RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleRecital of recovery and quitclaim of lands etc. in Birches
Date27 Apr 1311
DescriptionRecital of recovery and quitclaim of lands etc. in Birches. Deed poll of Roger son of William de Tofte, reciting that Philip de Haleghton and Amis his wife had taken out a writ against Walter son of Hanwys de Acton and Agnes his wife for possession of 2 messuages, 30 acres of land and 1 acre of meadow in Birches iuxta Schulbroke [Stublach]; who called to warranty Roger son of William de Tofte, who called to warranty Richard son of Richard de Lostok; and the aforesaid Philip and Amis recovered seisin of the said tenements against Walter and Agnes, and Walter and Agnes against Roger, and Roger against Richard; Roger son of William de Tofte released and quitclaimed the tenements to the aforesaid Richard. Witnesses: Lord Pagan Tybotot, then justice of Chester, Ralph de Vernon, Hugh de Dotton, Peter de Dotton, kts., Richard de Foulyshurst then sheriff of Cheshire, William de Baggeleg', William de Modburleg', John de Lewe(?), Randle de M'bur', John of the same place [Marbury], John the clerk and many others. Seal on tag.
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