RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleHaughton in Bunbury
DescriptionLease of messuage in Haughton for 10 years
1 October 1465
9 1/2" x 4"

[1] Indenture made between party 1 , Ralph Dod, lately of Halghton [Haughton] in the county of Chester and Isabella, his wife, and James, son and heir of Ralph, of the one part;
[2] and Richard Cholmley [Cholmondeley] of the same county esquire on the other, witnessing that Ralph, Isabella and James granted, leased and affirmed
[3] to Richard their entire messuage with all its appurtenances which Ralph, Isabella and James hold in Halghton [Haughton].
[4] to be had and held to Richard, his heirs and assigns from the next feast of St. Martin the Bishop in winter for
[5] ten years thereafter, rendering annually to party 1, or to their attorney
[6] or executors twenty shillings sterling at two terms of the year, namely at the feasts of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and St. Martin the Bishop in
[7] winter by equal shares, and the said Richard, his heirs and assigns will rightly and properly maintain and repair the said messuage with all its other appurtenances, its particular costs, and expenses.
[8] for the entire aforesaid term and demise them at the end of the abovesaid term in a good and fitting state.
[9] And should it happen that Richard and his heirs and assigns fall into arrears of rent at any term at which there should be payment through
[10] fifteen days in part or in full then let it be lawful for Ralph, Isabel, and James and their assigns to enter on the said messuage
[11] and distrain on the same, and carry away the distraints and to retain for themselves as much as will give full satisfaction to them for the existing rent in arrears, arrears, and losses as a result.
[12] And if the distraint cannot find satisfaction for the existing rent in arrears there, then let it be allowed for Ralph,
[13] Isabel and James and their assigns to re-enter and in original estate retain the said messuage with all its appurtenances, the present demise not withstanding. .
[13-15] Warranty clause
[16] Witnesses: Thomas Broke, Richard Walthale, Thomas Crokket, and others.
[17] Given on the first day of October in the fifth year of the reign of King Edward the Fourth, after the conquest.

Red wax seal attached to one of two seal tags in good condition, with monogram of Ralph Dod.

This description was created by Medieval Deed Project volunteers.
Extent1 item

Haughton in Bunbury

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