RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceDCH/J/23/12, 13
TitleSettlement of capital messuage, lands and tenements in Basford and Church Coppenhall
Date17, 19 Apr 1652
DescriptionSettlement of capital messuage, lands and tenements in Basford and Church Coppenhall. Conveyance by lease and release by Robert Viscount Cholmondeley to Thomas Bromley of Hampton, esq., and Stanley Burroughs of Bickley, gentleman, of the Hall of Basford with its appurtenances, houses etc., and other messuages and lands in Basford, and a messuage and lands in Church Coppenhall late the inheritance of John Wettnall, to the use of Thomas Cholmondeley, alias Gouldston, of Bickley, gentleman, reputed son of the Viscount, and his heirs.
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