RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleRoyal pardon granted to William de Holford
Date16 Dec 1455
DescriptionRoyal pardon granted to William de Holford. General pardon granted by Henry VI to William de Holford of Holford, esq., otherwise called William Holforde recently of Bulkeley, gentleman, otherwise called William Hulford, gentleman With fragment of great seal in white wax.

[1] Party 1 Henry, by grace of God King of England and France, Lord of Ireland has pardoned,
[2]. remised and discharged to party 2, William de Holford of Holford, in the county of Chester, esquire, otherwise known as William Holforde, lately of Bulkeley in the said county of Chester, gentleman, otherwise known as William Holford, gentleman, or by whatever other name he may be known,
[3]. all transgressions, offences, misprisions, contempts and impeachments caused or perpetrated by William himself before 9th July last past against the form of the statutes concerning liveries of cloth and hats whereby the punishment was a
[4] demand owed, or fine or relief or other pecuniary punishments or imprisonments, the aforesaid statutes not withstanding, and has also pardoned, remised and relaxed suit of peace pertaining to
[5] the king for all treasons, murders, abductions of women, rebellion, insurrection, felonies, conspiracies, champerties, maintenance, bribery, and other transgressions, acts of negligence, extortions,
[6] misprisions, infamy, contempts, concealments, forfeitures and deceptions however caused or perpetrated by William himself before the said 9th July and also outlawries,
[7]if any were promulgated against William for these reasons or any of them and we have thereby granted our firm peace to him, so that it nevertheless stands rightly in our court if anyone wishes to speak against him concerning the things aforesaid or any one of them. Furthermore we have pardoned,
[8] remised and relaxed to the same William all fines for the escapes of chattels of felons and the chattels of fugitive outlaws and vast deodands of suicide victims, impeachments and all articles of eyre, distraints and transgressions concerning the greenwood
[9] or hunting, felling of wood within the forests and without and the emergences and occurrences of any other things whatsoever before the said 9th July within our kingdom of England and the March of Wales for which punishment was either a fine
[10] repayment or other pecuniary punishments, either forfeiture of goods and chattels or imprisonments or amercements of vills communally or of singular persons or charge of free tenure of those who have never
[11] transgressed or of the heirs of executors or land holders, escheators, sheriffs, coroners, and others of this kind, and every thing which pertains to us against William himself or could pertain from the abovesaid causes, and also
[12] pardoned, remised, and relaxed to the same William all grants, alienations of property, profits, by himself concerning lands and tenements of us or our progenitors, at one time held in chief to the kings of England, and also all grants
[13] made outside the royal hand before the same ninth day of July together with revenues and profits seized in the mean time. And moreover we have pardoned, remised and relaxed to the same William all penalties
[14]. forfeited before the said ninth day of July before us or our council, chancellor, Treasurer, or any of our judges for any reason, and all other penalties both to us and to our dearest deceased forfeited by William himself for any reason before
[15]. the same ninth day of July to be levied for our use, and all securities of the peace before the same ninth day of July likewise forfeited and also thirds and ninths of all prisoners taken in war however
[16]. owed to us on the said ninth day of July pertaining or relating to the same William, and also all transgressions, offences, mainprisons, contempts and impeachments by William himself before the same
[17]9thJuly against the form both of whatever statutes, ordinances, and premisses were made or proclaimed before the said ninth day of July concerning perquisitions, acceptances, readings, publications, notaries, and enforcements
[18]. whatsoever of any of these and of apostolic bulls before the said ninth day of July and of all other statutes, ordinances and provisions in the pretext of which some suit against the same William by a bill or writ of premunire
[19]. was made or by any other means whatsoever for any matter before the same ninth day of July has power to be made and of whatever other statutes made or carried through, those statutes, ordinances and provisions not withstanding letters and bulls
[20]. of exemptions to this extent excepted, and also we have pardoned, remised and relaxed to the same William all fines for indictments, amercements, forfeited rents, reliefs, scutage, and all debts, audits,
[21]. aforesaid arrears of rents and audits howsoever owed to us before the eighth day of July in the twenty sixth year of our reign and also pertaining all actions and demands which we alone or jointly
[22.] with other persons or another person possess or will be able to possess against William himself for any fines of this kind, amercements, rents, reliefs, scutages, debts, audits, payments and arrears owed to us before the same
[23]. eighth day of July, and also outlawries promulgated against William himself for any of the of the abovesaid causes, all debts and audits owed and pertaining to us, which by the strength of our letters patent or
[24]. our writs concerning our great or private seal, or by instalments of payments or assignations of interest are in postponement, being entirely excepted, and that our present pardon, wherefore for the things aforementioned or any of the things aforementioned, does not result in the
[25] loss, prejudice, or detriment of any person other than our person to this extent, nor that our present pardon, nor any pardon of this kind should extend to any of those of our great accountants
[26] which there now are, or recently were, namely to the treasurer of Calais, and the victuallers of our harbour of Calais, the chamberlain of Chester, North Wales and South Wales, the keepers of the wardrobe of our harbour, or the keepers of our great
[27] wardrobe, clerks of our works, wardens of Bordeaux, the treasurer of our land of Ireland and the receivers of our duchy of Lancaster, and of our duchy of Cornwall both general and specific, in that to any of their offices of this kind touching
[28]. either their occupations of this kind, or of any one of the same, in any way. In witness of which we have caused that these our letters be made patent. Witnessed by the king himself at Westminster on the sixteenth day of December
[29]. in the thirty fourth year of our reign.

Broken great seal of Henry VI attached on seal tag

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Royal pardon granted to William de Holford

Royal pardon granted to William de Holford

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