship indentures; appointments - 1 Dec 1646
80v-81 - Elections; petitions - 26 Jan 1646[/7]
81v - Blank - nd
82 - Copy of Ordinance of Parliament - nd
82v-84 - Elections; petitions; appointments; penalties for absence from Assembly - 6th May, 1648
82v1 - Elections - 17 Mar, 1647[/8]
82v2 - Elections - 24 Mar 1647[/8]
84v - Agreement regarding Lecturer at St Peter's; assessments; City to be put in a posture of defence - 8 Aug 1648
84v1 - William Drinkewater elected Alderman in the place of Robert Wright, late Mayor, deceased - 11 Aug 1648
85-86 - Elections; petitions; stipend for banquet for Mayor; complaint regarding sales on non market days - 8 Sept 1648
86-87 - Orders; summoning of freemen; petition - 10 Oct 1648
87-88 - Assessment for poor of the City; demolition of stone causey in the Dee; no sale of corn except in the open market; admittance of Macebearer - 27 Nov 1648
88v - Demolotion of the causey near Dee Mills; prise wines - 6 Dec 1648
89 - Contempt of an Assembly Order - 20 Dec 1648
89-89v - Suits in the Pentice Court against John Francis for discharge of persons from prison; fine - 16 Jan 1649
89v-90 - Fines; sale of imported corn in the Friers; goods of foreigners to be taken to Common Hall; admission; appointment - 18 Jul 1649
90v-91 - Selling of corn; fines for foreigners not bringing goods to Common Hall; turning the court of the river; gorse; Forrest streete pavement - 31 Jul 1649
91v - Blank - nd
92 - Admission - 2 Oct 1649
92a - Expenses; petition - 10th Oct., 1649
92v-93 - Admission; fines; appointments; Dee Mills - 19 Dec 1649
93 - Election; admission - 1 Feb 1649[/50]
93v - Fines for allowing foreigners to work as taylors - 15 Feb 1649[/50]
94 - Scholars elected to receive stipend - 15 Mar, 1649[/50]
94-94v - Election; admission; petition - 24 May 1650
94v - Fines; cancellation of Michaelmas Fair due to sickness - 30 Aug 1650
95-96 - Election; country bakers; fees; sale of corn by foreigners; keeping of swine; petitions - 25 Mar 1651
96v - Election; collection of tolls; payment of penalties for gorse; repair of Wolfe's Tower - 17 Jul 1651
97 - Admission; election - 16 Sep, 1651
97a - Admission; discharge of Alderman; election - 18 Sep, 1651
97v - Election; admission; wearing of tippets at Assembly; fines - 7 Nov 1651
98-98v - Confirmations of admissions; petitions; plague; haunch feast - 6 Apr 1652
98v-99 - Fines; petitions; assessment - 18 May 1652
99-99v - Dismissal of Counsellor; entering of goods entering the City in book in Pentice office; removal of stone conduit near High Cross; admission - 15 Jun 1652
99v - Petition; admission - 22 Sep 1652
100-101 - The meares and boundes of the Circuite of the liberties of the Cittie of Chester - nd
101v - Election - 4 Feb 1652[/3]
101v1 - Elections; petition - 29 Jul 1653
102 - Maimed soldiers; Sir Thomas White's money; Wiggin men to pay customs and tolls - 23 Sep 1653
102-103 - Elections; discharge of Councilmen; tenement in Sutton; meadow near Stanford Bridge; waterworks; Companies of Joiners and Carpenters; rents; petition; admission - 19 Dec 1653
103-105 - Almsmen; petitions; election; sale of wool at the Common Hall; sending of wine; Eastgate leases; summons; Company of Linendrapers penalties - 15 Aug, 1654
105 - Elections; sale of timber - 6 Oct 1654
105v - Blank - nd
106 - The names of those of the 24 Schollers formerly elected who are to continue according to their severall tymes hereafter mencioned - nd
106v - Elections; dismissal of Schoolmaster; delivery of arms, drums and colours; - 2 Feb 1654[/5]
107-107v - Elections; payment to yeoman of the Pentice for hospitality; rents; lease of waste land in Handbridge; erection of barn - 6 Apr 1655
108-108v - Right of common on Hoole Heath; horsemarket in Northgate Street; records in Treasury - 11 May 1655
109-109v - Building of House of Correction; fees; appointment of Overseer of the Highway; rents; Globe Tavern; night bellman; scholarship at Oxford - 21 Aug 1655
110 - Appointment of Overseers of the Highway - 21 Sep 1655
110-110v - Elections; audits; fines - 2nd Nov 1655
110v-112 - Appointment of Head Schoolmaster of the Free School; nomination of surveyors; payment of customs by men of Washford, Ireland; admissions; leases; petitions - 13 Jun 1656
112 - Elections; admission - 20 Jun 1656
112v-113 - Election; petition - 2 Jan 1656[/7]
113-113v - Resignation; elections; payment of fees from Sheriff's to Recorder - 4 Feb 1656[/7]
113v-115v - Appointment of Almsmen; confirmation and execution of orders relating to sale of goods by foreigners; salary of Schoolmaster; petitions - 5 Mar 1656[/7]
115v - Arrest of Henry Hunt; nominations of attornies in the City Courts - 30 Mar 1657
116-117 - Discharge of Councillor; appointment of auditors; payments for haunch feast; enrollment of apprenticeship indentures in Pentice Office; scholarships; petitions - 22 May 1657
117 - Election of scholars - nd
117v-118v - Assessment for the repair of the Free School; Mayor to attend Pentice; encroachment of Companies - 18 Sep 1657
118v-120 - Appointment of almsmen; Midsummer show; petitions; admissions - 19 Mar, 1657[/8]
120v-121 - Elections; almsmen; haunch feasts; admissions; petitions - 7 May 1658
121v-122 - Almsmen; salary of usher of the Free School; Coroners' salaries; leases - 30 Jul 1658
122-122v - Clerk of the Pentice; leases; order preventing breaking up of the City's soil - 13 Aug 1658
122v-123 - Almsmen; elections; Headschoolmaster salaryl petitions - 9 Sep 1658
123 - The names of those of the twenty-four scholars who were elected on October 4th - nd
123v - Elections; requirement for certificate of election proceedings - 25 Jan 1658[/9]
124-124v - Elections; Company of Butchers complaint; appointment of auditors; lease - 17 May 1659
124v - Raising of three companies of foot soldiers; money for defence of City; continuation of watch at the Pentice; appointment - 9 Aug 1659
125 - Lending of money for the use of the City; petition - 8 Sep 1659
125v-126v - Provision of workers at the House of Correction; rents due to the City; charges for repairs and maintenance of Common Hall and Northgate; cleansing of streets; rents; Pentice Office book of imported goods; bridge over Dee; admissions; almsmen - 30 Mar 1660
127 - Almsmen; discharge of Councilmen; elections; petitions; admissions - 11 May 1660
127v - Blank - nd
128-29 - Company of Carpenters; fines; resignations and appointments; elections - 25 May 1660
129-129v - Fines; petitions - 10 Aug 1660
130 - Resignation; elections; appointments; accounts and auditing - 25 Sep 1660
130v - Resignation; admission; petition - 5 Oct 1660
131-131v - Fines; petition; loans; payment of dues - 8th Feb 1660[/61]
132 - Appointment; Midsummer Show; fees; petition - 22nd Mar 1661
132v - Appointment; assessment for payment of soldiery; match; payment for stones - 30th Apr 1661
133 - Grant; petition - 23rd Aug, 1661
133v - Assessment for the payment of soldiers; lease - 6th Dec., 1661
134-134v - Election; appointment of auditors; Midsummer Show; Company of Clothworkers complaint; petitions - 10th Jun, 1662
135-136v - Meeting for the governing and regulating of Corporations; oaths and declarations; appointments and removals - 26th Aug, 1662
137 - Declaration that the Solemn League and Covenant constitutes no obligation - nd
137v - Copy of Royal Letters Patent, 19th Feb 1662 - nd
138-38v - Appointments; admissions; petitions - 1st Oct., 1662
139 - Elections - 8th Oct., 1662
139v-140v - Assessment for payment of soldiers; appointment of auditors; City Charter; complaints - 7th Nov., 1662
140-141 - Confirmations; fines; petitions; appointments; leases - nd
142 - Petitions; appointment; almsmen - nd
143 - Lease; appointment of Keeper of the Northgate and Night Bellman; petitions - nd
144 - Almsment; petitions; oaths - nd
145 - Oxford scholarship; Linencloth market; petitions - nd
146 - City Charter; admissions; petitions; bowling alley on Roodee - nd
147 - Elections; petitions; bakers to bake bread for all Inhabitants - nd
148 - City Charter; murengers; appointment of auditors - nd
149 - Election; assessment concerning the City Charter; petitions; oaths - 22nd Jul, 1664
149v - Almsmen; admissions - 23rd Sept., 1664
150 - Almsmen; City Charter - 11th Oct., 1664
150-150v - Admissions, appointments - 30th Dec., 1664
151-151v - Elections; almsmen; petitions; admissions; linencloth market; leases - 10th Feb 1664[/5]
152-152v - Election; petitions; Trained band of the City; assessment for royal aid - 4th Aug, 1665
152v - Elections; petitions - 13th Oct., 1665
153-153v - Petitions; butchers stalls; leases - 15th Dec., 1665
154 - Election; petition - 23rd Mar 1665[/66]
154-154v - Election; fines for those putting dirt in the channels in the streets - 10th Apr 1666
154v - Elections; University of Oxford place; petition - 20th Apr 1666
155 - Election; almsmen; Midsummer Show; complaints; Keeper of the Eastgate rent - 8th Jun, 1666
155v - The proceedings of the Assembly of 8th June are entered here a second time - nd
156 - Proposals for ending all differences between the Earl and the City - 20th Aug, 1666
156v - Fines for absence; Company of Mercers and Ironmongers suit; Trafford's Intack; cleaning of streets; fees; flax, yarn and linencloth markets; auditors; Beadles of the City - 9th Nov., 1666
157 - Elections; admissions; petition - 14th Dec., 1666
157v - Almsmen; petitions; gift to Member of Parliament of the City - 16th Jan 1666[/7]
157v-158 - Fines; elections; disposal of the toll of the Bridgegate; admissions - 9th Apr 1667
158-158v - Elections; lease; petitions; removal of buildings near the Star towards St Bridget's Church - 4th Jun, 1667
159 - Oaths; carpenters, sawyers and slaters to trade without restraint from Company - 16th Jul, 1667
159v-160 - Elections; petitions - 22nd Nov., 1667
160v-161 - Elections; admissions; petitions; Midsummer Show - 15th May, 1668
161v-162 - Land in Tattenhall; Owen Jones's money; relocation of flax, yarn and linencloth market; leases; petition - 2nd Jun, 1668
162v-163 - Elections; sword-bearer; Yeoman of the PEntice; petitions; admissions - 7th Aug, 1668
163v - Keeper and Clerk of the Common Hall - 19th Sept., 1668
164-164v - Elections; King's Bench prison; auditors; payment of fees - 27th Jul, 1669
164v-165 - Elections; petitions - 14th Oct., 1669
165-166 - Petitions - 7 Jan 1670
166v-167 - Elections; almsmen; petitions; appointments; admissions; tolls of the City - 29th Mar 1670
167v-168 - Elections; Owen Jones money; payment of fees; petition; leases - 21st Jun, 1670
168-168v - Elections; almsmen; peition; City tolls - 19th Aug, 1670
169-169v - Appointment of scavengers; payments of monies; admissions; appointments - 28 Oct 1670
170 - Repair of the Eastgate - 1st Nov., 1670
170-170v - Payment of fines; admission - 20th Dec., 1670
170v-171 - Slating and tiling of houses to prevent fires; preservation of City stock; gunpowder restrictions; petition; admissions; accounts - 13th Jan 1671
171-171v - Midsummer Show; petition - 12th May, 1671
171v - Admission - 22nd Jun, 1671
171v-172 - Elections; petitions - 4th Aug, 1671
172-172v - Assessment for cleansing of streets; repairing of Eastgate, repairs; petitions; lease - 17th Nov., 1671
172v-173 - Election; killing of swine; payment of assessment; petitions - 22nd Dec., 1671
173-173v - Repair of the point of the Roo Dee and the Eastgate; City rents; lease; petitions - 11th Jan 1671[/72]
173v - Election; admission - 26th Apr 1672
173v-174 - Almsmen; City plate; lease - 2nd Aug, 1672
174-174v - Elections; admissions; lease; rent; encroachments - 10 Oct1672
174v - Auditors; election - 17th Oct., 1672
175-175v - Almsmen; petitions; admissions; leases; Christmas Watch - 17th Dec., 1672
176 - Elections - 16th Jan 1672[/3]
176-176v - Payment for silver badges; appointment of auditors; hinging of benches; retailing ale and beer; summons; leases - 11 Jul 1673
177 - Almsment; lease; yearly exhibition; Christmas Watch - 1st Aug, 1673
177v-178 - Elections; payments; Calves' Head Feast; fines; almsmen; petitions - 12th Dec., 1673
178v - Elections; grants of land - 20th Feb 1673[/74]
178v-179 - Elections; City plate; admissions; petitions - 8 Sep 1674
179-179v - Fines; admissions; petitions - 13th Oct., 1674
179v-180 - Elections; petitions; admissions - 18th Dec., 1674
180 - The Treasurers for the past two years were ordered to appear and deliver their accounts to the auditors before February 26th - 8th Jan 1675
180-180v - Parishes in Chester debate; auditors; leases; petitions - 4th Mar 1674[/75]
181 - Calves' Head Feast and Midsummer Show; City boundaries; petitions; leases - 2nd Apr 1675
181a - Admissions; Keeper of the Roodee - 11th May, 1675
181v-182 - Election; confirmation of Yeoman of the Oentice; petitions; leases - 3 Sep 1675
181v1 - Sir Thomas Grosvenor - 25th May, 1675
181v2 - Election; petition - 15th Jun, 1675
182v - Repairs of Northgate and City Gaol; appointment of auditors; removals; leases - 5 Oct 1675
182v-183 - Elections; defence of late Sheriffs; audits; payment of scavengers; Christmas watch; Calves' Head Feast payment; petitions - 17th Dec., 1675
183v - Elections; Master of the House of Correction - 11th Jul, 1676
183v-184 - Elections; appointment of auditors; petitions - 16 Sep 1676
184-184v - Accounts concerning the repair of Northgate; plate; payment of scavengers; Owen Jones legacy; petitions - 12th Oct., 1676
184a - Robert Taylor and Francis Barton to be made freemen - 18th Feb 1674[/75]
184v - Payment of William Williams - 12th Oct., 1676
185 - Almsmen; horsemarket in Foregate Street; removal of linencloth market; elections; admissions; lease - 23 Mar 1676[/77]
185-185v - Calves' Head Feast; Midsummer Show; encroachments on the City's waste; coal market; Oxford scholarship; removal of linencloth market; leases - 27th Apr 1677
186 - Elections; pontage duty at Dee Bridge; petition - 19th Jun, 1677
186-186v - Petitions, elections, orders, Neston market - 7 Sep 1677
186v-187 - Leases; rent arrears; prosecutions - 20th Sept., 1677
187-187v - Almsmen; City paver freedom; payment of scavengers; rent arrears; Christmas watch fines; lease - 21st Dec., 1677
187v-188 - Elections; rent arrears; admission; fines; petitions - 12 Apr 1678
188 - Almsmen; Midsummer Show; petitions - 7th Jun, 1678
188-188v - Elections; petitions; leases - 20 Sep 1678
189 - Appointment of auditors; removal of coal market; Christmas watch; admissions; petitions - 22nd Nov., 1678
189v - Admissions; petitions; payment of the military guard and the Swordbearer and Macebearer - 19th Dec., 1678
189v-190 - Elections; repair of City walls; prosecution; lease; City paver; petition; admission - 7th Mar 1678[/79]
190 - Election; felling of timber; petitions - 2nd May, 1679
190a - Pinfold land rent; petition; order - 23rd May, 1679
190v1 - Midsummer Show; order; petition - 13th Jun, 1679
190v2 - Payment of Randle Hulme, painter; liberty of feltmaker; petition; admission - 15th Jul, 1679
190v3 - Petitions etc - 28th Aug, 1679
191 - Elections - 9th Oct., 1679
191-191v - Elections; Christmas watch; appointment of auditors; Keeper of the Northgate fees; order; Company of Tailors - 19 Dec 1679
191v-192 - Elections; admissions; damage to the Roodee; lease; petitions - 13th Feb 1679[/80]
192-192v - Approval of reply to letter from William Earl of Derby; Midsummer Show; disfranchisements - 30th Apr 1680
192v-193 - Elections; admissions; Sir Thomas White's money, encroachments; leases; Company of Tanners complaint - 23rd Sept., 1680
193-194 - Elections; rents; fines; leases; encroachment; almsment; petitions - 14th Oct., 1680
194-194v - Elections; Calves' Head Feast; scavengers; leases; appointment of auditors; petitions; admissions - 16th Mar 1680[/81]
194v-195 - Elections; encroachments; leases; clay pits; payment of macebearer; petitions - 2nd Sept., 1681
195 - Admission; payment for cure of broken leg; City's day Bellman; petitions; rent; clay pits - 7th Oct., 1681
195a - Appointment of almsmen - 14th Oct., 1681
195v - Appointment of auditors; summons; petitions - 16th Dec., 1681
196 - Elections; almsmen; admission; petition - 18th Apr 1682
196v - City grants; prise wine; almsmen; yearly exhibition; Watfield pavement; leases; petitions - 10th Oct., 1682
196v1 - Elections; Christmas watch; reimbursement relating to exexution of Pleaseington; appointment of auditors - 19th Dec., 1682
197 - Elections; payment for the King's picture; almsmen; charter of incorporation for Bricklayers - 13th Apr 1683
197-197v - Orders, elections, petitions - 3 Aug 1683
197v - Appointment of auditors; disfranchisements; petitions - 14th Dec., 1683
197v1 - Elections; almsmen; lease; Quo Warranto - 28th Feb 1683[/84]
198 - Election; loss of keys for the common seal; admission - 7th Mar 1685
198-198v - Admissions; gratuities; audit of accounts; valuation of lands and houses; almsmen - 12th Mar 1684[/85]
198v-199 - Soapmaking trade; payment orders; admissions; almsmen; payment of macebearer - 3rd Apr 1685
199-200 - Elections; payment of Captain of the Trained bands; petitions; purchase of plate; repair of the Barrell well; orders - 8th Oct., 1685
200v-203v - Blank - nd
204-210v - Blank - nd
211-214v - Blank - nd
f.58v-59 - Elections; almsmen; raising of men for defence of the City - 21 Oct 1642
3 - Assembly Book - 1684-1724
4 - Assembly Book - 1725-1785
5 - Assembly Book - 1785-1825
6 - Assembly Book - 1825-1835
7 - Index to Assembly Book - [1685-1798]
8 - Index to Assembly Book - [1540-1624]
9 - Index to Assembly Book - [1624-1798]
Expand C - Assembly: Finance Committee - 1827C - Assembly: Finance Committee - 1827
Expand F - Assembly Files - 1407-1835F - Assembly Files - 1407-1835
Expand O - Assembly Oath Books - 16th century-19th centuryO - Assembly Oath Books - 16th century-19th century
Expand P - Assembly Petitions - 1533-1599P - Assembly Petitions - 1533-1599
Expand PA - Assembly: City Pavements - 1805PA - Assembly: City Pavements - 1805
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