RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleGrant of land and tenement in Barton with messuages, curtilages, meadows, etc
Datend, c1310-1320
DescriptionGrant of land and tenement in Barton with messuages, curtilages, meadows, etc
nd, c1310-1320
8 1/2" x 3"

1 Know men present and future that we William de Brugge and my wife Alice have given, granted and by this our charter confirmed
2 to Richard son of John of Huxley and his heirs and assigns all our land and tenements with messuages, courtyards, meadows and their appurtenances
3 which we had or in any way may have in the town and district of Barton to have and to hold of the chief lords of that fee by services thence
4 owed and accustomed by right to Richard and his heirs and assigns freely quietly well and in peace with all their appurtenances common liberties
5 easements and all improvements of that land wheresoever they appertain. And we the said William and Alice and our heirs will warrant and defend forever
6 against all people wheresoever to the said Richard his heirs and assigns all that aforesaid land and tenements with messuages, courtyards, meadows and their
7 appurtenances in all things as aforesaid. In witness of which we have affixed our seals to this present charter. These
8 being witnesses David of Eggerton, William of Hampton, Ughtred le Brid, John of Waverton, Robert of Coddington clerk and others.

1 Sciant presentes et futuri quod nos Willelmus de Brugge et Alicia uxor mea dedimus concessimus et hac presenti carta nostra confirma-
2 vimus Ricardo filio Johannis de Huxlegh et heredibus suis et assignatis totam terram nostram et tenementa cum mesuagiis curtilagiis pratis et pertinenciis suis
3 quam habuimus vel aliquo modo habere poterimus in villa et territorio de Barton Habendum et Tenendum de capitali domino feodi illius per servicia inde
4 debita et de iure consueta predicto Ricardo et heredibus suis et assignatis Libere quiete bene et in pace cum omnibus pertinenciis suis libertatibus
5 communis aesiamentis et approviamentis omnibus dicte terre ubique pertinentibus. Et nos vero dicti Willelmus et Alicia et heredes nostri dicto Ricardo heredibus
6 suis et assignatis totam predictam terram et tenementa cum mesuagiis curtaligiis pratis et pertinenciis suis in omnibus sicut predictum est contra omnes
7 gentes Warentizabimus et ubique defendemus imperpetuum In cuius rei testimonium huic presenti carte sigilla nostra apposuimus Hiis
8 testibus David de Egerton Willelmo de Hampton Utredo le Brid Johanne de Waverton Roberto de Codinton clerico et aliis.

This description was created by Medieval Deed Project volunteers.

Grant of land and tenement in Barton with messuages, curtilages, meadows, etc

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