RepositoryCheshire Record Office
DescriptionManor of Marbury: surrender of moiety of messuage and lands in Marbury
10 November 1491
12 1/4" x 2"

[1] At the court held at Marbury on the tenth day of November in the seventh year of the reign of king Henry VII came Ellen Bulcleye through John Costantyn, her attorney, [Bulkeley]
[2] to return into the hands of the lord moiety of one messuage with its appurtenances in Merbur' [Marbury], lately in the tenure of Hugh Bulcleye for the use of John Watson
[3] and his heirs to whom the lord granted it. To be held to him and his heirs according to the custom of the manorr there, by rents and services thereby owed in full and customary etc.
[4] Elena gives to the lord for a fine etc. three shillings, four pence.
Seal Thomas Chidde (Cludde?), understeward

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