RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleNorthwich pt 1
DescriptionFinal concord re messuage and garden in Northwich
28 May 1448
12" x 6"
[1]Final concord before the court at Chester, held on Tuesday after the feast of the Holy Trinity,
[2] 26 Henry VI. Before William de la Pole Marquis of Suffolk, Thomas Stanley knight, Justiciar of Chester, Wilfred [Geoffrey]Werburton, John Maynwaryng, John Honford, knights, William
[3] Stanley, William Brereton, and others. Between Party 1 Adam de Wotton querent, and Party 2 Robert Fox and his wife Alicia, deforciants, over a messuage
[4] and garden in North Wice [Northwich]
[9-14] in case of death without heirs, possession to pass to Thomas Fox, then to Hugh Fox. In default of heirs the property descends to the heirs of Hugh, then of Robert.

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Northwich pt 1

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