RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleGrant of lands and tenements in Toft
Datend. c1284-1290
DescriptionGrant and confirmation by Roger son of Roger de Toft to his brother William of those lands and tenements which Roger, his father, granted to him [William] by his gift, as is contained in a certain roll which is called domesday ("sicut continetur in rotulo qui vocatur domisday"). Witnesses: Lord ("Dominus") William de Venablis, Ralph de Vernun, Richard de Mascy, kts., Robert Grossovenatore [Grosvenor] then sheriff of Cheshire, Alexander de Baumvile, William de Meinwarin, Adam de Tabbelewe, clerk and others. Seal: vesica-shaped, in brown wax, legend: Roger de Toft

Grant of lands and tenements in Toft
nd, c1284
7" x 3"

[1] Party 1 Roger son of Roger de Tofte [Toft] grants to
[2] Party 2 William his brother
[2] - [4] all the lands and tenements which Roger his father gave to him by his charter, as contained in the roll called Domisday [Domesday]
[4] - [7] to hold to William and his heirs or assigns, freely, quietly, fully and by inheritance with all liberties belonging to those lands, performing the service as appears more fully in the charter of William (sic) as enrolled
[7] - [9] [Warranty Clause].
[10-12] Witnesses: Sir William de Venablis [Venables], Sir Ralph de Vernu' [Vernon], Ricard de Mascy [Massey], knights, Robert Grosso venatore [Grosvenor] then sheriff of Cheshire, Alexander de Baumvile, William de Meinwarin [Mainwaring], Adam de Tabbelewe [Tabley], clerk and others.
Seal: White wax seal, varnished ; fleur de lys ; + S’ ROG’ DE TOFT [as 172/4]

Full Translation:
1) To all the faithful of Christ who will see or hear this present writing Roger de Tofte [sends] eternal greeting
2) in the Lord. Know all that I have granted and confirmed to my brother William all the lands
3) and tenements which my father Roger gave him by his charter just as is contained in the roll
4) which is called domisday. To have and to hold of me and my heirs to himself and his heirs or
5) his assigns freely, quietly, fully and by inheritance with all liberties pertaining to those lands
6) as in the charter of the aforesaid William which is enrolled in the said roll and more fully contained, performing the service
7) contained in that charter. And I, Roger de Toft, and my heirs will warrant all those lands with all
8) their appurtenances as stated above to the said William and his heirs or assigns against all men and
9) women in perpetuity. In witness whereof I have affixed my seal to this present writing.
10) These being witnesses: Sir William de Venables, Sir Ralph de Vernon, Sir Richard de Mascy, knights, Robert
11) Grosvenor, then sheriff of Cheshire, Alexander de Baumville, William de Mainwaring, Adam de Tabley,
12) clerk, and others.

Full Transcription:
1) Omnibus Christi fidelibus hoc presens scriptum visuris vel audituris Rogerus filius Rogeri de Tofte salutem
2) In domino sempiternam Noverit universitas vestra me concessisse ac confirmasse Willelmo fratri meo omnes terras
3) et tenementa quas Rogerus pater meus sibi per cartam suam donavit sicut continetur in rotulo
4) qui vocatur domisday Habendum et tenendum de me et heredibus meis sibi et heredibus suis vel
5) suis assignatis libere quiete plene et hereditarie cum omnibus libertatibus dictis terris pertinentibus
6) prout in carta predicti Willelmi que in rotulo predicto inrotulatur <et> plenius continetur faciendo inde servicium
7) contentum in carta predicta Et ego Rogerus de Toft et heredes mei totas predictas terras cum omnibus
8) pertinenciis suis sicut predictum est dicto Willelmo et heredibus suis vel assignatis contra omnes homines et
9) feminas in perpetuum Warentizabimus In cuius rei testimonium huic presenti scripto sigillum meum
10) apposui Hiis testibus, Dominis Willelmo de Venablis, Radulpho de Vernun, Ricardo de Mascy militibus, Roberto
11) Grosso venatore tunc vicecomite Cestriscire, Alexandro de Baumvile, Willelmo de MeinWarin, Ada de Tabbe-
12) lewe clerico et aliis

Latin extracted and translated by volunteers
Extent1 item
Administrative HistoryFor further inforamtion on the Cheshire Domesday Roll see "The Domesday Roll of Cheshire" by R. Stewart-Brown, English Historical Review, vol 37, no 148 (1922), pp 481-500; copy available in Local Studies collection

Grant of lands and tenements in Toft

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