RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleMottram St Andrew
DescriptionQuitclaim of lands of the Dene in Mottram St Andrew
nd, c1310-1320
9 1/2" x 3"

[1] Party 1, [Thomas, son of] Roger of Mottram [Mottram St. Andrew], has remised and entirely quitclaimed to party 2, Edmund, son of Edmund of Mottram [Mottram St. Andrew], and
[2] Margery, daughter of Vivian of Fxwist [Foxwist], and their lawful heirs, and to each and every one of the heirs to whom the land
[3] of le Dene with appurtenances in the vill of Mottram [Mottram St. Andrew], by form of a gift of Edmund of Mottram [Mottram St. Andrew], uncle of party 1, ought to remain or revert,
[4] all his right and claim if at all he had any or of some right could have, or by some chance happening henceforth, on all the land of
[5] le Dene in the vill of Mottram [mottram St. Andrew], with appurtenances, without any reservation. that neither Thomas nor his heirs or anyone in his name may henceforth demand or make claim upon any right or claim
[6] on the said land with appurtenances.[Warranty clause]
[8] Witnesses: John Phyton [Fitton], John of Hyde, John of Honford [Handforth],
[9] William Pygot, Adam of Astul, [Astle] Adam of Brounleg' [Brindley], Adam of Fuelleston, Richard of Heleg' [High Lee], William of Schawe [Shaw], and others.

Single seal tag with seal fragment.

This description was created by Medieval Deed Project volunteers.
Extent1 item

Mottram St Andrew

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