RepositoryCheshire Record Office
DescriptionRelease of claims re right of presentation to church of Middlewich, moiety of lands and damages
20 June 1333
10" x 7"

[1] It was so agreed between Robert, son of Thomas Touchet, knight, and
[2] Thomas of Dunestaple [Dunstable], and Joan, his wife that since the said Robert, son of Thomas Touchet
[3] recovered from Thomas of Dunestaple [Dunstable] and Joan, his wife in full session of the county court of Chester by the decision of the same
[4] county court, 100 marks of silver concerning losses to the same Robert
it was ultimately adjudged in a certain writ of presentation to the church
[5] of Middlewich, and moiety of the lands of Thomas and Joan from the demesne of Holt with members by writ which chose the offering
[6] was acquitted to the same Robert so far as he had levied 100 marks from the same lands; the said Robert has granted
[7] for himself and his executors that he has fully levied the said 100 marks from the said lands, and has acquitted Thomas
[8] and Joan by the presents. And the said Thomas of Dunestaple [Dunstable], and Joan have remised and entirely relaxed for themselves, and their heirs
[9] and executors to the said Robert, his heirs and executors, bailiffs and all his servants in this part
[10] and entirely excused any and every type of action, transgression, audit, and arrears, if any exist, all complaints
[11] and demands existing of any rents from the said lands, and also any type of waste and destruction on the
[12] said lands which either held them or could have held them, against the said Robert, his heirs, or executors,
[12] so anyone else aforementioned by reason or occasion of the said levy of the said 100 marks, and seisin of
[13] possession or occupation of the said lands for the entire time before the day of the completion of the present indenture.
[16] Given at Middlewich on Sunday before the feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
[17] in the seventh year of the reign of King Edward III.

Seal attached to single seal tag.

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