Tip: If available, use the + and - to explore this collection more fully.  Click on a description to see further details.

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Collapse ZD - Chester City Council Departments - 18th century - 21st centuryZD - Chester City Council Departments - 18th century - 21st century
Expand B - Baths - 1901B - Baths - 1901
Expand CC - Culture and CommunityCC - Culture and Community
Expand CE - Overleigh Cemetery - 1850-1978CE - Overleigh Cemetery - 1850-1978
Expand CHE - Chief ExecutiveCHE - Chief Executive
Expand CO - Communications - 1991-2007CO - Communications - 1991-2007
Expand D - Development - 1998-2002D - Development - 1998-2002
Expand DH - Health DepartmentDH - Health Department
Expand DL - Chester Public Library - 1874-1974DL - Chester Public Library - 1874-1974
Expand E - Education - 1886-1974E - Education - 1886-1974
Expand EC - Economic Development UnitEC - Economic Development Unit
Expand EL - Electricity - 1882-1947EL - Electricity - 1882-1947
Expand ES - Chester Schools - 1803-1998ES - Chester Schools - 1803-1998
Expand ET - Regeneration and Tourism DevelopmentET - Regeneration and Tourism Development
Expand F - Chester Fire ServiceF - Chester Fire Service
Expand HO - Housing - 1919-1968HO - Housing - 1919-1968
Expand LS - Leisure ServicesLS - Leisure Services
Expand MT - Motor Taxation Department - 1903-1978MT - Motor Taxation Department - 1903-1978
Expand MU - Museum - 1886-1968MU - Museum - 1886-1968
Expand PA - Parks and Gardens - c1867PA - Parks and Gardens - c1867
Expand PO - Police - 1836-1945PO - Police - 1836-1945
Expand PU - Publicity Department - 1907-1979PU - Publicity Department - 1907-1979
Expand S - Surveyor - 1859-1962S - Surveyor - 1859-1962
Expand SE - City Secretary's Department - 1977-1992SE - City Secretary's Department - 1977-1992
Expand T - Town Clerk - 1837-1980T - Town Clerk - 1837-1980
Expand TH - Gateway Theatre - 1968-2007TH - Gateway Theatre - 1968-2007
Collapse TR - Treasurer's department - 1836-1995TR - Treasurer's department - 1836-1995
Expand 1 - Abstracts of Account - 1849-50, 1876-20091 - Abstracts of Account - 1849-50, 1876-2009
Expand 2 - Annual Reports2 - Annual Reports
Expand 3 - Budget Summaries3 - Budget Summaries
Expand 4 - Budgets - 1940-20064 - Budgets - 1940-2006
Expand 5 - Medium Term Financial Strategies5 - Medium Term Financial Strategies
Expand 6 - Treasury Management Policies and Strategies6 - Treasury Management Policies and Strategies
Expand 7 - 'Financial Facts'7 - 'Financial Facts'
Expand 8 - Cash books: first series8 - Cash books: first series
Expand 9 - Cash books: second series9 - Cash books: second series
Expand 10 - Cash, various10 - Cash, various
Expand 11 - Disbursements11 - Disbursements
Collapse 12 - Rating - 1839-197912 - Rating - 1839-1979
1 - By owner/occupier and street - 1839-1854
2 - St Mary's ward - Apr 1929
3 - St Oswald's ward - Apr 1929
4 - Holy Trinity ward - Apr 1929
5 - Railways [various parishes] - Apr 1929
6 - St John's ward - Apr 1929
7 - Boughton ward - Apr 1929
Collapse 8 - Ratebooks - 1931-19828 - Ratebooks - 1931-1982
1 - Ratebook - 1931-1932
2 - Ratebook - 1931-1932
3 - Ratebook - 1935-1936
4 - Ratebook - 1935-1936
5 - Ratebook - 1935-1936
6 - Ratebook - 1935-1936
7 - Ratebook - 1940-1941
8 - Ratebook - 1940-1941
9 - Ratebook - 1940-1941
10 - Ratebook - 1940-1941
11 - Ratebook - 1940-1941
12 - Ratebook - 1940-1941
13 - Ratebook - 1945-1946
14 - Ratebook - 1945-1946
15 - Ratebook - 1945-1946
16 - Ratebook - 1945-1946
17 - Ratebook - 1945-1946
18 - Ratebook - 1945-1946
19 - Ratebook - 1950-1951
20 - Ratebook - 1950-1951
21 - Ratebook - 1950-1951
22 - Ratebook - 1950-1951
23 - Ratebook - 1955-1956
24 - Ratebook - 1955-1956
25 - Ratebook - 1955-1956
26 - Ratebook - 1955-1956
27 - Ratebook - 1960-1961
28 - Ratebook - 1960-1961
29 - Ratebook - 1960-1961
30 - Ratebook - 1960-1961
31 - Ratebook - 1960-1961
32 - Ratebook - 1960-1961
33 - Ratebook - 1965-1966
34 - Ratebook - 1965-1966
35 - Ratebook - 1965-1966
36 - Ratebook - 1965-1966
37 - Ratebook - 1965-1966
38 - Ratebook - 1965-1966
39 - Ratebook - 1969-1970
40 - Ratebook - 1969-1970
41 - Ratebook - 1969-1970
42 - Ratebook - 1969-1970
43 - Ratebook - 1969-1970
44 - Ratebook - 1969-1970
45 - Ratebook - 1969-1970
46 - Ratebook - 1970-1971
47 - Ratebook - 1970-1971
48 - Ratebook - 1970-1971
49 - Ratebook - 1970-1971
50 - Ratebook - 1971-1972
51 - Ratebook - 1971-1972
52 - Ratebook - 1971-1972
53 - Ratebook - 1971-1972
54 - Ratebook - 1975-1976
55 - Ratebook - 1975-1976
56 - Ratebook - 1975-1976
57 - Ratebook - 1975-1976
58 - Ratebook - 1975-1976
59 - Ratebook - 1975-1976
60 - Ratebook - 1975-1976
61 - Ratebook - 1975-1976
62 - Ratebook - 1975-1976
63 - Ratebook - 1975-1977
64 - Ratebook - 1976-1977
65 - Ratebook - 1976-1977
66 - Ratebook - 1976-1977
67 - Ratebook - 1976-1977
68 - Ratebook - 1976-1977
70 - Ratebook - 1976-1977
71 - Ratebook - 1976-1977
72 - Ratebook - 1976-1977
73 - Ratebook - 1976-1977
74 - Ratebook - 1980-1981
75 - Ratebook - 1980-1981
76 - Ratebook - 1980-1981
77 - Ratebook - 1980-1981
78 - Ratebook - 1980-1981
79 - Ratebook - 1980-1981
80 - Ratebook - 1980-1981
81 - Ratebook - 1980-1981
82 - Ratebook - 1980-1981
83 - Ratebook - 1980-1981
84 - Ratebook - 1981-1982
85 - Ratebook - 1981-1982
86 - Ratebook - 1981-1982
87 - Ratebook - 1981-1982
88 - Ratebook - 1981-1982
89 - Ratebook - 1981-1982
90 - Ratebook - 1981-1982
91 - Ratebook - 1981-1982
92 - Ratebook - 1981-1982
93 - Ratebook - 1981-1982
Expand 9 - Valuation - 1934-19779 - Valuation - 1934-1977
Expand 10 - Rate reductions - 1956-197010 - Rate reductions - 1956-1970
Expand 11 - Publications - 1976-197911 - Publications - 1976-1979
Expand 13 - Council Tax13 - Council Tax
Expand 14 - Stock14 - Stock
Expand 15 - Capital Account15 - Capital Account
Expand 16 - Superannuation16 - Superannuation
Expand 17 - Housing17 - Housing
Expand 18 - Wages18 - Wages
Expand 19 - Mortgages19 - Mortgages
Expand 20 - Public Assistance20 - Public Assistance
Expand 21 - Improvements21 - Improvements
Expand 22 - Smallholdings22 - Smallholdings
Expand 24 - Isolation Hospital24 - Isolation Hospital
Expand 25 - Public Baths25 - Public Baths
Expand 26 - Free Library26 - Free Library
Expand 27 - Tramways etc27 - Tramways etc
Expand 28 - Education28 - Education
Expand 29 - Watch and Police29 - Watch and Police
Expand 30 - Electricity30 - Electricity
Expand 31 - Lamp Lighting (Overseers)31 - Lamp Lighting (Overseers)
Expand 32 - Chester Poor Law Union32 - Chester Poor Law Union
Expand 33 - Approved Schools33 - Approved Schools
Expand 34 - Miscellanea34 - Miscellanea
Expand 35 - Ledgers35 - Ledgers
Expand 37 - Loans37 - Loans
Expand W - Weights and Measures - 1824-1974W - Weights and Measures - 1824-1974
Expand WE - Welfare - 1914-1974WE - Welfare - 1914-1974
WF - Motor Taxation - 1903-1978
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