RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleGrant of moiety of lands and tenements etc in Barton, except for grantor's capital messuage and garden adjacent
Datend, c1320-1340
DescriptionGrant of moiety of lands and tenements etc in Barton, except for grantor's capital messuage and garden adjacent
nd, c1320-1340
9" x 4"

1 Know men present and future that I Robert son of Richard Bron of Barton have given, granted and by this my present charter
2 confirmed to David son of Patrick of Barton all the moiety of all my lands and tenements, meadows together
3 with all my meadow in le Bruchus with a certain stall lying next to Weperston and with all other their appurtenances which
4 I had on the day of the making of this charter within all the boundaries of Barton to have and to hold all the aforesaid tenements to David
5 and his heirs freely, quietly, well and in peace by right and inheritance forever with all their appurtenances, common of pasture, liberties,
6 customs and easements pertaining to the aforesaid wheresoever, paying thence and making annually to the chief lord of that fee
7 all kinds of services and rents according to the size of the tenements which aforesaid tenements were accustomed to perform
8 saving always to myself and my heirs my chief messuage with the adjacent garden. And I the aforesaid Robert and my heirs
9 will warrant, acquit and defend wheresoever forever all the aforesaid tenements with all their appurtenances in the aforesaid form
10 to the aforesaid David and his heirs against all people. In witness of which I have affixed my seal to this present charter
11 These being witnesses Robert of Pulford, Ralph of Hatton, William of Golborne, Morgan of Milton, Hugh of Aldersey and others.

1 Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Robertus filius Ricardi Bron de Barton dedi concessi et hac presenti carta
2 mea confirmavi David filio Patricii de Barton totam medietatem omnium terrarum et tenementorum meorum pratorum simul
3 cum toto prato meo In le bruchus cum quadam Sell’ iacente iuxta Weperston et cum omnibus aliis pertinenciis suis que
4 habui die confectionis huius carte infra omnes divisas de Barton Habendum et tenendum omnia predicta tenementa predicto David
5 et heredibus suis libere quiete bene et in pace Jure et hereditarie in perpetuum cum omnibus pertinenciis suis communis pasturis libertatibus
6 consuetudinibus et aysiamentis predictis cum ubique spectantibus Reddendo Inde et faciendo annuatim Capitali domino feodi
7 illius omnemoda servicia et redditus secundum quantitatem tenementorum que predicta tenementa facere consueta fuerunt
8 salvo semper mihi et heredibus meis capitali messuagio meo cum gardino adiacente Et ego predictus Robertus et heredes
9 mei omnia predicta tenementa cum omnibus pertinenciis suis in forma predicta predicto David et heredibus suis contra omnes gentes
10 Warantizabimus aquietabimus et ubique defendemus imperpetuum In cuius Rei testimonium huic presenti carte sigillum
11 meum apposui Hiis testibus Roberto de Polford Radulpho de Hatton Willelmo de Golborne Morgano
12 de Mulneton Hugone de Aldrussey et aliis.

This description was created by Medieval Deed Project volunteers.

Grant of moiety of lands and tenements etc in Barton, except for grantor's capital messuage and garden adjacent

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