RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleGrant and quitclaim of land and tenement in Barton
Datend, c1292-1298
DescriptionGrant and quitclaim of land and tenement in Barton
nd, c1292-1298
7 1/2" x 3"

1 Sciant Omnes tam presentes quam futuri quod Ego Henricus filius Hugonis de Barton dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea
2 confirmavi atque imperpetuum quiete clamavi pro me et heredibus meis David de Barton et Margerie uxori sue et eorum
3 heredibus seu assignatis totam terram meam et tenementum meum in Barton cum pertinenciis suis cum toto Jure meo et clamio
4 quod habui vel aliquo modo habere potero infra omnes divisas de Barton sine aliquo Retenemento et cum toto Redditu et servicio
5 illius terre quam Johannes de Huxleg’ de me tenuit in Barton cum pertinenciis suis Ita quidem quod nec Ego nec heredes mei nec
6 aliquis ex parte nostra aliquid Jure vel clamii in predictis terra et tenemento Redditu et servicio de cetero exigere vel vendicare poterimus
7 Et ego predictus Henricus et heredes mei totam predictam terram et tenementum redditum et servicium cum pertinenciis suis predictis David et Margerie et eorum
8 heredibus et assignatis suis contra omnes gentes de pace existentes Warantizabimus In cuius Rey testimonium huic presenti scripto
9 sigillum meum apposui Hiis testibus Willelmo de Perers tunc vicecomite Cestr’ Philipo de Eggerton Johanne de Larketon Willelmo de
10 Mulneton Radulpho del Lee Roberto clerico et multis aliis.

1 Know all men both present and future that I Henry son of Hugh of Barton have given, granted and by this my present charter
2 confirmed and forever have quitclaimed for myself and my heirs to David of Barton and his wife Margery and their
3 heirs or assigns all my land and my tenement in Barton with their appurtenances with all my right and claim
4 which I had or in any way could have within the bounds of Barton without any reservation and with all rent and service
5 of that land which John of Huxley held of me in Barton with their appurtenances. So however that neither I nor my heirs nor
6 anyone on our part could henceforth demand or lay claim to any right or claim in the aforesaid land and tenement, rent and service with
7 their appurtenances And I the aforesaid Henry and my heirs will warrant all that land and tenement, rent and service with their
8 appurtenances to the aforesaid David and Margery and their heirs and their assigns against all people of peace. In witness of which I have
9 put my seal to this present writing. These being witnesses William de Perers then sheriff of Chester, Philip of Eggerton, John de
10 Larketon, William of Milton, Ralph del Lee, Robert clerk and many others.

William de Praeres served as sheriff of Cheshire in 1287, 1296, 1299 and 1332.

This description was created by Medieval Deed Project volunteers.

Grant and quitclaim of land and tenement in Barton

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