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Collapse ZQPK1 - Chester (City) Petty Sessions - 1872-1982ZQPK1 - Chester (City) Petty Sessions - 1872-1982
Expand 1 - General Court1 - General Court
Expand 2 - Juvenile and Youth Courts2 - Juvenile and Youth Courts
Expand 3 - Adoptions3 - Adoptions
Expand 4 - Domestic and Family Proceedings4 - Domestic and Family Proceedings
Expand 6 - Enforcement and Finance6 - Enforcement and Finance
Expand 7 - Probation7 - Probation
Expand 8 - Licensing8 - Licensing
Collapse 9 - Administration9 - Administration
Expand 1 - Attendance Registers - 1971-19721 - Attendance Registers - 1971-1972
Expand 2 - Magistrates' Meetings - 1864-19422 - Magistrates' Meetings - 1864-1942
Collapse 4 - Clerk's Correspondence and Papers - 1882-19734 - Clerk's Correspondence and Papers - 1882-1973
Expand 1 - Letter Books - 1896-19381 - Letter Books - 1896-1938
Collapse 2 - Correspondence and Papers - 1880-19732 - Correspondence and Papers - 1880-1973
1 - Memorandum from the Chief Constable to F.W. Sharpe giving the order of processions. - 9 Jan 1882
2 - Copy memorandum from the Chief Constable to F.W. Sharpe giving the order of processions - 9 Jan 1882
3 - Letter from J.H. Dickson, Town Clerk to G. Davison, Clerk to the Justices, giving the order of processions. - 12 Nov 1903
4 - Copy letter from J.H. Dickson, Town Clerk to G. Davison, Clerk to the Justices, giving the order of processions - 12 Nov 1903
5 - File of letters relating to the appointment of Justices of the Peace. - 1910-1970
6 - Notes about the order of processions - n.d. [c 1913]
7 - Copy Minutes of Proceedings of the Council of the City and County of City of Chester. - 25 Jun 1913
8 - Copy Minutes of Proceedings of the Council of the City and County of the City of Chester. - 25 Jun 1913
9 - Bundle of letters and drafts concerning the order of processions. - Jul 1913-Aug 1914
10 - Letter from G. Davison, Clerk to the Justices to the Mayor, Cllr. H.B. Dutton - 6 Aug 1913
11 - Letter from S.G. Sharpe for G. Davison, Clerk to the Justices to the Justices calling a meeting - 5 Sep 1913
12 - Letter from J.H. Dickson, Town Clerk to S.G. Sharpe. - 12 Sep 1913
13 - Order of procession for use on ceremonial occasions - 24 Sep 1913
14 - Copy order of procession for use on ceremonial occasions - 24 Sep 1913
15 - Letter from G. Davison, Clerk to the Justices, to the Justices - 16 Oct 1913
16 - Draft letter from G. Davison, Clerk to the Justices, to the Mayor, Cllr. H.B. Dutton. - 17 Oct 1913
17 - Letter from F. Skipwith to G. Davison. - 17 Oct 1913
18 - Letter from G. Davison to the Justices - 18 Oct 1913
19 - Letter from R.F. Barker to G. Davison responding to ZQPJ/17. - 20 Oct 1913
20 - Letter from F. Coplestone to G. Davison responding to ZQPJ/17. - 20 Oct 1913
21 - Copy letter from F. Coplestone to G. Davison responding to ZQRJ/17. - 20 Oct 1913
22 - Letter from J.H. Dickson, Town Clerk, to G. Davison. - 21 Oct 1913
23 - Copy letter from J.H. Dickson, Town Clerk to G. Davison, Clerk to the Justices - 23 Oct 1913
24 - Envelope addressed to G. Davison, Clerk to the Justices. - 23 Oct 1913
25 - Draft letter from G. Davison, Clerk to the Justices, to the Justices. - 24 Oct 1913
26 - Letter from G. Davison, Clerk to the Justices, to the Justices - 24 Oct 1913
27 - Letter from G. Davison, Clerk to the Chester City Justices to Clerks of Justices in other cities - 24 Nov 1913
28 - Order for mayoral procession to church, sent with the compliments of the Justices' Clerk, Dudley. - 25 Nov 1913
29 - Letter from J. Mawson, Clerk to City Justices, Durham, to G. Davison, giving the order of precedence of magistrates on civic occasions. - 25 Nov 1913
30 - Letter from J.I. Pengelly, Clerk to City Justices, Exeter to G. Davison. - 25 Nov 1913
31 - Letter from F. Treasure, Clerk to City Magistrates, Gloucester to G. Davison. - 25 Nov 1913
32 - Letter from A.J. Day, Justices' Clerk, Ipswich, to G. Davison. - 25 Nov 1913
33 - Letter from E.E. Tweed, Clerk to City Justices, Lincoln, to G. Davison with magisterial order of precedence on civic occasions. - 25 Nov 1913
34 - Letter from W.S. Cooper, Clerk to the Justices, Norwich, to G. Davison. - 25 Nov 1913
35 - Letter from T. Dodd, Clerk to Borough Justices, Preston, to G. Davison. - 25 Nov 1913
36 - Letter from G.L. Shackles, Clerk to Hull City Justices, to G. Davison. - 26 Nov 1913
37 - Letter from J. Thornton, Clerk to Leeds City Justices to G. Davison. - 26 Nov 1913
38 - Letter from W.H. Whislon, Clerk to the Justices, Derby to G. Davison. - 27 Nov 1913
39 - Letter from F.H. Gardner, Clerk to Lancaster Borough Justices to G. Davison. - 27 Nov 1913
40 - Letter from J. Bowen, Clerk to the Justices, Canterbury, to G. Davison. - 1 Dec 1913
41 - Draft summary list of replies about magisterial order of precedence. - Dec 1913
42 - Copy summary list of replies about magisterial order of precedence - Dec 1913
43 - Minutes of proceedings of the Council of the City and County of the City of Chester. - 17 Dec 1913
44 - Letter from F. Coplestone to G. Davison, Clerk to the Justices. - 31 Jan 1914
45 - Copy letter from F. Coplestone to G. Davison, Clerk to the Justices - 31 Jan 1914
46 - Letter from G. Davison to the Justices - 11 Feb 1914
47 - Letter from E.M. Sneyd Kynnersley to [the Clerk to the Justices]. - 12 Feb 1914
48 - Copy resolution, passed at a meeting of the Justices - 16 Feb 1914
49 - Letter from J.H. Dickson, Town Clerk, to G. Davison, Clerk to the Justices, acknowledging receipt of the resolution. - 16 Feb 1914
50 - Letter from G. Davison, Clerk to the Justices, to the Justices - ;18 Feb 1914
51 - Letter from J.R. Thomson to Clerk to the Justices asking for a meeting of the Justices. - 18 Aug 1914
52 - Letter from G. Davison calling a meeting of the Justices - 19 Aug 1914
53 - Letters from E.M. Sneyd Kynnersley apologising for his absence from the meeting. - 19 Aug 1914
54 - Letter from J. Cullimore to G. Davison apologising for his absence from the meeting. - 19 Aug 1914
55 - Agenda for special meeting of City Justices to consider the new order of precedence in procession. - 9 Nov 1939
56 - List of corporations where Councillors precede magistrates, and vice versa, in civic processions. - 9 Nov 1939
57 - Volume marked `PDP: Notes'. - 1941-1950
58 - Volume marked `Notes: Not Guilty Pleas'. - 1955-1956
59 - Plan of City Magistrates' court. - 1956
60 - Menu for Chester City Magistrates' annual dinner. - 1963
61 - Menu for Chester City Magistrates' annual dinner. - 1964
62 - Copy menu for Chester City Magistrates' annual dinner. - 1964
63 - Seating plan for Chester City Magistrates' annual dinner. - 1964
64 - Bundle of certificates of magistrates' basic training. - 1966
65 - Seating plan and attendance list for Chester City Magistrates' annual dinner - 1972
66 - Duplicate register of staff appointments. - 1966-1972
67 - Duplicate register of staff appointments. - 1966-1973
68 - Plan of Magistrates' Clerk's department offices, 49 Northgate Street - 1967
69 - File of magistrates' administrative papers. - 1973
Expand 3 - Poor Box Account Books - 1880-19713 - Poor Box Account Books - 1880-1971
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