RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleLEASE for 21 years from feast of Annunciation of the B.V.M. last past, by Queen Elizabeth I to John Porter, citizen & [blank] of London
Date7 May 1578
DescriptionLEASE for 21 years from feast of Annunciation of the B.V.M. last past, by Queen Elizabeth I to John Porter, citizen & [blank] of London, at rent for the below Essex premises of 38/3 p.a. and at rent of ¾ p.a. for the below Tithes and he to maintain the said premises at all times for which he is allowed sufficient hedgebote, ploughbote and cartbote annually ---- 3 acres and half a rod of land with appurtenances in Botyfylde juxta Symhalles Poole now/late in tenure of Richard Staunton of the annual value of 7/-, and half an acre of land in Botefylde juxta Stratforde Langthorne formerly in tenure of William Waterhouse and now/late in that of said Rich. Staunton of the annual value of 12d., and half an acre of land with appurtenances lying on the East side of the garden at Symhalles Poole in Stratforde Langthorne now/late in tenure of said R. Staunton of the annual value of 12d., and half an acre of land in Colmanfelde now/late in tenure of John Pragill senior of the annual value of 12d., and half an acre of land with appurtenances near Grenestrete late in tenure of William Compton and now/late in that of Arthur Breame, and 1 toft of land with appurtenances near Grenestrete formerly in tenure of said W. Compton and now/late in that of said A. Breame of the annual value of 18d., and 2 acres of land with appurtenances in Westmarshe juxta Woodhouse now/late in tenure of William Rooke of the annual value of 4/-, and 3½ acres of land with appurts. in Peryfelde near to land belonging to the Manor of Brett in Uptonstrete now/late in ten. of George Middleton of the annual value of 4/-, and ½ acre of land with appurts. in Bradymeade Close in Newmarshe juxta Grenelane now/late in tenure of said G. Middleton of the ann. value of 16d., and 3 rods of land with appurts. in Braddymeade abutting on a lane called Trynitymarshe lane now/late in tenure of John Shipman of the ann. value of 20d., and 3½ rods of land with appurts. near Goodyng Gate in Playstowe now/late in ten. of John Warner senior of the ann. value of 21d.,, and 1 acre of land and pasture with appurts. called Thomes Lease formerly in ten. of Peter Smythyman and now/late in that of William Hunyng of the ann. value of 2/-., and 1 acre of land with appurts. and pasture more or less now/late in tenure of John Shipman of the ann value of 2/-., and 3 rods of land with appurts in le Groat hyde formerly in ten. of Christofer Garter and now/late in that of said R. Staunton lying and being in 1 Close in le Newe Marshe in Westham abutting on the Queen's Way leading into the marshes there towards the East and on the land late in ten. of John Staunton towards the West and on a Close late in ten. of Richard Shawe towards the South and on a Close late in ten. of William Gowdge and John Atkinson towards the North [sic] which last Close lies between the said lane called Grenelane and the said acre of land or Close now/late in tenure of said J. Shipman and of the ann. value of 18d., and an acre of mand meadow and pasture in Bradymeade late in ten. of Richard Hunte and now/late in that of Richard Frende and of the ann. value of 2/-., all which said premises with all their appurtenances are in the parish of WESTHAM, co. Essex, and formerly belonged to the former Monastery of Straforde Langthorne, Essex, now dissolved, and parcel of its possessions, and also all the Tithes of corn, grain and hay arising from a pasture or hereditament called Nettlewood in par. of WRENBURY, co. Ches., with all their appurtenances, profits, commodities and emoluments whatsoever, reserving to the Queen all great trees, woods, underwoods, mines and quarries. Witnessed by William, Baron of Burghley, Treasurer of England at Westminster 7. May. 20.Elizabeth.I. Consideration:- The surrender of the above premises in co. Essex and of £6. 8s. 1d. Seal: Brown, circular, of the Exchequer, 4' diam. Parchment.
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