RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleHaughton in Bunbury
DescriptionGrant of share of land, moor, marsh and water in Haughton
nd, c1290-1310
8" x 3 1/2"
[1] Party 1 William son of Robert of Halhton [Haughton], with the consent of Robert, his eldest son and heir, grants to
[2] Party 2 William de Bulkelegh [Bulkeley] junior, all his share of lands, moor, marsh
[3] and water in Halhton [Haughton] within the boundaries described below, beginning in the marler of aforesaid William and thence following a small
[4] stream up to Othalsyord , and thence following Othalsyorde as far as the path which crosses Halhton [Haughton] towards Bonebur' [Bunbury]
[5] and going down as far as doetun [?] and so following doetun as far as the small ditch coming from the said marler
[6] and extending from the ditch as far as the marler
[7] to hold for customary dues and services
[8-9] warranty clause
[10] Sealed by Party 1 and Robert his son.
[11] Witnesses Hugh de Calvil'gh [Calveley], Roger de Spo'stowe [Spurstow], Peter de Bulkilgh [Bulkeley], Matthew de Hollegreve [Hulgrave], Roger the clerk and others.
2 pendant seals, one wrapped in straw, the other with a visible impression.

This description was created by Medieval Deed Project volunteers.
Extent1 item

Haughton in Bunbury

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