RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleQuitclaim of share of 2 pieces of land in Haughton
DescriptionQuitclaim of share of 2 pieces of land in Haughton
22 March 1332
9 1/2" x 3 1/2"

[1] Party 1, Peter, son of Robert of Brundelegh [Brindley] has quitclaimed on his behalf and his heirs
[2] to party 2, Robert, son of William of Bolkelegh [Bulkeley], and his heirs and assigns all his right and joint tenancy
[3] of two plots of land and tenements with their appurtenances in Halghton [Haughton], one which is called 'pigenes ruding' and
[4] of another plot which extends in length from the mill of oteworthe to the lane where the township of Halghton [Haughton]
[5] proceeds towards the church of Bonebury [Bunbury] on the other side of the water which is divided between Halghton [Haughton] and Bonebury [Bunbury], and in width between the ditch
[6] and the hedge of the field of Otale and the water which is divided between the aforesaid vills of Halghton [Haughton] and Bonebury [Bunbury]
[8] Witnesses: David de Beston [Beeston], Lord Robert de Ridlegh [Ridley], David, son of Robert de Wetenhale [Wettenhall], Hugh
[9] de Wordul [Wardle], Peter de Wetenale [Wettenhall], clerk, and others. Given at Bonebury [Bunbury] on Sunday before the Annunciation of the Blessed Mary [1332].

Seal fragment attached to seal tag.

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Extent1 item

Quitclaim of share of 2 pieces of land in Haughton

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