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Collapse ZCR 256 - Hydraulic Engineering Company Ltd., Chester - 1874-1971ZCR 256 - Hydraulic Engineering Company Ltd., Chester - 1874-1971
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Expand 1 - Agenda books1 - Agenda books
Expand 2 - Board Meeting Minute books2 - Board Meeting Minute books
Expand 3 - Articles of Association3 - Articles of Association
Expand 4 - Workmen's registers4 - Workmen's registers
Expand 5 - 'General Records'5 - 'General Records'
Expand 6 - Inspection Order books6 - Inspection Order books
Expand 7 - Drawing Office Order books7 - Drawing Office Order books
Expand 8 - Private Office Order books8 - Private Office Order books
Expand 9 - 'Detailed Costings' ledgers9 - 'Detailed Costings' ledgers
Expand 10 - 'Descriptive' ledger10 - 'Descriptive' ledger
Expand 11 - 'Personal' ledgers11 - 'Personal' ledgers
Expand 12 - Catalogues12 - Catalogues
Collapse 13 - Plans13 - Plans
Expand 1 - Great Southern and Western Railway of Ireland1 - Great Southern and Western Railway of Ireland
Collapse 2 - London Hydraulic Power Company2 - London Hydraulic Power Company
Expand 3 - Ribble Navigation3 - Ribble Navigation
Expand 4 - Elliott's Metal Company4 - Elliott's Metal Company
Expand 5 - The Admiralty5 - The Admiralty
Expand 6 - Legation of the Argentine Republic6 - Legation of the Argentine Republic
Expand 7 - The British Mannesmann Tube Co7 - The British Mannesmann Tube Co
Expand 8 - Hull Joint Dock8 - Hull Joint Dock
Expand 9 - N[orth] E[astern] R[ailway], Albert Dock, Hull9 - N[orth] E[astern] R[ailway], Albert Dock, Hull
Expand 10 - Other10 - Other
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Expand 4 - Newspaper Cuttings4 - Newspaper Cuttings
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