RepositoryCheshire Record Office
DescriptionGrant of rentcharge arising from saltworks in Middlewich in exchange for land
6 October 1315
10" x 3 1/2"

[1] Party 1, William, son of John Coton [Cotton], to party 2, Richard, son of Henry of Lache [Lach]
[2] in exchange for lands of the said Richard in Le Redemore, one mark annual rent in Medio Wyco [Middlewich] issuing from the saltworks which he held as a gift of Nicholas
[3] of Swetemam [Swettenham] and from the saltworks which Thomas Doce? [Dace?]holds, and of that house which Peter the carpenter holds in the same vill. To be had and held
[4] the said mark of annual rent to the said Richard, his heirs or assigns, freely, quietly, lawfully and hereditarily in perpetuity. To be taken from
[5] the said saltworks and house from year to year on the feasts of the nativity of Saint John the Baptist, and on the feast of Saint Martin in Winter, in equal portions.
[6] Party 1, William, wills and grants that if party 2, Richard, is not paid at any term, then Richard, and his heirs and assigns may distrain him and his
[7] heirs and assigns on the aforesaid holdings of Redemore, into whose hands the said tenements will come, per all moveable and immoveable goods
[8] found on the said land of 'Le Redemore' which party 1 holds of the said Richard in exchange and they hold the distraints and they be taken wherever they will
[9] within the county of Chester, and that they retain the distraints should someone not give delivery to the said Richard or his heirs or assigns of
[10] full satisfaction of the said mark of annual rent, together with losses, if there are any. Warranty clause.
[12] Witnesses: Robert of Bulkyleg' [Bulkeley], Roger of Holeford [Holford], John of Coton [Cotton], Adam del Shawe, John Boer and others. [Roer]
[13] Given at Middlewich on Monday on the feast of the holy faith of the Virgin, in the year of the Lord 1315.

Single seal tag with no seal attached.

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