RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleMottram St Andrew
DescriptionLease of land at Mottershead in Mottram St Andrew for 12 years
10 1/2" x
[1] Party 1 William del Shawe
[2] Party 2 John De Mottram. Party 1 leases to Party 2 all his land in Motturshed [Mottershead] in the vill and territory of Mottram, except one
[3] parcel of land in le Wetefeld next to the land of Edward de Helegh, as the boundary lies between the parties, [High Lee]
[4] to take effect from the feast of St Martin 1347
[5] for 12 years
[6] rendering
[7] 4 shillings and 10 pence of silver at the feast of All Saints, and 3d for le Hawewerke.
[9] Warranty. Witnesses William
[10] Pigot, Edward de Mottram, Hugh de Foxwist, Thomas Wilot, Hugh Picot and others. [Pigot]
Pendant seal missing.

This description was created by Medieval Deed Project volunteers.
Extent1 item

Mottram St Andrew

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