RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleGrant of piece of land in Barton
Datend, c1300-1310
DescriptionGrant of piece of land in Barton
nd, c1300-1310
6 1/2" x 4 1/2"

1 Know all both present and future that I John of Huxley and my wife Mabel have given, granted and
2 by this our present charter confirmed and forever quitclaimed to Philip son of Thomas of Barton and
3 his heirs of Cecily daughter of Robert chaplain one plot of land in Barton descending from The Walle Bytts (le Walle
4 buttis) as far as the way next to Broadmeadow in length and in width as the bounds there show
5 with one messuage on the said plot that, namely, Gunne, formerly wife of Herbert, once held
6 from Robert le Stotevile with all its appurtenances To have and to hold to the said Philip and his heirs or his
7 assigns begotten of the said Cecily of the chief lord of that tenement freely, quietly, well and in peace, in inheritance
8 and fully with housebote and haybote and tacfre and stalagfre and with fuel from green and old wood
9 and with common of pasture and with wide entrance and exit and with turbary within the bounds of Barton to himself
10 and all those living on the aforesaid land and with all other appurtenances and liberties and easements and with all
11 profits issuing from the said tenement Paying thence annually by the said Philip and his heirs or his
12 assigns begotten of the said Cecily one penny to the chief lord of the fee of that tenement at the Nativity of St John the Baptist
13 for all services, exactions and demands and for whatsoever charge or distraint making nothing thence nor answering
14 except the aforesaid penny Therefore for this gift, grant and quitclaim the said Philip gave us
15 five marks of silver by hand And we the said John and Mabel and our heirs or our assigns will warrant, acquit and defend all the
16 aforesaid land with the messuage and all its appurtenances in everything as was aforewritten to the said Philip and his heirs or his assigns
17 begotten of the said Cecily against all people of peace. In witness of which we have put our seals to this present writing.
18 These being witnesses Philip of Eggerton, William de Byner, David of Barton, Ralph of Eggerton, Richard de Caurth’ William son of Hena and others.

1 Sciant omnes tam presentes quam futuri quod ego Johannes de Huxleg’ et Mabilia uxor mea dedimus concessimus et
2 hac presenti carta nostra confirmavimus atque imperpetuum quiete clamavimus Philipo filio Thome de Barton et
3 heredibus suis de Cescilia filia Roberti capellani unam placeam terre in Barton decendentem a le Walle
4 buttis usque viam Iuxta Brademedewe in longitudine et in latitudine sicut divise ibidem se ostendunt
5 cum uno Mesuagio super dictam placeam illa scilicet quam Gunne quondam uxor Herberdi prius tenuit
6 de Roberto le Stotevile cum omnibus pertinenciis suis Habendum et Tenendum dicto Philipo et heredibus suis vel suis
7 assignatis de dicta Cescilia procreatis de capitali domino illius Tenementi Libere quiete bene et in pace hereditarie
8 et integre cum housbold et heybold et tacfre et stalagefre et cum focali de v[i]ridi ligno et vetido
9 et cum communi et pastura et cum largo introytu et exitu et cum turbario infra divisas de Barton sibi
10 et omnibus in predicta terra manentibus et cum omnibus aliis pertinenciis et libertatibus et asiamentis et cum omnibus
11 aproviamentis de dicto tenemento exeuntibus Reddendo inde annuatim de dicto Philipo et heredibus suis vel suis
12 asignatis de dicta Cescilia procreatis unum denarium capitali domino feodi illius tenementi ad Nativitatem Sancti Johannis Baptiste
13 pro omnibus serviciis exactionibus et demandis et pro quacumque calumpnia et districtione Nichil inde faciendo neque Respon-
14 dendo nisi predictum denarium Pro hac autem donacione concessione et quiete clamacione dictus Philipus dedit nobis
15 quinque marcas argenti premanibus Et nos dicti Johannes et Mabilia et heredes nostri vel assignati nostri totam predictam
16 terram cum Mesuagio et omnibus pertinenciis suis in omnibus sicut prescriptum est dicto Philipo et heredibus suis vel suis assignatis
17 de dicta Cescilia procreatis contra omnes gentes de pace existentes Warantizabimus acquietabimus et defendemus
18 In cuius Rey Testimonium huic presenti scripto sigilla nostra aposuimus Hiis testibus Philipo de Eggerton
19 Willelmo de Byner David de Barton Radulpho de Eggerleg’ Ricardo de Caurth’ Willelmo filio hena et Aliis

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Grant of piece of land in Barton

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