RepositoryCheshire Record Office
DescriptionGrant of messuages, lands and tenements in parish of Marbury
1 February 1470
10 1/2" x 6 1/2"

[1] Ranulf Cawir, and Henry of Locrosse [Lowcross], and Richard Hadley of Whyksall [Wicksall], have given, granted, and confirmed to {Cawirthen} [Carden]
[2] John Punmot of Whytchurche [Whitchurch], all those lands and tenements, rents and {Pimmot?}
[3] services with all their appurtenances which they held in the parish Merbere [Marbury], and within the demesne there, which lands, tenements,
[4] rents and services they held as a gift and enfeoffment of the said John Punmot. To be had and held {Pimmot}
[5] to the said John Punmot for his whole life, freely, quietly, well, {Pimmot}
[6] and in peace of the chief lords of that fee by services thereby owed and customary of law. And after the death of the said John
[7] Punmot, all the said lands and tenements, rents and services with all their appurtenances shall remain {Pimmot}
[8] to William Cowper of Whytchurche [Whitchurch] and Katherine, his wife, daughter of the said John Punmot, their lawful heirs, {Pimmot}
[9] freely, quietly, well, and in peace of the chief lords of that fee by services owed and customary of law, forever. And should it happen that
[10] the said William and Katherine die without lawful heirs,
[11] then all those lands and tenements, rents and services with all their appurtenances shall remain to John Cawurthen of
[12] Locrosse [Lowcross], his heirs and assigners forever; freely, quietly, well and in peace of the chief lords of that fee by services
[13] owed and of law customary. [Warranty clause]
[17] Witnesses: John Fryd of Youle, John Leche of Cawurthen [Carden] and John Rostok of Barton, and others. Given
[18] at Merber' [Marbury] on the first day of February in the ninth year of the reign of King Edward IV after the conquest.

Single seal tag with no seal attached.
Extent1 item


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