RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleLease of 1 acre of land called Caytanguistul in Shocklach Oviatt for 20 years
DescriptionLease of 1 acre of land called Caytanguistul in Shocklach Oviatt for 20 years
26 June 1396

[1] Party 1, Johanna, daughter of David de Wover' [Weaver] in pure widowhood has granted and demised to party 2, Urian de
[2] Egg'ton [Egerton], his heirs and assigns, one acre of land in Schokelach Oviot [Shocklach Oviatt] called Caytanguistul(?), lying between the house of John ap Edm' on
[3] one side and the house of Ior[werth] ap Jankyn on the other. To be had and held by the said Urian, his heirs and assigns for twenty years.
[4] Rendering annually to Johanna, her heirs and assigns by the said Urian, one rose at the feast of the nativity of Saint John the Baptist for all
[5] services.
[5-6] [Warranty clause]
[6] Given at Schokelach Oviot [Shocklach Oviatt]
[7] [...] following the feast of Saint John the Baptist in the twentieth year of the reign of King Richard II.

Single seal tag; single seal attached.

This description was created by Medieval Deed Project volunteers.
Extent1 item

Lease of 1 acre of land called Caytanguistul in Shocklach Oviatt for 20 years

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