RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleGrant of land and tenement in Barton with messuages, gardens, meadows, mills etc
Datend, c1300-1310
DescriptionGrant of land and tenement in Barton with messuages, gardens, meadows, mills etc
nd, c1300-1310
9" x 3 1/2"

Two green wax seals; c1320

1 Know present and future that we John of Huxley and my wife Mabel have given, granted and by this our present charter confirmed to our son Richard
2 all our land and tenements in the vill of Barton with messuages, yards, meadows, mills and all other their appurtenances without any reservation and
3 with all our demesne riparian rents and also with all our right and claim that we had or could have in them and other things appertaining to the said lands and tenements
4 belonging in whatsoever way to the aforesaid vill. To have and to hold from the chief lords of that fee to our son Richard and his heirs or his assigns freely,
5 well and in peace wholly and hereditarily with all common liberties and easements to the aforesaid lands and tenements wheresoever they pertain. Performing to the chief
6 lords of that fee the services from the said lands and tenements owed and accustomed by right. And truly we John and Mabel will warrant and defend all the aforesaid land
7 and tenements with messuages, gardens, meadows, mills, lordships and all things appertaining to Richard and his heirs and assigns against all people
8 of peace. And because we wish that this our gift grant and confirmation of our charter
9 should remain strong in perpetuity we have affixed our seals to this our present charter. These being witnesses David of Barton, William of Milton,
10 Robert of Huxley, John son of Nicholas of Huxley, Hugh le Brid, David le Brid, Robert of Coddington clerk and others.

1 Sciant presentes et futuri quod nos Johannes de Huxlegh et Mabilla uxor mea dedimus concessimus et hac presenti carta nostra confirmavimus Ricardo filio nostro
2 totam terram nostram et tenementa in villa de Barton cum Mesuagiis gardinis pratis molendinis et omnibus aliis pertinenciis suis sine aliquo retenemento et
3 cum omnibus dominicis riberis redditibus nostris et etiam cum toto iure nostro et clameo quod inde habuimus vel habere poterimus et aliis pertinentibus dictis terris et
4 ville predicte quoquomodo pertinentibus. Habenda et tenenda de capitalibus dominis illius feodi predicto Ricardo filio nostro et heredibus suis vel suis assignatis Libere
5 bene et in pace integre et hereditarie cum omnibus communis libertatibus et aesiamentis predictis terre et tenementis ubique spectantibus Faciendo capitalibus
6 dominis illius feodi servicia de predicta terra et tenementis de iuris debitis et consuetis. Et nos vero predicti Johannes et Mabilla totam predictam terram
7 et tenementa cum Mesuagiis gardinis pratis molendinis dominicis et omnibus aliis pertinentibus predicto Ricardo et heredibus suis et suis assignatis contra omnes gentes
8 de pace existentes Warantizabimus et defendemus. Et quia volumus quod hec nostra donacio concessio et carte nostre confirmacio
9 robur perpetuitatis optineat huic presenti carte nostre sigilla nostra apposuimus. Hiis testibus David de Barton Willelmo de Mulneton
10 Roberto de Huxlegh Johanne filio Nicholai de Huxlegh Hugone le Brid David le Brid Roberto de Codinton clerico et aliis

This description was created by Medieval Deed Project volunteers.

Grant of land and tenement in Barton with messuages, gardens, meadows, mills etc

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