RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleLEASE for 41 years, from feast of St. Martin in Winter next to come, by Urian, son & heir of Thomas de Caurden of Caurden, to David Ferrours
Date21 Jun 1465
DescriptionLEASE for 41 years, from feast of St. Martin in Winter next to come, by Urian, son & heir of Thomas de Caurden of Caurden, to David Ferrours of Chester, son of William Ferrours late of Malpas, at rent for the first 8 years of one red rose at feast of St. John Baptist, Nativity of, and thereafter of 5/- p.a., for all principal customary services and herriots, --------- the old site of a horse-mill at the end of the vill of MALPAS next to the highway leading towards the vill of Bykley and one curtilage of land adjacent to that mill between that site of the mill and the said highway, also 17 londs of land in the field called Le Overfyld of the vill of Malpas lying in divers and separate parts of that field as limited and specified below, viz: 2 selions of land ascending in length from a parcel of land in that field called Wadehadlond towards the vill of Malpas and in breadth lying between the land of the Lord de Audley and the land of the heir of John Malpas, and 2 selions of land on Otehull ascending ascending from one Close of Philip Eggerton towards the vill of Malpas in length and lying in breadth between the land of Ranulph Brereton, knight, and that of the said Philip, and 2 selions of land ascending in length from the highway called Le Greneway towards Les mony marlepitts between which lies one selion of land of John Browe, 1 selion of land ascending from Le Greneway over Le Bromehyll towards one hadlond of the Lord de Audley in length and between the land of the same Lord and that of said P. de Eggerton in breadth, 3 selions of land on Le Bromehyll between the land of the same Lord de Audley in breadth ascending from one hadlond of the same Lord there, 7 selions on Le Bromehyll containing one acre with one hadlond lying at the upper end between the land of the said Lord de Audleu and that of the said P. de Eggerton, one hadlond on Le Coppet Greve lying in length from the way called Le Chircheway in the same field towards a Close of John Webster, 2 selions of land in divers places lying in length from the same hadlond on Le Coppot Greve towards Le Potfilde, 2 selions, long, of land called Two Londs lying between the land of the said Lord de Audley ascending from Le Bruche marlepit next to a Close of John Webster, 2 selions of land in the said field late in tenure of John Overton in breadth between the land of the Lord de Audley and that of John Browe, esq., in the said field on the site of the mill, 1 hadlond lying from the corner of a Close of Hugh Pershall by the onds of 8 selions of land of John Leche, 2 selions of land lying from the ditch next Le Stone Crosse in the Highway towards Bykley in length to the said field, one hadlond lying in length from the same ditch opposite the said Cross by the ends of 8 selions of land of said Lord de Audley in the tenure of William Coyde, also 2 selions of land in the said field now in tenure of Stephan Wright next to a Close of the said John Leche next to Le Bromehyll. Warranty. Witnesses: Ranulph Brereton, knight, John Browe clerk Parson of the church of Malpas, William Macefen, John Leche of Caurden, Edward Sonde.Given at Malpas on the morrow of the Translation of St. Edward the King, 5. E. IV. No signature. Seal: Red, circular, a device. Parchment.
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