RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleGrant and quitclaim of lands in Macefen
Datend, c1290-1307
DescriptionGrant and quitclaim of lands in Macefen
nd, c1290-1307
5 1/2" x 3"

[1] Party 1 Philip de Kaurthin [Carden] and Eva his wife grant and quitclaim
[2] to Party 2 Mabel daughter of Eva and her heirs and assigns, three
[2 & 3] acres of land in the vill of Masefen [Macefen] lying in Herdewikesaye. To have and to hold to
[4 & 5] Mabel and her heirs and assigns, freely, quietly, well and in peace, with commons and easements pertaining to the land.
[9 & 10] Witnesses: William de Wygelond [Wigland], David de Stocton [Stockton], William Browe, Kenur [Kenwric] Rathebun [Rathbone], William de Huldichis, chaplain, and others.

Two seals on parchment tags: one with the impression of a bird, and one with an eight petalled flower. Both seals have legends.

This description was created by Medieval Deed Project volunteers.
Extent1 item

Grant and quitclaim of lands in Macefen

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