RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleGrant of lands in Aston iuxta Mondrum
Datend, c1295
DescriptionGrant of lands in Aston iuxta Mondrum. Grant by Sybilla de Cruwe to Patrick de Cruwe, her brother, of piece of land in Aston subter Mondrem with a barn and other appurtenances (boundaries described); and an assart of land between the Ringesibache and the Rouwebache, saving the land of William de Cruwe, Patrick and his heirs to have no right to erect a mill there; and a piece of land between the road towards Sybilla's mill and the boundaries of Worleston as far as the water of Wevere, and following those waters as far as Sybilla's garden, saving the rights of her water mill. Witnesses: Lord Ralph de Vernon, lord Richard de Masey, Thomas de Wev'e, Richard de Munshull', William de Cruwe, David his brother, Ron' Cot'el, Thomas son of Nicholas de Cruwe, William de Fouleshurst and others. Vesica-shaped seal in green wax on tag.
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