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Collapse Z HW - Countess of Chester Hospital records - 1825-2001Z HW - Countess of Chester Hospital records - 1825-2001
Expand 1 - Minutes1 - Minutes
Expand 2 - Annual reports - 1848-19582 - Annual reports - 1848-1958
Expand 3 - Records of patients - 1829-19713 - Records of patients - 1829-1971
Expand 4 - Records of staff4 - Records of staff
Expand 5 - Records of visitors5 - Records of visitors
Expand 6 - Legal6 - Legal
Expand 7 - Accounts7 - Accounts
Expand 8 - Correspondence8 - Correspondence
Collapse 9 - Plans9 - Plans
1 - Plan of the asylum and its airing grounds, by William Cole. - 1827
2 - Elevation of the principal front and sections, by William Quay. - n.d. [c 1827]
3 - Plan of the basement storey, by William Quay. - n.d. [c 1827]
4 - First floor plan by William Quay.. - n.d.[c 1827]
5 - Second floor plan by William Quay.. - [c 1827]
6 - Basement plan of alterations to main building. - Aug 1854
7 - Plan of alterations to main building. - Aug 1854
8 - Transverse section of proposed enlargement of recreation hall by T. M. Lockwood. - 19 Oct 1863
9 - Plans of proposed new extension by T. M. Lockwood. - 9 Dec 1863
10 - Plan of alterations to laundry by Stanhope Bull. - 21 July 1891
11 - Plan, elevations and sections of alterations to laundry by Stanhope Bull. - 21 July 1891
12 - Plans of first and second floors, administration block, by Grayson and Ould. - April 1893
13 - Revised ground floor plan of infirm ward by Grayson and Ould. - April 1893
14 - Revised first floor plan of observation ward by Grayson and Ould.. - April 1893
15 - Elevation and section of infirm and observation block by Grayson and Ould.. - April 1893
16 - Foundation and drain plan of reception and convalescent wards by Grayson and Ould.. - July 1893
17 - Ground plan of reception ward by Grayson and Ould.. - July 1893
18 - First floor plan of convalescent ward by Grayson and Ould.. - July 1893
19 - Elevations and section of reception and convalescent wards by Grayson and Ould.. - July 1893
20 - Roof plan of reception and convalescent wards by Grayson and Ould.. - July 1893
21 - Foundation plan of epileptic ward by Grayson and Ould.. - July 1893
22 - Ground floor plan of epileptic ward by Grayson and Ould. - July 1893
23 - First floor plan of epileptic ward by Grayson and Ould. - July 1893
24 - Roof plan of epileptic ward by Grayson and Ould. - July 1893
25 - Foundation plan of acute ward by Grayson and Ould. - July 1893
26 - Plan of acute block by Grayson and Ould.. - July 1893
27 - Elevations and sections of acute ward by Grayson and Ould. - July 1893
28 - Roof plan of acute ward by Grayson and Ould. - July 1893
29 - Foundation and drain plan of idiots ward by Grayson and Ould. - July 1893
30 - Plan of idiots ward by Grayson and Ould. - July 1893
31 - South west elevation of idiots ward by Grayson and Ould. - July 1893
32 - Elevations and section of idiots ward by Grayson and Ould. - July 1893
33 - Roof plan of idiots ward by Grayson and Ould. - July 1893
34 - Foundation plan of infirm ward by Grayson and Ould. - July 1893
35 - Elevations and sections of infirm and observation ward by Grayson and Ould. - July 1893
36 - Roof plan of infirm and observation ward by Grayson and Ould. - July 1893
37 - Foundation plan of bath house, dispensary and attendants' blocks by Grayson and Ould. - July 1893
38 - Roof plan of bath house, dispensary and attendants' block by Grayson and Ould. - July 1893
39 - Revised plan of bath house, dispensary and attendants' blocks by Grayson and Ould. - Aug 1893
40 - Elevation and section of bath house, dispensary and attendants' blocks by Grayson and Ould. - 15 July 1893
41 - Elevations and sections of infectious hospital by Grayson and Ould. - 14 Aug 1893
42 - Ground floor plan of infectious hospital by Grayson and Ould. - 15 Aug 1893
43 - Roof plan of infectious hospital by Grayson and Ould. - 15 Aug 1893
44 - Basement plan of infirm and observation ward by Grayson and Ould. - Dec 1894
45 - First floor plan of infirm and observation ward by Grayson and Ould. - Dec 1894
46 - Elevations and section of infirm and observation ward by Grayson and Ould. - Dec 1894
47 - Elevations and sections of infirm and observation ward by Grayson and Ould. - Dec 1894
48 - Elevations and sections of infirm and observation ward by Grayson and Ould. - Dec 1894
49 - Roof plan of infirm and observation ward by Grayson and Ould. - Dec 1894
50 - Elevations and sections of epileptic ward by Grayson and Ould. - 29 Jan 1895
51 - Elevations of administration block by Grayson and Ould. - Jan 1895
52 - Sections of administration block by Grayson and Ould. - Jan 1895
53 - Foundation plan of acute ward by Grayson and Ould. - Jan 1895
54 - Ground plan of acute ward by Grayson and Ould. - Jan 1895
55 - Elevations and sections of acute ward by Grayson and Ould. - Jan 1895
56 - Roof plan of acute ward by Grayson and Ould. - Jan 1895
57 - Elevations and sections of idiots ward by Grayson and Ould. - Jan 1895
58 - Plans, elevations and sections of bath and boiler houses, surgery and attendants' block Grayson and Ould. - Jan 1895
59 - Plans, elevations and sections of bath and boiler houses and surgery block by Grayson and Ould. - Jan 1895
60 - Plan and elevations of incinerater and cremator. - 14 Feb 1895
61 - Foundation plan of reception and convalescent wards by Grayson and Ould. - Feb 1895
62 - Elevations and sections of reception and convalescent wards by Grayson and Ould. - Feb 1895
63 - Roof plan of reception and convalescent wards by Grayson and Ould. - Feb 1895
64 - Plan of roof of infirm and observation ward, showing timbers and foul air flues by Grayson and Ould. - March 1895
65 - Plan of roof of acute ward, showing timbers and foul air flues by Grayson and Ould. - March 1895
66 - Plan of roof of reception and convalescent wards, showing timbers and foul air flues. - April 1895
67 - Elevations and sections of administration block by Grayson and Ould. - May 1895
68 - Revised elevations of administration block by Grayson and Ould. - Sep 1895
69 - Elevations and section of bath house, dispensary and attendants' blocks by Grayson and Ould. - 1 Jan 1896
70 - Plans of proposed pair of houses for engineer and steward by Grayson and Ould. - 20 July 1896
71 - Elevations of proposed pair of houses for engineer and steward by Grayson and Ould. - 20 July 1896
72 - Plans, elevations and section of proposed engineer's house by Grayson and Ould. - 20 July 1896
73 - Block plan, showing position of proposed mortuary by Grayson and Ould. - 29 July 1896
74 - Plan and sections of sewerage scheme by Wood and Brodie. - July 1896
75 - Plan, elevations and section of Roman Catholic chapel by H. Beswick. - 14 April 1900
76 - Plan of new chapel by H. Beswick. - 16 June 1900
77 - Elevations of new chapel by H. Beswick. - 16 June 1900
78 - South elevation of new chapel by H. Beswick. - 16 June 1900
79 - Block plan and key plan of new chapel by H. Beswick. - 12 Sep 1900
80 - Plan of new chapel by H. Beswick. - 12 Sep 1900
81 - East and west elevations of new chapel by H. Beswick. - 12 Sep 1900
82 - South elevation of new chapel by H. Beswick. - 12 Sep 1900
83 - Longitudinal section of new chapel by H. Beswick. - 12 Sep 1900
84 - Transverse section of new chapel by H. Beswick. - 12 Sep 1900
85 - Block plan of proposed asylum by H. Beswick. - 4 June 1908
86 - Sketch plan of new annexe by H. Beswick. - Sep 1908
87 - Sketch plans of new annexe by H. Beswick. - Sep 1908
88 - Revised plan of isolation hospital by H. Beswick. - n.d. [1908]
89 - Ground floor plan of centre block, new annexe, by H. Beswick. - 1909
90 - Plans of centre block of new annexe by H. Beswick. - 1909
91 - Plan, elevations and sections of female epileptic ward by H. Beswick. - 1909
92 - Plans of new annexe by H. Beswick. - March 1910
93 - Plans of new annexe by H. Beswick. - March 1910
94 - First floor plan of new annexe by H. Beswick. - March 1910
95 - First floor plan of new annexe by H. Beswick. - March 1910
96 - First floor plan of new annexe by H. Beswick. - March 1910
97 - Plans, elevations and section of male sick ward, male infirm ward and visitors room by H. Beswick. - March 1910
98 - Plans and sections of male acute ward and male working ward, new annexe, by H. Beswick. - March 1910
99 - Plans, elevations and sections of male private block, new annexe, by H. Beswick. - March 1910
100 - Plans of female sick ward and female infirm ward by H. Beswick. - March 1910
101 - Plans and elevations of female private patients block, new annexe by H. Beswick. - March 1910
102 - Plans, elevations and section of female private patients block, new annexe, by H. Beswick. - March 1910
103 - Plan of Bache Hall estate. - June 1910
104 - Plans of Bache Hall, showing proposed adaptation for a nurses' home by H. Beswick. - 7 April 1911
105 - Block plans of cottages and mortuary by H. Beswick. - Sep 1912
106 - Ground floor plan of Bache Lodge. - 11 Jan 1913
107 - Elevations of Bache Lodge. - 11 Jan 1913
108 - Plans for alterations to Bache Lodge. - Jan 1913
109 - Sketch of elevations for alterations to Bache Lodge. - Jan 1913
110 - Details of gables of Bache Lodge. - [Jan 1913]
111 - Plans, elevations and section of cottage, Knolls Farm. - 23 Jan 1913
112 - Plan of laundry buildings by H. Beswick. - 17 Feb 1913
113 - Plans of Bache Hall, adapted for nurses' home by H. Beswick. - 9 May 1913
114 - Elevations and section of Bache Hall, adapted for nurses' home by H. Beswick. - 9 May 1913
115 - Plans and elevations of attendants' cottages by H. Beswick. - Sep 1913
116 - Plans and elevations of engineer's house by H. Beswick. - 11 Dec 1913
117 - Plans and elevations of assistant medical officer's quarters by H. Beswick. - 11 Dec 1913
118 - Plans and elevations of engineer's house by H. Beswick. - 16 May 1914
119 - Plans and elevations of assistant medical officer's quarters by H. Beswick. - 16 May 1914
120 - Plan and elevation of proposed new well pump house by H. Beswick. - 17 Aug 1914
121 - Plans of new pathological department and dispensary by county architect. - April 1922
122 - Plans, elevations and sections of proposed extensions to old engineer's cottage for accommodation of gardener by F. Anstead Browne. - April 1932
123 - Plans and sections of proposed alterations to patients' workshops by F. Anstead Browne. - n.d. [c 1932]
124 - Plans, elevations and sections of proposed pair of doctors' houses by F. Anstead Browne. - Sep 1933
125 - Plans, elevations and sections of proposed pair of doctors' houses by F. Anstead Browne. - Sep 1933
126 - Ground plan for alterations to main building. - 1933
127 - First floor plan for alterations to main building. - [1933]
128 - First floor plan of main building. - n.d. [1933]
129 - Second floor plan of main building. - n.d. [1933]
130 - Second and third floor plans of alterations to main building. - 1933
131 - Stencilled plan showing boundaries of old asylum estate and Bache Hall estate. - July 1934
132 - Ground plan of asylum. - n.d.
133 - Ground floor plan of main building. - n.d.
134 - Ground floor plan of main building. - n.d.
135 - Ground floor plan of administrative block. - n.d.
136 - First floor plan of asylum. - n.d.
137 - First floor plan of asylum. - n.d.
138 - Plans of first floor corridor next to dining hall. - n.d.
139 - First floor plan of male private patients block. - n.d.
140 - Ground floor plan of female private patients block. - n.d.
141 - First floor plan of female private patients wards. - n.d.
142 - Plan of laundry. - n.d.
143 - Plan showing locations of stores and ventilators. - n.d.
144 - Drawings of items of furniture by W.F.Brown and Co. - n.d.
145 - Drawings of items of furniture by W.F.Brown and Co. - n.d.
146 - Rough plan of main block - n.d.
147 - Rough plan of day rooms, dormitories, old pump house and workshops and assistant engineer's house. - n.d.
148 - Rough plan of part of hospital showing a dormitory and other rooms. - n.d.
149 - Rough plan of kitchen, vegetable scullery, scullery and pantry. - n.d.
150 - Plan of the Knolls farm. - n.d.
151 - Plan of the Copthorne estate of Robert Burton esq. - n.d.
152 - Notebook containing lists of plans. - n.d. [c 1910]
153 - Index of plans. - n.d. [c 1940]
154 - Foundation and drain plan of the 'Idiots Ward' by Grayson & Ould, Architects, Liverpool - 1895
155 - Plan of the roof for the 'Idiots Ward' by Grayson & Ould, Architects, Liverpool - 1895
156 - Plan of 'Bath and Boiler Houses, Surgery, Attendants Block etc.' by Grayson & Ould, Architects, Liverpool - 1895
157 - Elevations, sections and roof plan of the 'Administrative Block' by Grayson & Ould, Architects, Liverpool - 1895
158 - Roof plan of the 'Idiots Ward' by Grayson & Ould, Architects, Liverpool - 1894
159 - Roof plan of 'Bath and Boiler Houses, Surgery, Attendants Block etc.' by Grayson & Ould, Architects, Liverpool - 1895
160 - Sections, elevations and roof plan of the 'Epileptic Ward' by Grayson & Ould, Architects, Liverpool - 1895
161 - Basement plan of the 'Epileptic Ward' by Grayson & Ould, Architects, Liverpool - 1895
162 - Plans of proposed and final layouts of Picton, Carden and Oakmere Wards - 1978
Expand 10 - Photographs and portraits10 - Photographs and portraits
Expand 11 - Printed material11 - Printed material
Expand 12 - Inventories and monthly requirements12 - Inventories and monthly requirements
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