RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleQuitclaim of lands in Middle Aldersey
Date11 May 1465
DescriptionQuitclaim of messuages, tenements and lands in Middle Aldersey
11 May 1465
10" x 4"
[1] Party 1 Peter Dutton son and heir of John Dutton of Hatton, esquire
[2] Party 2 Ughtred Dodde son of Hugh Dodde of Herthill
[4] quitclaims right in all those tenements, messuages, lands, rents and services which he might have by inheritance after the death of John Dutton, his father
[5] in Midel Aldersey, except for an annual rent of 2d arising
[6] from the property of John Aldersey, son of Philip Aldersey, with their associated rights and services.
[7]of which the said Ughtred is already seised
[11] Witnesses Thomas Lord Stanley, knight, justiciar of Chester, William Stanley, knight,
[12] chamberlain of Chester, Richrd Clyve, John Leche, William Dodde of Broxon and others. Given 11 May
[13] [1465].
Pendant seal with impression.

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Quitclaim of lands in Middle Aldersey

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