RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleGrant of moiety of lands and tenements etc in Barton, except grantor's capital messuage curtilage
Datend, c1330-1340
DescriptionGrant of moiety of lands and tenements etc in Barton, except grantor's capital messuage curtilage
nd, c1330-1340
9" x 5"

1 Know men present and future that I Mabel formerly wife of Richard of Huxley have given, granted and by this my present charter
2 confirmed to my son William all the moiety of all my lands and tenements as in lordships, joint tenancies, mills,
3 rents, services, messuages, courtyards, meadows and other appurtenances which I had within all boundaries of Barton on the day
4 this present charter was made saving to myself my chief messuage with courtyard to have and to hold all the aforesaid moiety
5 of all the aforesaid lands and tenements as in lordships, joint tenancies, mills, services, messuages, courtyards, meadows and
6 all appurtenances to William, his heirs and assigns of the chief lords of that fee by services thence owed and accustomed by right
7 freely, quietly, well and in peace by hereditary right forever with all their appurtenances, common of pasture and every other kind
8 of easements pertaining to the aforesaid lands and tenements wheresoever forever. And I Mabel and my heirs will warrant, acquit
9 and defend wheresoever all the aforesaid moiety of the aforesaid lands and tenements as in lordships, joint tenancies, mills, rents,
10 services, messuages, courtyards, meadows and other appurtenances as is written above saving always to myself my aforesaid chief messuage
11 to William, his heirs and assigns against all people in peace. In witness of which I have affixed my seal to this present charter. These
12 being witnesses Griffin le Warant, Patrick of Barton, John of Coddington, Ralph of Aldersey, Thomas le Brid of the same and others.
c1330 [cf witnesses to 201/9, which is dated]

1 Sciant presentes et futuri quod Ego Mabilla quondam uxor Ricardi de Huxleygh dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea con-
2 firmavi Willelmo filio meo totam medietatem omnium terrarum et tenementorum meorum ut in dominiciis parcenariis molendinis
3 redditibus serviciis mesuagiis curtilagiis pratis et aliis pertinenciis que habui infra omnes divisas de Barton die confectionis
4 huius presentis carte salvo mihi capitali mesuagio meo cum curtilagiis Habendum et tenendum totam predictam medietatem
5 omnium predictarum terrarum et tenementorum ut in dominiciis parcenariis molendinis redditibus serviciis mesuagiis curtilagiis pratis et
6 aliis pertinenciis predicto Willelmo heredibus suis et assignatis de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servicia inde debita et de iure
7 consueta libere quiete bene et in pace iure hereditario imperpetuum cum omnibus pertinenciis suis communis pasture et omnimodis
8 aliis asiamentis predictis terris et tenementis ubique pertinentibus imperpetuum Et ego predicta Mabilla et heredes
9 mei totam predictam medietatem predictarum terrarum et tenementorum ut in dominiciis parcenariis molendinis redditibus
10 serviciis mesuagiis curtilagiis pratis et aliis pertinenciis ut suprascriptum est salvo semper mihi capitali mesuagio meo predicto
11 Willelmo heredibus suis et assignatis contra omnes gentes de pace existentes Warantizabimus acquietabimus et
12 ubique defendemus In cuius rei testimonium huic presenti carte sigillum meum apposui Hiis testibus Griffino le
13 le Warant Patricio de Barton Johanne de Codynton Radulpho de Aldresey Thoma le Brid de eadem et Aliis.

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Grant of moiety of lands and tenements etc in Barton, except grantor's capital messuage curtilage

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