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Collapse DDS - Downes family of Shrigley estate - 12th century-19th centuryDDS - Downes family of Shrigley estate - 12th century-19th century
1 - Charter - Late 12th century
2 - Charter - c.1233
3 - Charter - c.1233
4 - Charter - c.1233
5 - Charter - 1246
6 - Charter - c.1270-90
7 - Chirograph - 4 Jun 1273
8 - Quitclaim - c.1274-1287
9 - Charter - c.1280
10 - Charter - c 1270-1290
11 - Charter - 1270-1290
12 - Charter - 1270-1290
13 - Charter - 1270-1290
14 - Charter - 1270-1290
15 - Charter - c.1280
16 - Obligation - c.1280
17 - Letters Close, with Inquisition attached - 31 Dec 1283
18 - Quitclaim - c.1280-1300
19 - Charter - Late 13th century
20 - Deed - 11 Jul 1287
21 - Charter - 26 Jun 1297
22 - Charter - c.1290-1300
23 - Charter - Late 13th century-Early 14th century
24 - Charter - 15 Jul 1302
25 - Indenture - 1 Nov 1309
26 - Charter - Early 14th century
27 - Deed - 21 May 1313
28 - Charter - c.1313
29 - Chirograph - 22 May 1315
30 - Charter - c.1320 - 1334/5
31 - Charter - c.1320-1325
32 - Indenture; chirograph - c.1320-1326
33 - Charter - c.1320-1330
34 - Recognisance - 28 Apr 1322
35 - Chirograph - 28 Dec 1322
36 - Charter - 24 Jan 1323
37 - Charter - 24 Jan 1323
38 - Charter - 7 Jan 1324
39 - Deed - 10 Jul 1324
40 - Charter - 14 Jul 1325
41 - Charter - 6 Oct 1325
42 - Charter - c.1320-1330
43 - Charter - c.1320-1330
44 - Charter - 28 Aug 1326
45 - Charter - 28 Aug 1326
46 - Charter - 30 Sep 1326
47 - Charter - 30 Sep 1326
48 - Charter - 30 Sep 1326
49 - Letter of Attorney - 29 Nov 1326
50 - Charter - 1326
51 - Charter - 28 Aug 1326 to 1330
52 - Chirograph - 7 Jan 1327
53 - Charter - 12 Jun 1329
54 - Chirograph; left hand part of a 3-part indenture - 2 Jul 1331
55 - Charter - 8 Dec 1335
56 - Charter - 21 Oct 1336
57 - Charter - c.1339
58 - Charter - 5 Oct 1339
59 - Charter - c.1340
60 - Charter - 5 Feb 1342
61 - Charter - 22 Oct 1342
62 - Letters Patent - 9 May 1345
63 - Letter of Attorney - 15 Nov 1345
64 - Letter of Attorney. - 1346-1347
65 - Charter - 10 Apr 1347
66 - Charter - 26 Jun 1347
67 - Copy of Court Roll, (........) of Pleas of the county of Cestr' - 6 Apr 1350
68 - Recognisance - 10 Mar 1351
69 - Charter - 7 Jun 1351
70 - Chirograph - 16 Jun 1352
71 - Acquittance for a Fine - 27 Jun 1352
72 - Deed - 2 Aug 1352
73 - Certificate of Livery - 20 Sep 1352
74 - Copy of Court Roll - 2 Sep 1354
75 - Indenture - 1 Aug 1357
76 - Charter - 12 May 1359
77 - Charter - 15 Feb 1361
78 - Deed - 16 Feb 1361
79 - Indenture - 24 Feb 1361
80 - Charter - 9 Nov 1361
81 - Charter - 25 Oct 1362
82 - Acquittance for a Fine - 27 Aug 1363
83 - Charter - 30 Jun 1365
84 - Deed - 30 Jun 1365
85 - Acquittance - 27 Jul 1366
86 - Letter of Attorney - 12 Sep 1366
87 - Acquittance - 29 Nov 1366
88 - Charter - 26 Oct 1368
89 - Letter of Attorney - 9 Dec 1368
90 - Writ of the sherriff of Cestris' written on the dorse (but vide notes infra) of a Writ of the earl of Cestr', the King, dated 21 September - 25 Sep 1373
91 - Charter - 12 Nov 1375
92 - Indenture - 17 Mar 1376
93 - Charter - 2 May 1379
94 - Charter - 4 Nov 1379
95 - Writ - 5 Feb 1384
96 - Letter of Attorney - 22 Mar 1384
97 - Letter of attorney - 22 Mar 1384
98 - Chirograph - 22 Mar 1384
99 - Charter - 12 Jun 1385
100 - Charter - 2 Oct 1391
101 - Copy of Court Roll; Hallemot of Forest of Macclesfeld - 20 Jan 1393
102 - Charter - 2 Sep 1393
103 - Copy of Court Roll; Hallemot of Forest of Macclesfeld - 12 Nov 1397
104 - Deed - 2 Dec 1397
105 - Deed - 2 Dec 1397
106 - Deed - 5 Dec 1397
107 - Charter - 3 Mar 1403
108 - Acquittance - 8 Jul 1406
109 - Copy of Court Roll; Hallemot of Forest of Macclesfeld at Macclesfeld 26 May 1393 (die lune in festo Sci.Augustini a.r.r. Ric.II.16) - 25 Jul 1409
110 - Indenture - 1 Feb 1410
111 - Copy of Court Roll; Hallemot of Forest of Macclesfeld - 31 Jan 1412
112 - Charter - 16 Feb 1414
113 - Charter - 16 Feb 1414
114 - Indenture - 16 Nov 1414
115 - Acquittance - 15 Feb 1417
116 - Copy of Court Roll; Hallimote of Forest of Macclesfeld - 21 Oct 1420
117 - Charter - 3 Mar 1421
118 - Copy Letters Patent of Henvy V (dei gra' Rex Angl' heres & Regens regni Franc' & Dominus Hibernie) attested by John duke of Bedford, Custodian of England - 13 Jan 1422
119 - Indenture - 23 May 1423
120 - Indenture - 20 May 1426
121 - Transcript of Court Roll; Halmote of Forest of Macclesfeld - 8 Oct 1431
122 - Copy of Court Roll; Hallemot of Forest of Macclesfeld - 8 Oct 1431
123 - Charter - 4 Mar 1437
124 - Charter - 30 Jun 1438
125 - Recognisance - 15 Jun 1445
126 - Deed - 5 May 1446
127 - Copy of Court Roll; Hallemot of Forest of Macclesfeld - 4 May 1450
128 - Charter - 26 Sep 1450
129 - Charter - 30 Jul 1453
130 - Indenture - 9 May 1460
131 - Acquittance - 8 Jun 1460
132 - Charter (with another one annexed) - 1 Feb 1461
133 - Charter - 3 Jun 1461
134 - Charter - 10 Oct 1461
135 - Indented - 2 Sep 1462
136 - Indenture - 16 May 1464
137 - Deed - 17 May 1470
138 - Deed - 24 Jun 1471
139 - Charter - 18 Aug 1472
140 - Indenture - 12 Oct 1472
141 - Charter - 10 Mar 1474
142 - Award of arbitration - c.1475-1512
143 - Recognisance - 6 Mar 1475
144 - Acquittance - 23 Oct 1475
145 - Acquittance - 17 Nov 1475
146 - Charter - 20 Jun 1480
147 - Charter - 5 Apr 1482
148 - Charter - 5 Jun 1482
149 - Copy of Court Roll; Hallemot of Forest of Macclesfeld - 27 Jan 1483
150 - Part of a Court Roll; Hallemot of Forest of Macclesfeld - 27 Jan 1483
151 - Indenture - 20 Jul 1483
152 - Deed - 1 Aug 1483
153 - Charter - 1 Aug 1483
154 - Abstract Copy of Court Roll (v.Notes infra); Halmote of Forest of Macc' - 24 May 1490
155 - Indenture - 2 Aug 1490
156 - Chirograph - 20 Sep 1490
157 - Deed - 21 Sep 1490
158 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of Forest of Macc' - 30 Apr 1492
159 - Indenture - 5 Sep 1492
160 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmot of Forest of Macclesfeld - 19 Nov 1492
161 - Indenture 3-part; this is the right-hand part (v. Notes infra) - 2 Feb 1493
162 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmot of Forest of Macc' - 11 Feb 1493
163 - Copy of part of a Licence - 12 Feb 1493
164 - Letter Patent - 14 Sep 1494
165 - 'A schedule of the furniture and endowments of [Downes Chapel] in [Pott Shrigley], Our Lady of Dounes at Dounes Chapell'
166 - Will - 8 Aug 1495
167 - Indenture, 3-part - 12 Dec 1495
168 - Indenture, 3 part - 12 Dec 1495
169 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of Forest of Macclesfeild - 18 Jan 1496
170 - Recognisance - 10 Nov 1496
171 - Deed - 4 Jan 1497
172 - Indenture - 17 Apr 1497
173 - Indenture - 10 Dec 1497
174 - Indenture - 24 Oct 1498
175 - Charter - 14 Apr 1501
176 - Indenture - 4 May 1501
177 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmot of Forest of Macclesfeld - 24 Oct 1502
178 - Indenture - 11 Nov 1503
179 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmot of Forest of Macc' - 28 Apr 1505
180 - Indenture - 14 Jul 1505
181 - Letter of Attorney - 21 Aug 1505
182 - Charter - 2 Oct 1506
183 - Acquittance - 6 Dec 1506
184 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of Forest of Macclesfeld - 8 May 1508
185 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of Forest of Macclesfeld - 19 Jun 1508
186 - Indenture - 23 Mar 1509
187 - Charter - 5 Sep 1510
188 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of Forest of Macclesfeld - 23 Jul 1515
189 - Indenture - 20 May 1518
190 - Copy of Court Roll - 19 Mar 1521
191 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of Forest of Macclesfield - 15 Apr 1521
192 - Indenture - 20 Apr 1521
193 - Indenture - 5 Jul 1521
194 - Recognisance - 20 Jan 1528
195 - Abstract of Court Roll - 21 Apr 1528
196 - Deed - 1 May 1528
197 - Letter of Attorney - 3 May 1528
198 - Letter of Attorney - 30 Jun 1528
199 - Deed - 24 Mar 1530
200 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of Forest of Macc' - 15 Apr 1532
201 - Copy of a Deed: Indenture - c 1533
202 - Copy of a Deed - 20 Oct 1535
203 - Indenture - 1 Jul 1539
204 - Recognisance - 1 Jul 1539
205 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of Forest of Macc' - 1 Dec 1544
206 - Indenture - 19 May 1545
207 - Indenture - 20 May 1545
208 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of Forest of Macc' - 1 Jun 1545
209 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of Forest of Macclesfeld - 1 Jun 1545
210 - Recognisance - 8 Aug 1545
211 - Copy of a Deed - 27 Apr 1547
212 - Recognisance - 10 Jul 1547
213 - Indenture - 24 Oct 1547
214 - Recognisance - 20 Oct 1548
215 - Deed - 20 Mar 1549
216 - Relief and Admittance - 18 May 1550
217 - Indenture - 14 Sep 1550
218 - Chirograph; right-hand part of a Fine - 29 Sep 1550
219 - Chirograph; left-hand part of a Fine - 29 Sep 1550
220 - Deed - 4 Oct 1550
221 - Recognisance - 20 Oct 1550
222 - Indenture - 24 Oct 1550
223 - Indenture - 6 Nov 1550
224 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmot of Forest of Macclesfeld - 15 Dec 1550
225 - Certificate of Livery - 10 Jan 1551
226 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of Forest of Macclesfield - 12 Jan 1551
227 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of Forest of Macclesfield - 12 Jan 1551
228 - Indenture - 30 Mar 1551
229 - Indenture - 1 Apr 1551
230 - Indenture; with another attached of date 30 March 1551 - 1 Apr 1551
231 - Indenture - 29 Apr 1551
232 - Letter of Attorney - 11 May 1551
233 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of Forest of Macclesfeld - 15 Jun 1551
234 - Indenture - 21 Sep 1551
235 - Indenture - 16 Oct 1551
236 - Indenture - 18 Oct 1551
237 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of Forest of Macc' - 10 Jan 1552
238 - Recognisance - 10 Jan 1552
239 - Deed - 18 Mar 1552
240 - Deed; with attached Letter of Attorney 20 October 1548 - 18 Mar 1552
241 - Transcript of Letters Patent date 25 April 6 Edw VI stitched into a parchment Copy of Court Roll date 26 May 1651 - 25 Apr 1552
242 - Letters of Probate - 18 Jun 1552
243 - Inquisition Post Mortem (indenture) - 18 Oct 1553
244 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of Forest of Macclesfeild - 25 Jun 1554
245 - Recognisance - 15 Jul 1554
246 - Copy of two deeds of same date - 27 Jun 1555
247 - Quitclaim - 31 May 1562
249 - Indenture - 28 Feb 1565
250 - Charter - 20 Mar 1565
251 - Quitclaim - 26 Mar 1565
252 - Indenture - 5 May 1565
253 - Indenture - 5 May 1565
254 - Recognisance - 5 May 1565
255 - Indenture - 30 Oct 1565
256 - Copy of Letters Patent of above date; date at which copy was made is not apparent - 26 Apr 1567
257 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmot of Forest of Macclesfeld - 13 Oct 1567
258 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmot of Forest of Macclesfeld - 13 Oct 1567
259 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of Manor and Forest of Macclesfeld - 13 Oct 1567
260 - Indenture - 22 Jun 1574
261 - Indenture - 8 Aug 1574
262 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmot of Forest of Macclesfeld - 20 Dec 1574
263 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmot of the Forest of Macclesfeld - 20 Dec 1574
264 - Copy of Court Roll; Court of Forest of Macclesfield - 20 Dec 1574
265 - Indenture - 20 Dec 1574
266 - Letter of Attorney - 9 Jan1575
267 - Indenture - 10 Aug 1575
268 - Chirograph; right hand part of a Fine - 20 Feb 1576
269 - Deed - 18 Jan 1577
270 - Part of a Deed - 18 Jan 1577
271 - Deed - 26 Jan 1577
272 - Indenture - 22 Aug 1581
273 - Indenture - 24 Jan 1582
274 - Indenture - 6 Oct 1585
275 - Indenture - c.1586
276 - Recognisance of Statute Merchant (11 & 13 Ed.1) - 27 Jun 1586
277 - Letter of Attorney - 28 Jul 1586
278 - Indenture - 1586
279 - Indenture - 1586
280 - Indenture - 20 Sep 1586
281 - Counterpart of DDS 2/3, same date - 20 Sep 1586
282 - Letter of Attorney - 20 Oct 1586
283 - Indenture - 16 Nov 1586
284 - Letter of Attorney - 21 Nov 1586
285 - Copy of Court Roll; Court of the Forest of Macclesfeld - 4 Dec 1588
286 - Indenture - 28 Feb 1589
287 - Copy of Court Roll; Court of the Forest of Macclesfeld - 11 Apr 1589
288 - Letter of Attorney - 26 May 1589
289 - Deed - 12 May 1592
290 - Deed - 28 Apr 1596
291 - Indenture - 21 May 1596
292 - Indenture - 22 May 1596
293 - Indenture - 22 May 1596
294 - Indenture - 12 Sep 1596
295 - Indenture - 9 Apr 1599
296 - Letter of Probate; Will of Ralph Jackson - 5 Oct 1601
297 - Indenture - 14 Aug 1602
298 - Rental - 20 Aug 1602
299 - Indenture - 10 Oct 1602
300 - Chirograph; right hand part of a Fine - 30 Jan 1605
301 - Chirograph; left hand part of a Fine - 3 Feb 1605
302 - Indenture - 16 Mar 1608
303 - Indenture - 26 Jun 1610
304 - Indenture - 15 Aug 1610
305 - Extent - Oct 1612
306 - Indenture - 12 Feb 1613
307 - Writ 'Precipe' - 22 Jun 1613
308 - Petition - Early 17th century
309 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmot of Manor and Forest of Macclesfeld - 18 Apr 1614
310 - Indenture - 4 Jul 1615
311 - Indenture - 4 Jul 1615
312 - Indenture - 6 Jul 1615
313 - Deed - 11 Jan 1617
314 - Indenture - 8 Mar 1619
315 - Indenture - 12 Mar 1619
316 - Indenture - 24 May 1620
317 - Indenture - 10 Jan 1621
318 - Indenture - 10 Jan 1621
319 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmot of Manor and Forest of Macclesfeld - 15 Jan 1621
320 - Chirograph; left-hand part of a Fine - 29 Apr 1622
321 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmot of Manor and Forest of Macclesfeld - 13 May 1622
322 - Indenture - 4 Oct 1622
323 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of manor and forest of Macclesfeld - 2 Jun 1623
324 - Memorandum - 1 Mar 1625
325 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of manor and forest of Macclesfeld - 14 Mar 1627
326 - Indenture - 16 Jul 1630
327 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of manor and forest of Macclesfeld - 24 May 1631
328 - Agreement - 13 Mar 1634
329 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of manor and Forest of Macclesfeld - 1 Dec 1634
330 - Indenture - 22 Apr 1635
331 - Indenture - 30 Mar 1641
332 - Depositions made before Robert Heath Kt Justice of King's Bench - 21 Aug 1641
333 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmot of Manor and Forest of Macclesfield - 8 Feb 1647
334 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmot of the Manor and Forest of Macc' in Com. Cestr' - 22 Jul 1650
335 - Copy of Court Roll; Halmote of the Manor and Forest of Macclesfeild - 1 Mar 1652
336 - Copy of Decree in Chancery - 27 Nov 1652
337 - Copy of Indenture 4-part - 1 Dec 1652
338 - Copy of Indenture - 17 Feb 1653
339 - Copy of Indenture - 17 Feb 1653
340 - Copy of Indenture - 31 May 1653
341 - Copy of Court Roll, Halmote of Manor and Forest of Macclesfeild co. Chester - 18 Jul 1653
342 - Indenture - 23 Jan 1654
343 - Copy of Indenture 3-part - 20 Apr 1654
344 - Recognisance - 11 Nov 1654
345 - Copy of Indenture 3-part - 11 Nov 1654
346 - Copy of Court Roll, Halmote of Manor and Forest of Macclesfeild, co. Chester - 26 Feb 1655
347 - Copy of Court Roll, Court of Manor and Forest of Macclesfeild - 8 Sep 1656
348 - Copy of Court Roll, Halmote of Manor and Forest of Macclesfeild - 8 Sep 1656
349 - Copy of Court Roll, Halmote of Manor and Forest of Macclesfeild county of Chestr' - 18 May 1657
350 - Copy of Court Roll, Halmote of Manor and Forest of Macclesfeild - 14 Jun 1658
351 - Indenture - 1 Nov 1658
352 - Copy of Court Roll, Halmote of Manor and Forest of Macclesfeild - 20 Feb 1659
353 - Copy of Court Roll, Halmote of Manor and Forest of Macclesfeild - 16 Apr 1660
354 - Copy of Indenture 3-part - 22 Apr 1662
355 - Copy of Court Roll, Halmot of Manor and Forest of Macclesfeld co. Cestr' - 12 May 1662
356 - Copy of Court Roll, Halmote of Forest of Macclesfield - 20 Oct 1663
357 - Indenture - 16 Feb 1664
358 - Indenture - 20 Feb 1665
359 - Indenture (counterpart of DDS 8/11, same date) - 20 Feb 1665
360 - Indenture - 26 Sep 1673
361 - Indenture - 2 Jan 1679
362 - Deed - 2 May 1680
363 - Indenture - 11 Feb 1681
364 - Indenture - 25 Mar 1681
365 - Indenture - 16 Jul 1683
366 - Indenture - 4 Oct 1683
367 - Indenture - 18 Jan 1684
368 - Copy of Court Roll, Halmot of Manor and Forest of Macclesfeild com. Cestr' - 18 Feb 1684
369 - Copy of Court Roll, Manor and Forest of Macclesfeild com. Cestr' - 7 Jul 1684
370 - Indenture (with further Deed endorsed on it) - 1685
371 - Indenture - 8 May 1686
372 - Indenture - 8 May 1686
373 - Map, scale 20 poles = 1 inch - 1686
374 - Map, scale 20 poles = 1 inch - 1686
375 - Letter of Attorney - 2 Mar 1687
376 - Deed - 8 Aug 1687
377 - Schedule - 1688
378 - Indenture - 20 Sep 1688
379 - Indenture - 20 Sep 1688
380 - Commission - 16 Apr 1692
381 - Copy of Court Roll, Halmot of Manor and Forest of Macclesfeild com. Cestr' - 25 Jul 1692
382 - Copy of Chancery Bill (pro querente) and Answers - c 1693
383 - Indenture - 27 Jul 1693
384 - Indenture - 3 Nov 1693
385 - Indenture - 13 Dec 1693
386 - Copy of Court Roll, Halmote of Manor and Forest of Macclesfield - 5 Mar 1694
387 - Indenture - 30 Oct 1694
388 - Letter of Attorney - 6 Sep 1697
389 - Copy (no date) on paper, incomplete, of Edward VI's grant for foundation of Macclesfield Free Grammar School. - Late 17th century
390 - Chirograph; right hand part of a Fine - 1 Jun 1702
391 - Copy of Court Roll, Halmote of Manor and Forest of Macclesfield - 14 Jun 1703
392 - Indenture - 15 Apr 1706
393 - Indenture - 23 Dec 1708
394 - Schedule - 29 Jun 1710
395 - Copy of Decree of Chancery - 4 Jul 1710
396 - Letter of Administration - 19 Oct 1710
397 - Writ - 10 Nov 1710
398 - Indenture - 3 May 1711
399 - Deed - 17 May 1711
400 - Mortgage of an estate in Rainow and Pott Shrigley - 17 Sep 1711
401 - Deed - 20 Sep 1711
402 - Depositions - 26 Jan 1714
403 - Indenture - 28 Sep 1715
404 - Deed; quitclaim and defeasance of all manner of actions - 12 Mar 1716
405 - Deed, drafts, one original, one amended - 2 Sep 1717
406 - Writ - 28 Oct 1718
407 - Indenture - 17 Jan 1719
408 - Part (last membrane) of a deed - c.17 Jan 1719?
409 - Extent Roll - c.1722
410 - Indenture - 12 Apr 1725
411 - Indenture - 26 Mar 1726
412 - Draft and instructions for drawing up a bill to be put in to the Exchequer at Chester - Early 18th century
413 - Queries and Answers in respect of a case of Trespass, Mr.Downes (or Downs) v. Robt. Skelhorn - c.1728
414 - Memoranda concerning a case of Trespass, Mr. Downes v. Robt. Skelhorn (Counterpart 21/44 and 21/46) - c.1728
415 - Memorandum concerning 'Skelhorns Affair' (an action for trespass brought by E. Downes against Robert Skelhorn) - c.1728
416 - Indenture - 23 Mar 1730
417 - Indenture - 25 Mar 1735
418 - Licence for Edward Downes Esq. - 8 Oct 1735
419 - Memorandum of Agreement - 6 Oct 1736
420 - Mise taxation schedule - c.27 Apr 1737
421 - Depositions concerning boundaries across Kettleshulme Common, and Highways made when it was inclosed - 1738
422 - Transcription by Ben Bowker, of depositions and evidence concerning disputed boundaries between the lands of Lord Derby and John Shallcrosse Esq., in Taxall and Kettleshulme, on Kettleshulme Common - 1738
423 - Letter from John Dickenson to Mr. Ashworth in Macclesfield - 18 Nov 1738
424 - Notes on the contents of an older document - c. 1738
425 - Indenture - 2 Apr 1743
426 - Indenture - 25 Mar 1748
427 - Indenture - 10 Mar 1750
428 - Indenture 3-part - 23 Sep 1765
429 - Bill of Middlesex; summons to William Hancock to appear in King's/Bench at 23 January next - 28 Nov 1765
430 - Bill of Middlesex; summons to James Bullock to appear in King's Bench at 23 January next - 28 Nov 1765
431 - Writ - 5 May 1766
432 - Letter of Probate by Thomas archbishop of Canterbury, with copy of Will attached - 14 May 1766
433 - Writ - 30 Jun 1766
434 - Indenture - 26 Sep 1766
435 - Indenture 6-part - 27 Sep 1766
436 - Receipt - 6 Feb 1768
437 - Writ or Court Order to the Bailiff of the Forest of Macclesfield - 25 Oct 1768
438 - Copy of Will (extracted from Episcopal Registry at Chester) - 12 May 1773
439 - Indenture 3-part - 21 Sep 1779
440 - Lawyers paper - c 1791
441 - Draft deed - 1791
442 - Indenture - 3 Sep 1791
443 - Indenture - 2 Oct 1792
444 - Papers re diversion and construction of new stretches of roads at Shrigley - 1790-1795
445 - Draft Deed - 1796
446 - Sundry Depositions
447 - Abstract from a Deed - c.1800
448 - Indenture - 15 Sep 1800
449 - Rental - 25 Mar 1802
450 - Copy of a Will - (28 Jan 1803
451 - Indenture 4-part - 5 Nov 1803
452 - Indenture - 7 Jun 1807
453 - Deed poll - 3 Mar 1810
454 - A Bundle of 8 documents - 30 Dec 1785 to 5 Mar 1810
455 - Indenture - 16 Sep 1811
456 - A bundle of 13 documents - 1737-1814
457 - A bundle of papers, 5 pieces - 1812 to 1815
458 - Plan of a farm
459 - Deed - 10 Apr 1815
460 - A bundle of five documents - 1 Jan 1794 to 11 Mar 1816
461 - Indenture - 1 May 1817
462 - A bundle of 3 documents - 31 Aug 1818 to 1819
463 - Account Book - 1818
464 - Indenture - 1 Sep 1819
465 - Letters of Administration - 8 Jan 1820
466 - Letters of Administration - 22 Apr 1820
467 - A bundle of 16 documents - 13 Nov 1683 to 25 Dec 1824
468 - Abstract of Title - c 1582
469 - Catalogue of muniments - Late 17th century
470 - Abstract of Title or Catalogue of Muniments - c.1769
471 - Abstract of Title: 31 July 1662 to 13 October 1773 - c.1773
472 - Abstract of Title: 13 & 14 July 1772 to 7 August 1773 - c 1773
473 - Abstract of title etc relating to estates of Peter Downes in Bollington, Rainow, Hurdsfield, in manor and forest of Macclesfield - 1784-1785
474 - Abstract of Title: 27 June 1768 to 18 May 1788 - c.1788
475 - Abstract of Title, 26 May 1718 to 6 January 1799 - 24 Jan 1799
476 - Abstract of Title: 31 July 1662 to 15 January 1799 - 1799
477 - Abstract of Title: 31 July 1662 to 15 January 1799 - c.1799
478 - Abstract of Title: 31 July 1662 to 15 January 1799 - c 1802
479 - Abstract of Title: 31 July 1662 to 24 July 1807 - c 1807
480 - Schedule - 1 Mar 1812
481 - Letter from Geffrey Downys to Robertt a Downys and Thomas a Shrygley at Pott Chapell - c 1490
482 - Letter from Geffrey Downys to William Person' - 1490-1494
483 - Letter from Geoffrey Dovnes and Thomas Dovnes to Robert Dovnes and Raynald Dovnes their brothers, concerning the tenancy of a farm at Vpton' [Upton] - 29 Sep 1494
484 - A parcel consisting of 2 sheets of paper enclosing two fragile and fragmentary documents, (1) and (2) - Early 19th century
485 - A schedule of the Fees due to the Clerk of the Court of the Hundred Manor and Forest of Maxfeild 'according to the Custome there from the tyme whereof the memory of man is not to the Contrary' - c. Jan 1636
486 - Letter of Commission of a Captaincy of a volunteer Company of Foot within the County of Chester - 4 Jul 1667
487 - Sermon on Rom.8.34 - .c. 23 Apr 1682
488 - Certificate of grant of the Freedom of the Borough of Macclesfield to Edward Downes the younger of Shrigley Gent - 19 Apr 1690
489 - Letter from E. Legh to Mr. Wats - 10 Aug 1717
490 - Letter to Mr. Watts at his house at Midlewich in Cheesshire from Js (or J:) Legh - 14 Sep1717
491 - Letter from Benry Arden to Edward Downes Esq., of Shrigley - 18 Dec 1717
492 - Licence - 30 Jul 1721
493 - Sheriff's Quietus - Late 1724
494 - Letter from H.A. to John Shallcross Esq. - 17 Feb 1728
500 - Letter from Frances Egerton - 24 Apr 1739
501 - Letter in reply to one 6th October 1744, from John Craven to Edward Downes Esq. at Worth Near Macclesfield, Cheshire - 13 Oct 1744
502 - Letter from Ben. Randall to Mr. Stephen Hoare, delivered 21 April 1766 - 1 Oct 1765
503 - Receipt - 15 Aug 1766
504 - Letter to Mr Stephen Hoare, Broadway, Westminster, from Benjamin Randall - 26 Sep 1767
505 - Bundle of 27 miscellaneous papers - c.1769/1770
506 - Letter from Frances Egerton to her nephew - 5 Feb 1770
507 - Receipt; given on payment of a bill dated 1 January 1770 for keep and schooling, of 'Mr Ashton Downes's child' - 1 May 1770
508 - Receipt given by Jos. Newham - 13 Oct 1770
509 - Memorandum drawn up by William Elveston (?) for ......Downes - 23 Aug 1775
510 - Letter from B. Liptrott to Miss Downes - 5 May 1779
511 - Memorandum - Abstract of information made for Peter Downes about Prestbury Church and Parish - Jun 12 1787
512 - Memorandum, signed P: Downes, concerning the state of a dispute between P: Downes and Sir George Warren - 1 Oct 1787
513 - Letter from Nat. Wright (Sir C. Warren's Steward) to Mr. Brooke, Butley Hall - 19 May 1791
514 - Copy of a Letter to Sir George Warren from Edward Downes - 21 May 1791
515 - Copy of a letter to Sir G. Warren's Steward from Edward Downes - 21 May 1791
516 - Letter from (Sir) George Warren (to Edward Downes) - 25 May 1791
517 - Draft letter from Edward Downes to Sir George Warren - 3 Jun 1791
518 - Letter from Robt. Newton of Stockport (to Edward Downes) - 4 Jun 1791
519 - Copy of letter to Sir George Warren from Edward Downes - 8 Jun 1791
520 - Copy of letter to Sir G. Warren from Edward Downes - 11 Aug 1791
521 - Letter from (Sir) George Warren (to Edward Downes) - 17 Aug 1791
522 - Copy of a Letter to Sir G. Warren (from Edward Downes) - 30 Aug 1781
523 - Letter to Edward Downes from Sir George Warren - 3 Sep 1791
524 - Letter from Dan. Whitle to Edward Downes ('Dawns') Esq., Butley Hall - 3 Sep 1791
525 - Letter from James Keele of the 10th Regiment, The Prince of Wales Own Light Dragoons, Ashford, Kent, to Edward Downes Esqr. - 19 Mar 1793
526 - 'Verses written by P.D.' (Peter Downes) 'while at Sea aged 15 in the Year 1793' - 10 Jan 1793 - 17 Aug 1798
527 - Draft of a (inscription?) memorial to commemorate Peter Downes son of Peter Downes Esq., of Butley, dead of wounds suffered in naval action - c 1798
528 - Letter, from Edward Downes, Macclesfield, to Miss Elizabeth Downes, Bitl' - late 18th century
529 - Part of a draft Letter (in pencil) from E.D. (Edward Downes) - late-18th century
530 - Letter, written on a re-directed pro-forma notice of date, Royal Exchange London, September 22nd 1803, from Hazard Burne & Co., to Mr. J. Baker, Messrs J.W. Wilsons, 9 Deans Ct., St. Martins le Grand - 23 Sep 1803
531 - Draft of letter from Edward Downes (it was folded with DDS 21/21 q.v.) - 25 Sep 1803
532 - Draft letter from Edward Downes (folded with DDS 21/21 q.v.) - 2 Oct 1803
533 - Drafts of a Letter to the Rev. Mr. Lysons from Edward Downes. (1) a rough draft (2) a second draft - 18 Nov 1808
534 - Letter from Daniel Lysons ('Magna Brittania'), with a sketch of the Bowstones, Lyme Handley, at the head of it - 6 Jan 1809
535 - Letter from Daniel Lysons to Holland Watson Esq., Congleton near Lyme, Cheshire - 24 Jul 1809
536 - Text of an Address by Edward Downes (signed), to his tenants and neighbours on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of George III - 23 Oct 1809
537 - Letter from Edward Starkie, at Bath, to Edward Downes, Esq., Shrigley, Macclesfield, Cheshire - 9 May 1812
538 - Letter from Samuel Martin - 20 Jun 1812
539 - A bundle of seven documents - 1794 to 13 Apr 1818
540 - Draft of letter to George Ormerod Esq., 31 Welbeck Street, London - 2 Jan 1819
541 - Two documents - c 1819
542 - Draft text of a memorial (inscription) for Edward Downes Esquire, died 30 December 1819 in his 51st year. - 1820
543 - Draft text of a memorial (inscription) for Edward Downes Esquire, died 30 December 1819 in his 51st year. - c 1820
544 - Receipt, signed Cruso & Coupland, for £248.16.10 paid to them by the executors of the late Edward Downes Esq. - c.1820-24
545 - Account submitted by Robert Turner to Miss Downes for draperies and haberdashery - 6 Jan 1820
546 - Bundle of 3 documents, Nos. 2 and 3 folded inside No. 1 - 19 Oct 1804 - 1 Feb 1821
547 - A bundle of 15 documents done up in red tape; miscellaneous financial papers -- bills, receipts, accounts, etc. - 1800-1824
548 - A bundle of 10 documents done up in white string - 1744-1824
549 - A bundle of 11 documents done up in pink string - Late-15th century to 23 Oct 1824
550 - Letter from F.D. Panter to his father, J.L. Panter Esq., Audit Office, Somerset Place, London - 22 Nov 1824
551 - A collection of 23 documents, consisting of manuscript verses, broadsheet ballads and hymns, and a paper-backed book of poems - 1789 to 1839
552 - Letter from Albert le Woods, Lancaster Herald, to the Rev. F. Downes Panter - 2 Aug 1855
553 - Letter from Albert le Woods, Lancaster Herald, Heralds College, London, to the Reverend F.D. Panter - 6 Aug 1855
554 - Questionnaire submitted to the Reverend Fred'k Downes Panter in relation to his pedigree - 3 Sep 1855
555 - Letter from John Downes - 15 May 1871
556 - A list of persons of the name or family of Downes, with dates and places of marriage and burial - 18th century
557 - A scrap of paper with a note on it;- "Extract from Macclesfeild/Court Rolls 1st of 2d of James 1st/Dec.. - Elizabeth: Downes '1st' Wife of Roger/Downes & Daughter of Thomas Stanley/late of Alderley Esqr."
558 - Schedule
559 - A slip of blue notepaper which has been the label of a bundle of documents which no longer exists as a bundle
560 - Genealogical notes on Sneyd family - 19th century [?]
561 - Statement of Accounts
562 - Genealogical notes
563 - Historical notes concerning the Stanley family
564 - Genealogical notes, with observations on the heraldic bearings, about the Downes family - 19th century
565 - Historical notes re Downes family - 19th century
566 - A scrap of paper with notes of family of Worth (may be part of a page of a letter torn from the larger document) - Late 18th century-early 19th century
567 - Historical notes about Downes family, with a list of documents as evidence - 19th century
568 - A bundle of book plates - Late 18th century
Expand 569 - Additional papers569 - Additional papers
570 - Case for Counsel's opinion on the best way of securing the interest of younger children's portion on the mortgaged estate, with opinion of George Lloyd of Manchester, Feb. 1792 - 10, 21 Feb 1792
Expand 571 - Additional documents, not with the collection at time of calendaring571 - Additional documents, not with the collection at time of calendaring
Expand 572 - Royal pardons - 1415-1562572 - Royal pardons - 1415-1562
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