RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleGrant of share of land, moor, marsh and water in Haughton
DescriptionGrant of share of land, moor, marsh and water in Haughton
19 December 1305
7" x 3 1/2"

[1] Party 1 William son of Richard son of Henry of Halhton [Haughton] grants to
[2] Party 2 William of Bulkil'gh' [Bulkeley] junior and Margaret his wife, all his portion of land, moor, marsh
[3] and water in Halhton [Haughton], within the boundaries described, that is, starting at William's "marler" [?marlpit], then following
[4] a small fence to Othalford, then following Othalford to the path which crosses from Halhton towards
[5] Bonebur' [Bunbury] and then going down the path to doetum [?channel], thence following doetum
[6] to a small ditch that leads from the marler, and then going up the ditch to the aforesaid marler
[7] to hold of the chief lords for customary services
[8] and if party 2 die without heirs of their bodies, the lands etc
[10] remains to the next heirs of the said William
[14] Witnesses Hugh de Calvileg' [Calveley], Roger de Spurstowe [Spurstow], Peter of Bulkil'gh' [Bulkeley], Matthew de Holegreue, David de
[15] Bonebure [Bunbury], Roger the clerk, and others. Given at Bunbury 30 days before the Nativity of the Lord
[16] 1305.

Pendant seal (incomplete) on tag

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Extent1 item

Grant of share of land, moor, marsh and water in Haughton

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