RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleGrant of messuage in Clutton and Aldersey
Datend, c1290-1320
DescriptionGrant of messuage and 4th part of lordship of Middle Aldersey
nd, c1290-1320
7 1/2" x 3 1/4"
[1] Party 1 Thomas de Pesecod to Party 2 his son Richard
[2] a messuage and all its lands and tenements in Middle Aldirsey [Aldersey] formerly held in lease by Agnes de Bechen as well as a quarter
[3] of the lordship and part of the wastes of the vill of Middle Aldirsey.
[8] Witnesses David de Barton', William
[9] de Mulneton [Millington], Robert de Codynton [Coddington], Richard de Caurthyn [Carden], Robert the clerk of Aldirsey [Aldersey].
Seal green wax on double tag through single slit in plica.

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Grant of messuage in Clutton and Aldersey

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